My Iyashikei Game Chapter 479: The mission rewards far exceed expectations!

Countless cursed arms grabbed the well at the center of the shrine, and they sealed the well with the greed and despair of the dead.

The old man’s family and the hanging woman wanted to come and help, but they were stopped by Boss Gu before they got close to the shrine. His huge torso frantically absorbed the greed of the living, and the tree canopy with his head completely blocked the department store. top.

“What are you still struggling with? He is the last sacrifice. This ritual has been completed. When I push you into the well again, everything will return to the original state. Maybe I still have a chance to usher in a new life in his body. .”

Boss Gu’s face was bumpy like a tree bark, and his voice echoed in the night, but his eyes kept staring at the well.

All the sacrifices were sent into the well water, and the countless hands dominated by greed had also awakened. They began to share the sacrifices and concentrated all their grievances on the “stones” that killed the well.

According to previous experience, the ritual should have been successful now, but the outgoing arms not only have not decreased, but are also increasing.

The shrine has been opened by uncounted hands, and they keep grabbing downwards, as if opening the door to the underworld.

There is already a mess in the shopping mall, and you can’t see what it looks like at the beginning. Everyone is madly fighting together. At this time, a foolish young man launched an electric car and appeared at the door.

“Brother? How long will I hide? Why don’t you come to me? Did you forget me?”

The house was full of alienated monsters, bloodstains and corpses everywhere, but Wang Ping’an did not show any fear or panic. He giggled, pushing the electric car and looking around, seeming to be looking for Han Fei’s figure.

No one cared about Wang Ping’an, and no one deliberately attacked him. Boss Gu turned his head when he was near the underground warehouse, but he lost interest after just a glance.

What can a fool do?


The ground on the first floor of the mall collapsed. Wang Pingan, who was pushing the electric car, didn’t pay attention and fell into the underground warehouse by accident.

He is funny and unlucky. Many people have regarded him as a joke, but he has a good temper. When others laugh at him, he will laugh with him if he doesn’t understand anything.

Climbing up from the mud, Wang Ping’an saw the frantically gushing arms: “What are everyone robbing?”

Walking forward holding the helmet, those arms dominated by greed ignore Wang Ping An.

From childhood to adulthood, no one except his father will see him, because everyone thinks that he is a burden, a fool who has no ability to take care of himself.

If it weren’t for my father’s persistent refusal to give up and teach him step by step from the simplest meal, maybe the current Wang Ping’an will become a “patient” who can only be kept at home forever.

“Did you see my brother? He looks like an actor on the TV.”

The hurried arms rushed towards the mouth of the well like crazy. They could do anything for the desire in their hearts, and there was no time to pay attention to Wang Ping’an.

Continuing to walk forward, Wang Ping’an also fell several times. Standing on the edge of those arms, he vaguely saw the light of fire in the well in the distance.

The light is not glaring at all, it feels very warm, and it makes people want to get closer.

“What is that?”

Speed ​​up, even if he keeps being overturned by his arm, he will stand up again.

He had never seen such a gentle flame in his previous life, like a star in the sky.

After falling down again and again, he finally came to the well and looked inside along the gap in his arm.

Han Feizheng pierced the butcher knife in his hand into the well of the man’s heart, and then his body began to fall.


Wang Ping’an yelled loudly, Han Fei also heard his voice, but Han Fei had no energy to speak.

His body fell down, but the man with the surviving knife in his chest was pushed to the side of the well.

If no one in this memory world is willing to reach out and grab him, then there is only one waiting for him, which is to fall into the deep well again.

The flames rose, and the warm light made Wang Ping’an feel that he stretched out his hand.

Among the countless arms that wanted to push the man down the deep well, Wang Ping’an seemed out of place. He grabbed the man like a fool and instinctively pulled him out of the well!

In the memory world that has been shrouded in despair, this moment seems to have changed.

The torrential rain that swept the city has become smaller, and the wind is no longer harsh.

When Wang Pingan pulled the man’s upper body out of the well, the well pattern condensed from countless curses on the man’s chest began to slowly dissipate, and bright red blood began to flow out of the man’s chest and Boss Gu’s chest at the same time.

The eyes opened, the man’s left eye was dug out, and a blood-red sea was hidden in the dark hole, but his right eye was extremely beautiful, and the jewel-like pupils could vaguely see a place that would never be balanced. Balance.

The chest was pierced, and the man touched the blood on his chest, but there was a smile on his face.

“Are you finally free?”

Looking up, the man and Boss Valley, who had turned into a giant tree, were looking at each other.

At this time, Boss Gu had completely lost his mind, his extremely large body began to wither quickly, and large wounds appeared, revealing the original smelly flesh and blood.

No matter how many monsters wearing money collars are used to fill, those wounds will not heal.

“It turns out that someone can do it.”

The wound pierced by the death knife began to shed more and more blood, and the man smiled more and more happily.

As the man becomes weak, Boss Gu is gradually unable to support it, and their strength seems to be the same.

The screams came from Boss Gu’s mouth, and the dead souls who were killed by him began to revenge frantically. Without the help of the shrine, he was really just a waste.

The more injured Boss Gu is, the weaker the man will become, but he doesn’t care at all, just watching all this happily, watching the most disgusting thing in his memory being tortured.

The arms dominated by greed can no longer be obtained after the man leaves the well. They are like dried aquatic plants, slowly becoming dry and losing vitality.


Wang Ping An lay at the mouth of the well and shouted inside. The man also heard Wang Ping’s voice.

He turned around, his eyes softened.

The difficulty of destroying the shrine is very harsh. You must find all the sacrifices and enter the well under the chase of the boss of the valley.

The whole process will be tempted by the shrine. As long as the will is slightly shaken, the shrine will immediately find a chance, and eventually end up assimilated by the shrine.

Even if someone is strong-willed and can resist the temptation of the shrine to make a wish, he needs to go into the deep well to fish out the shrine owner who bears all the curses and pains, and share most of the curses on the shrine owner in the wishing well.

After all is done, that person is already in the same state as the original owner of the shrine.

Bearing the curse of countless resentments, he has become a container for absorbing hatred. In this case, he also needs to send the owner of the shrine out of the well.

And this is the last step. The memory of the owner of the shrine is extremely depressed and painful. If he wants to see the memory world in front of him again, only one person in his memory can come over.

In other words, only when the owner of the shrine desperately desires in reality, but has never seen salvation, can he wake up from the boundless nightmare.

Inheriting the shrine is almost impossible. You must fight against the greed of the whole world alone, but Han Fei is very close to the final success.

Grabbing the rope of memory, Wang Ping’an tried to pull Han Fei out of his breasts. He only had Han Fei in his eyes, and he didn’t care about the man around him.

“Don’t bother. The world that exists because of me will also dissipate because of me.” No matter what the man said, Wang Ping’an gritted his teeth and continued to pull the rope: “The way you are in my memory is the same as in reality. It’s exactly the same. It’s just that I shouldn’t have let you see the murderer that night, and shouldn’t have been silent after you were arrested. I really have too many regrets.”

The well was collapsing, revealing the most broken black shrine at the bottom. Han Fei and the Evil Soul lay at the bottom of the well. One of them was wounded, and the other was about to dissipate.

“Why do you have so many friends when you play me? In such a desperate and terrible world, you can still live so hard?”

Grabbing the well rope of memory, the man dragged Han Fei out of the well. He stared at Han Fei for a long time, but did not find the answer he wanted.

“If you can’t say that you are like this?” Han Fei finally recovered a bit of strength, and he quickly said: “Go to the fourth floor of the hospital. There is the person you want to see most. All your regrets, I have I helped you make up.”

Just the words on the fourth floor of the hospital changed the man’s calm face. The balance in his right eye began to shake, he directly lifted Han Fei on his back and walked towards the hospital.

Blood continuously flowed out of his chest, from the underground water well of the department store to the outside, and more particularly, wherever blood dripped, the rain would stop.

In this rain-shrouded city, there is a road that is not soaked.

The alienated buildings have begun to collapse. Only the department store and the People’s Hospital are still intact. These two places are the persistence of the store owner and the one-eyed man.

Following the blood stains on the steps, the man came to the fourth floor of the hospital.

He didn’t push the door of the ward, he just looked inside through the glass window on the door of the ward.

A nurse was busy next to the hospital bed. The middle-aged woman who was already dying on the hospital bed suddenly opened her eyes with great difficulty, as if she had a clear heart, she turned her head and looked at the door of the ward.

“Auntie? What’s wrong with you?”

“My son seems to be back.”

The woman’s voice fell, and Han Fei felt as if someone had pushed himself, and he opened the door.

“The memory world is going to dissipate. Let me tell her the last thing.” With his back against the wall, the man stood silently in the dark hospital corridor.

“Do you really want to say something?” Han Fei entered the ward, Lin Lu was taken aback by the injuries on his body.

The other party panicked to get the bandage and medicine, but Han Fei stopped her.

Han Fei, who was an orphan since he was a child, never thought that he would experience such a thing.

He is a little tired.

Moving a chair, Han Fei sat next to the middle-aged woman’s bed, lying on the bed, and accompany her to wait for the last sunrise.

The middle-aged woman gently touched Han Fei’s head, but her eyes still looked at the door of the ward.

Han Fei didn’t close the door when he came in, and there was an empty corridor outside.

The blood ticked, ticked down, but the heavy rain outside the window slowly stopped, and the sound of blood dripping down was like rain falling from the window glass.

The dark clouds slowly dissipated, and the dark night that enveloped the city was torn apart, and a little light shone on the city after the rain. Slowly, the sky was about to dawn.

The physical condition of the middle-aged woman is getting worse, but her eyes are getting calmer and calmer.

As the sun was about to rise, the woman gently said to Han Fei.

“My child, the companion who came with you is still standing outside the door? Can you bring him a word for me?”

“You said.”

“No matter what he becomes, he is my best child. He will always be my pride. If there is a reincarnation in the world, I want to take care of him for a lifetime, and I want to protect him.”

The voice fell, and the light of the first sun entered the room, stretching the shadow at the door.

The man lowered his head deeply, after standing outside all night, he finally entered the ward.

Getting up, Han Fei left from the hospital bed, he left the last time for the mother and son.

Looking at the clear sky, Han Fei stared blankly for a long time. He suddenly tried to hook the corner of his mouth and gently pull upward.

“What is this never-before-experienced emotion? Happiness from the heart? Or envy? Maybe I should show a simple smile to bless.”

The edge of the city has begun to dissipate, and the system prompts that suddenly appeared in Han Fei’s mind broke the emotions brewing in his heart.

“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! You finally saved the mother of the owner of the shrine, allowing the owner of the shrine to retain the beautiful fantasy of human nature, and make up for all the regrets of the owner of the shrine!”

“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! You have successfully completed the E-level shrine inheritance mission-Midnight Shopping Mall! The shrine inheritance mission is the most difficult task at this stage, and you will receive three times the experience reward!”

“Congratulations on your approval from the owner of the shrine and successfully inherited the severely damaged third-level shrine-soul trading!”

“Soul trading: the unique ability of the three-level shrine, each soul can be clearly marked with a price, and the corresponding thing can be replaced! It can only be used once per night! Please use it carefully!”

“The specific attributes of the shrine will change slightly due to the change of the idol. Please check it after leaving the memory world!”

“Get the E-level special building-Midnight Mall!”

“Midnight Mall (Level E): This building with countless evil souls will always belong to you! As long as the shrine is not destroyed, everyone who enters this building will be suppressed by you.”

“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! The regret of the owner of the shrine has been made up for, and the former owner of the shrine will satisfy you a wish!”

“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! Since you did not use the quest reward after completing the random quest at the shrine-make a wish unconditionally! So you can now choose one more!”

“Please choose two of the five rewards below!”

“Raise the level by one level (only before level 40); increase the random attribute by three points; unconditionally heal and repair the souls of ghosts below hatred, and increase their friendliness to you by ten points; awakening this memory F-level talent in the world; bring out an item or ghost in the memory world.”

“Please pay attention to player number 0000! You have successfully reached level 19! Free attribute points plus one!”

The constantly ringing system prompts made Han Fei hurriedly open the task panel. He was also taken aback when he saw so many rewards.

After habitually adding attribute points to physical strength, he began to read the task rewards specifically.

“Raise the level by one level? Only before the 40th level? That is to say, this task is normally prepared for people with more than 30 levels. If it is a bit exaggerated, it is estimated that people with more than 20 levels dare Connect.”

Han Fei was completely helpless when he entered the shrine, but now he found that he couldn’t hold it anymore.

At the nineteenth level, I had two shrines, one level one and one level three. If the ten fingers knew about it, he would bite off his finger unanimously.

“The department store has become my building. Outsiders entering the building will be suppressed. I can use this to deal with the ten fingers.”

Han Fei still wants to continue checking, but the memory world has collapsed for the most part, and the huge city is about to turn into a lake.

“This shrine will be handed over to you in the future. You passed my test and gained my approval.” The man walked out of the ward, and he and Han Fei looked at the department store in the distance.

Those who were pushed into the well by the owner of the mall are still venting their anger.

The owner of the mall who was originally alienated and turned into a monster has now become an ordinary person, with festering wounds all over his body, wailing in pain.

“You did what I didn’t do, but I still want to tell you a little bit.” The man, like Boss Gu, is already on the verge of death. Only when they disappear completely will the shrine truly belong to Han Fei. “Don’t venture into the shrine so much in the future. The other unspeakable ones will do their best to occupy your body and be reborn in your body.”

“Understood, I don’t want to come in, but…” Han Fei suddenly felt as if he had forgotten a very important person: “This world has disappeared, is it in the world? Everyone will never show up again?”


“It’s not quite right! I forgot a very important person! He brought me in, he sent me in at the expense of himself!” Han Fei became anxious, his memory is very good, but But I can’t remember that person anymore.

“I said you didn’t forget anything. It turns out that someone helped you bear the cost of forgetting.” The man smiled, and he seemed to be relieved of everything: “There is only one person who can send you into this shrine. , I know where he is.”


“Do you remember the mirror in the basement of Xicheng District? It was where I was dug out of an eyeball and kidney.”

“Remember.” Han Fei nodded. That place was the beginning of the blackening of the owner of the shrine. He was deceived by his father in the dark basement, and then he chose to give up his humanity and began to make a wish to the shrine.

“The part of my humanity that I lost has been left in the basement mirror forever.” The man stretched his hand to his right eye, and he took out the jewel-like eye: “Hold this eyeball, you can bring it He leaves together, maybe you can help him get out of the mirror.”

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