My Iyashikei Game Chapter 475: The wicked have their own grievances

Han Fei had never shown such a strong killing intent to a person, his voice seemed to freeze the air in the hospital room.

The man standing next to the hospital bed shuddered and looked at Han Fei with an incredible look.

“You, why are you here?”

The bright blade touched the ground, and Han Fei almost rushed to the hospital bed at the fastest speed. In the blink of an eye, he had already pressed the cold blade against the opponent’s neck.

“Let go.”

If it weren’t for fear of tearing the fragile medical tube, the man’s head might have fallen to the ground just now.

“Your mother will not live long. She only needs to die a few days in advance, and we can get a large sum of money, enough for us to eat, drink and have fun for the rest of our lives.” The man slowly let go of the pipe: “Your mother should I really want you to live a happy life. If she knows that her life can be exchanged for so much money, she will definitely agree…”

When the man loosened the medical tube, he felt cold in his neck, as if the wind was digging in.

It’s just fear that he didn’t check, but tried to persuade Han Fei, but slowly he felt gas in his throat and something pouring out of his mouth.

He found that he was speechless, his eyes slowly looked down, and he saw the severed neck and his headless body.

“The regret of the owner of the shrine has been made up for 70%!”

The cold system prompt sounded in his mind, and Han Fei stared at the beheaded corpse on the ground.

“He didn’t kill you, it turned out to be his regret.”

Han Fei asked Wang Pingan and his father’s family to find a doctor. He stood by his mother’s bed and gently held the woman’s thin hand.

The woman lying on the hospital bed felt the temperature of Han Fei’s palm, and a tear suddenly came out from the corner of her eyes, and she opened her eyes weakly.

The woman didn’t fall asleep. After seeing Han Fei, the first thing she said was: “You shouldn’t stop him, I have nothing for you, I’ve been dragging you down, if my death really could Change your life…”

“With you, I have a life, and I am who I am.” Han Fei is an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage, and a certain part of his memory seems to have slowly become complete.

The woman shook her head. She didn’t want Han Fei’s hard work, but she didn’t have the ability to shelter Han Fei: “You have given up too many things in life for me. Am I the worst mother in the world? “

Han Fei is lying next to the hospital bed, the city outside is completely alienated, monsters and lunatics are everywhere, all buildings have changed shape, everything is distorted by desire and hatred, only this small ward is still the same as before : “I can give up anything, as long as you live, because you are the only person in the world who loves me.”

The woman on the hospital bed closed her eyes, and she clung to Han Fei’s hand tightly until she had no strength anymore.

There were tears on her pale cheeks, and the woman’s hand loosened little by little.

The medical equipment next to him issued a warning sound, and Han Fei immediately got up and rushed outside: “Peace! Did you find the doctor!”

“Brother! Brother! Doctors and doctors are fighting!” Before Wang Ping’s words fell, there was a loud noise on the third floor.

On the pale hospital corridor, a tall and thin man in a white coat is fighting against the old man’s family. He is out of step with this alienated world, and his neck is also tattooed with two heads of a man and a woman.

“Ten fingers?”

When Doctor Gao Shou dragged the old man’s family, the door of a certain ward on the third floor was knocked open, and several doctors in blood clothes fell to the ground.

“The last sacrifice is successful, and we are going to the department store. This time we have to make a wish first, and we must not fail again.” A black-clad three-finger walked out carrying the oriole. At this time, the oriole’s body shrank a lot. , Like a bird with its wings torn off.

The two jumped out of the window and quickly disappeared in the heavy rain.

Han Fei didn’t chase them, but hurried to the third floor and pulled up the doctor on the ground: “Is there anyone else? Wake up!”

Blood stained his hands. Three fingers and **** killed all the medical staff on duty in order to take away the oriole.

“Look for it! There should be a doctor in the hospital!” Han Fei’s voice changed. At this moment, he was not influenced by the owner of the shrine. He really wanted to save the mother.

The fight caused the entire hospital to tilt, seeming to collapse at any time.

The situation got worse. When Han Fei was extremely anxious, he suddenly heard Wang Ping’an yelling.

He ran back to the ward and found Lin Lu standing next to the bed, trying to help the mother of the shrine owner.

“How is it?”

“Not too optimistic. The instrument has been shut down for a while, and her organs have begun to fail.”

“When will I last?”

“It may be dawn.”

Lin Lu’s words made Han Fei gritted his teeth. After thinking for a few seconds, he asked Lin Lu to stay here to take care of the shrine’s owner’s mother. He turned and walked outside the ward.

“Where are you going?” Lin Lu didn’t want to be separated from Han Fei. She had a hunch that after the separation this time, they might never see each other again.

“I will do what I should do.” Han Fei looked at the crazy city outside the window: “Fate gave me the worst script, but it doesn’t matter, I was born the best actor.”

Holding the wishing jar, Han Fei walked out of the ward, letting his mood drop.

“In any case, I will make up for this regret.”

Call Wang Pingan, and they walked out of the People’s Hospital together and galloped through the infinitely grotesque city.

“Brother, where are we going?”

“Department stores, everything started there, and it should end there now.”

Han Fei looks extremely small in front of the entire city, like a lost firefly flying in the dark night.

It may not have the ability to light up the night, but it has the courage not to blend into the darkness.

“Ten Fingers are going to make a wish tonight. This may be my only chance.”

The heavy rain poured down, and the Shahe River overflowed the dam, and the whole city seemed to be submerged.

The street lights on both sides of the road were all extinguished. This torrential rain not only washed away the city’s hypocritical cloak, but also washed away the only remaining sanity of people.

The screams, crying, biting, and the sound of rain falling, all mixed together to form a hysterical song.

Everyone is singing, everyone is singing, no one can escape this desperate memory, no one knows which of tomorrow or destruction will come first.

The big clock of the department store was ringing, rain poured into the store, the familiar street was flooded, and the first floor of the store seemed to be turned into a well.

Han Fei looked from a distance, and the completely alienated mall was completely different from before, like a huge black shrine.

“Brother, I, I am a little scared.”

“It’s okay, you just need to stay with me.” Han Fei took out his mobile phone to contact Snake’s subordinates, but the mobile phone was no longer available, and the screen was full of struggling faces when it turned on.

“They should have arrived.” Along the west side of the street, Han Fei saw a van stuck in the water.

The vehicle has stalled, and there is no one inside.

“They have gone to the mall?”

The big bell above his head kept ringing, and when Han Fei was about to enter the department store, there was a loud noise in the mall, as if thunder exploded underground.

The cracks spread rapidly, and the ground on the first floor of the mall collapsed downwards!

A block of stone bricks fell into the water, and the dull sound of bang bang bang, like a frantic drumbeat.

The shrines and altars hidden underground are exposed. On the pitch-black altar table are oriole, Snake, Li Long and Li Hu. There are two other people Han Fei has never seen.

In front of the altar, Pei Yang, dressed in black, is holding a sharp knife, and his body cannot stop shaking.

“Go, don’t kill them, you will die too.”

Behind Pei Yang, stood a man in a black robe. His bare hands were bare without a finger.

Hearing the man’s urging, Pei Yang seemed to remember something terrible. He walked towards the offering table step by step, and almost without hesitation, directly cut Snake Brother’s wrist and ankle.

Blood dripped from the offering table, and the shrine placed in the center of the mall had obviously changed, and the closed shrine slowly opened a gap.

“Not enough! Not enough! Kill them! Quick!”

The man’s voice became harsh, Pei Yang’s pupils were completely occupied by fear, and he swung his knife as if crazy.

Blood covered the offering table, and the gate on the shrine slowly opened.

As the life passed, the eyes of those sacrifices became dull, and their souls and blood were drawn by the shrine together.

Weird blood lines appeared on the surface of the dark shrine. What is even more shocking is that there are thick blood vessels in the department store that have drilled out of the building, just like the lines on the shrine.

The underground shrine and the entire seven-story building are undergoing tremendous changes, attracting countless alienated souls.

“Don’t stop! You have to kill them yourself!” The black-robed man pressed the sheep on the tribute table, forcing him to kill in a fixed order.

After repeated torture, Pei Yang was about to collapse frequently, but he was still forced to swing a knife.

The blood was absorbed, but the **** gate was not fully opened. It seemed that the blood and souls of the people on the tribute table could no longer satisfy the shrine.

“I did what you said, can I go now?” Pei Yang’s hands were bloody, and his arms were shaking, and he could no longer hold the sharp knife in his hand.

“Go?” The man took off his hat on his head and revealed his face. He stared at Pei Yang like a poisonous snake: “In these years, I have seen you hundreds of times. You die differently. Now do you know why I know your fears so clearly?”

The man held Pei Yang’s hands and asked him to point the tip of the knife at his chest: “Now you can usher in relief, this time you won’t wake up from pain again.”

Pei Yang couldn’t resist at all. He watched as he held a knife in both hands, and then pierced the knife into his chest.

The blood dripped on the altar table, the door of the shrine slowly opened outward, and the man in the black robe also smiled.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time. It took him several years to find these people in the vast crowd. After repeated attempts, he finally figured out the order of the sacrifices, and now it’s finally time to harvest. The time has come.

“Unspeakable, this is the unspeakable secret.”

The things in the shrine are about to be released, and there is an unspeakable hope hidden in the darkness.

The black-robed man couldn’t help taking a step forward. He looked at the shrine with great expectation, but the gate only moved a little to the sides, and it didn’t fully open.

“Failed again?”

The cold evil spirit instantly appeared on the man, and the black fire of hatred began to burn in his eyes: “I killed all the people in this world! Why haven’t I found all the sacrifices! What’s the difference? What is missing? What’s wrong!”

The heavy rain hit the mall, and when the fingers roared angrily, applause broke out in the shadow on the first floor of the mall.

“Thank you for helping me put the offerings on the offering table.” The mall owner, whose skin was almost completely festered, walked out of the shadows, coughing constantly, and an unpleasant smell exuding from his body.

Hearing the voice of the mall owner, his ten-finger expression returned to normal, his sinister eyes fixed on the mall owner: “The memory world can only exist for 30 days at most, and your strength will be stronger in the future, I Acknowledge that I am not your opponent, but…I often go to you on the first day I enter the memory world and torture you to death. Even if everything is reset after you die, I still like to do this.”

The wicked still need the wicked to grind, the lunatic encounters a metamorphosis, and the air is distorted.

“I don’t care where you came from, as long as you break Shahe’s am obligated to drive them away.” Boss Gu waved to the shadows, with money wrapped around his neck. Chained mad dogs came out, behind them there were alienated Shahe citizens.

“You always look good and decent, and you have packaged yourself as a philanthropist. If you say that I am really bad, then you are truly disgusting.” The black robe on the ten fingers fell to the ground, revealing His body is tattooed all over the head.

He stretched out his hands grinning, all the tattoos on his ten fingers came alive, the seal was triggered, and ten fingers entwined with hatred grew out of his bare hands.

“Come on, my favorite thing is killing, can you satisfy me?”

Shi Ji looked at the wound on the owner of the mall, with a happy smile on his face.

“What a lunatic.” The store owner coughed violently. He raised his blood-stained arm and stretched out his fingers.

The citizens who had lost their minds and were completely alienated were deceived by him, and he didn’t listen to what the Ten Fingers said, so they rushed to the Ten Fingers in a swarm.

“Compared with the last time I came in, I can use a lot more abilities. It seems that the power of this shrine is gradually weakening.” The black fire of hatred began to burn on the skin, and his fingers were full of madness: “Don’t let it. It doesn’t matter if I make a wish. One day, I will open the shrine with my own hands.”

As long as alienated monsters and mad dogs get close to the ten fingers, they will be swallowed by the black fire of hatred, and they won’t hurt the ten fingers at all.

The owner of the mall also knows this, but he doesn’t care about the lives of those mad dogs and monsters, just shouting righteously and letting them continue to rush forward.

The offerings were placed on the altar table. Under the attraction of the shrine and the deceit of the store owner, a steady stream of souls entered the department store.

“You, an outsider, how do you fight against me who owns the entire city?”

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