My Iyashikei Game Chapter 443: The turning point of fate

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Han Fei hasn’t recovered from the system’s prompt sound for a long time. It was the first time he saw the buff state that can directly improve the player’s attributes.

It can’t be said that he is rare and strange. He used to use curses as blessings before, but this time he really got blessings, so he was a little surprised.

“The rate of decrease in mood value slows down again. This is easy to understand, but what does it mean that the speed of alienation in the world is slowing down? This world is becoming more dangerous and worse every day?”

The world in Han Fei’s eyes hasn’t changed much, but this system prompt left him a mindful.

The woman on the hospital bed was too weak to raise her arm for a long time. After gently stroking Han Fei’s cheek, she was reluctant to put down her hand.

“I dragged you down. As a mother, all I can give you is only one blessing.”

“This is the best gift I have ever received in my life.” Han Fei always felt that women seemed to remember something. He gently helped the woman to cover the quilt: “Everything will be fine. Those regrets will not It happened again.”

Han Fei is not staying any more. Han Fei has more important things to do. He has to figure out what the alienation of the world means, and be prepared to deal with it in advance.

Getting up and leaving, Han Fei glanced in through the glass window while closing the door of the ward.

Reflecting on the smile on the woman’s face, he vaguely understood something.

“For the owner of the shrine, the last bit of concern in the entire world should be his mother, so her blessing can improve me so much.”

From this moment on, Han Fei was completely recognized.

“How are you thinking?” The man surnamed Gu and his four bodyguards also stood at the door of the ward. The man held a card in his hand. It seemed that as long as Han Fei agreed, the man would go to Han Fei now. All the medical expenses owed are made up.

“Thank you for your kindness, but I can’t bear this kindness now.” With too much pressure on his thin shoulders, Han Fei “collapsed”. In order not to worry his mother, he even managed to walk out. The ward dared to expose his “vulnerability”.

Turning on the switch of master acting in his mind, Han Fei perfectly restored everything about a confused and desperate boy.

He refused the help of the man surnamed Gu. The regret of the owner of the shrine has been made up for one-fifth. This memory world has been affected, and the man surnamed Gu may also do more crazy things.

In order to prevent the man surnamed Gu from noticing the abnormality and to paralyze the opponent, Han Fei can only restore the owner of the shrine to the maximum.

From every tiny expression to the pain in his eyes, the store owner saw all the despair of Han Fei in his eyes, but he did not realize that he might experience the same despair someday.

Rejected by Han Fei several times in a row, the man surnamed Gu is not angry at all. His expression has not changed from beginning to end: “My promise is always valid. If you need help, you can come to me at any time.”

After speaking, the man surnamed Gu is about to leave.

After walking a few steps, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and then said to Han Fei: “I heard Zhu Wei say that your family originally raised some money, but later your father stole all the donations?”

Unfortunate things were repeatedly mentioned, which made Han Fei feel like he was stripped and stood in front of everyone.


“You can go to the Xicheng District in the lower reaches of the Shahe River. An employee seems to have met him there.” The shop owner coughed several times, and the ulcerated skin on his face was soaked with blood.

Seeing him like this, the bodyguard next to him immediately came and shielded him in the middle.

“The only thing I can help you with is this. It’s messy over there. You’d better bring a friend with you when you are on your break.”

The owner of the mall left with his bodyguards. When he walked out of the hospital, Chu Yang happened to enter the shrine’s owner’s mother’s ward.

The second night was passed safely. Han Fei looked at the back of the mall owner leaving, and a doubt appeared in his mind-the mall owner would really kindly tell his father’s location?

Han Fei is now very wary of the owner of the mall. He suspects that everything the owner of the shrine experiences is the owner of the mall. In other words, the owner of the shrine is a man-made tragedy.

It is not fate that regards him as a palm toy, but the store owner, the sick Yangzi named Gu.

“After I rejected the boss, he kindly told me where is my father? What conspiracy might be hidden in it?”

If the boss is really kind, then he should have told the shrine owner’s father’s location a long time ago instead of pretending to do a play first.

“I seem to have overlooked something.”

Looking at the door of the ward, Han Fei thought carefully that the old lady’s son had also worked in a thrift store, but it turned out that her son was eaten by the shrine, and the store owner was alive and well.

The owner of the shrine is now step by step into the trap of the boss, but this time the result is that the owner of the shrine completely occupied the shrine and became the most evil unspeakable.

Any unspeakable existence in the deep world is extremely cunning and terrifying. They are good at playing with all negative emotions. Pain and despair are just the fuel for them to ignite the black fire of hatred.

How can such an unspeakable existence be pure and kind forever?

Han Fei looked down at his hands, his hands full of small scars, leaving behind invisible blood.

If he didn’t change, the owner of the shrine at this time already had a life in his hands.

“Some major changes must have taken place behind the owner of the shrine. He went from his initial kindness to the other extreme and directly defeated the owner of the mall. This should also be his regret, but I don’t know that this affects his fate. Where is the turning point?”

Han Fei was cautious and avoided countless dangers. This only helped the owner of the shrine to make up for one-fifth of the regret.

The things that really make the owner of the shrine regret for a lifetime shouldn’t happen yet, or it’s about to happen soon.

“Hate is the only way to become unspeakable. From whom does the shrine owner’s hatred come from? Loan sharks? Mall security? Unfair fate? Or the father who stole the family’s life-saving money?”

Slowly closing his eyes, Han Fei recalled some things he saw after entering the memory world.

While doing the toy mission, he came into contact with a murderer who brutally killed his wife and children, and indirectly caused his death.

Next is a caregiver disguised by one of the members of Ten Fingers. He keeps his wife at home all year round. Now Han Fei doesn’t know whether his wife is alive or dead.

Finally, it was the Oriole. Han Fei took a peek at Oriole’s cell phone chat record. The Oriole’s husband continued to abuse her at home, and even threatened to kill her family after the divorce.

Han Fei didn’t connect all of these at the beginning, but now think about it carefully, this world is the memory world of the owner of the shrine, and the memory world has subjective memory consciousness.

Whether it is the murderer or the oriole husband, their existence seems to be affected by some painful memories of the owner of the shrine.

This is the memory world of the owner of the shrine. In this world, you can see the stories of everyone, but you can’t find the heart sealed by the owner of the shrine.

From another perspective, isn’t this alienating world a reflection of the owner’s heart?

All encounters, all experiences, are actually answers.

From the first trifle, Han Fei has been on the path of the owner of the shrine.

“The owner of the mall wanted to entice me to do certain things. Perhaps this should not have been brought up now, but he did not expect that I would reject his kindness.” Han Fei is very sure that the owner’s plan has been have messed up.

“It seems I want to go to Shahe Xicheng as soon as possible.” Han Fei felt that he had to meet the father of the owner of the shrine anyway. He felt that the turning point in the fate of the owner of the shrine should be his father.

“A person who firmly believes in the light, what exactly has it gone through before completely giving up hope and embracing the darkness with all his heart?”

Leaving the hospital in a hurry, Han Fei and the two gangsters came to the bus stop. The combination of the three of them scared passers-by and dared not approach casually.

“The department store is not far from here. We can just walk back. Are you going to go home directly?” Li Long now has a new understanding of Han Fei. He knows that Han Fei is not easy and his attitude is It has eased a lot, but the debt still needs to be drew, otherwise I can’t explain it to others.

“Boss Gu said just now that my father had appeared in Xicheng District and said that the place was messy. Do you know there?” Han Fei looked at Li Long and Li Hu.

“You also went to work all night, don’t you go back to sleep?” Li Hu’s face was bitter, and Han Fei’s life and rest had dragged down the debt collectors.

“Let’s go over and take a look. If I can find my father, I will pay your money right away!” Han Fei was very sure.

When he heard that he could pay back the money, Li Long said: “Xicheng District is the most backward and impoverished area. A few years ago, the old city reconstruction was promoted there. A large number of vagrants and temporary workers gathered, and a lot of pests. ‘.”

“Pests? Is it someone like you?”

“Can’t say the same, we are still very principled.” Li Hu muttered: “Although our old nest is also there.”

“Take me there. After you find someone, I will pay back the money with interest.”

Under the strong request of Han Fei, Li Long and Li Hu decided to take Han Fei to see Xicheng District.

“Others who owe money are avoiding us. It’s okay for you to take the initiative to go to the place where our staff is the most concentrated. If you don’t know that you are really short of money, I really suspect you are a policeman.” Li Hu and Li Longlu Sitting on both sides of Han Fei with tattoos, the three took the first bus to Xicheng District.

As time goes by, there are more and more people on the bus, but Han Fei’s last row is always empty.

In the middle of the drive, Han Fei saw an uncle with poor legs get in the car. He got up and prepared to give up his seat to the uncle, but was finally pushed back to his original position by the uncle Shengsheng.

After 30 minutes of driving the bus, Han Fei and the others finally reached the place.

When I got out of the car, Han Fei saw the dust on the road that was blown up by the wind. Here are all buildings under construction. At a glance, there are construction sites and buildings covered with dismantled characters.

“Wait later, if I see my colleagues, I hope you can give us some face.” Li Long made a very practical request. If someone knows that Han Fei came here on his own initiative, then the two brothers will You really don’t have to mess around on the road.

“No problem, I will do my best to cooperate with you and give you enough face, and I hope you can mobilize people to help me find my dad.” Han Fei took out his mobile phone and looked for the album.

Originally, Han Fei just wanted to find a photo of the owner’s father of the shrine to facilitate Li Long’s tracing, but found Han Fei unexpectedly.

There are photos of his mother and father in the phone album, but because there is no photo of the owner of the shrine, all the photos are lost, and there is no figure of the owner of the shrine in the video, not even him. There is no sound.

“This is worth noting.”

Han Fei first sent the photo of the shrine owner’s father to Li Long and Li Hu. After the two confirmed that they received the photo, Han Fei began to keep a low profile. He didn’t want to be surprised.

“Although there are many homeless people in Xicheng District, there are new faces appearing, and we will pay attention to it.” Li Long walked in front and led Han Fei through a construction site under construction and into the back alley.

They heard the screams and begging for mercy before they had gone far. Li Long told Han Fei to stop first: “A hapless guy was caught in front of me. We’d better not go there.”

About half a minute later, the screams stopped, and several men with steel pipes walked out of the corner of the alley.

The head of them is as tall as Li Long, but much stronger than Li Long. He directly wrapped the steel pipe around his hand, and there was a lot of blood stains on the front of the steel pipe.

Seeing that group of people came, Li Long consciously avoided. Li Hu was a little unconvinced, but now he can only endure it.

“Don’t provoke them?”

Without Li Long’s reminder, Han Fei wouldn’t do anything casually. He stood in the corner, leaning against the wall, and wanted to find the father of the owner of the shrine quickly.

The two sides would not be in conflict, but when the group passed by Han they suddenly stopped.

The leading man looked at Han Fei a little strangely: “New here?”

Han Fei looked at a loss. He was very flustered and scared, and looked at Li Long for help.

Knowing that there is no way to avoid it, Li Long said: “He owes the snake brother money and was called to pay the debt.”

“Don’t be nervous, I won’t grab your goods.” The leading man raised his arm, and the blood-stained steel pipe pointed at Li Long: “The scar on your face is so ugly, I will help you align it if I have a chance. .”

After the man finished speaking, the young people behind him all laughed.

Li Hu wanted to speak, but was blocked by Li Long.

“It’s really trash, no wonder they were beaten like this.” Seeing Li Long didn’t dare to resist, they also felt bored and left slowly.

The leading man laughed unscrupulously. He didn’t realize that Han Fei’s eyes changed instantly when he turned around.

“Head tattoo!” Han Fei stared at the back of the head man’s neck, where two lifelike human faces were tattooed: “He is also one of the ten fingers?”

Han Fei’s murderous intent came out after seeing the tattoo on his head.

It’s just a fate, he has already figured out where to bury the other party.

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