My Iyashikei Game Chapter 44: Wei Youfu’s guidance

     “Impossible, who else can they find to be the protagonist besides me? The crew is very poor, do you think they still have money to hire other actors?” Ah Cheng said with certainty: “Next time I have to ask for it. Let Jiang Yi come and find me in person.”

   He seemed to think of something happy, and a smile gradually appeared from the corner of his mouth.

  The agent was also very witty and did not speak any more, and drove Ah Cheng away.

  In the shooting scene, no one actually cared about Ah Cheng’s departure. Everyone looked at Director Jiang and Han Fei.

   Director Jiang is the director, so he has the final say on how to shoot this movie.

   Although Han Fei is only a supporting role, his acting skills have deeply impressed everyone present.

   In addition, just now the staff and the victim’s family saw a conflict. It can be said that Han Fei stopped it by himself. He helped the crew through a difficult time.

  ”Han Fei, I know what you said is reasonable, and your persistence is not wrong, but occasionally give in, this does not violate the principle.”

  ”This is not a matter of principle or non-principle.” Han Fei shook his head and prepared to leave: “You will understand in a while.”

   Watching Han Fei leave, the staff present and Jiang Yi both felt very sorry. The executive who had been scared by Han Fei also chased Han Fei to try to stay.

   Although Han Fei is not a celebrity, it can be seen from the attitude that everyone treats him and Ah Cheng that the crew respects Han Fei more.

   “I now know why he is so good at acting, but he has not been famous anymore.” The actress who played Wei Youfu’s wife looked at Han Fei with feelings: “When the water is clear, there will be no fish. His character is too easy. Offended people.”

  ” At his age, he can possess such acting skills, coupled with his persistence and character. Once such an actor seizes the opportunity to prove himself, the future will skyrocket, like Wu Cheng’s backing company Only barely becoming a fourth-tier star is not comparable to Han Fei.” Jiang Yi said in front of the staff only after Han Fei left.

   “Director, cough cough cough, pay attention, we have to rely on Acheng’s company for this drama.” The camera director pretended not to hear what Jiang Yi just said.

   “Come on, let’s stop shooting for now, and hurry up to discuss the script.” Jiang Yi began to sort out the messy shooting location.

   “Director Jiang, shall we call Ah Cheng?”

   “What? I only let him play the leading role in the capital, he took the initiative to withdraw from it.” Jiang Yi looked at the hall where Han Fei was leaving: “Actually, I have a good candidate in my heart. What a pity…”


   There are still some blood stains on Han Fei’s head and face, and he looks a little embarrassed at this time.

  Walking out of the shooting location of the Flower of Evil, bursts of laughter came across the street.

   An exquisite-looking actor walked out of the urban secret love shooting location surrounded by people around him. They seemed to come out to watch the excitement.

  ”Brother Zifeng, that’s Han Fei. After I heard that he left our company, he started to run tricks.”

   “Why bother? Isn’t it okay to do a good job behind the scenes?”

  ”He just joined the Evil Flower crew, and someone came here to make trouble, and the filming of the whole show was affected. I have been in contact with this person. People themselves are not bad, but they are inexplicably unlucky.”

  ”This is a good thing for us! In the same period, “Flower of Evil” might be able to compete with us a little bit. Now this unlucky ghost has harmed them in the past. We estimate that it is scheduled to be the first in the same period.”

   Several people from the “City Secret Love” crew heard the noise on the street and ran out to watch. They saw Han Fei’s appearance at this time, all of them were secretly refreshed.

  The wall was pushed down by everyone, and the drums were beaten by thousands of people. From this point of view, ghosts are still a bit cute.

   Han Fei has experienced a lot of things like this, so much so that when he hears these ridicules now, he doesn’t feel it at all, and he even wants to laugh.

   The street lights in the old city illuminate the street, with light and shadow intertwined. A group of people laughed and mocked under the lights, while Han Fei walked into the darkness on the corner.

   The phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly, and Han Fei stopped in the shadow of the old street and connected to the phone.

   “Li Xue?”

   “Han Fei, you may have done a great job this time!”

   “There is progress in the human body fight team case?” Listening to Li Xue’s tone, Han Fei should have gained something.

  ”My teacher inquired about the original case kept internally, and found a person named Jiang Jiang among the investigators. This person was not the murderer of the human body pattern, but he had contact with all the victims! The door of the jigsaw puzzle shop appeared, and the surveillance footage showed Wei Youfu giving him change. He also met Gu Ye who was drunk late at night, and he also recovered Gu Ye’s wine bottle. He was also outside the big shopping mall with a woman. The anchor Zhang Lingfan collided and was scolded in disgust by Zhang Lingfan for a long time…”

  ”He is a homeless man from other cities. He has been living in unfinished buildings in the suburbs. He recycles waste and picks up **** for a living. This man is mentally flawed, stupid, and naive, and is often used by others. The tramp is bullied, and the garbage he recycles is always stolen.”

  ” Jiang Jiang has a very good temper. He is very kind. He doesn’t steal or rob, and even picks up things that shouldn’t be picked up. He will also take the initiative to find people in uniforms. However, he often confuses the security with the police. I was tricked by the security to make money from picking up rubbish.” Li Xue spoke very fast, regardless of whether Han Fei heard it clearly: “The change should have started eleven years ago. There was originally a private orphanage on North Street in the old city. My wallet was stolen during a business trip. Although there was not much money in it, various documents were in it.”

   “That wallet was found by Jiang Jiang?”

  ”Yes, Jiang Jiang found his wallet in the trash can. He couldn’t get into the high-speed rail station. He stayed by the trash can until the train station staff came over. After the dean took the wallet back, he felt Jiang Jiang was here. Although he was a little stupid, he was honest and reliable. He also wanted to help Jiang Jiang, so he arranged for Jiang Jiang a cleaning job in his welfare home.”

  ”Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Jiang Jiang did not last long. He was dismissed because he was too uncomfortable to clean and his body was always smelling. The problem is that since Jiang Jiang left, there has been a child in the orphanage. Said that I would meet ghosts at night.”

   “Ghost?” Li Xue’s words caught Han Fei’s attention: “Can we still find a child?”

   “The child disappeared, but we found another child who used to live in the same room with him, and the child told us something terrible.” Li Xue’s voice slowed down: “He and the missing Children sleep side by side on both sides of the bedroom, and they can see each other’s bed and under the bed. The missing child always says that there is a ghost hidden under the bed of the other child, and it only appears in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep.”

   “What you want to express is that this ghost is Jiang Jiang?” After Han Fei played Perfect Life, he can already follow the criminal police with rich experience in criminal cases: “But for such an obvious thing, the police would definitely Suspect Jiang Jiang.”

   “The first police investigation was Jiang Jiang, but the investigation is difficult to continue.”

  ”Why? Does he have evidence of his absence?”

  ”Because he died.” Li Xue sent another picture to Han Fei: “This Jiang Jiang is the first deceased in the refrigerator corpse case.”

  ”He is the tramp killed by the three Meng family brothers?”

  ”We have no evidence that the Meng family’s three brothers were the murderers, but you have reminded me that the case of the corpse in the refrigerator is related to the pattern of the human body, so we retrieved the information about the case of the corpse in the refrigerator, and the result was an amazing Found.” Li Xue sent Han Fei the third picture. It was a picture taken in an abandoned villa. There was a strange picture painted under the broken quilt of the vagrant Hanjiang general.

   A black house is hidden among the **** trees. Around the house are painted children without heads.

  ”Because of this painting, the police felt that Jiang Jiang, who was mentally flawed, might be a monster with a dark heart. He usually suppressed his emotions. But today, I realized after hearing what you said. The black trees, the black houses, and the little people around without heads are just in line with the tips you gave me!” Li Xue’s voice started to speed up unconsciously, “A tramp, he has nothing. There is nothing worth conspiring at all. The police believe that he was killed in accordance with the law of random homicide by homicides, but when I actually saw this picture, I discovered that the murderer killed the vagrant Han Jiang to kill his eloquence. He might have seen the murderer commit the murder. Process! I even saw something more terrifying!”

   “I understand what you mean~ You think Jiang Jiang went to contact Wei Youfu and the others, not to harm them, but to save them!” At this moment, Han Fei discovered the case of the human body pattern and the corpse hidden in the refrigerator. The connection between the two is so close.

   “Do you know what is the scariest thing?”


  ”The murderer of the human body pattern is most likely to deliberately let Jiang Jiang, who is mentally flawed, to save people. He is enjoying the pleasure of being betrayed, hostile, and disgusted in good faith! Perhaps in the murderer’s mind, good is growing He must be the same as Jiang Jiang, his face is ugly, his body is smelly, and his intelligence is low.” Li Xue’s voice became much lower: “Jiang Jiang has never done a bad thing. He reminds the human body with the idea of ​​not wanting to be harmed. Victims of the group fight, but they have encountered incomprehension and disgust. No one except Wei Youfu wants to approach him who is dirty.”

  ”If an abnormal person suddenly came to me on the street and said that I might be killed, then I would not believe it. The murderer is not taking advantage of human weakness at all, but knowing that Jiang Will fail, deliberately in the theater.”

   “Yes, the murderer arrogantly thinks that everyone will treat Jiang Jiang as a lunatic, but one person made an unexpected move, that person is Wei Youfu!”

   Li Xue finally said the key point: “You asked me to pay attention to the puzzle shop before. I checked all the records. In the vicinity of the puzzle shop, besides the owner and staff, Jiang Jiang is the person who has the most contact with Wei Youfu. Wei Youfu was willing to help Jiang Jiang, Jiang Jiang also wanted to save him, and kept reminding him that Wei Youfu should be shaken in the end. Wei Youfu, who often worked overtime, behaved strangely in the last few days before his death. He went alone to an ecologically protected forest in the outer suburbs of Xinhu twice in a row.”

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