My Iyashikei Game Chapter 437: Room 13

Han Fei picked up the toy that the boy had left behind and stuffed it into the plastic bag that contained the bun.

“After the man goes out, I will use the reason of returning the toy to visit their house.”

The toys played by the children are in the same series as the toys of the victims in the store, which puzzled Han Fei.

The ten fingers occupy the shrine. They have explored the world of the shrine owner for many years. They must have a lot of information. They may have seen the real world.

“Will there be any difference between the world in their eyes and the world in my eyes?”

Han Fei didn’t catch up with the toy immediately. He deliberately kept a distance from the father and son, and it was not time to find out the relationship.

Wait for a while, when Han Fei just entered the community, the rusty corridor door was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged Xie Ding man with glasses was walking out carrying a few large bags of garbage.

It is inconvenient to see the other party taking trash, and Han Fei subconsciously wants to help each other. The middle-aged man was also taken aback when he saw Han Fei’s behavior.

Then he shook his head slightly: “Even if you do this for me, I can’t give you a rent reduction or exemption. I know you are a good boy and kind, but in this world, no one is easy.”

“You are…” Han Fei’s outstretched hand hung in the air.

“What are you doing standing at the entrance of the corridor?! Every time I save a lot of money before going down! Do you have to wait for the smell?” The door to the corner of the first floor was opened, and the landlady yelled at the middle-aged man: ” I collapsed on the sofa after work, just like a dead person, didn’t say much, but you’re tired? I’m not idle every day!”

The Xieding man sighed and walked outside with the trash, but when he passed by Han Fei, he whispered: “I was smoking on the balcony just now and saw you pick up the kid’s in room 7. Toys, I advise you to throw them away quickly and don’t get involved with his family.”

The Xieding man’s voice was very low, and after speaking, he took the trash and went out.

The landlady saw that the man was screaming, so she stopped getting angry and slammed the door.

Normally, the man kindly informs Han Fei that Han Fei should understand and leave quickly.

But Han Fei didn’t play the cards according to common sense. He could feel that Brother Xie Ding was not malicious, and he was kindly reminding him.

In the memory of the owner of the shrine, good people are rare. You must seize this opportunity!

Having not returned home, Han Fei followed the big brother Xie Ding with the toy in his hand. This sudden act shocked the big brother.

“Uncle, what did you say about that room 7?”

“Are you still here?” The Xie Ding man frowned: “Don’t ask more, it doesn’t matter to you anyway.”

“But I picked up his toys. The most important thing is that I found a strong smell on his toys. I have never smelled that smell…”

“Hush!” The Xieding man walked out a long way, then lowered his voice: “That smell is not a normal smell, it’s a corpse smell.”

“Smelly?!” Han Fei pretended to be surprised, as if he heard an answer he had never imagined.

“The male tenant in Room No. 7 seems to work in a hospital morgue. He is a caregiver who has been dealing with corpses. He is a bit mentally abnormal. You’d better stay away from his house.”

“Hospital nurse? Can you ask more, in which hospital does he work as a nurse?”

“It is the hospital where your mother was treated-the Third People’s Hospital. I heard that he had done a lot of work before, but he didn’t do it long. It is estimated that he will not be able to do this job as a nurse for long.” Xie Big Brother Ding piled the garbage next to the garbage can. Because there was no one to clean and manage it, the garbage can was already full. There was a mountain of garbage piled up there, flies flying around, and the smell was stinking to the sky.

Big Brother Xie Ding returned to the corridor after speaking, but Han Fei stopped by the garbage dump: “Ten Fingers ran to the shrine owner’s mother’s hospital as a nurse? This is obviously a problem!”

“Ten Fingers have changed different jobs, and it feels like they are looking for something, contacting different people on a large scale, what are they looking for? Are you looking for me?”

Han Fei also discovered a very noteworthy place. In this memory world, he directly substituted into the body of the owner of the shrine and experienced what the owner of the shrine had experienced. But what the ten fingers are for are other people. They seem to be still looking for the owner of the shrine?

“Why is there such a big difference? Is it because of the existence of the black box? Or is it because of the system? Or is it because of the mirror god?”

Han Fei couldn’t forget the sacrifice made by the mirror **** to send him into the shrine. When he touched the shrine, the mirror exploded directly, and the sky fragments were like stars in the night sky.

“The memory world of the owner of the shrine is big or small. Everyone here has their own story. If they don’t use the power of hatred and resentment, let alone explore the secrets of the world. It’s not easy to survive.”

Han Fei doesn’t know how strong the Ten Fingers are. Anyway, when he saw the man in Room 7 just now, his opponent behaved just like an ordinary person.

“Maybe it’s not that they can’t use their own abilities, but after using their own abilities, they may be pushed out of the memory of the owner of the shrine.”

Take out the blood-colored paper man placed next to his body. This f-level curse is a very ordinary folk craft in the memory world.

“I can only get the opportunity to open the inventory after helping the owner of the shrine to make up for the regrets. From this, I can see that the memory world is very repellent of foreign objects. Everything here is the last trace of the owner of the shrine. He shouldn’t want to My last trace of obsession was destroyed by external forces.”

The Ten Fingers have power far beyond Han Fei, but they have not been able to inherit the shrine. The key is that they have not been approved by the shrine owner.

“This is a very good opportunity for me.” Lowering his head, Han Fei showed a small smile on his face. He is used to using a warm smile to hide his murderous intent.

Preparing to leave with the toy, Han Fei was about to turn around when he suddenly saw a paper airplane falling on the garbage dump.

He looked into the distance and happened to see a woman standing by a window on the third floor.

There is something like twine hanging from the woman’s neck, and she seems to be hanging herself.

“The room on the left on the third floor? When I went to work last night, someone hid in that room and looked at me!” Han Fei remembered what happened last night, he saw this woman hang himself , Carrying a toy and rushed into the corridor.

Running to the third floor in one breath, Han Fei knocked on the door on the left.

“Is anyone there?! Is anyone!”

The dust flew away, and the blessing stuck on the door was also shaken off.

Han Fei knocked for a long time and no one responded. Finally, Room 8 on the second floor near the stairs opened the door.

“I’m sick! Don’t let people sleep! You were making noise there as soon as I got off the night shift?” A young man in pajamas walked out of Room 8 and yelled upstairs.

Seeing that the neighbors had opinions, Han Fei hurried over to explain: “Someone committed suicide in the room of Building 9! I just saw a woman downstairs who was going to hang herself!”

His expression was panic and eager, and he restored everything about a young student perfectly.

“Suicide?” The young man laughed angrily, and he pushed Han Fei aside: “Are you kidding me? There is no occupant in Room 13 at all.”

“Really! I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes!” When Han Fei looked up, his gaze swept into the man’s house: “Let’s go find the landlord and open the door together! Life is shut down!”

“Life is a matter of life, but I have a wool relationship with me?” The young man was very annoyed: “Go crazy and go crazy outside! Noisy me to sleep again, do you see the big fist of Lao Tzu’s casserole? I punched it down , Your little body can’t hold it!”

“Is there really no occupants in Room 13?”

“There are more and more lunatics in this building. Fortunately, I will move out next month. I don’t have to suffer these brain damages anymore.” The young man cursed and closed the door.

When the young man opened the door, Han Fei had already seen the home furnishings of the other party by the way. All the items were neatly packed. Women’s shoes on the shoe rack accounted for more than half of them. The wallpaper and decoration were also warmer, which was different from the man’s personality. It’s great. There are many photos of a young man and a woman hanging on the wall. He should be living with his girlfriend.

This young man went to the night shift last night. Although he has a grumpy temper, he still feels that he loves his girlfriend very much. He is also a hard worker, but…Han Fei remembers that he went to work at midnight last night. At that time, I heard the sound of human beings coming from this room.

“Maybe I heard it wrong.”

Han Fei came to the first floor and bit his head and knocked on the door of the landlord’s house.

The landlord’s eldest sister heard Han Fei’s voice and thought he was going to make up the rent, so she ran over to open the door, but when she heard Han Fei talk about room 13th, her face turned black in an instant.

“No one lives on the 13th! You read it wrong!” The landlady had a bad temper: “You have time to care about others, so why don’t you think of a way to pay back the rent you owe me!”

She wanted to slam the door after she finished speaking, but Han Fei grabbed the door panel first.

“Sister, wait a minute!” Han Fei pitifully rummaged in his pocket for a long time, and finally found 600 yuan: “The boss where I work is very nice, he sees me working hard and fast. , I advanced 600 yuan in advance. Here you are, I will make up a part first, and I will definitely make up the rest.”

Han Fei’s cheeks were sweating, and his hands with money were covered with small wounds. Just now in a fight with someone, his hands were also scratched.

Across the gap in the door, the landlady looked at Han Fei and then at the money in Han Fei’s hand. The expression on her face slowly eased.

Opening the door, the landlady took the 600 yuan handed by Han Fei, sighed lightly, and then drew out 300 yuan and stuffed it back into Han Fei’s hands: “You also want to eat and drink, just pay back 300 yuan. Give it to me at the end of the remaining month.”

“No, I saved a little for myself, barely enough to eat and drink.”

“The dead duck has a hard mouth! Give it to you and take it!” The landlady was very strong. She put away the three hundred that Han Fei gave, and then said earnestly: “You just go to work and try to treat your mother. Don’t worry about other messy things, understand?”

“But I just saw a woman hanging herself in room thirteen…”

“There is indeed a woman who hangs herself in room 13.” The landlady waved her hand impatiently: “It was just three months ago. She looked very good. She worked as a teller in a department store. She usually watched Quite normal alone, he left suddenly.”

“She also works in a department store.” Han Fei said, “Sister, my new job is also in a department store. It’s a night shift. Or you can take me to that room to see, or I Not at ease in my heart.”

Randomly, the landlord’s sister finally agreed, and she let her husband accompany, and the three of them went upstairs together with the keys.

As we walked, Han Fei and Xie Ding walked behind, and the landlord’s sister walked in front alone.

“Useless man!”

The three came to the third floor, and the eldest sister opened door 13 in person.

The room is empty, and all the furniture is covered with a layer of white cloth, which seems to prevent dust from falling.

“These cloths were made by the two of us. After the little girl passed away, we could not contact her family. We could only keep this room. We didn’t dare to throw things away.” Brother Xie Ding stood at the door. , When he was hesitant to enter the house, he was pushed in directly by the eldest sister.

“Have you finished reading? We didn’t lie to you? There is no one in this house.” The landlord sister motioned to Han Fei to come out, but Han Fei went through the living room and opened the bathroom door. He was in the bathroom before. I saw a woman hanging from the window.

The wooden door was slowly pushed open, and everyone was surprised by the scene in front of them.

The bathroom was filled with paper **** painted with all kinds of weird symbols. All of those paper **** exuded a bad smell. The most incredible thing was that some of the paper **** had sticky handwriting. They didn’t solidify. It seems to have just written it up.

“Are these paper **** in the room three months ago?” When Han Fei turned to ask the landlord sister, the couple looked at a loss.

“No! The room I cleaned three months ago was cleaned up for her. Could it be that anyone sneaked into this room?”

“Someone stole the key!”

The couple didn’t think about ghosts at all, but their attitude towards Han Fei was indeed much better.

Staring at the pile of paper balls, Han Fei picked up one and opened it. He always felt that the symbol above was a bit familiar, but when he was about to remove one, his mood value began to drop rapidly.

The heart was about to jump out of his heart. Han Fei took the time to open the note. When he reached the tenth one, he suddenly saw a black stinky arm exposed in the pile of paper!

Almost without hesitation, Han Fei grabbed that hand directly!

But after his arm dropped, he just grabbed a handful of scraps of paper.

The sound of “boom”, “boom” and “boom” came from the room inexplicably. It felt like a person who was hung up. Her body was swaying back and forth, and the toes of her shoes kept hitting the window glass.

“The voice is right next to me!”

The mood value dropped crazily, and Han Fei was a little out of breath. When he was about to lose his feet, Brother Xie Ding held his arm and pulled him out of the bathroom.

“On the night shift all night, I know you can’t stand it anymore. Go back and rest as soon as possible. We will change the lock of this room as soon as possible.”

The landlord and his wife could not help but sent Han Fei back to his own room, and then hurriedly left.

Lying on the bed, Han Fei’s mood finally stabilized. He also wants to explore the truth, but he is too tired now.

Slowly closing his eyes, Han Fei fell asleep in the memory world for the first time.

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