My Iyashikei Game Chapter 377: There is no evil soul who dare not kill.

There are countless curses on the old ghost’s nails, and it will feel terrifying just by looking at it.

At this time, the old ghost’s fingertips pierced the boy’s red shirt and grabbed the child’s collar, just not touching his skin.

An extremely large and terrifying ghost clutching a child in pajamas with his fingertips. This absurd and strange scene makes people look unreal.

There is blood everywhere in the room, and the curse is like a wave hitting the walls. The broken walls hide the pieces of meat and limbs. But in this case, the most terrifying ghost voice in the room has slowed down a bit. .

The woman locked on the back of the old ghost looked at the boy in the bear pajamas. The strong mother cried directly, and she unconsciously yelled at her child: “Where are you going? Now! I have been looking for you!”

The scarred hands desperately pushed the chains on his body, the eyelids of the evil soul blinked, and the cursed chains on the old ghost’s back were easily pushed away by an ordinary person.

The woman ran to her child, and she had never cried like this before death.

The nails pinched the child’s collar, and the evil spirit placed it in front of the woman.

I finally saw her child. The woman opened her arms to hug him, but when the woman approached, the boy who had been unresponsive to the outside world suddenly raised his head. There was no human emotion in his eyes. The small palm stretched out from under the blood coat and directly pierced his mother’s heart.

The arm finally stopped one foot away from the woman, and the child’s neck was grasped by the old ghost, and he couldn’t take a step forward.

“Your child is a soul chaser, and you are a wandering soul hunted by him. His first reaction when he sees you is definitely to kill you.” The evil soul stared at the distance of a foot, A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He did grab the boy by the collar, but he didn’t use any force. Normally, the boy should stop an inch away from the woman.

But what the Evil Soul didn’t expect was that the boy’s hand stopped a foot away from the woman, and the soul chaser was actually resisting the instructions that the manager instilled in him.

Butterfly likes to play with human nature. In its view, it is full of “beauty” to let people in love kill each other. Maybe it has expected to drive a little boy to collect the soul of his mother, but for various reasons, the boy It did not follow its requirements exactly.

The child is unwilling to kill his mother. Even if he becomes a soul chaser, when he is close to his mother, he will still stop stabbing his mother’s hands.

The woman looked at the child close at hand, tears streaming down her face. The emotion she had suppressed for so long broke out at this moment, and all the words she had pressed in her heart were spoken to the child.

It’s a pity that the child in Bear’s pajamas has been unable to respond, and seems to be unable to understand what she is talking about.

While the woman kept calling her child, the evil spirit seemed to be communicating with the old ghost: “Didn’t you say that the soul-stalkers are all puppets made by managers? Didn’t you tell me they don’t have any consciousness? Why? The child stopped actively? How could the doll have emotions of its own?”

“The human soul is very complicated? Old fellow, I am helping you. I hope you will stop telling me wrong things. This will affect my judgment.”

The evil gaze moved between the woman and the child in red. The evil spirit locked the woman and her child together on the back with a cursed chain: “Don’t cry! Wait until the manager is killed, all The soul chaser will be restored to the original state.”

The evil spirit looked at the woman and her child. There seemed to be something invisible between them, and that kind of thing was not possessed by the evil spirit. For the first time, he felt a sense of incompleteness in his heart. The idea that I am incomplete came out quietly.

There was a hint of mania in the eyes immersed in killing intent, and the evil spirit hit the gambling ghosts in room 4034 with punches and punches, and he did not leave until the ground was full of cracks.

Go up!

The crazy old ghost and the manic evil spirit came to the death building. Where he walked, all the wall coverings were dyed red, and the couplets and door hearts fell off.


There was a change in the corridor, the walls began to twist, paper money fell, the blood on the ground slowly flowed, and the evil spirit seemed to have arrived at the Huangquan Ferry.

Throwing aside the few people locked on their backs, the eyes of the evil spirits were fixed on a certain room.

A headless doorman walked out slowly on the blood-red door, dragging a sharp decapitator.

The dull footsteps sounded in the corridor, one by one, the severed heads rolled out from the heart of the door, and they shouted the same words in their **** mouths-no way!

The headless door-god stood among the heads of people, turning its body to face the old ghost.

“Is it the door **** you are talking about?” The Evil Soul didn’t mean to give in at all.

Hearing the laughter of the evil soul, the decapitator lifted by the door god, pressed down an inch.

The head of a human next to him slowly changed, forming Han Fei’s face, and then that face spoke: “I have released you once, don’t know what is wrong.”

Looking at the human head next to the door god, the evil spirit smiled slyly: “My face can’t be changed by anyone who wants to change. If you use my face, then don’t blame me for smashing your door.”

Don’t be polite in the words of the evil soul, there was no softening tone. After the headless door **** heard it, the blade stood up, and the pale light reflected the face of the evil soul.

The corridor on the fourth floor changed again. The head of the man was distorted and turned into a look similar to Han Fei. They were chanting something, and bloodshots came out of their bodies and poured into them. Inside the door god.

As the bloodshot gathered in large numbers, the door **** suddenly raised his hand. Those bloodshots sketched out an evil soul doll in front of him, and then he lifted a knife to the bloodshot doll’s forehead and chopped it down!


A huge amount of Yin Qi exploded on the old ghost, and the walls of the entire fourth-floor corridor were sunken to both sides.

A lot of blood mist appeared on the When the mist dissipated, the door **** stood still in place, and the old ghost’s arms fell to the ground, and all the front parts of his arms were cut off.

The door god’s decapitating knife killed the evil soul, and the old ghost blocked him at a critical moment.

The bright red blood slid down his forehead, dyeing half of the face of the Evil Soul, his eyes opened in the blood, allowing the blood to flow into his mouth, dyeing his lips red.

“Is the manager’s watchdog so weak?”

The corners of the blood-filled mouth slowly split, and half of the **** face of the evil soul stared at the door god. He said word by word: “Give me all the hate and let me use your blood. .”

The face on the old ghost’s back screamed, the hatred accumulated in his heart was released without reservation, and the dark black fire began to burn in the corridor.

The doors of the house were twisted and deformed, and the shadow of the evil spirit was reflected in the old ghost’s red eyes. His mouth opened, and the sound he made was exactly the same as that of the evil spirit.

“A headless ghost, also worthy of being a god?”

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