My Iyashikei Game Chapter 334: Butterfly’s wardrobe

All the coincidences are inevitable.

The battle between the butterfly and the spider also continued. From the results, it seemed that the spider was slightly better in the end.

Han Fei listened patiently to the black-clothed old man’s explanation of the secrets in the building, including the various things that the manager had done in the building. In the eyes of the manager, in addition to himself, all other owners, grievances, and outsiders are all It’s just a tool.

All the owners with butterfly patterns in the building are the “people” who have been brutally attacked by managers and survived. They have a deep understanding of the horror of managers.

“There are four family buildings in the dead building community. The managers have been staying in the fourth building and rarely come out. However, some residents in the building suspect that there is a very special room in the fourth building. Go to any place in the dead building. That room is also the atrium of the manager of the dead building. If you want to really kill the manager, you must first find that room.” The old man in black had the idea of ​​confronting the manager of the dead building. No. Now to survive, she had to follow Han Fei’s words and say: “No one knows where that room is, everyone only knows that the house number of that room seems to be 4444.”

“Normally, there should not be this number in the room in the dead building. If you want to go to that room, the normal method will definitely not work.” Han Fei looked at the closet, and he felt it necessary to try it.

After thinking about it for a moment, Han Fei made a decision. He wanted to get the approval of other owners first, tie everyone on a boat, and then try to enter the closet.

Let the wedding woman stay in room 1144, and Han Fei took other people to visit the owner layer by layer, and came to do ideological work.

He conquered the surviving owners in Building One with his unique personal charm. After gaining their approval, the system gave Han Fei a reminder.

“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! After unremitting efforts, you have successfully obtained a hidden job-security guard of the dead building!”

“Should it be set up as the main job?”


“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! You have successfully obtained a side job-Dead Building Security! Randomly get two of the four professional talents of Dead Building Security!”

“Professional talent is free from death: When the death curse is triggered, there is a 10% chance of avoiding death!”

“Professional Talent Second Patrol: After midnight, the running speed increases!”

“Attention! The promotion of sideline and part-time jobs is extremely difficult, and the upgrade of professional talents requires three times the experience.”

“With two careers, you have gradually become familiar with working life. You have seen more scenery, and your perfect life has become more colorful as a result!”

“The eyes are full of blood red, where is the variety?” Han Fei tried to run a few steps in the corridor. The job of security guard in the dead building was more useful than he thought. Just after midnight, the running speed increased. This one made Han Fei feel very profitable.

Back to room 1144, Han Fei sat on the bedside and stared at the closet door silently. His eyes were calm, as if thinking about something very important.

No one in the room dared to disturb him. After a long time, when the exit button was lit, Han Fei got up and walked to the closet.

“This opportunity must not be missed. Let us go in together.”

Han Fei, who has no worries, stood with the madman and the red skirt, holding the chain, and then coldly looked at the old man in black.

“It’s not easy to live in the building. Why do you need to cause trouble, can you do things that hate can’t do?” The old man in black reluctantly walked to the closet, her hand was touching When it touched the closet door, the blood vessels on the surface of the closet slowly bulged, opening slowly as if they had life.

Vessels spread on the wall, and a pungent smell wafted from the cracks in the cabinet door. The old man in black grabbed her with one arm before fully opening the cabinet door and dragged her directly into the cabinet.

A good “person” just disappeared, and the madman hid back in fear.

“You are the back of the manager, they won’t hurt you, but you can use this to kill them.” Han Fei taught his own experience to the lunatic, and didn’t know who was the real lunatic for a while. .

It is getting closer and closer to four o’clock in the morning, and the wardrobe is constantly changing. Han Fei didn’t waste any more time, he and the red skirt opened the cabinet door together.

The clothes hanging in the cabinet were stained with blood, and there were a lot of them.

The red skirt went in first, and then she reached out to Han Fei.

Han Fei grabbed her wrist and entered the closet with the lunatic. He pushed aside the clothes in front of him, but to his surprise, there were more and more clothes, and the blood stains on the clothes became thicker and thicker. Look It was as if **** people were hung on a hanger.

The wardrobe is not big from the outside, but after entering it, it seems to be trapped in a maze, with blood-red clothes everywhere.

At this time, the only thing that can bring Han Fei’s sense of security is the red skirt, but as he walks, Han Fei finds something wrong.

The arm he is holding is also wearing red clothes, but it doesn’t seem to be a skirt.

“Illusion interference?”

The other party didn’t stop, and Han Fei didn’t dare to let go. He looked back at first, and the lunatic didn’t follow him.

When he looked forward, there was only a blood-red sleeve left in his hand.

Standing on the spot, holding the sleeves, all around was covered with blood coats, and each blood coat seemed to represent an unjustly killed soul.

“Is this the butterfly wardrobe? It is good at manipulating human heart and human nature. This smelly skin is his clothes?”

Han Fei did not act rashly. He knew that many cursed objects have unique Once the curse carried by the cursed objects is triggered, they will become more passive.

“I watched the red dress enter the closet with my own eyes. She is a big resentment, and ordinary F-class curses can’t hold her, so the safest way for me now is to wait here.”

Han Fei, with the exit button lit, is fearless. In addition, there is the last cigarette in his inventory that has not been used. It is really dangerous. He can also light a cigarette to calm down.

The enemy won’t move, I won’t move.

About ten seconds later, the blood suit in the distance seemed to be touched by something, slowly shaking, and something was crawling in the closet.

Putting the blood-colored paper man on his shoulders, Han Fei squatted down with the mortal butcher knife. He stared at the slowly shaking blood suits, and finally locked in a certain direction.

Something in the depths of the cabinet seems to be abnormal. The gray and white slender arms stretched out from behind the blood suit. It was rummaging through the clothes one by one. The rustling sound can torture a normal person to madness.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, Han Fei held his breath, he is ready to fight.

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