My Iyashikei Game Chapter 231: Sangmen

The strong smell of blood almost made Han Fei unable to open his eyes. He didn’t know what happened to the woman in front of him in the beast alley. He had many questions to ask, but he couldn’t say a word after opening his mouth. words.

Han Fei reached into his personal pocket and took out a knife wrapped in human skin.

“Someone stole your knife. I want to return the knife to you.”

Holding the cursed blade in his palm, Han Fei stretched the hilt of the blade in front of the woman.

“The thief said that as long as you lack a knife, the curse you have will be incomplete and your strength will be weakened.”

At this time, as long as the opponent holds the handle of the knife and sends it forward, the blade can easily be pierced into his body.

In the deep world, apart from Han Fei, there shouldn’t be anyone else who would dare to pass the cursed knife to others like this.

Different human faces flashed in the eyes under the pig face mask, and the woman’s pale and slender hands were slowly raised.

In the livestock alley full of stumps and pieces of meat, in the spreading **** fog, the woman grabbed the handle of the knife.

“Don’t point the tip of the knife to yourself again.” A familiar voice came from under the mask, and the woman seemed to express two meanings.

“Of course I wouldn’t do this for someone else.” Han Fei let go of his hand holding the blade, and a light black blood came out of his palm, but he didn’t seem to feel any pain at all.

As soon as Han Fei released her hand, the woman pierced the knife in her hand directly into the pig face mask on the ground, and blood flowed out of the seemingly ordinary mask.

After the mask was completely shattered, the woman put away the knife.

Her scarlet eyes looked at Han Fei for a long time, then she entered a dilapidated house next to her and took out a dry branch from it.

Hearts are pierced on the cut branches, some of them are still beating slightly.

“What is this?”

“Pig Heart.”

Throwing the branch to Han Fei, the woman glanced at Han Fei again. The black python deliberately wanted to crawl forward, but the woman turned around and entered the old house next to him again, as if she still wanted to take it. what.

The black giant python stopped in the middle of its crawl. It opened its dark mouth as if it was shouting silently. It felt like a woman didn’t recognize it as it is now.

Holding pig heart, Han Fei cautiously approached the one-eyed pig face monster on the ground.

The monster’s body was almost dismembered, and it still had a breath.

When it saw Han Fei coming, its ugly face was no longer hideous, it made a human-like expression.

The black eyeballs lost their focus, and the blood faded. There was a very faint voice in its mouth, which seemed to be begging Han Fei for mercy, hoping that Han Fei could let it go.

“If I let you go, I am hurting more innocent people.”

The pig-faced monster knew that he could not escape this catastrophe. Its eyes were full of viciousness, as if it had seen Han Fei’s end, and they would eventually sink into the **** of flesh and blood.

“I want to be a midnight butcher, not because I like killing, nor because blood can bring me pleasure and excitement. I just want to have the right to take a knife and live better.”

“If killings can bring safety and hope to the residents in the building, then I can be a butcher or any other profession.”

Han Fei grabbed the deboning knife with his right hand, and Han Fei stopped wasting time, and cut off the pig-faced monster’s head with all his strength.

The blood stained his clothes. When the pig-faced monster lost its last vitality, Han Fei received the system’s prompt.

“Evaluation four! Killing is a job for the butcher. No matter what the living thing is on the cutting board, death is the last gift the butcher gives to the prey.”

People killed livestock and devoured their meat for food.

The monsters in the beast alley slaughtered Wang’s house, and the mutilated bodies were piled up in the corner of the alley.

A killing is for survival, and a killing is for fun. Both are killings, but they are fundamentally different.

The system’s evaluation of Han Fei just now also has the same meaning. There is a difference between a butcher and a butcher.

“Attention player number 0000! You have successfully completed the killing mission! Combined with the mission evaluation, you are now 75% fit with the hidden career Midnight Butcher!”

“Attention! The higher the degree of professional fit, the more professional characteristics and professional abilities can be displayed!”

“Now you are initially qualified to be a midnight butcher! You can see the soul of most butcher knives!”

“The butcher knife is very important to the midnight butcher. A good butcher knife can greatly improve professional fit, and a bad butcher knife even wants to kill its own users all the time.”

“If you are sure to change jobs, please bring the butcher knife of your choice to the Butcher’s House!”

“The Butcher’s House (hidden building in the hidden map): At the far north of the beast lane, there is a red house that can only be seen by people with blood on their hands.

“Attention! Before entering that building, please remember to wear a mask!”

After completing the killing mission, Han Fei already has the qualifications to become the Midnight Butcher, but the final transfer location is at the Butcher’s House.

“The Butcher’s House? Isn’t this the place where the spider kills his other eight personalities? A mask must be worn? Isn’t the person wearing a pig face mask what spiders hate the most?”

Han Fei read the mission information repeatedly, and the system only warned him that he must wear a mask, but did not say that he could not complete the mission without wearing it.

“The tasks in this beast alley are full of weirdness. I’d better prepare with both hands.”

Xu Qin smashed a mask, but there was another mask on the head of the pig-faced monster on the ground.

Han Fei wiped off the blood and put it in his inventory.

One step closer to the transfer, I found Xu Qin, and after completing the task, he can quit the game at any time after a while. The good news one after another, Han Fei also breathed a sigh of relief, not so nervous.

“For butchers, butcher knives are very important. They cannot be replaced at will. There are so many knives in this beast alley. It seems that I have to choose them carefully.”

Han Fei said and looked at the eviscer in his hand. At this time, the information he saw was completely different from before.

“Sangmen (damaged G-level butcher knife): Imprisoned a family of six dead souls, with hatred as the blade! Because the evil spirit in the knife has eaten back the user, the blade is broken, and it carries an extremely unknown curse.”

“Attention! You have the right to use this knife for the time being because you had a chance to save your family, but if you want to use this knife as your butcher knife, you must be prepared to be backlashed.”

“Comprehensive evaluation: This is a knife that has defeated the user. It is stronger than you think, and more dangerous than you think! After using this knife, the professional fit will be reduced to 60% Five, and there is a high probability of being cursed.”

Han Fei frowned after seeing the system and then he tried to pick up the bone cutter.

As soon as Han Fei touched the bone cleaver, a cut was made on his finger.

The bone chopper, which watered the blood of the pig-faced monster, was full of malice towards Han Fei. He resisted the pain and checked it, and found that if he changed his job using the Bone Chopper, his career fit would be reduced to less than 50%, and he might directly fail the job change.

“The knife that suits you is really hard to find.”

Han Fei also found out that the pig face’s malice remained on the bone cleaver after touching it. He still remembered that the pig face would chop the opponent’s butcher knife to pieces after killing, and he also wanted to try it.

Raising the deboning knife, Han Fei aimed at the edge of the bone chopping knife and chopped it down.

The six dead souls in the Sangmen frantically gnawed the malice and killing intent in the bone chopping knife. The bone chopping knife could not resist without the owner, and the bright red blood stains on the knife began to slowly fade away.

After the blood stains on the bone cleaver completely disappeared, blood stains began to appear on the pale white eliminator, and the fine cracks on the blade seemed to be lessened.

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