My Iyashikei Game Chapter 128: Madman!

Han Fei has a crazy plan in his mind. If this plan is successful, he can successfully take down the convenience store, but as long as one step goes wrong, he will die very ugly.

“Fame and fortune have a knife-point, and wealth and wealth are in danger. You are right. This opportunity must not be missed.”

Han Fei’s eyes slowly narrowed, covering the dangerous light in the depths of his pupils.

“It always feels like what you think, what you told me may not be the same thing!” The face on the white wax has been distorted, it just wants to escape the convenience store: “The paper man store manager is very dangerous, you just have to bring I leave, we flee far away, this is enough! You must not have any unnecessary thoughts!”

“I’m just a temporary worker who went to work on the first day. What extra thoughts can I have?” Han Fei stared at the pewter: “You have been here for a long time. You should know the origin of that woman, right? She What kind of place is the dead building that the shop manager is going to tonight?”

“The dead building can be said to be the most dangerous building in this area. Next to a hospital two blocks away, the woman in the wedding gown came from the dead building. She was once a resident in the dead building. “The face in the white wax pinned all hopes on Han Fei. At this time, he answered Han Fei’s question honestly: “The flesh and blood that the woman found for the store manager was brought from the fourth floor.”

“The hospital two blocks away?” Han Fei recalled the map in his mind. The only hospital around here was called Yimin Hospital. The former head of the building also drew a red cross at Yimin Hospital.

“Don’t you think that the store manager is in a hospital two blocks away, and there is no way to come back right away?” The face in the white wax was full of helplessness: “If the store manager’s body is threatened or is If a person moves or touches, then its consciousness will use a special method to return to the body. It is very cautious and will never easily put the body in danger.”

“Is there any way to stop it from returning to consciousness?”

“Then it depends on its opponent’s inability to do so. If the ghosts fighting with it can hold its consciousness and make it unable to distract, then it can delay its return. Another way is to let it His consciousness has become chaotic and crazy. When it is in this state, its consciousness cannot perceive the body so clearly.” Bai Wa felt that the dialogue with Han Fei was very dangerous, it was like being in an arsenal. Set off fireworks: “If there are no other problems, let’s go quickly! I promise to help you relieve the pain caused by the curse!”

“Was the paper man store manager not so strong at the beginning?” Han Fei confirmed this to Bai Wax again.

“It is a curse with its own consciousness, and most of its power is accumulated little by little.”

“The remnants of many shop assistants are sealed on the walls of the back alley. Why didn’t the shop manager kill them all?”

“The resentment in the remnant soul can enhance its strength, and the little bit of humanity remaining in the remnant soul can make it more like a person.” Bai Wa knew that Han Fei would not help herself if she didn’t say it clearly. , It had to patiently answer Han Fei’s doubts: “In other words, the store manager’s consciousness contains the consciousness and humanity of countless remnants of souls. Those consciousness and humanity do not belong to it, but they are forcibly taken away by it by signing a contract with a curse. Up.”

“If you want to work here, you need to take a photo first, and then pin the photo to the paper man. This is a process of cursing! Once the curse is complete, the paper man store manager can deprive you of your humanity at any time.” Consciously persuaded: “While it is not wary of you, let’s go quickly! As long as the curse is far enough away, the curse will weaken. This is why the store manager forbids employees to leave the store!”

“It seems the same as I thought, the sense of the store manager is integrated with the human nature of all employees. As long as I can gather all the employees to resist together, it will have a certain impact on the store manager. Normally this impact may have an impact on the store. In the long term, it’s not a big deal, but if it’s a life-and-death struggle, a little distraction will expose it to a fatal flaw, and maybe it will make its consciousness fall into a frenzy.” All of Han Fei’s plans are. In order to prevent the store manager from returning to his body, he needs a period of time.

“I can’t imagine that you came here to work on the first day, and the store manager can recruit you, but it’s a bad life.” The face in the white wax was a little afraid of Han Fei.

“Don’t talk about those useless, I do this to help everyone.” I picked up the candlestick on the table and walked to the coffin: “How do I use the paper man to tell if the store manager is injured?”

“When the store manager bursts out with all his strength, the blood-colored paper man will absorb the blood in the corpses in the coffin, and black characters will appear on its body.” Bai Wa has given up struggling, and decided to go along with Han Fei. black.

“Then you watch here first.” Han Fei put the candlestick on the lid of the coffin and ran into the staff preparation room alone.

“Hey! Don’t put me here!”

“Are ghosts still afraid of coffins?” Han Fei replied perfunctorily, and then tore off all the photos on the wall of the staff preparation room.

He took the photos and went to the back alley, looking at the restless souls on the wall, he first explained the current situation in the convenience store.

When these imprisoned convenience store employees knew that the store manager was no longer in the store at this time, and when everyone knew that the store manager might be seriously injured, some of them were already ready to move.

“Seniors, these photos are the contracts you signed.”

“If the store manager really wants to run this store well, then I won’t say a word. But now you have seen it too. It curses our bodies and deprives us of humanity. We are imprisoned on the wall!”

“It has squeezed all our value out, and it is still unwilling to let us go!”

“It takes an inch, everything we have has become a bargaining chip in the hands of the store manager to threaten us!”

“Are you really willing to endure this forever? Are you really willing to be tortured by it a little bit to the point where you are frightened?”

Han Fei’s emotions are getting fuller and fuller, more and more agitated, his voice is sonorous and powerful, and every word of his is so firm.

“It can’t go on like this anymore, really can’t. Tonight is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we have to make it pay!”

Han Fei clenched a fist with one hand, but placed the other gently on the wall: “I have limited strength alone, but if we can unite, we should be able to win an opportunity.”

“Whether to continue to be trapped in the wall and endure torture and pain, or to fight for it, like the moth that pounces on the fire, all the choices are yours.”

“I will not force you to choose, I will be at the forefront of you, even if I am alone, I will stand up tonight without hesitation!”

A few seconds later, Han Fei suddenly felt his arms heavier. He turned his head and saw that the hands that were about to dissipate stretched out from the wall.

Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, pay cash and coins when you follow!

They can’t leave the wall completely, and reaching out their arms is already the limit.

Han Fei was surprised when he saw so many people supporting him. He didn’t expect the store manager to hurt so many ghosts.

“I will not disappoint everyone’s trust.”

Standing in the back alley, Han Fei announced his plan.

He has communicated well with all the remnants of the staff. As long as he gives an order, the insignificant remnants will do their best to resist the paper men.

After the discussion, Han Fei returned to the convenience store warehouse.

He stuffed the white wax into his pocket, then placed all the containers against the wall, making a way out.

“What are you going to do?”

“Is this coffin heavy? It looks much smaller than a normal coffin.” Han Fei began to move his arms.

“What are you asking about? My friend, what are you going to do!”

“The stronger the curse is, the stronger the curse will be, and direct contact may be affected.” Han Fei took a deep breath and walked out of the warehouse again, pushing the outer shelves to both sides.

After everything was ready, Han Fei stood beside the coffin, his eyes fixed on the paper man.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Han Fei’s nervous forehead was sweating. Until three o’clock in the morning, the paper man in the coffin suddenly appeared cracks, and it began to frantically absorb the blood stains on the corpse in the coffin. !

As the blood was injected, black names began to appear on its body!

“It’s now!” Han Fei kicked the door of the garbage disposal room and yelled at the back alley.

The mutilated souls voices of dead souls were heard all over the street!

The paper man in the coffin was accumulating energy to a critical moment, and suddenly it seemed to be out of control. The cracks on its body became more and more, the smile on its face was completely gone, and it became extremely hideous.

“The time has come!”

Han Fei closed the lid of the coffin and carried the coffin with all his strength.

The spine was crunching, Han Fei’s expression was completely distorted, he carried the coffin with blood-colored paper people on his back, and rushed out of the convenience store desperately!

“Leave me all out!”

Smashed the glass door of the convenience store, the soul bell rang, and Han Fei kept crossing the road under the astonished gaze of countless ghosts!

There is no obsession to dare to stop such a crazy person! I haven’t seen it before!


The iron door of Xingfu Community was knocked open, and Han Fei carried the coffin on his back and went straight to Building One!

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