Master of Untold Daos: Three hundred and eighty-six battles start three, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Master Wandao!

Ghost Star Jade Lake Station.

Having been paying attention to the ghost star and the faceless army, he had received the news just after the battle between the heaven and the faceless.

Many gods gather together, and there is a **** said: “General, we might as well withdraw!”

Ding Kuang glanced at this person, retreating before fighting, and after returning, he will be in prison for a hundred years. Although in Yaochi, a prison for a hundred years is nothing, but no one wants to enjoy the taste of a prison for a hundred years.

After all, this is the responsibility of losing ground.

Once you quit the three-headed dragon constellation, with the means of the Faceless, don’t even think about entering it again.

At this time, there was another Tianxian said: “General, then we will fight to the death with the Faceless!”

Ding Kuang glanced sideways at the celestial being who was speaking, and went directly to the Faceless One for a head-on fight. Can he really defeat a Faceless One?

The head of the faceless, the great credit also indicates how difficult it is to obtain credit.

The Faceless One is always able to gather power in some strange ways, and just one time out of the mountain is enough to destroy everything!

Now it’s not an offense, nor is it retreating. Ding Kuang’s idea is very simple. It’s better to have a brief confrontation with the faceless army, and then take the rest of Yaochi’s army to evacuate. The Jade Dragon Star’s retreat has not been The faceless is sealed.

At this moment, someone entered the hall and reported: “General, there are people from heaven asking for a meeting!”

Ding Kuang waved his hand and said: “Since it’s all here, bring it in!”

Duan Shou walked into the main hall wearing a heavenly armor, took a look around, and then looked at Ding Kuang, revealing a touch of golden fairy, “I think it would be better to let others retreat.”

Ding Kuang’s eyes flashed with shock. Where did a golden fairy come from? He must not be from the Heavenly Court. What does he want to do when he comes here? “You all retreat!”

All the heavenly immortals left the main hall and only Ding Kuang and the first duan were left. The first part of the duan originally thought that Heavenly Court and Yaochi could join forces to block the Faceless for a period of time, and then he lurked in the Heavenly Court and snatched the soul orbs. It’s good.

What I didn’t expect was that the Faceless One of this constellation was so decisive. The army had just arrived and had to destroy the Heavenly Court. Obviously, there was some hesitation on Yaochi’s side. The reason for the hesitation was also estimated in the beginning of the paragraph.

Coming out, it is that Yaochi actually has a retreat.

The Heavenly Court has no choice, only one battle, and some of Yaochi’s elections can be battled and left. I have to say that this faceless person is truly invaluable in his control of the human heart!

If Yaochi doesn’t enter the game, then the Duan Duan will not have any chance. A single person singles out the entire army, the Duan Duan does not have this strength.

Ding Kuang looked at the beginning of the paragraph and asked: “Who are you on earth?”

Duan Shou smiled. He tore off the golden armor on his body, revealing a severed sword and a belt with ten cast iron heads hanging from his waist. “You should have heard of me.”

Ding Kuang was stunned, with a look of surprise, “You are the knife holder of the flying bats!”

The first paragraph smiled and said: “Now, make a deal, I will give you the first level of the three-headed dragon, the faceless one, you give me the soul orb, you will get a great credit, and I will complete the The task of your face.”

Ding Kuang said; “Do you know the trace of the Faceless?”

This faceless person is so strange that there is almost no chance to come into contact with the beginning of the paragraph. How could he know it, but the beginning of the paragraph would not say that, otherwise Ding Kuang will join hands with himself. Your Excellency, you have been following the Faceless One of the three-headed dragon star for a long time.”

Ding Kuang said: “I don’t know what you are going to do?”

The first paragraph said: “It’s very simple. For example, today the court is fighting the Faceless Man. The defeat of the Heavenly Court is set, and there is no threat. At this time, the knife holder and the army under the Faceless Man are equally exhausted. You suddenly came out with the army of Yaochi, you will surely be able to kill them by surprise, and I will personally kill the opponent’s knife holder. When the opponent’s knife holder dies, the faceless can only come forward by himself. I cut him. Their army is in chaos, and what is left must be a pile of loose sand. At this time, it is easy to win if you want to win!”

Ding Kuang thought for a moment, and at that time, he could say that he had killed the newly-appearing Faceless One, and then casually pushed the fault of the soul orb to a god.

Furthermore, after defeating the faceless army, there is only one person in this paragraph. I can’t say that I can kill him. In this way, the soul orb and the head of the faceless are my own!

Ding Kuang deliberately asked: “I heard that there is a rule among the Faceless. Infighting cannot borrow the power of other forces. I wonder if this is a taboo?”

The beginning of the paragraph said: “That’s just relative to the faceless. The faceless can’t borrow the power of other forces, but I am not the faceless, I’m just a knife holder.”

Ding Kuang was overjoyed and said: “That’s it, well, your reputation is also heard in the next. Since you have your help, I will lead the army to rush over!”

Heavenly Court Battlefield.

Lu Qingxuan broke the formation, Li Suyi led the army to cover up, Shan Qingfeng was also about to split his catalog, and rushed towards Lu Qingxuan.

Chen Ming estimated that Shan Qingfeng was not the opponent of Lu Qingxuan and Yang Hui, and he was expected to lose. Since he has already won, he should not take care of the rest.

It’s time to try his bold idea.

Chen Ming took off the faceless mask on his face, placed it in the storage ring, and then pretended to have just woken up, and then sat cross-legged on the golden-winged roc bird, looking forward, looking now See if you can grab Shan Qingfeng’s head from these guys.

In the army, Lu Qingxuan has completed his mission, and the battlefield is divided into several pieces by him. At this moment, he is riding his horse towards Shan Qingfeng.

The two met in a chaotic army. Lu Qingxuan raised his hand and Fang Tian painted a halberd to press it. He heard a crash. Shan Qingfeng was hit by Lu Qingxuan three steps backwards and his arms were numb!

Shan Qingfeng suffers from pain. How can Lu Qingxuan have such terrible power? I have never heard of this person before!

Chen Ming is riding a golden-winged big penguin bird, hanging not far or near. As a dog with a head, the most important thing is when his teammates are fighting, the edge is OB Dafa!

At this moment, Chen Ming suddenly heard the two heavenly soldiers next to him say: “This guy riding the Dapeng bird seems to be a sacrificial sacrifice of the barbarians!”

“The sacrificial rites of the barbarians are not strong enough, we will kill him!”

The two heavenly soldiers rushed towards Chen Ming. Chen Ming glanced, **** it, two heavenly immortals, how do you fight this?

If you are entangled by these two guys, then you will be generous and righteous. The wind is cold and the water is cold. The strong man will never return if he goes. If he doesn’t return, he won’t go!

Chen Ming immediately turned the eagle’s head, trying to escape the pursuit of these two gods, but these two gods still chased after him.

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