Master of Untold Daos: There are trees growing on the 754 mountain!, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Master Wandao!

The Dragon Wolf Immortal King rushed into the stone mountain and looked around, where he could find the slightest shadow of Chen Ming.

The Dragon Wolf Fairy King looked around carefully, “What’s the matter, why did it suddenly disappear?”

The Dragon Wolf Immortal King tore the void, the sky was torn apart, but still no shadow of Chen Ming was seen.

“Not in the void, then, where did he go, is it possible that he was beaten to fly ash by my claw?”

What the Dragon Wolf Immortal King didn’t notice was that among the flying rocks smashed by his claw, one of them flew very far, and after rolling to the ground, it was still rolling towards the distant stream. The flying rock fell into the stream and instantly turned into a tortoise, swimming faster than fish in the water.

“Ding, you have triggered the Z+ level plot mission. Kill the king. The prince of the monster dragon bird has decided to kill you. You feel the threat and decide to kill these fairy kings. Reward: 100 million spiritual knowledge, reputation 3000w.”

The black tortoise turned black. When did I decide to kill the fairy king?

And, by the way, when did the immortal master give this demon clan immortal king pain?

The black tortoise swims along the creek into the big river. Then he climbed ashore and re-incarnation of Chen Ming, lying on the beach, “Next time you see the fairy king, you should just run away. For nothing.”

Chen Ming glanced around and made sure that there were no monsters. He jumped into the river again, sat down on his knees on the bottom of the river, and started healing.

It took Chen Ming a full half a day to stay. After eating seven or eight elixir pills, Chen Ming recovered from his injury.

“It seems that when you catch Chilong in the future, you still have to sneak a little bit.”

The dragon wolf fairy king returned to the camp and walked in the camp like a crab. “Today, I have discovered Chen Ming’s whereabouts. I severely wounded him, but this cunning is extremely cunning. He ran away!”

“Now, everyone, go out for me to find Chen Ming’s whereabouts!”

A large number of Da Luo Jinxian flew around, trying their best to find Chen Ming’s whereabouts.

Two big Luo Jinxians searched for three days, but did not find any trace of Chen Ming. The two rested on a large rock, preparing to eat. At this moment, they suddenly saw a cloud in front of them. Fly a big mountain.

Then, this cloud again

It is to lift another mountain into the air.

The two smiled and said: “This is the ancient dragon gate after all, and there are such wonders as clouds that can lift the mountain away!”

“Wow, there seems to be more than that. Look, this cloud swallowed a red dragon. It’s really a wonder!”

“Look, this cloud is going to overturn the mountain again. Could this be the legendary mountain cloud? It is rumored that wherever the mountain cloud is driven, the mountain crosses off. If you want to come, it should be such a wonder .”

“Who knows, in the ghost place of Gengu Longmen, nothing happened. The cacti are all sunk. I don’t think it is strange that the clouds overturn the mountains.”

The two talked for a while, and one of them, Luo Jinxian, came forward and said: “Take me out the photo-taking stone and record a paragraph for me, so that we can brag that we have seen Ganshanyun in the future.”

After this big Luo Jinxian took a pose, he began to record the strange cloud overturning the mountain with the photo-taking stone.

Many monster races have been searching for a full month, but they have not found any scene of Chen Ming at all. Many people say that seeing a cloud driving a mountain is really a wonder.

The Dragon Wolf Immortal King sat in the camp, listening to the discussion outside, “Have you seen the cloud driving the mountain? I said there is a cloud driving the mountain, you still don’t believe it!”

“That flower drove the mountains and clouds, and swallowed the red dragon!”

“It’s really a wonder!”

The dragon and wolf fairy king thinks about it, the more wrong it is. It’s okay to drive the mountains and clouds over the mountains, but why swallow the red dragon? And, why didn’t you see it before, the dragon wolf fairy king suddenly stared and stretched out his hand to shoot On the table in front of me, “Damn it, this is Chen Ming’s servant!”

The Dragon Wolf Immortal King hurriedly walked out of the camp and said furiously: “You bunch of trash, what is driving the mountains and clouds, it is Chen Ming at all, look for me and find him!”

Many big Luo Jinxians were stunned, they all bowed their heads and paused, “This is actually Chen Ming, I have seen it eight times!”

Another day, two big Luo Jinxians flew in the air. In front, a cloud covered a mountain. “Do you see fellow Taoist, does this cloud want to overturn the mountain?”

“It’s very possible. Look at this cloud movement, it’s obviously not right!”

The two flew up into the air and directly broke up the floating cloud. In the distance, Chen Minggang wanted to overturn a large mountain, watching the two big Luo Jinxians in front of him frantically attacking a floating cloud, as if he had seen a kill.

Father and enemy.

Chen Ming sighed: “The enemy is still very cunning. The business is not easy to develop. It seems that we have to change the way.”

“For example, to drive mountains and trees?”

“Forget it, it’s too obvious, it kind of means to treat the enemy as mentally retarded.”

Chen Ming flew away and flew for hundreds of thousands of miles, before finally reaching a vast ocean, “This time I become a river and hide in the sea. I want to see how you are here. Find me out in the vast ocean!”

The Demon Sword Fairy fell in the distance, watching Chen Ming come to the sea, incarnate into a big river and escape into the sea, the Demon Sword Fairy frowned slightly, “It was a fight against the heavens and people, an impassioned, passionate cultivation of immortals. Lu, how come I become peekaboo when I get to you?”

However, the Demon Sword Princess didn’t think anything was wrong. Of course, Chen Ming’s move seemed a bit like a child’s play, but the effect was outstanding!

It can be said that the whereabouts are extremely secretive, which makes people totally puzzled.

In a blink of an eye, another two months have passed. Many big Luo Jinxians have recently begun to find Chen Ming a little annoyed, and even started to become stunned, “You see, fellow Taoists, there are trees on this mountain, I I think this tree is very abnormal!”

“The Taoist friends are right. There are trees growing on the mountain. It is simply a matter of sliding the world. It must have been changed by Chen Ming!”

“There are stones on this mountain, which is very wrong!”

The two of them smashed the mountain completely, looking around, they always felt that Chen Ming was hidden beside them. The two of them dared to do something with a stone. At this time, there was a floating cloud in the sky. Drift by.

“Fellow Dao, look, there is a cloud in the sky, which is really strange!”

“Yes, there is no cloud in the sky, but there is a cloud, which is strange!”

After the two of them shot again and broke the floating cloud into pieces, they did not find any trace of Chen Ming. Then they looked into the distance. In their eyes, another cloud appeared, not enough for a moment. Duoyun was broken by someone.

The two looked at each other, “Wait, I seem to know why there is no cloud in the sky.”

“It seems that maybe it may be that we ourselves fight when we see the cloud, so there is no cloud in all.”

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