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Chen Ming:

Reputation: 308w.


[Master of a Sect] (Due to your unremitting struggle, you finally escaped from the destiny of a senior cannon fodder and became a glorious passerby npc!)

[The Lord of the Stars] (Hey, it’s getting stronger, it seems to be a stronger ant!)

Realm: Transcendence. (The realm does not seem to have much relationship with your strength)

Physique: The prototype of the Immeasurable Dao body (the chain of three thousand avenues, the immeasurable Dao body is small).

Gong method: “Void Treasure” chakra state, “Sun Bible” chakra state, “Lunar Bible” chakra state, “Longevity Sutra” chakra state, “Fire Crow Art” Dzogchen, “Long Xiang Gong “Dzogchen (a total of nine layers), “Nine-Nine Profound Art” Dzogchen (a total of 81 layers), “Dao Jing” Dzogchen (a total of 18 layers), “Broken Jin Gang” Dzogchen, “Shi Wendao “Dzogchen, “The Nine Changes of the Sky and Thunder” Dzogchen, “Bishui Danjing” Dzogchen (a total of nine layers), “Waning Gangfeng” Dzogchen (a total of nine layers), “Yanyang Tiangang” Dzogchen, “Taiwan “Su Ling Coffin” in two volumes (a total of nine volumes)…….. (The remaining nine thousand five hundred and sixty-three exercises, click to expand).

Skills: the first generation of the Baxian Sword, the third stage of fighting the immortal technique, the emperor through the heavens, eight steps to climb the dragon, ten thousand swords to one, Zhoutian star formation, porch sword dance…( There are 13,000 useless spells left, and you probably don’t want to watch it either…….)

The chain of avenues: 0.

In-person disciples: Zhuo Qingyao, Ling Xian, Li Suyi, Chen Lingyu, eight thousand.

Named disciples: Zhang Ming, Li Yang, Chen Ben… (3408 remaining, click to expand)

Teacher’s ethics: 280w.

Spiritual consciousness: 7.8 billion.

Associate Profession: Immortal Alchemy Master, Immortal-level Gua Master, Immortal-level Array Master, Immortal Refining Master.

Halo: [Killing Intent] [Killing King] lv3 [Domination] lv2 [Warrior] [Enlightenment] [Bearing Sunday] [Being willing to help others] [Immeasurable Dao]

Danger index: 80000 (this value does not calculate the attribute restraint) (the default calculation of the penance effect of [Bearing Sunday])

Danger rating: God and demon (you are powerful, only God and demon can describe).

Fate: Time has begun to be confused, the gears of destiny have begun to turn, and you have become the number one in the entire continent. However, more disasters are still in the distant starry sky, as the owner of [Slaying King] lv3 , The expansion of ambition will make you strong, and also inseparable from the master in the dark, you will die at the hands of the uncrowned.

The hazard rating is still the gods and demons, and the hazard refers to

The count came directly to 80,000. Chen Ming estimated that he can still fight with a dangerous index of 100,000. After all, he has the [Emperor and Dao Boundless].

Except for the existence of Tianjiao, the others are all advanced infantry.

My own risk index is so high, Chen Ming estimated that most of it was the cause of the nine-year cicada. After all, this is a weapon that transcends time. This speed increase is too powerful.

Chen Ming immediately said in his heart: “Improve the cultivation base to the chakra state.”

“Ding, you have triggered an advanced task, please defeat a Quansheng Golden Fairy head-on.”

Sure enough, the difficulty of the task is getting harder now.

Same sentence, Heavenly Golden Fairy, good quality and cheap, easy to use, you are worth having!

Chen Ming knew that he could not ascend to the chakra realm, so he wanted to see the difficulty of this advanced task.

But now that my strength has been improved, let’s plan a strategy. This is a tough battle.

Chen Ming found the beginning of the paragraph that was still in Yanshan, and said seriously: “No. 6 has started a war with me, do you have any news here?”

The first paragraph said: “No. 6, I don’t know much, but I know one thing, that is, he definitely hasn’t reached the golden fairy realm, he should be a deity, and there is a high probability that he is a reincarnation. “

Chen Ming said: “So troublesome? Samsara, it’s not easy to kill!”

Chen Ming thought for a moment, then put on the mask of the Faceless Man, and immediately said: “I have a knife, you hold the knife, now I am calling you.”

In the Hall of the Faceless, Chen Ming saw Lu Qingxuan, Yang Hui, the beginning of the paragraph, and the traces of steps appear one by one.

The four knives under his command came together, and Chen Ming said: “No.6 Faceless Man, fight with me.”

Yang Hui said: “Your Excellency the Faceless, I think we can figure it out slowly and figure out a way to trick No.6 out.”

Lu Qingxuan thinks this is a good idea, “As long as I trick him out, I can solve him alone! Under Fang Tian’s painting of a halberd, I will never leave a living!”

Bu Liuhen also said: “Yes, as long as I deceive him out, I can lead the heavenly immortals to kill him, even if it is Jinxian, not like these, I can kill him!”

The beginning of the paragraph said: “Cheat him out, wherever you need to do it, I will be enough! One cut will definitely kill him!”

Chen Ming watched these four idiots discussing **** No.6, frowning and asked: “So, how are you going to trick him out?”

Yang Hui looked around.

Bu Liuhen looked up at the sky.

Lu Qingxuan lowered his head in thought.

The head of the paragraph is dignified.

So you can’t do anything about it, right?

Then your discussion is so happy, so intense?

How did my Master Chen think of these four idiots?

Could it be that I just fell in love with their well-developed limbs?

Said they are simple-minded, probably the worst time they were hacked for their simple-mindedness.

Yang Hui suddenly said: “I don’t know the Faceless One, what are your ideas?”

Bu Liuhen said: “Your Excellency the Faceless Man has a clever calculation. There must be a way to perceive the secret!”

Lu Qingxuan also said: “Yes, I will wait for the Order of the Faceless One, no matter what the order is, I will never hesitate, just go through the waters and fire, wherever I can!”

Chen Ming thought for a moment, how did he trick No.6 out? This is a problem. Faceless people are generally secretive, and no one knows. If the other party does not know, he can find a way to find out a little bit of news and use some things he must personally get as bait. Cheat it out, and then kill him.

But it’s wartime now, the war has already begun, and the number six will only show up in person when his brain is drawn!

The beginning of the paragraph has been inquired for so long, that is, there are some clues, indicating that No. 6 is very good, and besides the beginning of the paragraph, he has a strong control over the other knife holders, and wants to be separated There is no chance for a knife holder.

There are really some tigers gnawing tortoises, there is no way to speak!

An hour has passed…

Two hours have passed…

Three hours have passed…

Chen Ming thinks hard, but still has no idea. No, he doesn’t know anything about the number six. How do you think about it?

No wonder every faceless person is so tight, just finding each other is a problem.

At this moment, the beginning of the paragraph suddenly said: “I have an idea.”

Chen Ming and the four looked at him, and Chen Ming said, “Tell me!”

The beginning of the paragraph immediately said: “It’s over!”

Leave a trace:……

Yang Hui:……

Lu Qingxuan:……

PS: Think twice for the leader, thank you for your support, and take care of you in the future!

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