Master of Untold Daos: Nine hundred and eighty lost books, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Master Wandao!

Outside the city of Zenith, the rebel army of the former Four Kingdoms rebels and the Council of the Uncrowned is the last.

Princess Moon Palace and Number Zero’s son Leng Feng bowed their heads to a woman wearing a black cloak, her whole body hidden in the black cloak.

“Sir, everything is ready, are we now under the pressure of the whole army?”

The woman wearing the black cloak nodded, “Yes, Wei Buchen and Wu Sixuan are the last resistance forces of Dayan now. As long as Wu Sixuan and Wei Buchen, the commanding envoys of the heavens, are killed, Dayan will be a mess of sand. , No one can unite Dayan.”

Leng Feng is still a little worried, “But, what about the other kings?”

The woman in the black cloak sneered, “It’s already at this time. The kings and princes have not appeared yet. Do you think they will really show up?”

“We only need to eliminate the last disturbance, and then we can successfully recover the country!”

Leng Feng finally felt relieved, “In this case, I will go to command the whole army.”

The woman in the black cloak nodded, “Go.”

When Leng Feng left here, beside the woman wearing the cloak, Chen Yu’s voice suddenly sounded, “Sister, yes, this group of scattered sand is actually gathered together by you, and surrounded Wu Sixuan and Wei Buchen.”

The woman wearing the black cloak took off her cloak, rubbed her forehead, “headache, headache terrible.”

Chen Yudao: “Aren’t you doing well now?”

Chen Ling’er put down the cloak in her hand, “I have told her all the defenses of Wei Buchen and Wu Sixuan, but in the end, Wei Buchen and Wu Sixuan were defeated and defeated!”

“The remnants of the Four Kingdoms and the Council of the Uncrowned, are too bad. I want them to experience Wei Buchen and stimulate Wu Sixuan.”

Chen Yu was a little embarrassed when he heard that, “So they are dreaming of success now?”

Chen Linger shook his shoulders. “I secretly ordered to take away the Dragon Crow cavalry. If it weren’t for this, there would be no way to push Wei Buchen and Wu Sixuan into desperation.”

Chen Yu:…….

“Then they are a bit too wasteful, but also, the dragon crow cavalry left by the husband is too easy to deal with them.”

“After all, the husband left it.”

“I leave it to you here. I will look at the two little guys. Now that the husband is in a deep sleep, we must let the two little guys grow up as soon as possible.”

“Where is Lingxian, don’t worry, the eldest sister has passed.”

Chen Ling’er heard that Zhuo Qingyao had gone, so she was completely relieved at this moment, “Well, well, I will find a way to ravage these two little guys.”

“They are not familiar with me, maybe I can play in person.”

Chen Yu wanted to remind Chen Ling’er to pay attention to proportions, but suddenly realized that he was the least proportionate, and immediately swallowed what he wanted to say.

At the head of the Zenith City, Wei Buchen is watching the immortal king who rushes forward. The three thousand Buddha statues An Qingyu gave him emerge in his hand, ready to do it at any time.

After using the three thousand Buddha statues, he was ready to play in person. Although he is only the Daluo Jinxian now, his own practice is special, and he has inherited the mantle of Chen Ming, which is enough to fight the heroic spirits.

At this moment, there was a noise suddenly from the next side. He looked back and saw that it was Wu Sixuan who pushed away the person who blocked him and flew towards the top of the city.

Wu Sixuan flies into the air with big strides, his feet are flowing

Xing, “Brother, why didn’t you tell me?”

Wei Buchen and Wu Sixuan know each other best. For more than a year, if Wu Sixuan hadn’t been protecting him all the time, he would have died in the hands of rebellion.

He knows Wu Sixuan’s temper. If Wu Sixuan knows about it, he will probably fight, regardless of life and death.

This is too dangerous for Wu Sixuan. He doesn’t want this beloved brother Wang to fall here.

“Brother Wang, the situation is critical now, you should go quickly.”

Wu Sixuan shook his head, “We Dayan, there is no older brother walking behind his younger brother. On the battlefield, the older brother must rush first. If he wants to leave, it must be after the older brother breaks!”

Wei Buchen knew that he couldn’t convince Wu Sixuan now. Although Wu Sixuan was stupid, he really felt what his brother was.


Wu Sixuan smiled and patted Wei Buchen on the shoulder, “Today, our brothers are in battle together!”

Wei Buchen laughed, “Okay, brothers are of the same mind, and the profit is cut off!”

Said it’s too late and then, Wu Sixuan has already rushed out, “Wu, that thief, today, our brother is here, if you want to kill, come! I remember the master said a word, this world, wants to kill me There are more people going there, it’s not bad for you guys!”

Leng Feng was behind the army and shouted: “The hatred of subjugation, the hatred of killing the father! Today, I want you to pay for your blood and blood, and give it to me!”

“Go around, kill them, and then you can reproduce the glory of my Council of the Uncrowned and the Four Kingdoms!”

Wei Buchen narrowed his eyes, “Who am I? It turns out that you are a wicked species! I have long heard that Princess Moon Palace and Number Zero have a son. I only found out today that it turned out to be true!”

Leng Feng laughed, “However, you know it is too late. Now in this world, everyone wants to resist you Dayan, you know it is too late!”

Chen Ling’er wore a black cloak, and her body trembled slightly, not many people responded to you at all…

The responses to you are all the remnants of the Four Kingdoms and the remaining inevitables of the Council of the Uncrowned.

If it weren’t for me to help you, you wouldn’t even be able to come here…

The next moment, more than twenty immortal kings rushed to the head of the city and attacked Wei Buchen on the head of the city.

Wei Buchen shook his left hand, and the three thousand Buddha statues descended, and countless Buddhas floated in the air, but in a flash, the Buddha’s light was shining all over the world!

These fairy kings, but they just started to charge, they were suppressed by the Buddha’s light.

Leng Feng looked anxiously, “Charge me, this Buddha light is only capable of killing an immortal king. Today, he is the commander of the heavens and will definitely die!”

Wei Buchen hasn’t started to move yet, but Wu Sixuan has already rushed out. He shocked with one arm and yelled violently, “Yin and Yang are in harmony, the world is in harmony, the sun and the moon are in the same light, arms dance the universe, and Tai Chi!”

The arms flow around, seemingly slow, but in fact they are awesome!

While his arms danced, the stars began to circulate around his arms, turning into a picture of Yin and Yang Tai Chi!

Yin-Yang Tai Chi Tu moved towards the suppression of the immortal king who rushed forward, so that they could no longer move forward.

Wu Sixuan rushed into it, his fist was shaking the sky, as if the whole world was shaking!

The power of Tai Chi shocks the world!

This is the boxing created by Chen Ming for Wu Si Xuan to perfectly integrate the good fortune of the previous two lives. It is most suitable for Wu Si Xuan!

The power of Wu Si Xuan is like a prison, suppressing all the fairy kings around, a fairy king collided with his fist and sword, but the moment he touched it, he was directly hit by a punch

Cracked body!

Wu Sixuan rushed into the crowd, like a **** descending into the world, there is no enemy of his all around!

One punch is to blast a fairy king to vomit blood, and the stars will follow, giving him even more powerful power!

Wu Si Xuan Zeng’s palm is constantly changing, and Chen Ling’er is a little anxious. Is this cold front okay?

If this continues, Leng Feng, these immortal kings, are not enough for Wu Sixuan to fight alone, let alone force Wu Sixuan to realize!

At this moment, Chen Linger looked at the battlefield, half of the twenty-odd immortal kings who rushed past were blasted out of the battlefield by Wu Sixuan!

If this continues, is it possible that you really have to do it yourself?

At this moment, Leng Feng also discovered Wu Sixuan’s bravery and invincibility, and quickly ordered, “Please come out, Master Uncle!”

Since the army, nine dragons took a coffin and flew through the air, heading toward the battlefield.

The nine magic dragons have already possessed the power of the fairy king, so who is pulling in this coffin?

Chen Linger thought for a moment, and suddenly felt a familiar smell, “It turned out to be him, Leng Feng actually invited him out.”

Chen Ming didn’t kill the poor man Ziyu back then, so he was suppressed in an emperor star. He didn’t expect that Leng Feng could invite him.

But that’s right, Leng Feng is Ziyu’s last relative, and it is reasonable for Leng Feng to be able to hire Ziyu.

It’s just that now, Ziyu’s state is a bit wrong.

The black coffin fell on the wall of the Zenith City, knocking a big hole out of the wall, and suddenly a hand blasted the coffin lid from the coffin.

In just a moment, the devilish energy swept the entire world, and the billowing devilish energy surging out, it turned out to be the entire Zenith City!

At this level of demonic energy, the sub-fish has become stronger again. Chen Linger said that it is normal to become stronger, and that it is normal to become stronger.

The question is, why did the subfish become enchanted?

After all, it is the fish that has hindered Chen Ming several times! Can Wei Buchen and Wu Sixuan defeat him?

In the last life, Wu Si Xuan Ke didn’t even have the qualifications to become a Ziyu opponent!

From the devilish coffin, there was a violent shout: “Today is wrong, tomorrow is wrong, what day is good? Since this world has misunderstood my fish every day, then let this world finally misunderstand me Once!”

The first-born double-horned fish, who has been completely enchanted, got up from the coffin with red eyes, “Today, my fish, I just want to die, please make it all!”

At this time, Wei Buchen also knew that the real opponent was coming. This has blocked Master’s son fish several times!

Brother Wang, can he defeat Ziyu?

Everyone’s eyes are on Ziyu’s body. Ziyu was already a great emperor before being enchanted, so what now?

Ziyu flew into the air and landed on the top of the city, with a soft drink: “Zi said: Zi does not talk with strange power!”

A clean place!

A wave of ripples spread, but in a flash, everything around was sealed, and it became like a mortal world.

Now Ziyu has also become an ordinary person. He holds a book in one hand, and slowly stretches out his hand in the direction of Wu Sixuan with the other.

Wu Sixuan suddenly became a mortal, fell from the top of the city, and fell a lot of meat and vegetables on the wall, coughing up a mouthful of blood and looking at Ziyu, “In the realm of mortals, I am born with supernatural power!”

Ziyu throws away the book in his hand, “I won’t let it go anymore. This time, I will do my best. You, there is no next chance!”

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