Master of Untold Daos: Five hundred and thirty **** it, forgot to take that jug of wine!, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Master Wandao!

Countless chains entangled Chen Ming, at least dozens of them. Chen Ming was pulled from the sky by the chains. Chen Ming glanced around. The white-haired ghost has really gone?

Damn, he wants me to die in the hands of these skeletons!

However, I, Master Chen, is so easy to kill.

Chen Ming glanced at these skeletons. They were buried without them. They should be just a pile of loose sand, right?

Then use decapitation tactics!

If I forcefully break through the encirclement, it will not be good, and Huanshengbu will be aware of his intentions. The best way is to let him send it home!

“You are still alive and buried, you are a total waste, there is a kind, you will die!”

The still burial revealed a shadowy color, and cursed: “I am already a dead man. The dead man does not need the glory of a soldier. I no longer need the glory. All I need is the result!”

The endless chains fixed Chen Ming on the ground. Around Chen Ming, countless long spears stabbed at him. He swung his knife and split the spears in front of him one by one. The overbearing force pulled the chains. At the other end, let the feet of more than a dozen skeletons leave a ravine on the ground.

At this time when he was buried alive, I finally knew how powerful Chen Ming was!

Chen Ming closed his eyes and began to communicate with the entire star. Then he opened his eyes, the stars are shining in them, “Wherever I go, the stars shine for me!”

The power comparable to the Jinxian makes him still have the power to swing a knife. Every time he swings a knife, he brings more than a dozen skeletons to fly. Chen Ming’s powerful power brings these skeletons that are chained to him. move!

However, Chen Ming’s power is still limited. One stab could kill three people, but now one stab can only kill one of them!

Chen Ming rushed to the left and right in the chaos, but he did not rush out.

Remains buried and laughed loudly: “You are dead!”

At this time, the white-haired ghost who had already walked away turned his head and looked at Chen Ming who was in the chaos army. His expression suddenly became sad, “If you and I join hands, the world will be ours one day. Hair, the world is invincible.”

“Unfortunately, after the world is invincible, how would I kill you.”

“Moreover, if we have the mind to rely on each other, we can’t guarantee such a strong degree.”

“Help you, this thing hurts Dao’s heart.”

“I don’t need to rely on anyone!”

The gray-haired ghost turned his head and didn’t look again.

The endless chains pulled Chen Ming, and one spear followed by one spear pierced towards him. His sword was very fast, and his strength was comparable to ordinary penance golden immortals, but there were too many enemies. It’s not even a guy who can kill at will.

Okay, okay, Chen Ming is still a stable batch!

What he wants is to kill him by himself!

Only if he doesn’t have any ability to resist, the opponent dares to approach him.

It’s an incomparably high honor to be able to slash monsters like yourself!

“You call a burial for a lifetime, right? Sure enough, people who have died once are extremely afraid of death!”

The burial still roared: “The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. No matter what you say, you must die today!”

A long spear pierced Chen Ming’s back, and the tip of the spear pierced through Chen Ming’s chest, bringing up a bouquet of scarlet blood.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Chen Ming’s mouth, but this injury was of no use to his powerful physical body, it was just a small injury.

Fifteen minutes later, under Chen Ming’s feet, the skeletons piled up into a hill. He stood on the hill and swung his sword. On top of his body, there were twelve spears stuck in his body.

The gray-haired ghost who walked a mile suddenly turned around and cursed himself, “Damn it, and forgot to take the pot of wine with only one bite left!”

The white-haired ghost turned his head and turned into a skeleton soldier again, rushing towards Chen Ming.

Under the endless chain pull, Chen Ming half kneeled on the ground, and the Nine-Year Cicada in his hand also let go and stuck on the bone beside him.

Shenshengbuer rode up to the bone mound and said with a smile: “So, you are dying now.”

Shensheng Buried glanced at Chen Ming, who was covered in blood, and then said: “To be honest, I really didn’t expect that a guy who was so strong would not become a fairy.”

“However, I don’t need to care about these, because of you, I’m going to die!”

Remains buried and rushed towards Chen Ming, the spear in his hand was raised high, carrying the wind and thunder force towards Chen Ming!

Hu Liu pointed out: “Everything is over, he is indeed very strong, but the white-haired guy abandoned him!”

The Elder Moyin said: “If he does not die, what will the barbarians look like?”

The lady boss said: “But he is dead after all. When he is dead, there won’t be so many ifs and buts, if it is.”

What the three of them didn’t notice was that a skeleton quietly opened the lock on their back.

Among the endless skeletons, a skeleton squeezed away the surrounding skeletons and walked towards the group of skeletons with Chen Ming’s right hand tied.

Chen Ming raised his head and looked forward, approaching, the other party approaching, I have to say that Master Chen’s acting skills are really perfect!

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

Yushengbuying rushed towards Chen Ming and shouted angrily: “You killed thousands of my skeleton soldiers, and it is enough to show your strength, you are enough!”

The horseshoe stepped on, crushing pieces of broken bones.

Hu Liuzhi’s eyes showed a pity of watching the hero’s death, “Everything is over.”

The elder Moyin said: “After waiting for so many years, he still won.”

The lady boss suddenly said: “It seems, there is something wrong.”

The skeleton that had been pushing away the surrounding skeletons finally came between the group of skeletons that tied Chen Ming’s right hand, and was still alive riding a fierce horse and rushing to the pile of bones, no more than thirty feet away from Chen Ming.

At this moment, the skeleton became like a white-haired ghost again, his limbs stretched out his daggers, he flew up, jumped through the numerous chains, and the daggers slashed across them, breaking each chain. !

Chen Ming suddenly felt that his right hand was relieved. He glanced over there and his white hair was flying.

Chen Ming raised his head to look at the burial in front of him, his mouth bleeding, he smiled and said: “Tell you a good news, my right hand is free.”

Chen Ming went on to say: “Oh, no, sorry, this is not good news for you!”

Chen Ming stretched out his hand to hold the nine-year cicada that was stuck on the ground next to him. The nine-year cicada danced round and cut off the chains on his body one by one. Chen Ming smiled and said: “You will come back to save me? It really surprised me!”

The gray-haired ghost laughed loudly: “Fart, I just forgot to take that jug of wine!”

Huashengbuying looked at Chen Ming who had completely freed himself from the shackles, and quickly leaped up his horse, trying to stop his figure. There was no skeleton beside him, if he faced it alone. Chen Ming, only one death!

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