Master of Untold Daos Chapter 8: These two old things are good or bad, good or bad, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Master Wandao!

Chen Ming wears a hat and rides on a tiger and watched the dossiers collected by Hu Yiwei about the Hall of Killing: Hall of Killing, a killer organization lurking in the shadows. There are about 3,000 recorded killers. Among them, there are 14 people above the Dao realm, and the main cultivation of the Hall of Killing is in the third realm of the Dao realm, practicing the secret technique of killing, and has hunted and killed more than ten practitioners of the Dao realm, including two in the third realm. The headquarters of the Palace of Killing, Jiang Wangling.

Can get these files, so clear news, not because of anything else, but because there are people from the Regent Palace in the Hall of Killing.

Chen Ming took a look and looked at Wang Meng who was riding on the tiger beside him, “Wang Meng, inform the secret guards in the killing hall, and find a way to get all the hall masters in the killing hall to gather at the headquarters of the killing hall.”

Wang Meng said: “This is a bit difficult.”

Chen Ming smiled and said: “Is there any difficulty? That’s his business. I just want the result, I only ask if I can do it.”

Wang Meng arched his hands: “You can do it.”

Chen Ming nodded and said, “That’s good, and how many more flying tigers I can mobilize now?”

Wang Meng said: “Up to 30,000.”

Chen Ming thought for a while, and then said: “On the grounds of changing defenses, mobilize 3,000 people from each of the ten military towns of the Flying Tiger Army, spread them, and make sure that there are no stalkers and then change into tradesmen. , Gather near King Jiang’s Mausoleum. In addition, pay attention to blocking the news of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Yan. Inform Lao Fang, return to the Royal Regent’s Mansion with great fanfare, and make everyone believe that I am back to the Royal Regent’s Mansion. From now on, all my actions will be the highest Action level, only grandpa and my father have the right to know.”

Hu Yiwei, a spiritual force under the Regent’s Mansion, performs tasks in the dark, and all of them are entering the Taoist state. This time, Chen Ming has already transferred most of the Hu Yiwei, totaling 30 people.

If it’s just a comparison of strengths, then the Hall of Killing has no chance of winning at all. However, Chen Ming’s current task is to destroy the Hall of Killing, and destroying is not defeating. The meaning of destruction is that there will be no remnants of the Hall of Killing. Kill all the main characters in the Hall of Killing, and make sure that the Hall of Killing has no power to make a comeback. Moreover, the higher the task rating, the richer the rewards.

It is not without any reason that the Palace of Killing has been active in the shadow of Yan Kingdom for so many years.

After all these arrangements were made, Chen Ming stepped down from the Tigers. The Tigers are in the Kingdom of Yan, which is simply the symbol of the Regent’s Mansion. They are sent to take these Tiger mounts away. Chen Ming and the thirty Tiger Guards turned into business travellers. Jiang Wangling set off.

The lobby of the Regent Palace.

It is said to be the Regent’s Mansion. In fact, it is no different from the court. Civil servants and generals in the Kingdom of Yan need to go to the court twice. One is to discuss trivial matters in the Royal Palace of Yan and the other is to discuss trivial matters. event.

The power of the old prince who has white temples is clear. Most of the world of Yan Kingdom is already in his hands. His name is Wang Chen, a name that makes no secret of his heart.

At this moment, he received a secret letter, opened the secret letter, and looked at it. There were only two people in the hall of the Regent Palace, and they were the two most powerful people in the Kingdom of Yan, the old prince Chen Wang of the Regent Palace, and the eldest son of the old prince Chen Yuhu, General Zhenguo.

Chen Yuhu is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face. He is wearing a golden robe with nine pythons. He looks at the secret letter in the hands of the old prince, and smiles helplessly. “This little **** is using it again

The secret letter with the highest action level, can this little **** do something with the highest action level? Isn’t it just accepting an apprentice and it’s necessary to pass the whole country, for fear that others will not know it? He also asked Qingshan City to be renamed Qingyao City. I really like him as a female apprentice. I don’t know what the **** was this time with the highest action level! “

The old prince read the secret letter for a while, and his frowned brow suddenly stretched out, “This time it’s business.”

The expression of Chen Yuhu suddenly became serious, “What the **** is this **** doing?”

The old prince said: “According to Minger, the Palace of Killing should be the minions of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Yan, and he has already acted on Minger, and Minger is ready to act on the Hall of Killing.”

Chen Yuhu’s eyes narrowed slightly, like a fierce tiger under test, “No wonder we blocked the income from the Palace of Killing and they can still support it. It turned out that the royal family of Yan Kingdom is transfusing blood. But the Palace of Killing is not so easy to solve. If it were placed on the table for a dignified battle, I would also destroy the ten killing halls. This is a group of burrowing rats. They are out of sight. Therefore, we have never expressed the intention to eliminate the killing halls, because once the grass is scared, there will be no such thing. It’s easy to grasp their movements.”

The old prince nodded, “So, it is not without reason why Minger had adopted an apprentice with great fanfare before. He wanted to blind the eyes of the Hall of Killing. Mingxiu’s plank road darkened Chen Cang, which is really a big game of chess. , Actually started the layout before that, and even we don’t know it, it seems that Minger has grown a little bit lately.”

Chen Yuhu smiled and said: “If you don’t move, it’s just a shock. This kid has been at ease for so long. Who would have thought that he would do it. Now that this little **** has already started to act, we will Come and sing a good show, focus the attention of the Hall of Killing on us, tomorrow will be easy!”

The old prince laughed and said: “After the killing hall is destroyed, the Yan Dynasty imperial family will have another arm. How can this king miss such a good opportunity, come, pass our military order, this king wants to inspect the border! “

Chen Yuhu chuckled, “Father, since you want to patrol the border, then I’m going to turn you back!”

The old prince didn’t care, and said: “Remember to increase the momentum, and by the way, clean up the people who have been placed by the Royal Family of Yan in your army.”

Three days later.

The only son of the regent, Chen Yuhu, took advantage of the old prince’s inspection of the border, and led an army of 100,000 to confront the old prince who quickly returned after receiving the news. The news spread all over the country in an instant.

“Have you heard? The General Zhenguo has turned against the Regent!”

“The power in the hands of the regent is clear now, who will not be tempted, and the son of the regent is still in the grandson of the regent, but not the general, the general will naturally not give up!”

“I’m afraid that these two fathers and sons are fooling around!”

“What is the mystery? There were fights outside the city, and thousands of people died!”

“What? The war has really started. It seems that the general is really going to reverse.”

Yan State Palace.

The emperor of the Yan Kingdom is not easy to do. He is just a puppet emperor of King Chen. As an emperor, the range he can control is the entire palace. As such an emperor, a sad face is almost normal, but it is still Want to laugh with Wang Chen.

But today, the old emperor is very happy because he heard a news.

The old emperor sitting above the throne laughed loudly: “King Chen, you also have today! I have waited for so many years, and finally I have waited until today! He ordered all the secret forces under his command to listen to the news about King Chen and the prison tiger. Intelligence is assembled and ready to be sent. This time, when the two tigers are fighting, there will be one injury, or even both losers. Tongbing’s general placed under Chen Yuhu’s command must let them fight! I will wait to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Li!”

Suddenly a guard walked into the main hall and reported: “Outside the main hall, thirteen court officials have come to ask for summoning!”

The old emperor showed a smile, his eyes flashed brightly, as if seeing the whole world back in his hands, “Quickly declare, I want to discuss important matters with them!”

In an inn in a town near the King Jiang’s Tomb, Chen Ming with a straw hat picked up the mud bowl in his hand and took a sip of tea. Hearing the news on the street that his father had turned against his grandfather, he put down the tea bowl and said lightly:” These two old things are really endless!”

Based on his knowledge of his father and grandfather, would the father oppose? What are you kidding about, how could grandpa not pass his throne to his father because he is such a son. Someone asked whether it was the old man who couldn’t survive the grandfather, so he must seize the position now. There are many such things in history. The crown prince could not survive the emperor and never became the emperor until he died. Where can there be a 60-year-old son in this world, let alone the father is not the son of the son, so when the father’s mind was flooded, he raised the flag high and rebelled?

But grandpa can’t practice cultivation at all. Dad has entered the realm, and his life span is three hundred. How could he not survive grandpa.

At this time, Wang Meng walked in from outside, sat down beside Chen Ming, and whispered: “The news from the secret guards of the Hall of Killing, the Hall of Killing was only used when the name of the hall master was contested. Gathering in the tomb of King Jiang, the name dispute submitted by the dark guards has been approved by the master of the killing hall, and the master of the killing hall has ordered all the branches of the killing hall to rush to the king’s tomb.”

Chen Ming smiled, and said: “It turns out that these two old things have this plan, but aren’t they just a hall of killing? This momentum is too big, and thousands of people have died.” /

Wang Meng said: “The son of the world does not know. The general and the prince are just confronting each other and did not order to go to war. Those who died in the battle did not follow the command of the general and the prince to fight without authorization. These people are afraid of the big The general and the prince can’t fight, I’m afraid they are from the royal family.”

Chen Ming spit, “These two old things have turned the royal family around, and they are so bad at heart!”

Wang Meng laughed and said: “If the royal family were smart, then how could the prince get this step today. However, it seems that there are more than three thousand people in the killing hall. According to the secret guardian report, these three thousand people still have their own forces. At that time, I am afraid that 100,000 people will secretly gather in King Jiang’s Mausoleum. This is probably the hidden power of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom. It is prepared to use the power to defeat the prince and the general after the prince and the general are defeated. According to Wei’s report, in the tomb of King Jiang, he found a tunnel that was used to evacuate the Hall of Killing after being discovered. With our current strength, it may not be an opponent of Hall of Killing. If we mobilize the army, he will definitely be used by the Hall of Killing. People found.”

Chen Ming put down the tea cup in his hand and asked faintly: “One hundred thousand, how many practitioners are among them?”

Wang Meng said: “About three thousand people are all elites in the killing hall.”

Chen Ming put down the tea cup and said: “Go, go back to my room and look at the map.”

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