Master of Great Calamity Chapter 406: Real Lei Fa

   “What is he going to do?”

In   , seeing Fang Yuan’s reaction in the secret realm was all startled.

   Seeing Fang Yuan’s rejection of Jin Hanxue, Fang Yuan felt a strange feeling among the practitioners. Even if he was in a hostile position with him before, now that he actually refused to practice such evil methods, I couldn’t help but feel a little admiration in my heart.

   This kind of admiration is not a kind of recognition. In fact, there are still many people in the spiritual world who put interests first. In their eyes, Fang Yuan is undoubtedly pedantic and ridiculous, but this is pedantic. After all, it was in exchange for my own future…

   In the world of spiritual practice, there are also faintly divided into three levels, upper, middle and lower. According to the truth, the realm of the foundation of heaven is to some extent more common in the upper spiritual world. , Similar to the middle-class forces such as the Jin Family in Tianlai City and the Cui Family in Zhongzhou, there is no way of building foundations in Heaven, but it is already very difficult to see, and only one will appear for decades or more than a hundred years.

   And the Heavenly Dao in the green robe built the foundation, but he was worse than the Jin family and the Cui family. He was a cultivator from the inferior powers, lacking resources and no inheritance, so it was easy to get this How can the achievements of the foundation of heaven be waiting?

   If you change to anyone, you will only grasp it firmly, and will not let go of this opportunity if the sky thunders!

   Can this person in front of you refuse with a single word?

  In countless people’s surprised eyes, it was Mr. Tai Xu who nodded slightly and sighed.

   nodded, seeming to recognize the attitude of young people, and sighed, sighing about his future…

   And the face of the old lady Jin showed a look of disdain and resentment, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Between heaven and earth, there was a moment of silence. After all the thoughts in the heart, all the cultivators inside and outside the secret, looking at the eyes of the green-robed young man, there was only one kind of wonder. At this time, the young man sat cross-legged What are you doing next to Jin Zhu…

  The road to practice is broken, you should consider leaving as soon as possible…



  ”This trip is worthwhile…”

   At this time, Fang Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the low mountain, with Guanshi Sun and Guan Ao helping him protect the law, had only one thought in his mind. He sat cross-legged, and in his heart, the various tactics inspired by the five thunders from the sky, passed through him from beginning to end, every word, every word, every word, and at the end, I remembered What the tenth ancestor of the Jin family told him.

   “It turns out that real Taihua encountered this kind of problem…”

   “It turns out that this kind of problem appears for this reason…”

After    chained back and forth, he sank his heart and began to deduce quickly.

   He couldn’t deduct it before, because he didn’t know where the problem was. He just followed the general habit and found that the sky was led by five thunders, from the first thunder spirit from cultivation to the formation of purple Dan is just an efficient and mysterious process!

   is now deduced as the following moves. If only ten moves are counted, the traps after ten moves are naturally not visible.

   But now it’s different. He already knows where the flaws of the five thunders of Tiangang are!

   When this time comes, I will re-derive it, adjust the previous path of practice, and solve the hidden dangers behind…

   The Jin family thought that Fang Yuan was asking for the last volume of Lei Fa, but Fang Yuan was more concerned about the problem…

   After all, he has the most powerful method of deduction in the world… the art of heavenly growth!

  As his thoughts revolved, countless thoughts appeared in his heart, passing by in a flash…

  ”If after the formation of alchemy, it bites itself back and the source of the Tao is unstable, it should be that the elixir is too high, but the foundation is insufficient. The more you practice, the more you can’t bear the pressure of your own alchemy, which will eventually lead to a cultivation base. , Like a castle in the sky, collapsed instantly…”

  ”The evil method of the Jin family actually wiped out the edge of this thunder method…”

  ” But in this way, the stamina will inevitably be insufficient, and it seems to have formed a purple pill, but in fact, on the road of spiritual practice in the future, it will become more and more weak, just like the old king, the world People say that she worked hard for the heavens to come to the city, so that her practice was distracted. When she finally stepped out of the threshold of Yuan Ying, she fell off the road to becoming immortal, but in fact, it was simply because she used the evil method to consolidate alchemy. , She had already frustrated Lei Fa’s edge, so she was destined to be impossible to go on the road to becoming a fairy…”

  ”And I, if I want to solve this problem, I can only think about more…”

  ”If you want to form a purple pill, you must not defeat its edge, but also worry that it will be too sharp and hurt yourself…”

  ”This is just…”

   “…it’s too easy!”

   The thoughts in his heart soon became extremely clear, and Fang Yuan’s attention was focused on the last volume of Tiangang Five Thunders.

  ”I have deduced this before. There is no problem with this volume of thunder method, forming a purple pill, but the vision is still short, and the cultivation base is not enough. It is impossible to deduce a longer-term path, but people who pass the Jin family Experience, you know what the road is behind, and you can prepare in advance. The only way to solve this problem is to make all the preparations in advance when you build the foundation…”

   He sat cross-legged, but he soon had an idea…

  ”Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue…”

   Now in the battle in the Jin family secret realm, he wants to use this to force the Jin family to bow and give him thunder magic. Another point is that it is not because he is sharpening his cultivation base. After all, before coming to the Jin family , The strange dream he had about the South China Sea was really terrifying. The magic seed Lu Xinyao he met in Wu Chi State also gave him a great pressure and made him want to improve himself…

   is faster, but it can only improve yourself more steadily!

   After this battle, not only did he have a more mysterious understanding of the five thunders of Tiangang, but also discovered some potential in his own cultivation that has not yet been tapped. For example, he has put aside the cultivation of Xuanhuang. One Qi Jue is one of them…

  ”Really speaking of the rank of my practice, the Tiangang Five Thunders is actually a line higher than the Xuanhuang Yiqi Art, but it is necessary to talk about the strong foundation, the deep potential, and the thick accumulation. Tiangang Five Lei Yin, I’m afraid he might not be able to beat Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue!”

  ”On the one hand, my potential has never been exhausted, on the other hand, the Thunder Lake in my body cannot withstand such a consumption…”

  ”The problem is simple, you don’t even need to use the art of heaven, you can figure it out…”

  ”…I should continue my practice of Xuan Huang Yi Qi Jue again!”

   all kinds of thoughts flashed quickly, and Fang Yuan suddenly lifted it up.

   At this time, there are countless people watching whether he is inside or outside the secret. I don’t know what he wants to do while sitting there. Many people think that he was hit by this incident, and he is working calmly and warmly. Cultivate Dao Xin, so as not to be affected by this incident…

   But what they didn’t expect was that Fang Yuan was suddenly full of inspiration.

   Above his head, a green and misty breath suddenly appeared, rushing straight towards Jiuxiao.

   At the same time, Fang Yuan’s body was around, and suddenly, the Suzaku, the green carp, the undead willow, the toad, and the four thunder spirits appeared at the same time, surrounding this ray of blue aura, and at the same time exhaling all the powerful rays of thunder and lightning. Help that clean energy refine…

   Then, the blue aura gradually changed, and faint electric lights began to appear.

   It feels like a ray of blue, which can cover everything.


   The blue aura scattered down, wrapping Fang Yuan inside!

   After a long time, Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and there was a faint flow of thunder in his eyes…

  His qi machine has undergone earth-shaking changes, even leading to changes in the surrounding sky!

   is like, he will be expelled from this world at any time!

  At this moment, Fang Yuan opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

  He cultivated the fifth thunder spirit…

   Tiangang five thunder leads, originally there were only four thunder spirits, and then the pill formation.

   But in this process, he cultivated one more Thunder Spirit, which is the Xuanhuang Yiqi Art…

   He cultivated a mysterious yellow aura into a thunder spirit!

   The four great thunder spirits, gold, wood, water, and fire, the only remaining soil attribute, was originally used for pill formation, and the soil phase, when it is bigger, can be a mountain, it can be the earth, among the five elements, The power of soil travel is originally the most profound and strongest power…

   The five thunders in the sky are the last refinement, and when it gets bigger, it is the power of the earth!

   and Fang Yuan directly refines Xuanhuang!

  Xuanhuang in one breath is heaven and earth!

   This is simply the original Tiangang Five Thunders that I can’t even think about…

   Even Fang Yuan didn’t realize that these two techniques are so compatible. From the perspective of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, he has found a way to increase the rank of this technique. For Tiangang Five Thunders , It has truly reached Consummation…

   And this perfection, even far surpasses the perfection realm that the previous Tiangang Wu Lei Yin can reach!




  ”He actually pushed his own body cultivation forward one step forward. Now he is half a step in the golden core realm. Now he is in the secret realm, so he cannot really condense the core, but his cultivation has reached this point. To a certain degree, as long as you leave the secret realm, it will immediately resonate between the world and the earth, forming a golden pill. However, when he has formed a golden pill, it is clearly a dead end. Why do you do this?”

   Inside and outside of the secret, I don’t know how many people saw this scene, and their mouths couldn’t close in shock.

   It is impossible for them to see the mystery of Fang Yuan’s technique at this time, but they can make a rough judgment…

   But this judgment makes them extremely puzzled…

   Even Mr. Tai Xu, at this time, was full of puzzlement.

   It’s Mrs. Jin, who is also a little puzzled, but suddenly he is slightly startled, as if he has found something.

   Then, her eyes looked like a ghost…

  ”You…you will damage your Daoyuan if you do this…”

   Within the secret realm, Jin Hanxue finally couldn’t help but yelled out, her eyes full of puzzlement.


   When    heard her, Fang Yuan stood up slowly, his energy flowed, drew the clouds of all directions, and then he looked at the surrounding Jin Hanxue, Fairy Liuqing, and the people of the Jin family, and all the practitioners in surprise and wonder. His eyes slowly laughed.

   “Do you look at me as if Daoyuan was hurt?”

   Hearing these words, everyone was in a daze, suffocating.

  According to what the tenth ancestor of the Jin family said just now, Fang Yuan should have begun to be unable to control the edge of the sky and five thunders at this time, and he has begun to counteract himself, even if it is only a half-step pill formation, this The harm is not obvious yet, but the discordance of the Qi machine in his body must be seen. But now what they see is just the opposite. Fang Yuan Qi machine blends together ~ Dragon and Tiger are all together, Dao Yuan is not only unharmed, but becoming more vigorous. This is clearly giving feedback to itself with thunder and more. The appearance of a floor…

   “No…you are not right…”

   The tenth ancestor of the Jin family, her eyes widened, she couldn’t believe the original look in front of her eyes, but she didn’t know where the problem was, just said: “It shouldn’t be like this, Lei Fa cultivation has reached this point, it shouldn’t be like this…”

  ”The practice of Tiangang Five Leiyin should be like this!”

   Fang Yuan met the incomprehensible gazes from all parties, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then he had caress, and smiled lightly: “I didn’t tell you something. Actually, Taihua has been sitting on a barren mountain for more than a hundred years. , I have realized the real last volume of Thunder!”

   “It’s a pity that at that time he was already exhausted, and he didn’t have enough power to return to heaven. Therefore, he passed this method to me!”

  ”When I came to Tianlaicheng, I also wanted to confirm whether this method was right or wrong, but unfortunately, the Jin family never gave me this opportunity!”

   Having said that, he suddenly smiled and said: “Then you guys, will I give you another chance for the Jin family?”

   When he said this, he raised his head and looked at the bronze mirror in the sky.

   And his gaze, through the bronze mirror, saw the face of Old Taijun Jin…


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