Marvel’s Princess: Remarks at the end of this book


The next thing is beyond the invasion of the gods, the disciples, the talisman, Adam ascending to the throne, and Thanos going to get the heart of the universe. These have already been written in Daisy’s book, and I don’t think there is any need to repeat them.

Let Bella end up in the position of the creator god, retain her humanity, and be almost omniscient and omnipotent. This was my original intention when I opened the book.

I didn’t think it before, but now that I think about it, omniscience and omnipotence are really terrifying. Is there any humanity left in that realm?

In this book and the previous one, I often satirized the old mage Merlin as my imaginary enemy. In fact, in my opinion, as a human being, Merlin has reached the extreme. No one should surpass him. Anyone who can surpass him will definitely Not human either.

Bella is probably at this level, which I think is the most appropriate.

In the future, Adam will go to court, Morgan will inherit Merlin’s career, Bella will continue to fish in the position of Annihilation, and the rebel trio will finally return to the right path, and the story will be complete.

After talking about the plot, let’s talk some gossip. You can read it or not. Anyway, this chapter is free.

There are too many regrets about this book Bella. I was given a stick at the beginning, which made me cut off a lot of copies related to fairy tales.

Actually, I have no interest in Disney fairy tales at all. In Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson, the male and female protagonists sang and danced while talking. I couldn’t appreciate it at all. Yes, I had to bite the bullet and read it.

Unfortunately, after reading it for a long time, it was useless. The plan was disrupted, and I was very tired when writing it. I need to rethink and master the overall rhythm.

As I go on, I often forget movies. Which ones do I forget specifically? I can’t count. The most recent one is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The original plan was to reunite them and go to the Symbiote Universe. When New York was empty, the Bigfoot gang came out to cause chaos. Later, they were defeated by Spider-Man and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a result, I was in a bad state of writing during those days. It’s so bad that it’s common to sit in front of the computer in a daze for half an hour, writing and then forgetting.

Many readers think that online writers should write better and better. They often say, “The author of so-and-so is so bad at writing, it is not as good as the last one, and there is no improvement at all.” Actually, from my personal point of view, That’s really not the case. Code writing 365 days a year is more painful than any 996 or 007. There is no time to recharge and study. Everyone writes papers based on accumulation. If you have a deep accumulation, you can write two more Years of accumulation are not enough, for example, I am about to lose my life.

This time I have to rest for two days. I have almost finished the idea for the new book. I still need to discuss the subject matter with the editor. I estimate that I will meet you in mid-September. After all, there is Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day at the end of September. Everyone is on holiday, maybe more people will read? Of course, if I don’t adjust well, I’ll see you after the National Day holiday!

Finally, Marvel’s Shang-Chi is really disgusting! Don’t go and see it! Even if it’s Movie Paradise or Piaohua Movie, don’t go to see it, it’s a waste of time! Marvel was finished after Avengers 4.

See you next month, everyone!



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