Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1296: The God of Creation (Finale)


Bella looked at eternity, infinity and death. She knew very well the intentions of these creation gods: “Annihilation has been completely disconnected from the multiverse. In other words, the multiverse is now missing an important link. Do you want me to take Annihilation’s place?”

Infinite said: “Yes, the universe will eventually return to nothingness. That position will be vacant for a long time, and the multiverse will lose its existing structure and order.”

Bella asked in return: “There is no annihilation in the multiverse. This is a good thing for you and eternity. You can go on like this forever, can’t you? The universe will return to nothingness. This is annihilation entering the heart of the universe. The heart of the universe has transmitted this information to the entire multiverse. In fact, after so many era changes, has our multiverse really become nothing? No, so you don’t need to worry about this. ”

Eternal said: “What you said may be right or wrong, but that doesn’t matter.”

This is not important, so what is important? Bella frowned slightly, waiting for his next words.

“The paths between us and Annihilation are connected to each other and are inseparable. Regardless of whether he is here or not, and whether his ideas are correct or not, we all need Annihilation to fill in the foundation of reality. Without new additions, the missing parts will continue to expand. , when this damage breaks through a certain node, we must carry out a new round of restarting the multiverse.”

Bella really hadn’t thought about this question. She lowered her head and thought about it repeatedly.

Even if she is very close to omniscience and omnipotence, even if she controls the heart of the universe, she cannot change their path forever.

“So you want me to take the place of Annihilation and be the creator **** with you. If I don’t agree, then you have to restart the multiverse? Do I understand this correctly?”

Eternity puts it bluntly: “Yes, it all depends on what you think.”

“It’s really ironic. It depends on my thoughts?” Bella felt speechless. Annihilation was powerful before, and she is also powerful now. Annihilation has transcendent power in her body. She also has transcendent power now. Annihilation controls the heart of the universe. , she now also controls the heart of the universe, which seems to be different, but actually it doesn’t look like much has changed.

“Let me think about it.” She thought about it for seven days.

She also communicated with the Heart of the Universe along the way, but the knowledge contained within this thing was so extensive and profound that it would be impossible to truly understand its secrets without thousands or tens of thousands of years.

She can kill them all now, but what’s the point? If Eternity dies, the multiverse will restart immediately.

Seemingly seeing her embarrassment, Eternity said again: “Madam, you need to have a position in the multiverse. If you don’t really enter the multiverse, you won’t be able to fully see the truth in it.”

Bella admitted that this made sense. She really needed hundreds or thousands of years of accumulation before she could have the accumulation to take a step forward.

After thinking for a long time, Bella finally agreed to the invitation. For eternity, they need a cosmic **** to fill the path left by annihilation. This choice has very little room for choice. Basically, Bella, Morgan and Adam, they Choose from the rebel trio.

Adam’s future is still the Tribunal of Life. This is a decision made by a higher level of will. No one can shake it. The only remaining candidates are Bella and Morgan.

Morgan is still inferior to Eternity and the others, and is not in line with the current situation of Annihilation suppressing the other creation gods. This does not mean that Eternity and the others are cheap and feel uncomfortable when no one suppresses them, but it is determined by objective circumstances.

The road has been widened by Annihilation. If latecomers cannot occupy those territories, the multiverse will still not be able to restore balance.

After much calculation, the candidate has already been decided.

Bella actually has another option, which is to replace the Tribunal of Life. She occupies the position of the Tribunal, and then lets the Tribunal act as the creator spirit and occupy the path vacated by annihilation. This can be done in theory. However, she was really worried about the position in the court. She would die in the wilderness of the Life Tribunal at every turn. How sick was she to give up on retirement and annihilation to become the Life Tribunal?

Bella does not want the title of annihilation. She is still Twilight. This thing is just a name. It doesn’t matter what it is called. Her essence is still the path of annihilation. At most, it is for people or things to have a final bloom before the end. All beautiful opportunities, in other words, you can choose a beautiful way to die, should be destroyed or destroyed!

She is the daughter of Annihilation, and she has fought with Annihilation for three years. She is very familiar with the opponent’s tricks and routines, and can easily occupy the blank space in reality after Annihilation left. Her figure spans the past, present and future, throughout From beginning to end, the timeline connects countless nodes in the real space, becoming the creation **** juxtaposed with eternity, infinity, and death.

The new F4 combination is still known as the five creation gods!

What do you usually do with Annihilation? Nothing happened. Bella got a job where she was paid and didn’t have to work. She could still hang out in her own parallel universe and find time to study the heart of the universe.

Eternal and others don’t want Bella to meddle in other people’s business. The more Buddhist, the better. You will stay in your own parallel universe and won’t come out for billions of years. This is good for everyone.

The Creation Gods have maintained their status. Because of Bella’s previous confrontation with the Tribunal of Life, they have also benefited from the rising tide, that is, they can use someone’s tiger skin to pull the banner. The Court of Life has no control over them.

“Okay, you can do your own research. Don’t disturb me when nothing happens. When something happens…it’s best not to come to me when something happens. My energy is too strong. Once I take action, I will definitely attack you.” The multiverse does harm ”

Bella waved her hands and was about to leave. The Lord of Chaos suddenly appeared in front of the gods. His face was full of urgency: “Dear creation gods, the biggest crisis in the multiverse has appeared! Thanos observed that ten breaths ago , a big hole has been punched through the outer barrier of our multiverse! Life forms from outside will invade at any time!”

Bella paused, surpassing the gods very quickly! At the beginning of the time travel, she was extremely afraid of transcending the gods, but now she has no fear at all.

Not only was she not afraid, but her blood was boiling. She no longer struggled with the words ‘don’t come to her if you have anything to do’, and said with excitement.

“Great, let me tell you, no one understands these extraterrestrial life forms better than me. They call themselves transcendent gods, but they are actually bragging. They are still far from transcending everything! Don’t worry, as long as Let me lead everyone and arrange them according to the Pingrong and Ten Thousand Formations that I have recently researched. If we surpass the Gods, we will surely die as many as we come, hahahaha——”

Bella akimbo, ecstatic, her military skills are finally put to use!

(Complete book)


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