Magic Chef of Ice and Fire: Introduction

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() Thank you very much for your continued support for Xiaosan. When you open this new book, Xiaosan wants to write a set of novels with the protagonist pure Magic. Of course, it ’s a weird combination of Magic.Magic and culinary arts. I hope you like it. Let’s collect it first. When the airspeed VIP is completely over, the book will begin to update. It is tentatively scheduled for August 1. This book will definitely write new ideas. Everyone will continue to support Primary 3. Whether the public or future VIPs will start from 8. Starting on January 1, at least two chapters are updated every day.

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The mist is misty, and the Ru Yan is floating like a mist. With a clear breeze coming slowly, it brings a bit of humid breath to the top of the mountain.

Fog over the clouds, revealing the bare top of the mountain. At the center of the mountain, a tall Fatty was sitting on the ground, chewing on his mouth, “Hey, I have eaten the last chicken leg, how come that guy hasn’t come yet, this is not deliberately hanging my appetite, wanting to eat him A big meal is really not easy. Going to heavens! Why not let him be a woman, if so, I will marry her as my wife even if I fight hard, let her comfort my stomach every day. ” Fatty rubbed oneself‘s stomach with big greasy hands, and his face was full of sighs, but the color of sighs appeared on his fat face, so funny.

Fatty, you’re dreaming again in the day. Do you think I can’t beat you this time? As long as I win, you have to return me Feng Nu.” The low voice sounded like from Nine Nether.

The brilliant light of seven o’clock came, and the sound of ding rang softly, falling in front of Fatty at the same time as the Big Dipper. It was seven knives, but only the handle was exposed. The end of each knife was embed(ed) is a bright gemstone(s) with different shapes and different colors. The seven colors of blue, red, green, yellow, silver, white, and black shine brightly, and suddenly the mountain top is covered with a layer of light.

This is not an ordinary treasure, but a special enchantment that incorporates Seven Type Magic elements. Unless the caster is willing or the Seven Colors gemstone(s) that drives the enchantment is completely destroyed, no one can move these seven knives. .

Fatty clapped and smiled and said: “Okay, okay, the babies are here. Use the baby boy, you also come out. Hurry and let me see what new gadgets you have, if you beat me , I will return you Feng Nu, otherwise, old rules, give me a full set of Seven Elements Great Meal. “

“Huh, Fatty, you must be careful. This time, I am afraid that you will not only eat Seven Elements Great Meal, but also lose your life here.” In the cloud, a figure wearing a gray clothed cloth walked slowly, it was a It looks like a young man in his twenties, with long blond hair scattered behind his back. His handsome face, envious of a woman, is covered with a layer of icy aura of lightly (Dan Dan), and the clear blue eyes like the lake water gaze calmly at the front He didn’t look at Fatty, his eyes fell on the seven gemstone(s) shining brilliantly, as if that was all his life.

Fatty smiled and said: “It depends on your ability. You must know that Fatty is desperate to eat, but the so-called shredded pork was valuable, the price of the piece of meat is higher, if there are large pieces of meat, both You can throw it away. Come on, come on, the oil and water in my stomach is probably enough to play with you for the last time. “

The blond young man sighed, “Fatty, why are you so embarrassed with me? You pay me Feng Nu, big deal, I will give you Seven Elements Great Meal for the last month. If you do n’t let me see Feng Nu, today I Even if you desperately use the life Magic, you must stay here. “

Fatty squeezed oneself‘s full-jaw chin and said, “That’s not okay. If you don’t have the sustenance in your heart, the taste of the resulting product will be worse. I have tasted the best and you will let me How can I eat 1st Rank? To be honest, your kid ’s talent is the best I have ever seen. Magic practiced your realm, I really admire Fatty! “

The young man smiled bitterly: “You do n’t know, I practice Magic, not to make an Magician(s), but to make more delicious dishes. Besides, I can only use 8th Rank Magic at most. “

Fatty shook his head and said, “It ’s different. Although you can only use 8th Rank Magic, the control and understanding of Magic is beyond those of the so-called Magister(s). Ask, who can do Fire and Ice Fusion, And use the power of Fire and Ice Fusion to induce the origin of other Magic Element(s) to drive the other five Magic Element(s) Wind, Earth, Space, Light, and Dark? Although it is only auxiliary, but you are the first Omni-System Magician of all continent. Remember that they call you Fire and Ice Magic Chef, indeed, your power lies in Ice and Fire , This title is most suitable for you. Haha, I have some delicious pulls today. “

Henguang a big magnificence burst, a blonde young man, frowned: “So, we still have to fight.”

Fatty smiled and said: “Of course, of course, I am still waiting to eat your Seven Elements Great Meal. As before, I will give you time to sing a spell and speak. It ’s really good to do some activities before dinner. A lot of fat. “

The eyes of the blond young man changed, and he became very persistent. From beginning to end, his eyes stayed on the seven exposed gemstone(s)s. “We have known each other for a long time. I haven’t introduced you to the guys I ate. They are all my closest friends.”

Fatty curiously said: “Yes! I have n’t heard you say it. This seven knives is stranger than one. You come and listen.”

Blonde young people’s eyes showed a fascinating light, “Ice and Snow Goddess’s SighMorning Dew.” A soft buzzing sound, blue light suddenly release, water element on the top of the mountain was obviously strong.

Flame God’s RoarTrue Sun Knife.” The red is bright.

Freedom Wind’s Gentle HymnProud Sky Knife.” blue light is on.

Earth’s Waking Rythmn——Longevity Knife.” Huang Guangliang.

Fate’s Hexagram of Hundred Transformations——Jade Pearl Knife.” The silver is bright.

Universe’s DawnHoly Brilliance Knife.” White light.

Hell’s Eternal CurseDevil’s Devouring Knife.” Black light.

Seven Colors shines suddenly release, interwoven into brilliant colors like a rainbow. The blond young man smiled and looked at the light of Seven Colors and said, “They are seven Great God blades, and also Magic Staff(s) that condenses seven elements of Ice and Fire and Wind, Earth, Space, Light, and Dark. The most important thing is that they are all my Kitchen Knife.” >

The smile on Fatty ’s face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a dignified color, he clearly felt that this time, the young man ’s breath was significantly different from before, and a layer of lightly (Dan Dan) golden light appeared on him. It is the peak of Dou QiDivine Dou Qi. The upper body leaned forward slightly, and the fat body was wrapped in golden light, which was like a solid heavy sword. Yes, he is the Juggernaut with the highest title of martial artist(s).

The blond young man ’s eyes were bright, his hands were raised, and his slender and dexterous fingers, led by his forearm, quickly painted two hexagram in front of him, one red and one blue. Goddess of ice, please give me the ice of permafrost, the **** of flames! Please give me the flame of Nirvana Phoenix, in my name, the limit of Ice and Fire, merge. “The seven gemstone(s) on seven knives light up at the same time The blue and blue lights entangled, driving the other five colors of light to the blonde young man.

The Seven Colors light wraps around the young man ’s body. Using the red and blue hexagram as a guide, a strange whole-system bond is formed. The young man ’s eyes show a weird smile and say to Fatty: ” Let you try my newly developed stunt Magic, the whole series & # 8226; Shadow Puppet. “


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