Limitless Sword God Chapter 996: No choice

“You are much smarter and more cautious than I thought.”

Kui Yang looked at Su Yun lightly, and the voice gradually faded: “I don’t know who you are, but let me give Exquisite Color to a guy of unknown origin, I will not be at ease, so I decided Reject your request. “

“Will you Exquisite Palace be ready to go to war?” Su Yun said with a sword.

“Can’t fight.”

Kui Yang waved his hand, and several people came out immediately behind the statue of the main hall. They were two disciples of Exquisite Palace, who were holding two women, one was Shen Xuexue and the other was Correct Xiao Luo.

Both of them were cast, and Su Yun could not hear their voices, nor could they feel their Aura.

Seeing the two of them, the pupil of Su Yun suddenly enlarged a few times, and his breathing became quicker.

Kui Yang, you !!!”

“Don’t worry!”

Looking at Kui Yang, he snapped his fingers. The spell covering the whole body disappeared immediately, and the voice of Shen Xuexue came out.

“Yuner, hurry up! They are going to kill you, leave us alone, hurry up! Hurry up!”

Shen Xuexue shouted in tears.

She never thought that would happen.

Su Yun‘s expression became haggard, his face was extremely gloomy, and his voice was cold: “You want to take them hostage, threaten me?”

“It seems impossible?”

“That really disappoints you!” Su Yun clenched his fists, the anger in his voice could hardly be curbed: “If you threaten me with them, I will be killed by you, they witness all this, I do n’t I think they have a life, so you can’t threaten me! “

“So you don’t care if they live or die? Then I will try it !!!”

Kui Yangchen said: “Anyway, there are two people, kill one before you say it! See if you can accept it.”

He pointed to the Xiao Luo over there, and his voice became cold: “Kill her first, destroy the soul, don’t leave traces!”


Lang Jue raised a cruel smile and turned towards Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo is a little pale, but her eyes are very heroic. In the face of her uniqueness, she doesn’t show the slightest fear, and some are left unwilling and determined.

“Stop !!!”


Su Yun over there breathes tightly and can’t hold his breath.

Although the previous sentence was very spicy, that’s just to try Kui Yang. No matter who it is, they can’t accept the pain of their loved ones dying in front of themselves

“What about Oh?? Aren’t you afraid of my threat?”

Kui Yang turned his head and looked at Su Yun.

Su Yun is holding Death Sword tightly, and lowering his head, he said, “What do you want?”

“It’s simple.”

Kui Yang snapped his fingers, a crystal clear array suddenly appeared in the middle of the two.

He pointed to the large array: “Remove all your magic weapons, and then stand in the middle of this large array!”

“Don’t !!!!!!”

When Shen Xuexue over there heard it, his voice was hoarse: “Do n’t do this, Yuner, once you do this, they will kill you !!!”

“But if I don’t do it, you will die. I’m here to save people! If I can’t save my mother, I will be a son of man.” Su Yun gritted his teeth.

“But once you do, you can’t save us, but you will lose your own life !!! You don’t care about us !!!” Xiao Luo also made a noise, her voice was very powerful, as if to warn Su Yun .

“Yes, Yun’er, you must be obedient !!! Don’t do this, now, you immediately leave here and leave here !!! Don’t care about us again!”

Shen Xuexue shouted nervously, her pupils enlarged several times, and the urgency in her eyes was very obvious.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Lang over there saved Immortal Qi and yelled at Su Yun: “Hurry up and remove the magic weapon and step into the battlefield, otherwise I will let their two souls fly away !! “

already is no longer selected.

Su Yun took a deep breath.

Shen Xuexue is still discouraging with hissing exhaustion.

But it is difficult for them to change the mind of Su Yun.

Of course, Su Yun is not without listening to their words. The current situation is particularly complicated, and obediently obeying Kui Yang‘s words really can’t save people, but harms oneself. We need to think of a solution.

By the way, there is no Apex Sword box!

Su Yun A little light shines deep into the fundus.

Graceful Shadow Technique and YinYang Myriad Forms Method are extremely powerful spells. Graceful Shadow Technique can be completely invisible in front of each other, and YinYang Myriad Forms Method can silently drag each other into the spiritual illusion. If these two are launched at the same time, then at a very fast speed Put them into the Apex Sword-free box, and everything can be easily solved.

Qingyu! Qingyu, are you there?”

In a critical moment, Su Yun secretly called out to Sword sheath.

“I know your situation at already, but these two people cultivation are too powerful, I can’t help you.” The voice of Ling Qingyu sounded in Sword sheath immediately.

Want to come, she has long noticed the situation outside.

“You don’t need to help me solve those two people, you just help me drag my mother and aunt into Sword sheath, as long as they enter Sword sheath, then I will be safe!”

Su Yun Shen channel.

With Holy Emperor Battle Gown, these two can’t help him.

“You want them to enter the Sword sheath world? This is okay, but they are now being hijacked. If you act lightly, you will hurt them!”

Ling Qingyu sounds rather anxious.

But Su Yun has no choice.

“Is there any other way to go now?”

Su Yun took a deep breath: “Qingyu, you are ready, I’ll do it right away.”

When I heard Su Yun‘s words, Ling Qingyu froze for a while, and then said in a deep voice, “Well, you need to be careful yourself.”


Su Yun raised his head and looked over there.

Kui Yang and Lang had been impatient for a long time, so Lang Juyi suddenly pushed away the two disciples, grabbed Xiao Luo‘s neck, lifted her whole, and then turned his head and stared at Su Yun: ” Do n’t you hurry up? I will give you five more breaths. If you do n’t want to do what we say, I ’ll cut her neck! ”

Xiao Luo clutched his hand and kept struggling, but her strength was almost negligible for Lang Juyi.

“You let go, I will do it !!!”

Su Yun said in a hurry.

“You just do it, I won’t kill her like this.” Lang Jue said indifferently.

Su Yun looked very nervous. He nodded and took a step towards the large array, but before stepping in, he would release the sword in his hand.

His other fist has been clenched tightly. Aura in his body is also flowing slowly. Although the flow is very slow and hard to be noticed, almost all Auras move.

Only once!

If it fails, Lang Jue will definitely kill Shen Xuexue and Xiao Luo directly!

Must succeed!

Must succeed! !! !!

Su Yun gritted his teeth secretly, and his expression suddenly became squinted. His eyes were full of decisiveness. He raised his head and looked towards Lang, and the clenched hand also stretched towards him.

YinYang Myriad Forms Method !!!”

He’s meditating! Suddenly Aura suddenly broke out

It seems like a flood that is difficult to recover.

“What are you doing?”

The Kui Yang on the other end immediately noticed that he was wrong, and he hurriedly looked at Lang Jueyi, but saw that Lang Jueyi suddenly loosened his hands and rushed at him, and saved Immortal Qi, he was going to cut him Gesture.

“Lang Jueyi, are you crazy?”

Kui Yang hurriedly resisted, but when Lang Jue approached, he was awakened by a thick spiritual spell.


Su Yun is performing magic!

He took a few steps from retreats and looked towards Su Yun. However, Su Yun was long gone, not only that, the entire hall had disappeared, and even Aura could not detect it!

Where did people go?

No matter! Get those two people first! !!

Kui Yang contemplates, looking at Shen Xuexue and Xiao Luo, people hurriedly shouted at the two disciples standing behind: “Catch those two women!”

However, as soon as his words fell, a white light suddenly surged, directly covering Shen Xuexue and Xiao Luo. When the white light disappeared, the two already disappeared. Then look at the two disciples. Blood spilled around the necks of the two.


Kui Yang can hardly believe his eyes.

This weird sight frustrates him.

“Where ?? Where are you?”

Kui Yang shouted.

But at this moment Lang rushed over again. He hurriedly took out the magic weapon and went to the cage. The magic weapon released a circle of silk-like light curtain, which directly entangled Lang Juyi, and then broke apart. The whole body shivered, and everyone was awake. He stared around with wide eyes, only to find that it was Kui Yang that he had been attacking.

“Why Palace Host is you? Wasn’t that the guy originally?” Lang said suddenly.

“Stupid! You hit his illusion!”

Kui Yang growled.

“It is impossible, my spiritual spells are not low, and I will never hit others’ illusions easily.”

Lang Jue gritted his teeth. And this illusion is still so silent that it is invincible.

Lang Juyi and Kui Yang were caught off guard by Su Yun. Both of them were recruited. One was affected by illusion. Kui Yang was treated as Su Yun forcibly grabbing people. Kui Yang was affected by Graceful Shadow Technique and completely lost Su Yun. The trail so much that Ben took the initiative and they immediately became passive.

“Nothing is impossible in this world.”

Su Yun lifted the spell and stood in front of the two.

At this moment, Shen Xuexue and Xiao Luo have no idea where they are. The two big Exquisite Palace disciples already on the ground are dead and cannot die anymore. Su Yun is safe and sound, standing with his sword.

Seeing here, the faces of Lang Juyi and Kui Yang are extremely ugly.

They knew that their plan had failed. They despised the person and didn’t plan it carefully.

I never expected that the absolute advantage before was completely reversed by Su Yun in this instant.

“That’s it, no choice!”

Kui Yang took a breath and raised his hand suddenly, an Immortal Qi broke out in his palm.

In an instant, the entire palace lit up, and a large number of large Exquisite Palace masters rushed into the periphery of the palace. There were nearly a hundred people. They leaked the water around Su Yun, and apart from that, they launched an attack.

“With them, can you kill me?”

Su Yun said faintly, Xuan Er also took off the token around his waist and was ready to initiate a signal.

“They can’t kill you, can I still kill you?”

Kui Yang opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils turned into thousands of stars, and then turned into Heiyu white fish. The mysterious pattern flashed in the depths of Hitomi, which was amazing and wonderful.

Now, his already decided to stop doing it!

Su Yun only felt a heart pumping, and at that moment, a sense of physical and mental exposure swarmed up.

No, this is Great Exquisite Tech­nique!

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