Limitless Sword God Chapter 773: Yanxiaoyunsan

Tai Shangwei squeezed the jade stick tightly, and released the Shen Wuhuang emperor who was chased by Extremely profound air/Qi to the back while running forward.

The direction of his escape is of course the direction of the magic mountain. After all, there are still a lot of Devil Array in the True Demon Sect layout at the cross-border gate. Although these Devil Arrays have little effect on him, they will still have an impact on him and be made for the Shen Wuhuang Emperor. opportunity.

Tai Shangwei is not only superior to Extremely profound air/Qi, but its physical strength is also extremely horrible. It may not be as good as Shen Wuhuang Emperor, but it is extremely difficult to kill him.

It’s just that you can’t kill, but it doesn’t mean you can’t subdue it.

“Da Yao Rong Tian !!!”

Only listening to a roar roared through the sky, and the giant Shen Wuhuang, who was chasing behind him, leapt, and his body suddenly became the size of a normal person, but at this time his body was full of golden light. True Demon World The glory of the dim sky and the earth.

The running-off Taishangwei only saw the disappearance of the magic mountain owl not far from him, and then, a large number of huge gold bricks ten meters wide and five meters wide fell from the sky and quickly landed on his In front of him, quickly formed a golden wall, sealed his way to death.

Tai Shangwei immediately took the jade stick and knocked it over.

However, the indestructible jade stick did not break the gold brick.

Tai Shangwei’s face changed slightly, and he immediately turned and rushed to the right, intending to spare the golden wall.

But as soon as he moved, a large amount of horrible gold bricks fell from the sky, and a thick gold wall was piled around him, trapping his whole child inside a huge wall, only above. Is empty.

He looked up, but saw that the Shen Wuhuang emperor was standing beside the golden wall, and looked at him dismissively.

“Kneel down and surrender! I won’t kill you!” he yelled arrogantly.

“Your foulness and ugliness are beyond my imagination. With my strength, I am afraid that you cannot be sanctioned, but this does not mean that you can always existence, you can continue to defile this supposedly pure and sacred world, rest assured Well, Master will definitely purify you with your own hands, surely! “

Tai Shangwei Shen said, his expression was serious and devout!

“I’ll purify you first!”

Shen Wuhuang The emperor’s violent temper was picked up again by Tai Shangwei. He immediately stepped into the air with his feet and fell into the brick wall with his palm facing down.

The palm expands infinitely, almost covering the upper part of the brick wall. The upper guard has nowhere to run, so he has to fight hard. When the Extremely profound air/Qi is about to be covered, it will be stored in the jade. Stick on both hands, holding the jade .Stick, struck at that huge slap

Clang! !! !! !!

The two men fight again and again, but the result is still not much changed, too the upper back still dominates the downside, and the people are blown to the ground.

Shen Wuhuang The emperor put his palm away and punched it in the chest of Taishangwei. The overbearing power shattered the Supremes Extremely profound air/Qi sheltered by the whole body, and his fists were sturdy in his flesh. on.


Taishangwei curled up, twitched, and spit blood in his mouth immediately.

Shen Wuhuang The emperor took advantage of the potential, with one fist extended, turned into a hand knife, and cut directly to his neck.

With the power of Emperor Shen Wuhuang, it is enough to chop off the neck of this guard.

Oh! !! !! !! !!

At this time, the sound of breaking sound suddenly sounded.

Shen Wuhuang emperor’s face sank, and the hand knife blasting towards Taishangwei was cut directly to the side.


The hand knife seemed to hit something, and a muffled sound was made. The upper guard took the opportunity to counter the Shen Wuhuang emperor.

Shen Wuhuang had no choice but to retreats immediately and avoided it. When he stood still, he found out that there was another person in the brick wall.

Su Liuluo!

“Girl, are you?”

Shen Wuhuang frowned.

However, Su Liuluo did not answer the Shen Wuhuang emperor, her eyes are still full of indifference and calm, looking at the Shen Wuhuang emperor, as if she did not know the person at all.

“Master Taishangwei, please return to Greatest One Sect first, this person, I will drag you.”

“OK !!!”

Taishangwei nodded almost without hesitation, and Xuaner turned and rushed outside the brick wall.

“Want to leave ?? What do you think is this place? Come when you want, leave if you want to leave? Have you asked the emperor?”

Shen Wuhuang Emperor humming again and again, with his hands raised and his arms extended indefinitely, he would grab the airborne guard.

But at this time, Su Liuluo suddenly sacrificed mystery and launched an attack on the Shen Wuhuang emperor.

She is completely in a deadly posture, directly to the palm of the Shen Wuhuang emperor, and face to face with him!

“Smelly girl, are you looking for death?”

Shen Wuhuang Emperor was annoyed, but still had to break up a few times, but just fisted out and banged on Su Liuluo.

After a fierce battle, the Su Liuluo has a slight physical strength. She was hit by this fist wind. Jiao’s body trembled a few times in the air and almost fell, but she still stabilized her body.

Shen Wuhuang can’t help showing a little surprise in his eyes.

Su Liuluo‘s current status, he can still see one or two, but Su Liuluo can catch his own attack, but it is not easy.

Shen Wuhuang The emperor has a bad temper, but she is very talented, not to mention that the girl in front of her is her granddaughter. She does n’t look at the monk’s face and looks at the face of the Buddha. The Shen Wuhuang emperor still has n’t given up, but retreats took a few steps and turned out. A magic weapon, lost in the direction of Su Liuluo.

It was an old silver bell, and the volley became nearly twenty meters high and fell down.

Su Liuluo immediately accumulates mysterious resistance.

The ancient bell is heavy and brute force. Even if she pushes the Supreme Extremely profound air/Qi with all her power, she cannot directly overthrow the ancient bell.

“You’ll wait for me here.”

Shen Wuhuang Huang Dan Road, then leapt forward, rushed out of the BRICS fence, and continued to pursue the upper guard.

With the support of Su Liuluo, Taishangwei quickly fled to the magic mountain. At this moment, there are still some scattered corrections on the end of the magic mountain, waiting for his approach.

The ground is full of traps laid out by the scatterers in advance. When the Taishangwei just approached, the trap exploded and the colorful mystery shot out, which drowned him directly.

“Tai Shangwei, today is your death !!!”

“Sooner or later Greatest One Sect will die !!!”

A few voices of resentment sounded, and then they saw the figure of the scattered repairmen rushing out of the darkness and beheaded one by one towards the upper guard who was devoured by mystery.

Just escaped from the Shen Wuhuang emperor’s tiger claws, and met a group of wolves. It is unfortunate that the upper guard is unlucky, but the fact that Shen Wuhuang emperor can restrain his supreme Extremely profound air/Qi does not mean that these people can also restrain.

Taishangwei snorted secretly, holding the jade stick and waving it, the jade stick was blowing out the terror wind and blowing around. The winds are all supreme Extremely profound air/Qi, they are like a big mouth, biting the profound strength released from the trap array around them.

Surprised around, he immediately raised his blade and blasted past.

But Taishangwei flickered, suddenly appeared behind them, lifted the jade stick and knocked at one of them.


The muffled sound, the body of the person who was struck by the jade stick directly died, and the soul overflowed.

Tai Shangwei turned to jade stick again, the stick bloomed with radiant light, and sucked the dead Sanxiu soul into the stick, the light released by the stick became more intense.

In the blink of an eye, an First Level Spirit Emperor product, existence, was spiked by the Taishangwei. The rest of the casual practitioners saw this. It was more than shock, and the bones were scared.

The power of the defender is too rumored! !!

“Dirty creatures! It is inconvenient to fight with you today, and sooner or later you will all get the sanctions you deserve!”

Tai Shangwei whispered, and without wasting too much time with these people, he rushed across the boundary bridge to the top of the Magic Mountain and rushed towards the Tai Realm.

At present, the Shen Wuhuang emperor is still chasing after him. Once he is entangled by the Shen Wuhuang emperor, then he can’t go.

With the supreme Extremely profound air/Qi, Tai Shangwei rushed into the magic mountain easily.

Stepped on the cross-border teleportation bridge, the whole person turned into a light and disappeared.

When the halo dissipates, people open their eyes again. The surrounding scene is no longer the dim and cold scene of True Demon World, but a vast universe. The place where Tai Shangwei is located is too far away. There is a small meteorite on the gate for a whole 10,000 miles. This stone is not large, and it is about the size of a city. At first, the True Demon Sect people planned to build a cross-boundary bridge here. After the war with Greatest One Sect, they dispatched a force to detour from the rear to make a surprise attack. The pinch attack disturbs the square inches of Greatest One Sect people and achieves the purpose of surprising victory.

However, due to the betrayal of the Three-Bone Dragon, the True Demon Sect method failed before implementation, and it was not only a failure. The Greatest One Sect people also used this ‘back door’ to counterattack the True Demon Sect. Unfortunately, world events are unpredictable. This was a battle in the hands of the winner, but it was yellowed by Valiant Emperor Palace.

There are True Demon Sect troops and Valiant Emperor Palace people, this time with the top defender to the Greatest One Sect of True Demon Sect, I am afraid that they will not be able to return a few.

But the top defender is not distressed. Since Valiant Emperor Palace already has shot, then it means that Greatest One Sect has an excuse for starting Valiant Emperor Palace in the future.

With True Demon Sect removed, the next one is Valiant Emperor Palace!

Tai Shangwei thought coldly, drove all the speed, and rushed towards the gate of Taiyi Realm.

Too close to the gate, the top defender can’t help slowing down.

He looked up at the huge and unmatched door, like a fairy-made gate, and finally a look of mischief appeared on his face.

The door is slightly open, the inside is dark, there is no light overflowing, and there is no one outside the door

None of the members of Greatest One Sect.

What happened?

Tai Shangwei was shocked and rushed into the door.

However, when people just start, they seem to fall into a dark abyss without any light.

Tai Shangwei was shocked, his eyes widened. He looked left and right, but couldn’t see any old scenes.

Not only people, but even things have changed, even the glittering ones have become a dark and cold now!

The existence is completely gone! !!


At this moment, a sound of breaking sounds.

Tai Shangwei hurriedly looked up, but only saw, in the darkness, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared, and now he looked at himself coldly.

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