Limitless Sword God Chapter 465: 50 million

Hearing Huairou Muyu‘s words, Su Yun‘s head was foggy: “Why? Isn’t this powerful killing magic weapon for revenge?”

“Maybe not.” Huairou Muyu said lightly: “According to my secret investigation, Ye Moxian has not let people investigate the power that destroyed him in recent years. Instead, it began to collect some information about our Huairou chamber of commerce, and I secretly visited many other chambers of commerce Su Yun. If you want to use this magic weapon to get revenge, what would you choose to do? “

“Maybe I will try to communicate with you first. After all, this magic weapon is yours. If you want to borrow it, then everything will be easy to say.”

“Yes.” Huairou Muyu nodded: “Although I am a businessman, I don’t care about myself. If he is really for revenge, why not give him this magic weapon? But he never consulted with me, but instead It was secretly trying to get this thing, so I guess he should have other unspeakable purposes !!! “

“What are you going to do?”

“After ten days, you have finished the battle with the sword, then try to test the Ye Moxian.”

Huairou Muyu sighed softly, a small face with an elusive look.

“Let it be, don’t think too much, maybe Ye Moxian is not bad.” Su Yun laughed. He can see that Huairou Muyu does not want Ye Moxian to have a heart. Although she does not like this person, in the final analysis, he is always the son of his father’s son and his father’s brother.

“Stop talking about him!”

Huairou Muyu looked at Su Yun gently, and asked, “How’s your black coin absorbed?”

“Very good.”

Su Yun couldn’t help laughing: “But in one day, I actually absorbed nearly five million mysterious coins. The efficiency of your magic weapon is too amazing. If you change it as usual, it takes at least seven or eight days to get it Now! “

After listening to Huairou Muyu, bow your head and thought for a while, and whispered, “Five million yuan a day is still too slow.”

“Slow? As long as it takes six days to absorb all the mysterious coins and four days for me to consolidate, how can this be slow?”

Su Yun is puzzled.

But at this time, Huairou Muyu suddenly found a black coin card and handed it to Su Yun.

“If it only absorbs 30 million yuan of coins, it is indeed enough, but there are still 20 million yuan. If you calculate at this rate, there will be no time to consolidate the cultivation you absorbed. Must speed up “

When Su Yun heard it, he was shocked: “There are still 20 million? Mu Yu, you”

“This is just a little bit of my mind.” Huairou Muyu turned it slightly, his expression remained unchanged, and his tender and delicate cheeks reflected a little halo: “Swordstone cultivation is powerful, has the power of Sixth Level Spirit Master products, and is a faction Lord, I do n’t know how many hole cards you have. Although you have 30 million mysterious coins to absorb and can quickly increase cultivation, it is still difficult to be a rival of the sword. I dealt with the Chamber of Commerce in the past very busy. After that, it will be stored. I do n’t need these 20 million mysterious coins, so you take them together and absorb them. In this way, you can have more chances to deal with the sword. Do n’t reject it. If you feel ashamed, you will return it later. I can do it. “

Su Yun is justified when I hear it. The beauty is so kind. If she refuses again, she will be a little contrived, not to mention that these things are really needed now.

“In this case, Mu Yu, thank you very much, but now, there are 45 million black coins, and there are only nine days left. Even if you rely on these magic weapons to help me, I can’t absorb them all. . “

Su Yun smiled bitterly.

“Relax, I can do it.”

Huairou Muyu said while walking towards Shishi.

Su Yun is full of puzzles, but sees that Huairou Muyu enters the stone room, takes out a plain yellow scroll, spreads it out, picks up the black cushion, spreads the scroll on the ground, then puts the cushion down, and the delicate white hand presses In the center of the cushion, started eyes closed reading, urging profound strength.

Sisi ’s magical profound strength overflows and pours down the plain yellow scroll through the cushion.

There are characters like scrolls on the scroll. When profound strength enters, the characters immediately overflow the brilliance, which is very good-looking, and the mysterious meaning of unclear way is overflowing from the inside.

“I went to the Chamber of Commerce in the morning and thought of this scroll. It was sent by a friend of my father many years ago and was placed in the treasure house of the Chamber of Commerce. I brought it here and it just came in handy. It can be temporarily expanded. The human Spirit Essence and the strong hardness of the gas veins make it more able to draw black coins. This scroll is very rare, and only the private scroll masters of some big names and large consortiums can make it. “

Huairou Muyu said while activating the scroll.

Su Yun Suddenly, no wonder Mu Yu will prepare another 20 million mysterious coins, and her feelings are ready for already.

But at this moment, suddenly, a slight ‘click’ sound suddenly sounded from the scroll. Immediately afterwards, all the glowing puppet characters on the scroll dimmed, like a machine that gradually stopped spinning and slowly calmed down.

Huairou Muyu looked at the scroll with a frown, and she looked dignified. She tried to activate the scroll by energizing it again, and the mysterious gas overflowed, and the scroll quickly turned on again, but after a while, these rays faded again.

She removed the cushion and examined it carefully. After a while, the weight on the face of Huairou Muyu was gradually replaced by anxiety.

“What’s wrong?”

Su Yun asked.


Huairou Muyu sighed.

“This scroll?”

“Well. The work of this scroll is very delicate, and it can’t be stored for a long time. The very important characters already are gasified.”

“That being the case, let’s forget, then the 20 million mysterious coins will not be absorbed, and I can digest as many mysterious coins as the rest of the time, you don’t have to worry too much.” Su Yun laughed. In this kind of thing, he always looks very open.

However, Huairou Muyu‘s enforcement is beyond his imagination.

“In this way, you have no chance of competing with the sword, anyway, you must absorb these black coins.”

Huairou Muyu thought for a while, then picked up the scroll and looked at it carefully, probably after a while of incense, whispered softly: “These characters seem to be moving with mystery, from above Judging by the traces left, they should be ‘fantastic characters’. I have some understanding of this. Using the mysterious spirit to condense these characters along the traces, it should be possible to repair them. “

After speaking, Huairou Muyu will accumulate mystery, and follow the traces on it to redraw the characters inside.

In a split second, the scroll worked.

Huairou Muyu saw this, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes, and he quickly put the cushion on.

But the moment the cushion just mounted the scroll, the scroll faded again.

Huairou Muyu froze, and quickly checked the scroll, but found that the few fonts on the scroll that had just been condensed with mystery disappeared again.

She looked at her exquisite little face for a while, and it took a long time for her to condense: “The man who made the scrolls is really extraordinary. These typefaces condensed with mystery are all using special mana. It is frozen so that it is not diffused. If I do n’t have the strange magical solidification mystery, even if I write characters along the trajectory above, it will be dispersed after a few seconds. To make this scroll continue to work, we must Keep pressing. “

Speaking of which, Huairou Muyu‘s cheeks turned red, but the expression was strong to calm down: “It seems that this stupid way can only be used, Su Yun, I will urge you to continue to support this scroll, keep injecting, let If the words don’t disappear, you can start practicing. “

“What?” When Su Yun heard it, he shook his head again and again: “So how can you eat it? Or let others do it, so many people can do it?”

“Who said? This is not something the scroll master can do. The reason why I do it is because I also know a little about scrolls. The scroll masters are very rare existence. Generally, a chamber of commerce can have one or two scroll masters. already is very powerful. There are only three of us in the Huairou family. Let them come to you for help. Do n’t talk about overuse, just say that they do n’t have time to deal with things here. After all, the task already in the chamber of commerce is enough for them to burn out Su Yun, do n’t waste time. Sit down and we will begin. “

Huairou Muyu said.

Su Yun When I heard it, I saw the perseverance in those bright eyes, sighed, and no longer insisted, nodded, covered the black mat, and sat on it.

Just as he was about to draw mysterious coins, the Huairou Muyu next to him suddenly burst into cold words.



Su Yun was stunned and turned to look at her.

“Don’t think about it.” Huairou Muyu said calmly, “Removing the clothes is to let the effect of the scroll to your body. If the clothes are isolated, the effect of the scroll will be greatly reduced, and this baby is wasted. “

“Is this so?”

Su Yun recovered, but he didn’t feel shy, he was already thick-skinned, not to mention Huairou Muyu was not shy, what was he worried about? Immediately pulled out the cloak on the body, threw it into the storage ring, and then removed one of the protective armors inside. The wheat-colored skin was exposed, and the bulging muscles were exposed. The strong muscular body was very attractive. .

Huairou Muyu glanced secretly and focused his eyes slightly on the scroll.

“Should I take off my pants?” At this moment, Su Yun asked.

The sound of “don’t use it” is wrong


Su Yun Hey laughed, no longer wasting time, took out the black coins, and began to absorb.

The astigmatism of the scroll, the magical power of the stock penetrates into the body, and the strength of the gas veins in the body rises directly. The strength of the mysterious coins penetrates into the body almost instantly, and enters the Spirit Essence along the air veins, starting to increase a little by Spirit Essence. Expanding one’s own strength

Slowly, mysterious coins are consumed a little bit, and the strength of Su Yun starts to improve a little bit.

In this world, the rich is the grandfather. How many black coins should be held by those in charge of the consortium? How terrible should power be?

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