Limitless Sword God Chapter 367: Are you serious?

In the hall, there are two rows of women. One row is women, the young and the old. There are flat looks and some amazing ones. In the other row, there are men and women, but the expression of these people is mostly more arrogant, and it seems that they look down on this martial art, which is all women.

The leader of Profound Sky Sect is also red-haired, but unlike Shangguan Meiyang, his hair is almost blood-red.

The fifth chapter of this person Correct Profound Sky Sect old Chang Yu blood!

When the female disciple of God Yunxian Sect came in, almost all of Profound Sky Sect looked at the woman behind her.

Su Qing’er!”

Profound Sky Sect‘s eyes glow with glow. Some people even secretly urged profound strength and wanted to sacrifice magic weapon, but was stopped by Chang Yu’s blood.

He stood up and said to the girl above him, “It is right for this person, and please ask Pai Pai to hand this person to me, and I will wait to return to Sectmaster!”

“Oh!” Shangguan Meiyang‘s pink mouth rose slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

I saw her jumping from the chair, her hands behind her, and walking back and forth.

Profound Sky Sect, founded for thousands of years, has a strong foundation. The faction advocates weak meat and strong food. The strong are the most respected and those who are capable are supreme. Due to the vast resources, the faction has expanded significantly in recent years. Concerning the number of rounds, God Yunxian Sect is obviously incomparable with Profound Sky Sect. “

Shangguan Meiyang said softly.

When Chang Yu’s blood was heard, a gloomy pride appeared on his face, and he said lightly, “The Lord Shangguan has won a prize. This is nothing.”

“Why? Speaking of you two, you just kick your nose and face? Even if Profound Sky Sect lives alone on the side of Sky Martial Continent, in the eyes of this deity, it’s just a group of friends!” Shangguan Meiyang dismissed.

“You” Chang Yuxue’s face immediately turned into a liver color.

“Yes, what did you just say? You want me to give my apprentice to you?” Shangguan Meiyang suddenly said.

“Yes.” Chang Yu’s blood returned to his face, humming: “Although God Yunxian Sect is not well-known, it is also heard from here. This time His Holiness sent here in person, it can be considered to have given you face. Su Qing’er, give it to me, I’m anxious to go back and return to the adult. “

These words fell, and the temple was silent immediately.

The disciples looked at Chang Yu’s blood in unison, and many people looked confused.

Chang Yu’s blood frowned slightly, glancing at the reaction of the people around him. When he saw the surprise overflowing in the eyes of the people around him, he felt uneasy.

He turned his head to look at Shangguan Meiyang, but saw her already stopped walking, a pair of bright eyes were watching him quietly.

A long time.

“Are you serious about Profound Sky Sect?” Shangguan Meiyang slightly moved his cute brow and said softly.

Chang Yu’s blood took a deep breath, throwing away the thoughts in his head, Shen said: “Is God Yunxian Sect disagree, if there is disagree, hum, conceit yourself”

“Come here! Hit them all back to First Level Spirit Soul Disciple product cultivation and blast out of the imperial palace!” Without waiting for Chang Yu’s blood to finish, Shangguan Meiyang interrupted him and whispered quietly.

The moment the words fell, Profound Sky Sect‘s face turned pale.

Between the electric light and the flint, several white shadows did not know where they came from, and they fell directly beside the Profound Sky Sect people. A large number of white ribbons tied them like ropes. No matter how they struggled, they couldn’t tie the ribbon Break free.

This is obviously an incredible magic weapon!

“What are you going to do? Want to start a war with Profound Sky Sect?” Chang Yu roared bloodily.

“Go to war? Huh, a little Profound Sky Sect, the deity is afraid that you will not succeed?” Shangguan Meiyang didn’t care.

“You guys!”


At this time, a plain white palm slaps on Chang Yuxue’s back severely, and a feminine force runs down the palm of his hand into his veins, agitating madly in it. It broke, this force re-entered lightning attack on his Spirit Essence, Spirit Essence was abolished, and cultivation dropped madly.

The people are vomiting blood and suffering.

“What a courage! How dare you treat me this way!” Chang Yu’s blood was so furious that she didn’t expect the other person to be so spicy!

“Asshole !!! You kill us if you have a species! Otherwise, we Profound Sky Sect must settle your God Yunxian Sect !!”

The others roared sternly.

“You have abolished our cultivation today, and in the future we will definitely use your life to pay for it!”

“Ah !!!”

Roaring and howling constantly.

When Shangguan Meiyang heard it, her small face was like an ice cube in an ice cellar, and she murmured, “You guys are going to die? Very good! Your deity is complete! You are all killed!”


Crying cries sounded, and at the same time, the sound of various flesh torn sounded in this hall.

Su Qing’er With his eyes widened, I can hardly believe the scene in front of me.

Blood splattered, the broken corpses fell to the ground one by one, and the sickening blood smell gradually grew in the air, how terrible the scene was.

But Shangguan Meiyang doesn’t move his brow! !!

Su Qing’er is dumbfounded.

Soon, the hall was silent, and a group of people calmly looked at the dead bodies. No one was afraid, and no one was surprised, except Su Qing’er.

The person who was sitting in front of me just now, already is now a cold body

“Send the body back to Profound Sky Sect, let the self-righteous idiots know the end of arrogance, and pass my password, tell Profound Sky Sect, the person who wants to move me God Yunxian Sect, first ask my dear not to agree! If they want to fight, then fight ! “

After speaking, Shangguan Meiyang turned and left.


Su Qing’er‘s eyes flickered with tears

Profound Sky Sect people have been going to God Yunxian Sect already for a month, but no one has returned yet. They are still anxious at Su Yun in Yutai.

The people of God Yunxian Sect are very protective of the calves. They definitely won’t surrender Qing’er, but who knows what the Profound Sky Sect will do? What if a battle happens and hurts Qing’er?

The Su Yun sitting in the room shook his head and sighed.

“Where is the Martial Elite?”

At this time, a loud cry sounded outside Yutai.

Su Yun got up and walked out of Yutai, but saw a disciple in yellow armor.

“The martial arts elite listens to orders! Hurry up to Tianwei Yudao and assemble and stand by. His Holiness has something to train!”

Tianweiyu Island? Is it the practice of Jade Island where Profound Sky Sect Sectmaster is located?

Su Yun The heart beats, and there is a glow in his eyes: Is it finally time to see the creator?

“Don’t get orders quickly?”

“Cunning obedience!”

Su Yun called, the disciples then hurriedly left.

He returned to the room, wandering a few times inside, a little bit nervous. Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes‘s camouflage is generally nothing to do with some disciples, elites, and even elders, but it may not be possible to deal with the masters of one faction. The cunning camouflage is indeed very powerful. The kaleidoscope can be confusing by imitating Aura and cannot be detected. Your true identity, but I do n’t know if this is valid for that Profound Sky Sect Sectmaster.

That’s right!

Su Yun suddenly thought of something, his head flashed, and he took out the “Limitless Sword Art” in the storage ring.

Jianjue also has the effect of covering up Aura. It is foolproof when it is carried on the body.

He took a deep breath and walked out of Yutai and flew up.

When he took off, he discovered that not only him, Profound Sky Sect Sectmaster seemed to summon all the martial elites, and a large number of people rushed towards the huge jade island at the top.

After a while, Su Yun went to Yudao. At this moment, Yudao was full of people. There were nearly a thousand people, but no one spoke. Everyone found a quiet place. Although there were many people, the scene was scary.

Yudao is huge, with a huge magic circle painted on it. Around the island, there are erect silver pillars. At the end of the island, there is an altar, and a person stands in front of the altar. This man was with his back to the crowd, and on both sides of this man were two statues of the giant giants.

Su Yun stands at the end of the crowd and scans the crowd. It is found that among the more than a thousand people here, almost the worst are Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple products cultivation, and the rest are around First Level Spirit Star Disciple products.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun was really shocked.

Isn’t it that Profound Sky Sect only has five elders and some elites are Spirit Star Disciple cultivation? Why do so many people have Spirit Star Disciple cultivation?

He scanned some of the First Level Spirit Star Disciple products existence‘s dress, but saw that their clothing is uniform, with a reddish token hanging around their waist, not the elder order, nor the elite order. Who are these people?

“Is everyone here?”

At this time, the figure on the altar slowly asked a low voice.

already is here!”

The next old man with a cane said respectfully.


The back did not turn around, and Su Yun could not see him, but watched him raise one hand and yelled, “Lift up!”

The sound dropped, and several elite men made beds with qi, and flew a few corpses with flesh and blood to Yudao.

The corpse was thrown beside the altar. Everyone on Jade Island looked at the corpse by the side of the altar.

“Ah! Elder !!!!”

“This is Elite Huang Xin!”

“What the **** is going on here, and how did Elder Chang die?”

“Who did this?”

The silent Yudao riots, and the sound of interrogation extinguishes waves like waves, and it’s endless.

The back didn’t say anything, the old man with a cane turned around and directed at the Profound Sky Sect master who was present: “A few days ago, Elder Chang was ordered by Sectmaster to visit the martial arts God Yunxian Sect on the East China Sea and ask us for our Profound Sky Sect. Wanted Su Qing’er, but never expected that God Yunxian Sect not only rejected the request of the elder Chang, but also used poisonous hands to persecute the elder Chang and others! God Yunxian Sect also uttered mad words, claiming that I would not take my Profound Sky Sect people into my eyes at all , In response to this! His Excellency has called you to discuss with you how to deal with God Yunxian Sect. “

The old man’s words dropped, and the audience became quiet. No one made a sound again.

The quiet atmosphere made Su Yun quite uncomfortable, but from the old man’s words, Su Yun also heard a little information.

Although God Yunxian Sect is powerful, Profound Sky Sect does not seem to be going to rest, and their determination to arrest Qing’er seems very firm!

“I will wait for His Holiness’s instructions. If His Holiness fights, I will wait for the first soldier!”

At this moment, several elites suddenly fell on one knee and shouted with fists.

They are like this one, and everyone around them responds immediately and screams together

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