Limitless Sword God Chapter 357: Evil Emperor

“I didn’t expect someone as small as me to remember, ashamed, ashamed!”

Li Cang said with a smile.

But there wasn’t much humility on his face, and the old face was filled with very obvious pride.

A few people frowned, but didn’t speak.

“Dare to ask Master Li what happened to this place?” Mingnan asked blankly.

“Here I have no other choice, just to show you a clear way for Evil King City.” Li Cangliang laughed.

“Ming Lu?”

“Yes, it’s better to say it’s a clear road, it’s better to say it’s a road!”

Oh? looks like Evil Emperor Palace is ready to start against Evil King city?” Mingnan Adan said, his expression did not change much.

The three immediately understood the purpose of Li Cangliang.

“I don’t have this plan yet, it depends on how you make decisions.” Li Cangliang walked back and forth, his voice arrogant: “Evil Emperor Palace‘s name, I believe you should be thunderous, right? People who have never heard of Evil Emperor Palace in Evil World should be ignorant In the past ten years, Evil Emperor Palace already conquered 37 Evil Realm being forces, beheaded 29 Spirit Star Disciple existence, more than 340 Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple masters, and countless Evil Realm beings below ten, and fell to me. The power of the host Evil Emperor is like the sand on the ground, countless. Now Evil Emperor Palace already has millions of Evil Realm being, countless masters, and the destruction of a Evil Realm being power is almost between the thought of my host Evil Emperor. Who should give birth to whom? Can live, who my master wants to die! Whoever will die is no doubt! Evil King City has experienced the last time of a different landlord. Since its development, already has begun to take shape. My landlord has also noticed your place. Now, I officially warn you on behalf of my landlord. , Quickly return to Evil Emperor Palace, otherwise you must blame me for being ruthless, flatten your Evil King city! “

Li Cangliang’s words are very mad, but he does have mad capital, not to mention Evil Emperor Palace‘s thick and powerful strength, just to say Li Cangliang himself, that is also unbeatable, Second Level Spirit Star Disciple is not a decoration.

Kuang Yuxie A pair of iron fists pinched, staring at Li Cangliang with anger in his eyes.

“Too arrogant?”

Huang Dong fought with a pestle and whispered: “Do n’t you know that Evil King City is closely related to Evil Sword Sect? If you want to deal with Evil King City, you have to weigh it!”

Evil Sword Sect?”

Li Cangliang sneered: “I have to admit that Evil Sword Sect is powerful, but I do n’t believe it will be right with Evil Emperor Palace for a Evil King city! Not to mention, Evil Sword Sect has too many opponents, so we do n’t need our Evil Emperor Palace at all. , Evil Sword Sect has someone to deal with! If you want to pin your hopes on those fools with swords, then you are very wrong! “

Huang Dong is silent.

“Junjie is an experienced person. Do you want to survive or be eaten by us? You choose your own. My time is limited. If you do not reply to me as soon as possible, then I have to refuse to surrender when you are stubborn. Evil Emperor Palace If so, I can only go back and report to my lord. “Li Cangliang smiled.

“It’s too bullying!” Kuang Yuxie growled and was about to step forward, but was held down by the Huang Dong battle.

“Master, don’t mess around.”

“But brother, he”

“Looking at the name of the senior Nan, he has plans.”

Huang Dong fights.

Mingnan thought for a moment, then stepped forward and hugged his fist: “The surrender is a big thing. If I wait directly, I’m afraid that many Evil Realm beings who are Evil King will not agree. In order to avoid the division of Evil King city, I still need to do some preparations. I also ask Master Li to go back and ask Master Evil Emperor for some time to prepare for Evil King City. After the preparation is completed, we will definitely give Evil King City a satisfactory answer! “

Oh? said that you promised to return? If so, what are your ink marks? Anyone who is dissatisfied with this will die out and will never show mercy!” Li Cangliang said.

Ming Nan didn’t say a word, still clenching his fists, insisting on his own principles.

Li Cang saw his face, his face was slightly heavy, he snorted, and turned directly toward the house.

“I will come back here in a month. If you do n’t want to land, I will flatten your Evil King city !!! Go!”

The crowd left and left.

Ming Nan’s face was calm and he bowed his head but said nothing, but the Kuang Yuxie at the back was anxious. He took a few steps, grabbed Ming Nan’s arm, and asked urgently, “Master Ming Nan, what are you doing? Are you really? Going to surrender? “

“Master, don’t be rude, can’t you see that the famous Nannan is fighting for Evil King city?”

Huang Dong is anxious to drink.

“Get time?” Kuang Yuxie froze for a moment, and then it just seemed like a surprise.

“This is not the time to say this.” Ming Nan took a deep breath and turned to watch Kuang Yuxie and Huang Dong battle, Shen said: “You two go to see the adult quickly and report this to the adult, please He will make a decision soon. “

The two looked at each other and nodded together.

Clang! !! !! !!

The crisp ear Jianming is accompanied by the mysterious and magical sword intentions, Su Yun and Feng Lingsheng are together retreats, the sword in their hands trembles.

“Hahahaha, that’s right! Cunning, your talent is very good, and your understanding of the sword is beyond my imagination. I didn’t expect you to see the realm of replacing your heart with a sword so quickly, although it cannot be completely Do whatever you want, but it ’s only a matter of time before you work hard! ”Feng Lingsheng laughed heartily, admiringly.

“Thanks to your guidance, otherwise how can I make such rapid progress?”

Su Yun put away the sword, thank you.

He only transfers in three places these days, one is Yutai, the second is Jingjing Palace, and the third is Feng Lingsheng, Yutai Wujian, Jinggong practicing sword, and here is Land of Swords.

Feng Lingsheng ’s view of Kendo is beyond ordinary people ’s imagination. He can see through Su Yun ’s understanding and misunderstanding of Kendo at a glance, and often gives thoughtful bottoms, which makes Su Yun admire it from the heart.

These days Su Yun feels that his sword is no longer just for beginners, and he takes a big step forward. The sword in your hand is getting faster and more freewheeling, and it is not only speed, but even power can be easily controlled, and the sword must come to your heart’s imagination.

A sword cuts the leaves horizontally on both sides, and hits the pupil with the sword without hurting the pupil, or it breaks the sea with a sword and cuts through the white clouds with a sword.

This is a detached kendo, a kendo that Su Yun has never seen before.

Besides Sword Elder and Ling Qingyu, Su Yun is the first time to see someone who knows Kendo as well.

Feng Lingsheng puts the sword into the scabbard, sits on a big rock, and breathes for a while, then opens his narrow eyes, looks at the distant sea and smiles, “Cunning, do you know what the most powerful sword in this world is? ? “

“I don’t know.” Su Yun shook his head.

“It is a proud sword!” Feng Lingsheng said with a soft smile: “It is a sword from the depths of the human heart, a kind of sword that ignores the law and is arrogant to the world. No one can stop such a sword, and there is nothing to counteract its fierceness! There is nothing to destroy such a sword! “

“Have you ever seen this sword?” Su Yun asked.

“Have seen it.” Feng Lingsheng nodded, squinting and smiling: “This is the kendo that I have pursued in my life. That sword is like the **** in my heart. It is sacred and supreme, cunning. If you have a chance in the future, board it Ultimate martial World stage, you will not be able to see it. “

Ultimate martial World? Never heard of it.”

“Haha, you will definitely hear it later. To tell you the truth, the so-called Sky Martial Continent, the demon continent, is just a corner of Ultimate martial World!”

“If you have the chance, look at it.”

“There will be opportunities.”

Feng Lingsheng‘s gaze toward the sea became deeper.


At this time, the storage ring on the finger of Su Yun suddenly appeared a little dark, Su Yun saw it, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he got up: “Let’s get here today, I have some things, let’s retreat.”


Feng Lingsheng nodded.

Su Yun rushed towards his Yutai.

After a while of incense, people entered Yutai, and then took out the Evil King order in the ring.

Put the Evil King order on the ground and inject it with Spirit Qi to activate it.

咵 嚓.

A wicked door appeared, and two figures quickly sprang out of the door.

The evil door disappeared, Su Yun hurriedly put away the Evil King order, stored Evil Qi to disperse the overflowing Evil Qi in the house, and then turned to look at the two.

Huang Dong battle, Kuang Yuxie, why are you here?” Su Yun asked frowning.

“Meet my lord!” The two kneeled on one knee.

The Huang Dong battle sounded heavy and whispered urgently: “Master, I am about to face a major disaster in Evil King city, and please return to Evil King city to preside over the situation.”

“What happened? What the **** happened?”

The Huang Dong battle immediately revealed the Evil Emperor Palace Li Cangliang thing.

Su Yun listened, his brows froze.

Evil King city must be kept. This is your own strength in Evil World. In the future against Profound Sky Sect, Evil King city is your own hole card.

“You know what Evil Emperor is cultivation?” Su Yun asked.

“I don’t know.” Huang Dong shook his head: “But Li Cangliang is a Second Level Spirit Star Disciple product.”

“Who is Li Cangliang who is Evil Emperor?”

“It’s a confidant. Evil Emperor Palace battles everywhere, and Li Cangliang is the general.”

Su Yun After listening, he felt his chin and thought.

“How long do we have?”

“Mr. Nam Nam has been fighting for us for a month.”

“Okay, go back first, and then open the evil gate tomorrow, I will return to Evil King city immediately.”


The two held their fists: “Subordinates retreated first.”


The sound drops, and the evil door opens again.

The two step into the evil door and leave.

Su Yun sat on the ground, his eyes tightening.

There is no doubt that the Evil Emperor also has at least cultivation of Second Level Spirit Star Disciple and above. It can control such existence. Most of them are four or five cultivation, maybe higher, but no matter which cultivation, None of them are able to deal with it. Moreover, Evil Emperor Palace has a very large number of Evil Realm beings, and masters are like clouds. It is impossible to rely on Evil King city alone.

For the sake of today, you can only risk it.

Su Yun was thinking, and sat down straight on his knees and resumed meditation.

Adjust your status to the best.

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