Limitless Sword God Chapter 328: Ribbon ring (for monthly pass)

In front of the quiet and open square.

Several figures came quickly, and as they approached, everyone brushed up and bowed to the person with their backs facing away. Except for the young man in the purple sword suit at the front, everyone’s face was filled with respect and piety.

“I heard.”

The person above made a solemn and solemn voice: “The one who appeared in the Black Prison Forest and attacked the position Correct Su Yun, right?”

“Your information is always better than ours, great lord!” The young man in purple sword suit Ka Shazi said with a smile.

“Why not bring him back?”

“You may have to ask the West figure practitioner.” Ka Shazi scratched his head.

“Why? Four Spirit Star Disciple existence can’t keep one Spirit Star Disciple? West picture? What the **** is going on! Come on!” The man’s voice began to look gloomy.

Westow has widened his eyes and looked at Ka Shazi stupidly.

But I saw Ka Shazi winking at him, and whispered a smile: “West, I saved your life. If it weren’t for me, you would have died under the Su Yun sword!”

Situ swallowed his saliva, his eyes trembled slightly. He climbed forward, put his head on the ground, and exclaimed: “Return to Your Majesty, the failure of this operation is completely ineffective, Su Yun at this moment already has Third Level Spirit Star Disciple products. cultivation, although there are many people, but their strength is not as good as Su Yun. After the three of them tussled with him for a while, their subordinates were accidentally captured. After adults Ka Shazi arrived, Su Yun took their subordinates as hostages to lord Ka Shazi. The Lord Ka Shazi has to rescue his subordinates, so he has to let Su Yun leave. The blame for the failure of this operation lies with his subordinates, and His Holiness is also required to punish him! “

Slightly trembling voices floated back and forth in the air.

After a few moments, there is silence again.

Ka Shazi, you did it wrong.”

The Lord spoke, and his voice was very strong. Instead of directly scolding or punishing Situ, he directed at the young man in the purple sword suit.

Ka Shazi immediately knelt down on one knee, a pious look: “Please also express your respect.”

“What kind of waste do you save him for? Why not just let him be slaughtered by Su Yun and then recapture Su Yun! So, isn’t it easier? Su Yun was captured, Su Qing’er could not escape, Su Qing’er Captured, we Profound Sky Sect will save a lot of effort, Ka Shazi you, I am so disappointed.

When Ka Shazi heard it, his face changed suddenly. He seemed to hear the other meanings of His Holiness.

“Well, He Ben, Long Zhuang, you go down first, Ka Shazi, West, you stay.”

The Lord is indifferent.

“Yes, Your Excellency, my subordinates retired!” The two stood up, with their fists slowly backing away.

Ka Shazi frowns, staring at His Holiness.

“You seem to be very unhappy? Ka Shazi!” His Holiness did not turn back, but every move and expression on his face was captured by him clearly.

“Don’t dare.” Ka Shazi put down a cynical gesture and whispered.

“Why not catch Su Yun directly if you dare not?”

“The west picture will die then.” Ka Shazi whispered.

Western already trembled, and he also noticed the attitude of His Holiness, but at this moment, who can save him?

“Do you think Su Yun can kill him?”

“Although I have only met with Su Yun, I can see his heart from his eyes. He is guarding. He must have something to guard and cannot give up, maybe other existence, maybe It’s Su Qing’er, but it doesn’t matter what he wants to guard, because Su Yun was crazy at that time, although he didn’t show it, but I saw a crazy Third Level Spirit Star Disciple product existence, even me It ’s tricky. It ’s impossible for Situ to survive on him! I have no other way to save Situ, except to let him go.

“I didn’t say I want West to live! I want Su Yun.”

But looking at His Holiness gently, the West figure kneeling on the ground suddenly floated.

“Honest, forgive me, my lord! Don’t kill me, my lord!” Situ shouted sternly.

But to no avail.

“Honor !!! Stop!”

Ka Shazi enlarged his pupils and shouted loudly, but it had no effect. He immediately rushed over to try to get the Western diagram, but although his strength was amazing, he was insignificant compared to this one.


Situ’s body exploded in midair, the body was torn apart, and blood was splashing wildly.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da West’s cold body fell to the ground, dyed the white slate flushed with red.

Ka Shazi has a dilated pupil and an abnormal expression.

The silence regained all around.

Except the rapid breathing of people

Ka Shazi looked at West’s corpse, his fists clenched secretly.

Ka Shazi, from today, you should understand? Today’s Profound Sky Sect, never stop without achieving the goal, it is nothing to die for one or two people, the most important thing is that the task given to you must be completed, you Do it at all costs, not perfunctory. “


Ka Shazi walked expressionlessly, took a white cloth from the storage ring, pieced together the broken body of West Picture, and wrapped the cloth with it

“I objected to the so-called plan in your mouth from the beginning, and refused to use fresh human bodies for sacrifice. So, what is the difference between Profound Sky Sect and those so-called demons? But you have repeatedly Three of them let me do these things for you, to be honest, I’ve had enough. “

He whispered his head calmly.

“Are you going to betray me?” His Holiness looked slightly, a pair of pupils with red eyes slightly exposed.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, I have always been raised by Profound Sky Sect.”

“You can think so, that’s great.”

“But you have changed, Lord, you are no longer the Lord I know before.”

Ka Shazi wrapped up West’s body, and then he wo n’t even head away, just leave

Leaving the Black Prison Forest, Su Yun exchanged for a purple unicorn, and hurried nonstop to Hengsong City, east of the Black Prison Forest.

Since it has been agreed with Qing’er in advance, she will definitely wait for herself in the teahouse in Hengsong City.

Su Yun didn’t stop at all, galloping all the way, almost non-stop.

With the footsteps of the purple corner beast, it took only half a day for people to enter this small town of Hengsong.

Hengsong City is not a well-known big city, and there is nothing outstanding around it. The main reason for it is existence, maybe because it needs a place to stop and rest.

There are not many people in the city. Su Yun takes out the cape, wears it on the body, pulls down the brim, and leads the purple corner beast toward the teahouse.

But people have not yet entered the teahouse, and an inexplicable Aura rippling in from the small city gate.

This Aura is difficult to distinguish. If the other party is not wearing a magic weapon, then the other party’s strength is more than several times stronger than itself.

Who can have such Aura?

Su Yun Brows are slightly tight, and the nerves are stretched.

Is it Profound Sky Sect?

Su Yun hastily converged his Aura and has Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes asylum. As long as the other party does not deliberately check, he will not find his existence.

He lowered his head, accelerated his pace and walked towards the teahouse. After he passed the purple corner beast to the shop junior, he rushed in alone.


Su Yun just entered the teahouse, and a veiled and red-eyed girl flew into the arms of Su Yun.

Look at this person, Correct Su Qing’er.

“I’m all dressed like this, can you recognize me?”

Su Yun was surprised.

“I can recognize you, master, how can I not recognize you?”

Su Qing’er clutched Su Yun‘s placket tightly and wept with joy.

Su Yun froze for a moment, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Qing’er, this is a teahouse, with eyes all around, let’s sit down and talk.”

“Hmm.” Su Qing’er wiped the tears around his eyes and smiled and nodded.

Su Qing’er brought Su Yun to a position on the second floor by the window, where Liu Jie was sitting at the end, waiting for the arrival of the two. When Su Yun came over, Liu Jie immediately got up and gave a serious gift to Su Yun : “I’ve met an adult.”

Liu Jie, I’m not an adult, just call me Su Yun, don’t go outside, do it.” Su Yun said.

“Master Su Yun, you own Spirit Star Disciple cultivation, and wherever you put them, you can stand side by side with the Supreme Master, but you must be humble.” Liu Jie said seriously.

As long as you can climb up the relationship with Su Yun, Liu Jie‘s status will rise whether in the martial arts or the clan. Can it be related to existence of Spirit Star Disciple level? How many spiritualists have the dream?

How can Su Yun not know Liu Jie? But that makes sense, and he says nothing.

Su Qing’er was quite surprised that Su Yun left the Black Prison Forest so quickly, and immediately asked Su Yun before and after the consequences, Su Yun did not hide it. To tell the truth, when it was known that Ka Shazi had no intention of hunting everyone, both women were surprised .

Just when Su Yun was chatting hot with Su Qing’er and Liu Jie, the strange Aura fluttered again and spread throughout the tea house.

“Is this Aura again?”

Su Yun With a tense heart, looking sideways, he saw a few figures coming up from the stairs.

Several women in red-edged white clothes, these women have no discomfort, lip-skin, and graceful appearance, whether they are long-haired women or short-haired women, they are extremely beautiful.

When they came up, the sight of the people in the teahouse was almost all attracted to them.

“They are like fairies”

Su Qing’er glanced at those women, could not help but sigh.


Su Yun looked towards the other side, but the five women looked for a table and sat down, but instead of asking for tea after sitting down, they were a little restless staring at the Quartet, especially one of them. The young woman with double ponytails, a pair of bright eyes like sapphire, watched Su Yun with vigilance.

What are they watching out for?

Su Yun for a moment.

Of course, these people are not likely to be Profound Sky Sect.


Su Yun suddenly caught something, looking hurriedly at the fingers of these women.

I saw that they wore a delicate ribbon-like ring on the little finger of their right hand. The ring was extremely white and perfectly matched with those long, white fingers. .

Seeing this ring, Su Yun‘s pupils instantly zoomed in several times, and there was a flash of surprise in their eyes.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?” Su Qing’er asked quietly.

“Nothing” Su Yun retracted his gaze and whispered a little hurriedly, but his head began to think wildly.

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