Limitless Sword God Chapter 234: The King (4)


Su Yun screamed as Zi Xie couldn’t wait to rush in.

“What happened to you?” Wang Zhi said impatiently.

Su Yun, are you scared?” Zhang Jiuliu couldn’t help but ridicule.

How can they reconcile such a golden opportunity?

Especially for Zi Xie, in order to save her brother, already is desperate to abandon everything. She no longer wants to waste a little time, regardless of Su Yun, immediately take out the scissors and cut the shield sheltering around Lingtai Spring They rushed in.

Zhang Jiuliu, Wang Zhi’e and Feng Linlang followed closely behind.

When Su Yun saw this, his eyes shook for a few minutes, but he went directly to retreats, stopped participating in this operation, and left alone.

“Huh! Weak, weak and afraid of death. People like you also want to kill the enemy with us? Dream! One waste!”

The king’s evil saw that Su Yun actually flinched, and immediately spit out a spitting star, scolded with disdain, and rushed towards Lingtai Spring.

“Ah? Who are you?”

The two guards spotted the uninvited guests and immediately rushed away.

They haven’t shouted a few times, a big sword tumbling around Evil Qi will split on their brains. The evil sword is thick and powerful, and the two Evil Realm being guards will be cut in half. .

Evil blood guts are scattered all over the ground.

“Not addictive!” Wang Zhi shouted evilly, put away the generous and huge evil sword, and continued to rush towards the location of Lingtai Shui.

Four Evil Realm being masters rushed into Lingtai Spring with the thunder and lightning, but at this moment, there are many naked Evil Realm being women lying on the ground, with a look of weakness, as if paralyzed.

Of these people, the half-naked Three Link Evil Almighty Being is moaning weakly.

He is a chunky Evil Realm being, with a bare head, a wicked fire in his eyes, a big belly, and an unattractive appearance. Although his appearance is not good, no one dare to question his strength.

Seeing that Three Link Evil Almighty Being fell to the ground, all four of them looked golden.

Sure enough!

Wang Zhi couldn’t bear it first. He rushed over and yelled, “Come to come!”

A fierce stab at Three Link Evil Almighty Being.


The moment Wang’s evil sword slashed, his whole body was drawn, and an inexplicable tearing broke out in his body. At that instant, he felt that the internal organs were crushed by something. Suddenly stopped, the person fell from the air, his body Aura suddenly disappeared.

While lying on the floor and groaning, Three Link Evil Almighty Being opened his eyes suddenly, and laughed three times, and directly reached out the palm of his hand, screaming at the chest of Wang Zhi’s evil.


Three Link Evil Almighty Being The fat arm penetrated Wang’s evil chest instantly, and a dark heart was pulled out by him.

Wang Zhi’s body is trembling, his mouth spit blood

“Just because you want to conceal my deity? Maybe it’s too much for you, ha ha ha ha”

Three Link Evil Almighty Being chuckled and kicked at Wang Zhi’s evil body. His body flew up and fell heavily on the ground. His chest was empty, and the man twitched and died directly.

Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple The strong ones have fallen.

“This is impossible!”

Zixie, Feng Linlang, etc. on the other side widened their eyes, their faces were pale, and they couldn’t believe the scene in front of them.

Why did the king of Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple product cultivation die so badly? Even if the difference between Wang Zhi’s evil and Three Link Evil Almighty Being is three grades cultivation, but he is Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple grade existence, even if Wang Zhi’s attack relies on a sneak attack, it will be difficult to kill with one blow!

What the **** is going on?

Zixie’s eyes widened, and she felt like her brain was broken and she couldn’t think at all.


At this moment, a muffled sound emerged from the side. Then, it was seen that Feng Linlang’s body was beaten out fiercely. He slammed against the wall next to him, shattered the wall, and the people also shattered. Spit out evil blood, so miserable

Zi Xie’s heart was beating wildly, and she turned her head and looked at the person beside her.

But when Zhang Jiuliu raised his hand, the evil power on the palm hadn’t dissipated yet. He stared at Feng Linlang with a sullen expression, his eyes were full of madness.

It’s clear he did it. Feng Linlang is also a master, but she can’t help the people around you!

“What do you do for a long time?”

Zixie Xi looked at him, said.

“What do you do? Can’t see it yet?”

Three Link Evil Almighty Being got up, with a smile on his face, and said, “Zhang Jiuliu has betrayed you already!”

“Betrayed the evil of the king”

“Yes, Wang Zhi’e has been poisoned by Zhang Jiu for a long time, and it’s in the wine he drank for Wang Zhi’e, otherwise how could I clean up him so easily? Really a bunch of fools, even myself Do n’t you know I am being trusted by others? You just want to assassinate your deity? Is it too much for you? ”Three Link Evil Almighty Being‘s eyes were full of irony.

Zixie looked sad and angry. She turned her gaze and stared at Zhang Jiuliu with a murderous yell, “Why did you do this?”


Zhang Jiuliu withdrew the evil power from his hand, turned around, and stared at Zi Xie with a gaze: “It’s not for you!”

“For me?” Zi Xie’s eyes zoomed.

“Purple evil! I know you don’t look at me and don’t like me! Don’t do my double cultivation companion, but you know what? I like you for a long time! I want to get you! No matter what method, I want to get you !!! “

Zhang Jiuliu’s pupils indulged an indelible enthusiasm, saying: “I have communicated with already and Three Link Evil Almighty Being adults, Three Link Evil Almighty Being adults already have promised me, as long as I bring you here to fight them all, then he will give you Give me !!! Let you be my woman! “

“You dream !!!”

Zixie spit on his face and scolded: “Zhang Jiuliu, I’m blind, and I would believe in a **** like you! Even if I die, I will never double-cultivate with you !! You It ’s dead! ”

“Ha ha ha ha, in front of Profound Technique of Lord Three Link Evil Almighty Being, there are some things, but you can’t help you!” Zhang Jiu Liu didn’t care about Zi Xie’s fury. In his opinion, Zi Xie will be meek like a kitten soon same.


Three Link Evil Almighty Being doesn’t seem to mean that.

But watch him stand up, stare eagerly at Zi Xie, stick out his tongue, and lick his cracked lips.

“Zhang Jiuliu, you guys have a good vision. This purple evil is really good. It is indeed a good material for double repair, ha ha ha ha”

“Adult Tee has won a prize,” Zhang Jiuliu said, frowning slightly, and felt wrong.

However, seeing Three Link Evil Almighty Being walking towards Zixie, his eyes glowed hot.

“It’s too kind to say that you can enjoy such beautiful double repair materials by yourself. How about letting my adult try something new?”

Zhang Jiuliu listened, his face suddenly changed: “Master you”

“Zhang Jiuliu, you will follow me later, sir, I won’t treat you bad, understand?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being said impatiently, then waved and drank, “Watch them!”


Several snoring sounded, and they saw a large number of Evil Realm being coming in all directions. They rushed towards Feng Linlang, Zhang Jiuliu, and Zi Xie, and fell immediately beside them. They fiercely held their arms and subdued them .

“You lied to me! You said that Zi Xie belongs to me! You turned out to be wrong! You lied to me !!!”

Zhang Jiuliu was struggling frantically, exhausting his yelling, but it was useless.

“When did I turn around?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being laughed: “Was she still yours when I have finished enjoying this chip?”

The sound dropped, and the fat body stepped towards Zi Xie step by step.

“Abominable !!!”

Purple evil anger is unstoppable, and the eyes flash with anger, and two arrows of light shoot at Three Link Evil Almighty Being.

However, Mo Three Link Evil Almighty Being is obese, but he is extremely flexible. His speed is scary, and his head slips away.

“How can this little worm bug move me?”

Three Link Evil Almighty Being The mouth of the GG was mocking, raising his hand for a dozen, a handprint full of runes flew past and blasted on Zi Xie.

Aura on Zi Xie’s body suddenly fainted.

“Aren’t you poisoning my Spirit Essence with poison? Hehe, I will treat him with his own way, let you taste the consequences of Spirit Essence being paralyzed.”

Three Link Evil Almighty Being opened his mouth wide, full of pride in his eyes, and then walked straight forward, reaching out to remove the purple evil clothes.

But at this moment, Zi Xie’s mouth suddenly rose slightly, she stopped struggling and let Three Link Evil Almighty Being‘s hand reach out.

The fat palm is about to touch Zi Xie.

“Ah ????”

At this time, the hand of Three Link Evil Almighty Being shrank back like an electric shock, and then the fat body fell directly to the ground and kept convulsing.


Three Link Evil Almighty Being‘s subordinates were all shocked and gathered together.

Purple evil sees this and laughs: “What? Tee, did you get it? I have a Profound Technique, which can be used to reverse any poison in my institute, any trick, my Spirit Essence is abolished, now your Spirit Essence It ’s also abolished, is this how it feels good? Hahahaha

Zixie’s eyes are filled with pride, Three Link Evil Almighty Being burns in anger, he is lifted up, and roars: “Destroy her physical body, I will imprison her three souls and seven souls, torture her forever! !!! “


As soon as the sound falls, several swords are split towards Purple Evil.

Zixie closed her eyes and stopped resisting. At this moment, she was unable to resist.

“Let’s do it this way” Zixie Xinyin.

Feng Linlang over there also closed her eyes.

At this time, who else can come and rescue them?


The burst of air bursts!

On this occasion, two sword lights descended from the sky, such as a sky falling beam of light, piercing the Three Link Evil Almighty Being.

The sword is shining!

When the Evil Realm being saw this, they were all discolored, and they rushed into the weapon of Zi Xie and hurriedly blocked the Three Link Evil Almighty Being.

Dang Dang!

Two crisp sounds came out, and the sword light made a turn in the air and landed directly on the ground. People looked at it. It was a pair of swords.

The two swords slanted into the ground, shining brilliantly.


Three Link Evil Almighty Being screamed in a horror of cold sweat. Next to Evil Realm being, he delivered the medicine. He swallowed it quickly, adjusted his interest rate, and eliminated the back-phasing medicine power.

But this is not over. In the next second, the full sword will fall from the sky and be vented, like a heavy rain falling on the body of each Evil Realm being, especially Three Link Evil Almighty Being. In this second, there seems to be a Da Shan slammed his shoulder fiercely, and he was almost out of breath.

Jianwei is so strong? What kind of sword is this? Can there be such terrible sword power?

“Which is sacred? Come out if you have the courage!”

Three Link Evil Almighty Being yelled.

However, the sword has become stronger and more amazing when people have not come out.

嗖 嗖 嗖 嗖

At this moment, a lot of sword howlings fell from the sky, and came here fiercely and fiercely. People looked up and fell into shock.

Looking at the dim sky, hundreds of sharp swords descended from the sky, piercing them with the irresistible cover of the sky.

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