Limitless Sword God Chapter 211: Battle of Clouds


It’s like a serpent sending a letter. Evil Qi moves between the imprints. This restless Aura seems to be about to explode. It can’t be suppressed at all. The surging evil power flowed down, instilled in all parts of the body.

Air pulse.



Five internal organs and six organs

Everywhere you go, you are given amazing strength and power.

Divine Crown runs through the years. After the damage, the power gradually flows away, and there is not much left, but even if it is only the current, this power is supreme for Su Yun.

With these powers, Su Yun seems to be sublimated in Spirit Essence. There are circles of white lines around Spirit Essence. The lines release magical power, nourish Spirit Essence, and stabilize its output to Lingxuan Aura. .

Spirit Essence is getting stronger.

Su Yun straightened up, bursting into a white light, rising into the sky, straight into the sky.

Spirit Soul Disciple Realm!

The power of Divine Crown actually made it jump over this last hurdle, and stepped into a new realm in one fell swoop.

Su Yun opened his hands and felt the refreshing power given to him by this brand-new power, only to feel that at this moment he was reborn. The number of Spirit Essence did not increase any more, but one by one became huge and strong. It was surprising. It’s incredible.

He raised his hand and gently buckled, and he saw a lot of surging Ling Xuan Aura dancing in the palm of his hand.

The surging strength is venting wildly, even if the power of Heavenly Crystal is gradually to vanish at this moment, he does not have much powerlessness.

Divine Crown will give you the remaining power, but this does not mean that before the master dissipates, he blesses his only talent and all powers to you. You can always get the master’s talent and temporarily Use his power to defend against the forthcoming greedy wolf! “

Cheng Xie looked at Su Yun with dim eyes, then kneeled on both knees, and slammed his head seriously at Su Yun.

“Man, please, on behalf of my master, kill the greedy wolf evil lord !!! Cheng Xie is begging you here !!!”

Su Yun looked at Cheng Xie, his pupils ignited a burst of evil fire, he put away Thousand Deep and seal, holding Death Sword alone, at this moment, it can feel the agitation and redness of Death Sword.

It’s already evolution completed, can’t wait to try the sword?

Su Yun stared at the unsheathed sword, and burst into his heart to kill.


At this moment, the shuttle bridge suddenly passed a black light, and the black light passed, and the shuttle bridge also dissipated immediately. When the shuttle bridge was completely dissipated, a figure venting the dark mist fell to the front.

The cold and wicked gas field covered the entire Yuncun Mountain like a large cover, the ground condensed with layers of frost, and the temperature in the air dropped to a pole. It seems that with the appearance of that person, the entire Yuncun Mountain already became him. territory.

Come to Correct, but when he saw the turbulent black evil mark on Su Yun‘s forehead, his expression was instantly stunned, and then full of anger: “Divine Crown! Divine Crown was consumed by you Dropped? No !!! No !!! Divine Crown has more powerful uses, how can it be consumed by you just like this! “

“As long as it’s in your hands, it’s useless even if it’s huge.”

Su Yun step by step, step by step to kill intention, the voice is cold, the sword is strong.

The anger of the greedy wolf is burning in the eyes, but after a moment, he showed a trace of solitude, saying coldly: “Do you think you can compete with me if you have the heritage of Evil Emperor Xin Wu? Oh, only Evil Emperor Xin Wu was hit by me. One soul and one soul, there is not much power, how much strength can he pass on to you? But I have added some Ling Xuan Aura to strengthen your flesh, I will not say you today, even if he himself is standing here, in There is no ant in front of me! Stupid person, if I were you, I immediately knelt down, worshiped me three times, and surrendered to me, so that I could at least save my life.

“Submissive? I never thought of this word, I must say more, the war is here!”

Su Yun drank a drink, suddenly moved in shape, and rushed towards the greedy wolf.

At this instant, his body overflowed with light gray light, which covered his whole body, rumbling with unparalleled strength.

This is the last strength of Evil Emperor Xin Wu. It may not last long, but it is the final counterattack of Evil Emperor Xin Wu against the enemy! !!

Su Yun shot.

Death Sword flew out of the scabbard without any reservation. The sword stabbed away like a roaring evil dragon, rolling up millions of evil forces.

The splendid sword power that erupted on blade edge cuts the grass and dry stones behind the greedy wolf evil lord, and the evil mist around the greedy wolf evil lord is completely wiped out, revealing its original appearance.

“Look for death !!!”

The greedy wolf evil lord is instantly angry.

Some ants dare to offend him with some luck, can’t he be irritated? Immediately, Xie Zun’s palms became claws, and one claw volleyed, and the sky suddenly fell into two huge gas claws, tearing towards Su Yun.

Su Yun fluttered, ducking away, the evil claws fell to the ground, tearing the hilltop apart.

He didn’t show panic, his steps were steady, he rushed away, evil sword swept, and a dark sword rushed to the greedy wolf evil respect.


Jianying stopped suddenly. At first glance, the greedy wolf evil respect lived up to the sword’s intention and sharpness, and seized the sword body.

“The ants are ants, and the power that Evil Emperor Xin Wu gives you is not enough to compete with me !!!”

Yin Luo, Xie Zun slammed his head straight into Su Yun‘s head, and the waves of the palm wind shook the surrounding air like boiling water.

Buzzing buzzing

At this time, a pounding sword pressure erupted from the inside of Death Sword, and instantly acted on Xie Zun’s body, causing his body to tremble suddenly, and the palm of his hand towards Su Yun could no longer be lifted!

A trace of Evil Qi splashes and Death Sword becomes powerful.

This Evil Qi is like a tiny black needle that pierces into the body of the evil lord, and then **** the evil Spirit Qi interest in the evil lord insanely!


Xun Zun is astonished.

Death Sword can draw the power of Spirit Star Disciple level existence! Is this the power of digesting some of the power of Li Chong Tian?

After the black needle-like substance penetrates, it also disturbs the flow of Aura inside the evil statue because of the draw, and the evil statue is chaotic and difficult to accumulate.

The next second, Su Yun punched already.

Xie Zun immediately raised his hands to resist, and punched his palms.


Evil Zun again and again retreats, the mighty strength shocked him hard to stand.

Su Yun is now the Spirit Soul Disciple realm. With the addition of Evil Emperor Xin Wu‘s final strength, I don’t know how much the strength has increased, especially the strength, which is even more unimaginable.

“It looks like you’re a little doorway.”

The greedy wolf evil lord has eaten secret losses one after another, knowing that he can’t look down on Su Yun, he put away his lightheartedness and prepared for the war.

Su Yun rushes again and is aggressive. After Death Sword comes out of the sheath, there is no sword flying, but the thick sword and Murderous Qi are breathless.

“I look down on you! You filthy ant!”

The greedy wolf evil anger was furious, his hands were shaking in the air, a circle of mysterious evil marks circled between the claws, and then they struck towards Su Yun.

The evil mark comes, and it turns into a terrible human head, biting at Su Yun.

Su Yun lifts the sword and splits, but blade edge kills and penetrates the heads directly, making it difficult to hit them.

His eyes were frozen, and he hurried away, and his head hit the big stone behind him, so that he directly melted the big stone and the area behind it.

“Hahahaha, those are just a fraction! This time you have nowhere to hide!”

The greedy wolf evil respect laughed three times, and his palms shook again. This time, more evil marks appeared, overwhelming and dense.

This trick is over, I’m afraid there is no chance to hide.

“The world is crowned!”

But listening to Su Yun whispering, the evil mark on his forehead flashed, and then a dark circle of Evil Qi spewed out, completely covering it and turning it into a cocoon.

The greedy wolf evil spirit saw this, his eyebrows were heavy, and the evil seal was beaten.

Oh! !! !!

The heads of those who can melt the earth and hit the black silkworm cocoon can hardly destroy the silkworm cocoon!

“This is the Divine Crown power?”

“This is supposed to be my thing!” He growled, and leapt forward, splitting 981 palms in the air, his palms were thick and horrifying.

The black silkworm cocoon was rumbled by these evil palms, and the entire Yuncong Mountain was sunk for several minutes.

Fallen Leaves Sword Technique!”

While the palm of the greedy wolf evil lord, Su Yun suddenly removed the silkworm cocoons wrapped around him, killed by Death Sword, a large number of Evil Qi aspect, and caged to the greedy wolf evil lord.

“Such a poor swordsmanship also dares to fight in front of the deity! Find death!”

The greedy wolf evil respects one finger, a black light strikes Su Yun, and where the black light passes, there is a crackling explosion.

Of course, Su Yun‘s eyes flashed this time. In the face of this move, he did not dodge, and killed the past by dancing.


Black light hit him, but he didn’t feel half a point. People were directly close to the greedy wolf evil respect, and then Evil Qi was released.


The greedy wolf evil lord complexion fusion, anxious retreats.

Although this trick is strong, the greedy wolf evil lord is released in the volley, and the flaws are wide open. He thought that Su Yun would still blindly defend. However, he did not expect that he would catch his flaws and kill it.


The trail of a large amount of qi runs through the body of the greedy wolf evil respect, and then a dark sword spins wildly along this track.


The greedy wolf evil screamed madly. I didn’t know what tricks he urged, and tried to retreat, but he was slower than half a beat.

Stormy Wind Sword Technique!

啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾

Death Sword The endlessly thick Evil Qi shuttles frantically, like a huge evil dragon running through the body of the greedy wolf and evil lord. Although he dodged, it was not timely, a huge hole was pierced through the waist, evil blood Spread the ground, looking embarrassed.

The greedy wolf is anxious retreats, a pair of evil eyes full of madness and viciousness, staring fiercely at Su Yun.

“No one can push me to this point.”

He endured his pain and shouted his teeth.

Su Yun stopped his figure, waved his hand, held the Death Sword that flew back, blade edge tilted down, and stepped towards the greedy wolf.

Step by step is still full of murder.

Today, they will never die.

“Okay! Okay! So far, I should do my best!”

The greedy wolf and evil spirit panted fiercely, his voice was stunned, his body suddenly fell, his hands were supported, the ground was supported, his body was vented with Evil Qi, and the whole person changed.

Woohoo! !! !! !! !! !!

The wolf’s whistle rang between heaven and earth. Then, the whole body of the greedy wolf evil lord changed into a huge hill. The Evil Qi covered his body. After Evil Qi dispersed a few points, a huge greedy The wolf appears! !!

The greedy wolf has a strong body, with spike-like hair, red eyes, and Aura is amazing.

The wolf is rippling, and all the creatures in Yuncun Mountain are trembling!


Su Yun sinks his eyes, ignores the wolf power, and rushes straight, with a straight sword, and the kill will pass.


The huge greedy wolf made a harsh laugh, and then the huge wolf claw could not even see the shadow, and it was instantly covered on the forehead of Su Yun.

I saw a flash of black light on Su Yun fingers.


His entire body was beaten into pieces.


The Cheng Xie on the other side was dumbfounded immediately.

Dead? .

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