Limitless Sword God Chapter 1558: Slaying

The immortal rushed towards Sword sheath, regardless of the consequences. Some people in already recognized what Sword sheath was. It became even more crazy for a while, but they automatically ignored that Sword sheath should be worn by Su Yun.

These immortals are constantly pouring into Sword sheath. Their strength will make Ominous Sword more agitated. Of course, their end will be difficult to escape, they will be absorbed by Ominous Sword, none of them can go. At this moment, the Ominous Sword body is almost already completely out of Ling Qingyu. The prohibition of this, at this time, the body is unprecedentedly powerful, even if First Ancestor faces, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

However, these immortals can no longer be allowed to enter Sword sheath, otherwise it will be a burden for Ling Qingyu.

Su Yun took a deep breath and plugged it directly in front of the space door. His hands fell behind, looking at the immortals coldly.

“Stop it all for me! If anyone gets closer to the box without Apex Sword, I will blame me ruthlessly!”

Seeing the emergence of Su Yun, many immortals have stopped their pace.

But there are also people who do n’t know anything, and they rush straight up.

“Where are you from the wild boy who dare to spread wild here? Get away, otherwise Uncle Ben takes your life!”

“So arrogant!”

At the moment, Su Yun does not have much patience. In the face of those immortals who do n’t know yet, he did n’t hesitate. He crushed several strong Return to ruins with one shot, and turned Spirit God existence into oblivion as soon as he breathed out. The horror of strength is incredible.

The immortals who were stopped were immediately shocked.

Su Yun !!! He is Su Yun !!!”

I don’t know who shouted in panic.

Hearing these two words, countless immortals are struck by lightning! !!

This person is actually Su Yun? That said, this person is a First Ancestor? And is it the strongest First Ancestor of Ten Thousand World?

They were afraid, and didn’t dare to go forward anymore. In the face of this horrible giant-like figure, they were finally afraid.

But at this moment, a lot of figures appeared in the sky in all directions, countless immortals came towards this side, and at the same time, Su Yun could clearly detect the space door behind him leading to the world of Sword sheath, A strange power floated.

This power is deceptive and has a taste of manipulating the minds of others, which is very weird.

Ling Qingyu is impossible to use this kind of power, so this power is undoubtedly from Ominous Sword! !!

Ominous Sword is attracting the powerhouses of Paradise to come here, and began to use its own power to let those Paradise powerhouses enter Sword sheath. It will, as before, create more killing and chaos, and generate more Violent and bloody, absorb more darkness and fierceness, and use it to increase yourself, completely overwhelming Ling Qingyu! !!

“Fuck off !!! All off!”

Su Yun was suddenly shocked. He raised his head and roared with his loudest voice.

The voice of First Ancestor spreads in the form of air waves, and the people who are near are directly lifted off and spit blood, but the people in the distance just stagnate the speed, there is still no retreats, and they continue to rush towards this.

Su Yun I do n’t know. At this moment, Ominous Sword, even in Sword sheath, can still influence the strong in the interface through the overflowing Aura. It controls the greed and maliciousness in these fairy hearts, let them come here. Fighting each other for Ominous Sword, it will not manipulate the subjective thoughts of these immortals, it just gives these immortals the same thing.

Infinite greed!

Before greed, these immortals became inexplicably brave. Even if they knew that the existence standing in front of the space door was the absolute strong Ten Thousand World First Ancestor Su Yun, they did not consider retreats.

They desperately want Ominous Sword, they want it all.

The eyes of these people are getting crazy and hot, Su Yun understands that he can no longer dismiss these fairies, and they will not consider retreats. In this case, he has no choice!

If these immortals are allowed to enter the Sword sheath, the consequences will be severe. Not to mention that Ominous Sword will appear in advance, I am afraid that even Qingyu will encounter accidents.

Su Yun‘s pupils gradually became blood red. He reached out and looked at Sword sheath. Death Sword appeared on the palm of his hand, and a thick Murderous Qi spread from his body to the four sides.

“Since you are going to die, I will do it for you !!!”

The voice dropped, Su Yun politely carried Death Sword towards the nearest fairy.

The dark sword body with a fierce sword howl shattered the fairy, leaving no soul left.

“Ah !!!”

Several more immortals rushed in. They seemed crazy and rushed to Su Yun.

“Get away !!!”

“Let’s go in!” The roar sounded.

But in the eyes of Su Yun, their behavior is like suicide!


Su Yun doesn’t have any kindness and mercy, carrying Death Sword crazy slaughter, blade edge passing, blood splashing, but everyone who is close to Sword sheath, without exception, was beheaded and corpses turned into debris flying around.

Su Yun is killing wildly, but it has attracted more immortals. The destruction of Aura is accompanied by rich blood in this world. Although the method of Su Yun is extremely fierce, the people of immortals are not afraid of being affected by Ominous Sword. Su Yun, one after the other, scrambling to scramble, completely do not know what is called fear.

“Since you don’t want to live, don’t blame me!” Su Yun said coldly, Death Sword in his hand was like a sickle of death, madly harvesting these immortals controlled by greed.

These fairies are like persimmons that have been blown by the wind. They are all broken and falling from the air, there are not many survivors.

“Stop!” At this moment, an angry voice came from a distance. When Su Yun looked up, he saw a fairy wearing a gold robe rushing over, pointing at Su Yun and yelling: ” You demon, who slaughtered the immortal for no reason, is extremely sinful and unforgivable! I am not happy to be surrendered, maybe, I can spare you !!!!

“Let me be surrendered? Give me a life ??” Su Yun chopped down an immortal under the sword, and said coldly to the immortal: “Why are you so grandiose? Isn’t your purpose the same as them? But it ’s for this Ominous Sword! It ’s a bunch of good-looking people !!! ”

The window paper was broken directly by Su Yun. The fairy’s face couldn’t be hung up. They didn’t seem to be completely affected by the Ominous Sword. They still kept a lot of sense, but they were more or less affected. Su Yun feel free to look At his glance, this golden robe fairy was at least mid-Sealed God strength, already began to move towards the peak of Sealed God, and it can be regarded as a great immortal, but his cultivation is nothing in the eyes of Su Yun.

“I know you, you are Su Yun, the newly promoted First Ancestor, the means are powerful, and the power is huge, but Su Yun, don’t think you are First Ancestor, you can be lawless. These Ten Thousand World are not your Su Yun masters, First Ancestor It ’s not just that you are Su Yun. I have gathered already to get three thousand immortals and go to the Jiu Yang shrine. Please go to the ancient power Jiu Yang First Ancestor. Jiu Yang First Ancestor is the winner of the previous stele comparison. It is the stele heritage. Now already has stepped into First Ancestor. Situation, and the years are longer than you, the strength will certainly not lose to you, plus three thousand Daxian to help out, you can never be our opponent, you do not have any odds, I think you still surrender So as not to fight and insult yourself. “

The big immortal is drinking.

Su Yun said coldly, “Want me to surrender? Are you sure?”

Jinpao Fairy looked at Su Yun‘s unrelenting expression, and frowned slightly, feeling a little bad.

But at this time, Su Yun added another sentence: “You want me to surrender, how do you want me to surrender?”

After hearing this, the immortal breathed a little sigh of relief, and the previous tension had disappeared a lot. He was still soft as Su Yun, but it was also a thought, such a force, who else can resist Ten Thousand World? A man who does n’t suffer from immediate loss, even if Su Yun is strong, his two fists will be hard to defeat the four hands? There was a hint of pride and arrogance in his eyes, and he said with a smile: “In the end, you are First Ancestor, and we will not embarrass you. You just have to hand over your Apex Sword-free box, and then you will catch it and obey the arrangement of Jiu Yang. Yes “

“It looks like you don’t know where you are now !!! Do you know who you’re talking to?” The fairy of the Golden Robe hadn’t finished, Su Yun suddenly interrupted it, and talked slightly.

The words fell down, and the Jinpao fairy’s heart over there felt a bit unpleasant. He whispered, “Jiu Yang First Ancestor and others already are coming here. I believe it won’t take long, and they will Will arrive here, if you dare to do anything to me, it means that you are going to be against Jiu Yang First Ancestor, you must think clearly !!! “

“Don’t think about it!”

Su Yun hummed suddenly, suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the volley in front of the golden robe fairy, the body of the golden robe fairy seemed to be an iron block attracted by magnets, and quickly flew to his palm, He wants to break free, but finds that his power has no effect at all, it is like punching on the mountain with a punch, he cannot shake it at all

“Is this the power of First Ancestor?” The Jinpao Fairy thought tremblingly.

“Mo said it was Jiu Yang First Ancestor on the way, even if he is standing in front of me now, what can I do? I dare to kill An Tian, what is he?”

The sound dropped, Su Yun‘s palms exerted strength, and the body of the golden robe fairy immediately fell like powder, falling from the palm of his palm with the wind, leaving no soul.

Sealed God people in the middle stage have almost no threat to Su Yun. Even the peak of Sealed God is small and pathetic in the eyes of Su Yun, let alone that person, even if Jiu Yang First Ancestor comes in person, Su Yun is also fearless.

The golden robe fairy died, and the surrounding fairy people finally awakened. They looked at Su Yun one by one with horrified eyes. The pupils were full of fear and fear. At this moment, their greed in their hearts was replaced by fear, already Not afraid to move half a step towards Sword sheath.

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