Limitless Sword God Chapter 1557: Sword Gate

Hearing this voice, Chen Tianxie‘s face changed greatly: “Not good, it’s a guard, this tomb is guarded by guards! Quickly leave!”

But as he shouted, the figure already approached. The horrible killings directly covered the three of them, a dark and huge claw, and he politely tore to the front Chen Yi Yun.

“Yi Yun !!!”

Chen Tianxie shouts.

But it ’s too late, the claws are extremely fast, and the horrible Evil Qi is diffused. Even if they are Evil Realm being, they can hardly resist this thick and almost suffocating Evil Qi. They seem to think that the Evil Qi that is overwhelming is no longer It ’s gas, but a wall of terror

It ’s difficult to move your limbs? !!

Chen Yi Yun looked sideways, and the huge evil claw already came to her, but she could not dodge if she wanted to dodge.

It’s over.

Chen Yi Yun shivered slightly.

But on the occasion of this moment, a sturdy arm suddenly stretched from the side, like a lightning grabbing the huge torn paw. When this evil claw was caught, it seemed to be frozen. Can’t go half a minute further.

Chen Yi Yun was dumbfounded, but the Chen Tianxie next to the eye was fast, and immediately pulled Chen Yi Yun continuously retreats.

The arm is naturally the arm of Su Yun, so seeing that he is light and windy, grab the evil claw, and then gently wave it, the evil claw immediately flew away and landed on the ground.

The three men looked carefully before they could see the owner of this evil claw.

The owner of this evil claw is a giant Evil Realm being with a height of about three meters. His extremities are very developed and his body is covered by Evil Qi. Only the green eyes are exposed, fierce and fierce, and his heart is numb.

“Is this Evil Realm being?” Chen Tianxie frowned.

Evil Realm being, but very few people have grown up like this.

“No matter who he is, as the guardian of the cemetery, he should know where the evil spirit is now.”

The sound dropped, Su Yun looked up at the Evil Realm being, and whispered, “Tell me, where is the evil spirit!”

“The arrogant, just disturb my master’s sleep, even dare to speak to me in such a tone, I don’t know how to die! Watch me kill you and bury my master!”

The Evil Realm being roared, driving her huge body towards Su Yun.

But at this moment, Su Yun suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the Evil Realm being. The thick First Ancestor power wrapped the Evil Realm being, and he squeezed his huge body continuously, eventually turning it into an ant size Dragging in the palm, the Evil Realm being turns around in the palm of Su Yun, but can’t escape the palm.

“What did you do to me?” Evil Realm being shouted in exasperation and anger.

“Whether it is you or the master you protect, in my eyes, it is not much different from the ants!”

Su Yun said coldly: “I only give you one chance, where is the heart of Qi Xie!”

“Even if I die, I won’t betray my master. I won’t tell you. You are so powerful, I’m not your opponent, but if you want to threaten me with force, don’t even think about it!” Then Evil Realm being roared.

Su Yun heard it, but was quite angry. He yelled, “Stupid man, do you think I win the spirit of evil, just for my own benefit? If it is not for the Ten Thousand World, my little Qi evil What is the heart in my eyes? “

This is a big truth. The heart of Qi Xie may be considered a treasure in the Evil World, but in the eyes of a First Ancestor class like Su Yun, it can only be said to be ordinary, but the most evil things are Ten Thousand World. Too few, the most evil, perhaps this is the spirit of Qi evil.

The man only said that Su Yun was nothing more than arrogance. Until Su Yun stared at the man’s eyes and started to show Great Exquisite Tech­nique, the man was shocked. Once Great Exquisite Tech­nique was deployed, he felt that he had all his body and mind, and all of them had been stunned. Any message hidden in his head was hollowed out,

Continued about three breathless efforts, Su Yun threw the Evil Realm being at random, the Evil Realm being fell to the ground, but quickly climbed up and rushed towards Su Yun.

This person is loyal to the Lord of this cemetery. Su Yun can’t bear to obliterate it, he just casts it and temporarily removes cultivation.

Evil Realm being can’t attack without cultivation, and Su Yun heads towards that graveyard.

I watched him close his eyes and sing some strange spells. The necropolis in the cemetery was magnificent, and then a corpse flew out of the cemetery. The corpse was covered with precious magic robes and looked at I knew that the extraordinary practitioner, Evil Realm being, immediately fell to his knees, crying, crying: “The subordinates are incompetent and cannot hold the tomb for the master. Today, these people have blasphemed the master and their subordinates are not worth living in this world.”

The sound dropped, and Evil Realm being‘s body died instantly, but he committed suicide.

Chen Tianxie and Chen Yi Yun smirked endlessly, Su Yun was not blocked. Although he was loyal, he was foolish. In his opinion, Su Yun‘s behavior blasphemed his guardian’s master, and he did not do his duty, but only apologized for death. . Even if Su Yun prevented him this time, next time he would still be dead.

When the corpse flew out, it looked at Su Yun in the volley, and immediately a light blue gem-like substance flew out of the corpse’s chest. The surface of the substance was covered with a lot of cobweb-like patterns, the patterns were dark, like evil patterns, When the gem detached from the corpse, the entire corpse immediately vaporized, and the smoke disappeared.

Seeing here, Chen Tianxie understands that the corpse has not yet decayed, and it can emit such a terrible Evil Qi, all because of this gem. This must be the legendary spirit of Qi Xie.

I didn’t expect Su Yun to get this legendary treasure so easily. What kind of method is he so capable?

Su Yun got Qi Xie’s heart, stared at the gem for a while, and finally exhaled fiercely, but his face was not relaxed and contrary, it was unprecedented dignity and seriousness.

Sectmaster! Yi Yun! You will start now, go to True Demon World, time is running out.”

He turned around and looked at the father and daughter of Chen Yi Yun seriously.

Su Yun, where are you going?” Chen Tianxie asked.

“I’m going to Paradise, things already are all in line, now I will see if I can succeed.”

Su Yun smiled, although it was barely smiled.

Chen Yi Yun doesn’t understand what Su Yun is doing, but she knows that this time is bound to be extremely dangerous. She can’t help Su Yun.

“Brother Yun, I will be waiting for you in True Demon World. You must come back safely.” Chen Yi Yun whispered softly.

Su Yun nodded his head, turned around, and vanished, disappearing in front of the two.

Chen Tianxie sighed slightly, while Chen Yi Yun held her hands tightly together. This time, she didn’t know when she could see Su Yun.

Sacred tree of the world tree contains powerful life force. It has the same characteristics as the original natural tree. It can well isolate the Ominous Qi of Ominous Sword. It can drive away the Ominous Qi entangled in the eye of Ominous Sword. The most yin-to-evil things can absorb all the spirits and bloods that are condensed at the sword eye, and lose the blood and Ominous Qi, and the barrier at the sword eye will collapse.

Su Yun rushed to Paradise at the fastest speed. At this moment, Paradise also changed. It was originally a dim Paradise. At this moment, already became a dim world, and the sky was covered with a layer of fog. Shrouded in the air, the smell of death and coldness permeated the fairy already in Paradise, but they didn’t know what was going on.

Su Yun rushed to the mixed domain of Paradise. However, as he kept approaching the mixed domain of Paradise, more and more immortals were seen along the way.

These immortals are in a hurry, and everyone is carrying a lot of magic weapons. Many people are even full of colorful lights, like what spells already blessed, it looks like they are fully armed.

What’s going on?

A bad feeling pervaded Su Yun‘s heart. His frown frowned, and his speed pushed to the limit.

Finally, people are close to the Paradise mixed domain, but at this moment, it seems very chaotic. There seems to be something fighting between the immortals.

“Who are you?”

Su Yun saw these people gathered around the Paradise mixed domain and sang loudly.

But people didn’t bother him, everyone’s attention fell into the fight in front of the mixed domain of Paradise.

Before the Paradise mixed domain, there were a large number of immortals. People’s eyes fell on them, and it was difficult to leave. From time to time, a sound of explosions rang out from inside, and the rich Immortal Qi blew from the inside. Su Yun frowned, walked towards it, and waited to get rid of the crowd, only to find that these immortals were attracted by the Ominous Qi overflowing from Sword sheath. They thought that Sword sheath was buried with the treasure, so they fought. The strength of these immortals is not simple. The worst is also at the peak of Spirit God. There are also many Return to ruin existence, and there are several Sealed God mirror men.

For these people, Su Yun naturally has nothing to be afraid of, and walked directly towards the center, intending to put away Sword sheath. These immortals are still eager for benefits at this juncture, and he will not care about the lives of these immortals.

But the moment he approached, the Sword sheath suddenly burst into a sky-light gray light, and a huge space door appeared in front of Sword sheath.

“It’s the door to the inside of this Sword sheath !!!” A fairy yelled when she saw this.

When the other immortals saw this, they suddenly felt greedy, one by one, rushing towards the door, one after the other, afraid of falling behind.

Su Yun saw the situation and quickly urged First Ancestor Aura to close the door of the opened space, but the door was not simple. It seemed to know that Su Yun was going to close it. When First Ancestor Aura was approaching, a lot of things came out immediately. Ominous Qi, completely shattered First Ancestor Aura, and those who were just ready to go in could not escape the horrible Ominous Qi erosion, one by one, and all the residue was left.

Su Yun originally thought that this scene would scare those who were completely controlled by greedy desire, but in fact he was wrong, and people would often become irrational in front of interests.

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