Limitless Sword God Chapter 148: hundreds of flying blades (three)

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“A dainty lacquer pie dares to be so crazy?”

The sound fell, and I saw a disciple of Misty Wind Valley jump into the duel and fight with the zebra leopard.

The duo cultivation is not high, it is only the second grade of Spirit Core Disciple, but they can be selected to fight against the peerless peak, how can they be general?

I saw the two of you coming and going. Lingxuan Aura spread all over the body, and began to explode in a frenzied manner. Various Profound Techniques were exquisitely executed.

“I haven’t seen such outstanding students in the past, this is just a consumption of staff, and I don’t know what surprises can come later!”

Congregate of Treasures Sect Sectmaster looked at the two figures shaking in the duel, and nodded again and again.

“The strength is really good, but the moves are too vague and there are many flaws. Any player in my Long Ao country can break within five breaths!”

While waiting for the Congregate of Treasures Sect to answer, it is convenient to make a thick voice.

The King of Shenbao turned his head and saw the foot rest area of ​​Long Ao country. The only lord of the Long Ao country, Long Ao, was holding a cup of tea, and said with a smile.

The elders of the Lacquer School and the Misty Wind Valley heard ugly faces, but they were ugly, but they were afraid to speak, and speaking of strength, these two schools were not rivals of the Long Ao country.

But this is only a junior disciple. Elite disciples who are waiting to be played are the highlights. Even if they are inferior in strength, they still have a lot to say about the individual strength of the disciples.

This Warriors Group is actually a wheel battle. In the early stage, the disciples with poor strength came on the court and consumed the power of other martial arts. When their martial arts were not elite, they continued to consume, providing convenience to their elite and creating conditions for victory. .

The more people come from a martial art, the more favorable it is. Wushuang Qunying Society does not stipulate how many people come from each martial art. ?


At this time, a muffled sound sounded from the duel.

People hurried to watch a figure flew out of the duel array, fell to the ground fiercely, spit a few blood, just stood up, and passed out again.

Misty Wind Valley wins!”

The king of the treasure stood up and yelled.

“OK !!!!!!”

The disciples of Misty Wind Valley all stood up from the array, shouting excitedly.

The elders of Misty Wind Valley are also relieved and laughed.

On the contrary, the lacquer pie sent people, all of them looking heavy, and the two disciples ran out of the rest and pulled the unconscious person back.

Playing is not casual. Usually, if a faction loses, it will take two waits to continue sending disciples to fight. If there are two factions sending disciples at the same time, a three-player melee can be played, but this is not the case. Although it was a fight, the people of the word courtesy understood it.

Of course, there will also be special circumstances. If two top martial arts disciples fight, other martial arts are afraid of their prestige and no one is challenged. The defeated party can still send disciples to challenge.


When the howling of the sword sounded, I watched a gorgeous and sharp flying sword stab into the duel array. Everyone froze and looked up. A man wearing a luxurious sword suit fell lightly on the hilt of the sword. Like Hongmao.

is a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect.

“This brother, ask for advice!”

The Immortal Sword Sect man smiled and arched.

Misty Wind Valley disciples looked at each other for a moment, and shouted, “Look at the trick!”

The two are fighting.

The audience’s sight was once again drawn to it.

Recruiting and killing, Profound Technique bursts, endless.

Some people who are extremely confident in their strength start to drum up their hearts.

If you play, can you beat them?

Su Clan area.

Su Qing’er!”

Great Elder stared at the duel field.

Su Qing’er heard that they had to pass, but they were held by Su Yun.

“Rest assured, Master, it’s okay!”

Qing’er showed a beautiful smile, called softly, then let go of Su Yun‘s hand and walked over.

Su Yun glanced at Great Elder, seeing that the second elder was squinting at himself, he gave him a few winks and made him look at it.

The second elder and Su Shilong‘s lives are in the hands of Su Yun. How dare you disobey his orders? Immediately nodded.

“Elder, what do you tell me?” Su Qing’er said politely.

“Get ready, you will be playing later!”

Great Elder is indifferent.


That’s it, Su Qing’er suddenly stunned.

Mo said she was astonished even by the disciples around her.

“This … Great Elder, Qing’er is our seed player of Su Clan, she will be left in the final game, why … why did she send her up this start?”

“Are there many seed players?”

Great Elder indifferent: “It is enough to have four people: Baishan, Heishui, Baiguang, and black electricity. Qing’er comes first, and it is Su Clan for me!”

“This …”

Su Qing’er is a bit embarrassing.

“What? You want to disobey my orders?”

Great Elder looked dull and hummed.

Su Qing’er has changed a lot, and hurriedly whispered: “Qing’er is afraid!”

“Don’t dare to be the best!” Great Elder turned his head and said coldly: “Get ready, the Misty Wind Valley people will soon lose!”

“Yes …” Su Qing’er nodded, stopped talking, walked aside, sat cross-legged, and began to warm up with luck.

Su Yun‘s resentment was extremely strong, but in the end there was no snoring.

You can only endure at this time.

“Your name is Su Yun, right?”

Just then, a call sounded.

Su Yun turned his head and looked, but saw a slightly familiar face before him.

The comer is about twenty years old. The wearer of the Su Clan token can come here, presumably also a master of Su’s Inner sect.

“Who are you?”

Su Yun asked.

“Su Xiao,” he whispered softly.

Su Xiao?

Su Yun had a few pictures in my head and got an impression.

This seems to be the same person I met when I tried in Martial Bone Mountain.

“Anything?” he asked, turning his head.

Su Yun, what does this Sword sheath … do you behind?”

Su Xiao’s gaze fell on Sword sheath, and he asked a little bit of complexity in his eyes.

Su Yun heard a word of vigilance and looked at him and said, “What can Sword sheath do? Naturally it is for the sword, what’s wrong?”

“Oh … nothing, I just think this Sword sheath looks better.” Su Xiao smiled slightly, and his pale face appeared a little complicated.

Today, Su Xiao is thinner than what he had seen, with hair over his shoulders, covering most of his face, and abnormally pale skin.

Probably it hurt him a lot.

But it is surprising that he has rushed into Inner sect from the original Outer sect children in such a short time, and is listed in the Inner sect elite disciples group.

Su Yun Seeing Su Xiao silent, he turned his eyes and turned his eyes to the duel.

But when I looked away, I saw the Immortal Sword Sect area coldly. The eyes closed sitting person was looking at it quietly. When Su Yun looked, she closed her eyes quickly, her look remained calm, but she put it on her knee The slender jade fingers on the top are curled together quite nervously.

“This woman, are you okay to see what I do?”

Su Yun is inexplicable.


At this time, the harsh sound of the flesh being scratched sounded.

Misty Wind Valley disciples were chopped down and blood shed.

Misty Wind Valley lost.

Su Qing’er glanced at Great Elder, but saw that he didn’t make a gesture, so he didn’t shoot.


Long Ao country flew a figure.

Compared to other schools, the Long Ao people have long been eager to move. Militant is the nature of the people in this country, so this country has also been privately asked about the biggest hidden dangers in the southern region.

When the Long Ao nationals came into play, they battled directly without saying a word.

Looking at that man’s long walk, the magic weapon has not been sacrificed, and he was close to the Immortal Sword Sect disciple. Three fists were shot and he blasted on his sword body. He instantly blasted him back. The disciple’s pace was chaotic Downwind.

This is the third breath!

“Fourth Breath!” At this time, the king Long Ao of Long Ao country suddenly made a noise.

The members of the Long Ao country heard that their body suddenly burst out, and the speed was unremarkable. They instantly appeared in front of the Immortal Sword Sect disciple and kicked them directly.


Immortal Sword Sect disciples were blasted out of the duel.

It’s really not over to defeat your opponent!

Long Ao national victory!


Swallowing Heavens Sect is here!

The focus of the audience was on the center.

I didn’t expect that it would be the turn of the top two martial artists to move so quickly.

Long Ao Chinese and Swallowing Heavens Sect people give up to each other, they use all their strengths, and the earth is shaken by them. If it is not for the destructive force of the duel array to weaken the proliferation, I am afraid that this whole unparalleled peak must be destroyed. These martial arts masters were demolished.

The two martial arts have been fighting up forever, but the bottom line of Swallowing Heavens Sect is quite sufficient. In this first game, they half-took to win the Long Ao country.

Long Ao Seeing the sky, his brows sank to the ground, he didn’t say a word.

His two small martials appeared on the court, and after losing, they sent masters to fight.

Qunying will be extremely fierce.

Su Yun stared at Great Elder, confused.

Isn’t he trying to get Qing’er up? Why didn’t you take the shot?

Some of the martial arts did not send their disciples to the field. They are probably watching, but if they do not take a long time, they will obviously be scorned by other martial arts.

Finally, after number theory, the Swallowing Heavens Sect and the Long Ao Chinese people struggled for four or five, and finally couldn’t hold their breath.

Look at a golden light passing by, across the mountain, and then the sound of dragon howl descended from the sky and landed in the duel array.

People have a golden flower in front of them. Before they can see the person, they see that there is a person in the battlefield.

Long Ao Chinese.

“Please advise.”

The low call sounded, and the Long Ao shot directly.

No trace of retention.

No hesitation.

No hint of softness.

Long Ao country’s unique overbearing Aura directly broke out, full of Lingxuan Aura wrapped the Swallowing Heavens Sect person strictly, people were completely suppressed, wanted to urge Aura to fight, but was surprised to find their own Lingxuan Aura It is difficult to move by being directly held down by the opponent’s Aura.


A muffled sound!

Then the Swallowing Heavens Sect person was directly hit by the opponent with a punch. The whole person was smashed into the ground, the ground was shattered, and the dust was flying. The air waves erupting from his punches swayed to the Quartet like a bomb. general.

It is unknown whether Swallowing Heavens Sect people are dead or alive.

His! !!

The disciples in the room all took a cool breath!

So tough! !!

There is only one idea in everyone’s mind.

This is definitely a seed player in Long Ao country!

Su Qing’er!”

At this moment, the Great Elder on that end spoke.

Su Qing’er looked aside for a moment.


Low drinking sounds.

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