Limitless Sword God Chapter 1361: Front impact

“I didn’t expect that the opportunity would come so fast. I waited for this day, already has been a long time.” Su Yun laughed.

Xiao Luo walked slowly in front of Su Yun, looked at his pale face, a little regret flashed in his eyes, and then quietly said, “Are you all right?”

“It doesn’t matter, don’t worry.”

“Ahem, Immortal Court­yard should have no resentment against you, why are you targeting Immortal Court­yard so much?”

“No injustice or revenge? Just you don’t know.”

“Is it because of Immortal Court­yard and True Demon World?”

“This is only a part, the most important thing is that Immortal Court­yard is not extinguished, I will not be peaceful!” Su Yun said indifferently: “There are many things that you do n’t know. If I do n’t take the initiative, Immortal Court­yard will take the lead to me Start! Those who are in a disadvantaged position can only be eroded by the other party if they don’t prepare early! “

Xiao Luo heard the sound, nodded thoughtfully.

“Where were you at the beginning? Why didn’t you see your figure? Didn’t I inform you in advance? I let you leave Immortal Court­yard. The fight here is so fierce and the sword has no eyes. What should you do if you have an accident? Su Yun looked at Xiao Luo and said.

The tone is quite blame.

Xiao Luo stunned, then laughed: “You don’t have to worry, I arranged an evacuation place for already in advance,”

At this moment, a rush of footsteps came from outside.

Su Yun and Xiao Luo look out at the door.

Just looking at Xiang Yang, it was crawling and rolling, panicking towards this side, and shouted in trembling: “something happened! Master something happened !!!! Something bad happened!”

The call came in, but it really surprised Su Yun and Xiao Luo.

“What’s so panic-like?” Su Yun stopped meditating, stood up and asked.

“A large number of Immortal Court­yard troops appeared on the periphery, with a large number and particularly strong strength. The Wei Ming adults initially observed that these Immortal Court­yard people seemed to be those who attacked Eagle God Clan. Although they rushed to God Eagle Mountain, they seemed to be suddenly in the middle. Change lanes and kill a carbine! “


Su Yun heard the sound, his face changed dramatically, and the man suddenly stood up. He lowered his head for a moment, and his face was extremely ugly.

“Not good! Not good!” He murmured, his expression became more anxious. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: “Immediately order to stop collecting Immortal Court­yard materials and evacuate immediately. !!! Hurry !!! “


Xiang Yang nodded quickly and ran outside.

Su Yun got up and went outside.

“What’s wrong with Su Yun? Why are you so impatient? The Immortal Court­yard army is only a million people, and these fairy magic alliances outside you, at least more than two million, on combat power, you are not worthy!” Xiao Luo Asked.

“This already is not a good or bad number.”

Su Yun shook his head, with anxiety on his face: “This is still a gap in strength! I am not afraid of the Immortal Court­yard, I am afraid of the Immortal Court­yard leader!”

“Long Immortal Court­yard? He’s here? Then he won’t deal with Eagle God Clan? Without him, who will deal with Eagle God Clan?”

“The strength of Immortal Court­yard is better than that of Eagle God Clan. He only needs to consume the strength of Eagle God Clan, and then he can quickly return to Immortal Court­yard. The rest of Eagle God Clan is handed to Sword God with a smile. In fact, Immortal Court­yard dealt with Not only Eagle God Clan, but us! They deliberately mobilized the army to leave, and their purpose was to seduce us to attack Immortal Court­yard !!! And the eleven emperors detonated themselves, not to burn with our jade, their main purpose was to It ’s draining my strength. Now that I am injured, it ’s impossible to fight with Immortal Court­yard any longer. If he comes, it will be a unilateral slaughter, here! It will become purgatory !!! “

His voice became dry. The situation was not as smooth as expected. He never expected that the Immortal Court­yard leader included him in the target.

Xiao Luo heard the sound, immediately stagnate.

“Do you mean that the president has targeted you from the beginning?”

“I ca n’t confirm it yet! Xiao Luo, you leave alone first, chase the previous immortals first, it is dangerous to follow me. After this, you come to Ask Immortal Sect alone to find me! Immortal Court­yard You ca n’t stay too long, I worry that you will be noticed by Immortal Court­yard, that would be too dangerous! “

Su Yun said nothing, rushed straight towards the court building.

At the moment, the periphery of the court building gathered a large number of coalition forces. Under the leadership of the various Xian factions, the people quickly gathered, rushed outward, and left here at the fastest speed.

Su Yun, accompanied by Wu Mian, also rushed past.

“Take the sidewalk, don’t run into the Immortal Court­yard army.”

“Sir, I know one way, Immortal Court­yard people will never know that we leave from there!” Cai Tian said.

Cai Tian has been in Immortal Court­yard for a long time and has a good understanding of Immortal Court­yard.

“Then you lead the way, everyone follows the Cai Tian adults! Don’t divide too much. If you meet the Immortal Court­yard army, you need to assemble immediately.” Su Yun shouted.


People shouted, and afterwards, as Cai Tian drifted to the side, the army turned into a long human dragon, and they kept moving forward.

However, Cai Tian stopped short before moving forward.

When people saw this, they were all puzzled. Su Yun felt bad and immediately flew forward, but he jumped over the crowd and stopped.

Looking ahead, there is a human wall, which is a human wall framed by the elite of Immortal Court­yard. It seems that already expects Su Yun and others to come over here, one by one, the long swords have been polished, filled with Immortal Qi, He stared at this head with a stare.

“How is that possible? How do they know we will go this way?”

“Did we have spies inside? Immortal Court­yard was notified of where we evacuated?”

“This is the temporary decision made by the adult Cai Tian !!! Even if it is a notification, it will not be possible unless”

The crowd couldn’t help looking at Cai Tian, and at this moment Cai Tian was pale and sweaty from his face.

He was very nervous. Immortal Court­yard appeared on this side lane instead of the right path. It was by no means that they walked here until they got closer, but knew in advance that they would leave here.

Cai Tian knows that his already is suspected, because there is no better explanation, and I am afraid it is difficult to express his innocence in words.

“Elder Cai Tian will not betray us, I believe him !!! You don’t have to think about it !!”

Just as Cai Tian was so nervous, Su Yun suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

Everyone froze.

But when Su Yun pulled out Twin Moon Sword, he said coldly: “Everyone is ready, and they are ready to fight !!!!! Quickly !!!”

“Ready to fight !!!”

A cry came out.

Drums and trumpets begin to sway around.

People get together quickly, sort out formations, and accumulate spells.

The previous battle in Immortal Court­yard was really easy. The Su Yun army was all remnants and generals, but this time it was different. The Immortal Court­yard army standing here is the best Immortal Court­yard existence, which is used by Immortal Court­yard. Come play existence of Eagle Mountain. Although Su Yun‘s casualties are not serious, after all, everyone has consumed a lot. Even if the Immortal Court­yard people were not strong before, it is not easy to fight as the defender and control the Immortal Court­yard defense system.

This wave, in fact, Su Yun should not fight with it, but already has no retreat! If you do not fight, you will win if you meet the brave on the narrow side, and those who are afraid of the war will lose.

Oh! !! !!

The strange noises sounded, and then in the middle of the army on both sides, a colored light door appeared, and the door cracked, and then a light and shadow came out of the door.

Su Yun‘s people all stared wide, staring at this figure with shortness of breath, one by one stagnant. The Immortal Court­yard army, however, held up the soldiers in their hands and called out loud.

“Justice !!! Justice !!! Justice !!!”

Crowds are arrogant, and the momentum is magnificent.

“The law of Immortal Court­yard is both justice!”

The light and shadow slowly lingered, a pair of translucent eyes glanced at this side: “And you, but the most wicked filth among these Ten Thousand World, nothing! Now, you are willing to admit your crimes, And accept the punishment won for your sins? “

This voice has a deceptive power, and will make people who hear this voice feel helpless, respectful and trusting to the speaker.

President Immortal Court­yard, He Xuren, Su Yun dare not take it lightly, every word of him is filled with an unexplainable mystery, and at the moment his voice came out, Su Yun shouted immediately.

“Sin? Do you mean us? Or yourself? What is sin, what is justice, conscience, and light? Do you really understand ????”

He flew to the front of the army, staring seriously at the light and shadow.

Guangying also looked at Su Yun, silent for a moment, and slowly said: “It was you! The lord of Ask Immortal Sect! The ants who fled from my hands several times! It seems that you are also related to True Demon World, but this time , You must not escape. “

“Escape? I didn’t think of escaping. Who would kill the deer? Maybe!”

Su Yun said coldly.

“Hey, Su Yun, you don’t want to run away, but you really want to die in his hands, now you are definitely not his opponent!”

At this moment, the sound of Ling Qingyu came from Sword sheath.

“I want to escape too, but the problem is how to escape? And with so many people behind me, I can’t leave them alone, right?” Su Yun said helplessly, whispered.

“To this day, you can only find a way to contain the President Immortal Court­yard, it is best to lead him away, otherwise, most of these people will be sent here!” Ling Qingyu said.

“Can Sword sheath seal the President?” Su Yun asked.

“Stop it, but did you contend with the president? Not to mention, it is easy for him to break through Sword sheath, unless you can restrain him, but this will not help.”

“Now already doesn’t have so much time to consider.”

Su Yun took a deep breath and touched his hand towards Sword sheath behind him.

He knows that the day will come sooner or later, but he doesn’t know that he can match up with Immortal Court­yard so fast.

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