Limitless Sword God Chapter 1281: Levy

already, the delivery person, set off. Immortal Court­yard has experienced two wars and consumes a lot. In addition, Su Yun is so noisy in Immortal Court­yard. The current Immortal Court­yard people are busy. Deep Demon Front already was established and officially declared war on Immortal Court­yard. If it is only a True Demon World, Immortal Court­yard will naturally not be considered, but adding an Netherworld and Deep Empress also involved in it, then the meaning is different, Immortal Court­yard is even more arrogant Don’t dare ignore it.

To this end, Immortal Court­yard had to ask for materials from various sects and demand tribute. Although this would cause the sects to be dissatisfied with Immortal Court­yard, at this juncture, Immortal Court­yard had to follow suit. Su Yun each compromised already, and the delivery team already hit the road. However, how can Su Yun deliver things to Immortal Court­yard without any problems? He had already ordered in advance that Eight Unity Sect, Big Exquisite Palace, Unfettered Palace, and Secret Dragon Hall would dispatch elite troops and quietly follow the team that delivered the supplies. & nbs novel p; Immortal Court­yard will arrange a collection point in each area, and the tribute paid by the Xianpai in this area will be sent to this collection point, and then the masters in the collection point will uniformly transport it to Immortal Court­yard. Su Yun doesn’t want Immortal Court­yard to regain new blood and full of vitality from the hands of these fairy pie. In this way, isn’t it to trouble yourself? Therefore, the four Xian factions each correspond to the collection points in their own area and are ready to start. The other four lanes are led by the team. Don’t worry. Ask Immortal Sect is the weakest and is led by Su Yun.

Ask Immortal Sect‘s team already set off, Su Yun personally led five thousand elites quietly to keep up, these elites are Spirit Immortal peak existence, Su Yun life Xiang Yang carefully cultivated a large number of cent coins, is to deal with such occasions.

Immortal Court­yard collected a large amount of resources this time, so the scope of collection is also very wide. Although Immortal Court­yard is huge and has a large number of people, the number of collection points set up is also huge, but there are not many Immortal Court­yard guards arranged at each collection point. There are only more than a thousand people. To deal with more than a thousand individuals, in fact, there is no difficulty at all by means of Su Yun. It is not only Su Yun. Other immortal people will destroy these more than a thousand people. However, Immortal Court­yard is obviously considering that Evildoer will come to disturb. Therefore, a lot of preparations were made. According to the investigation sent by Xiang Yang, Immortal Court­yard specially arranged two immortals who are proficient in space Immortal Technique in each collection point. These immortals are all There is a strong connection with the space department inside Immortal Court­yard. Once any collection point has an accident, the two celestial masters who are proficient in space Immortal Technique will quickly perform the operation and draw a temporary portal, and the master of Immortal Court­yard will also be in Instantly cross the space, rush from Immortal Court­yard to the place of the accident, the speed is extremely fast, it can be said that there are two space fairy, Immortal Court­yard can support the fairy at any collection point at any time in the first time people.

“So, to find a way to solve these two space immortal talents now.”

Su Yun thought inwardly, looking at the Ask Immortal Sect material team walking in front of him far away, thinking about his plans for a while.

However, it didn’t take long for the previous team to slow down.

It turned out that the already of the Ask Immortal Sect material team was near the collection point where Immortal Court­yard was placed in this area. The already had Immortal Court­yard who was checking the identity of the Ask Immortal Sect person, and the person in charge of Ask Immortal Sect was negotiating with it.

Su Yun cultivation is powerful and his eyesight is wide. He slowly looks around and finds that there are many fairy teams around this collection point. There are 40 or 50 fairy pie in this area, large in size. There are no small people, and the materials collected at this collection point will not be less.

Su Yun waved his hand. Five thousand people behind him immediately urged the magic weapon prepared before. All the people’s figures gradually became transparent. The Aura emanating from their bodies gradually weakened. It didn’t take long for them to overflow. Now all we have to do is wait and wait for the people of the various cents to leave. If we start here, Su Yun cannot guarantee that these persons of the cents will help Immortal Court­yard. Even if they don’t help Immortal Court­yard, they will at least reveal their identity. This is not worth the money.

This collection point has been opened for a total of six days. The limited time of Immortal Court­yard is fifteen days. If fifteen days later there are still tributes that are not due, the person at the collection point will write down the name and leave directly. During the period, someone will come to the door to call, of course, there are only three opportunities.

Su Yun sent someone to stare around, waiting quietly for nine days. The Ask Immortal Sect person paid the goods and left directly, returning to the sect, and Su Yun continued to stare. However, during the payment process, a lot of disgusting things happened.

The amount of materials that Xianpai should pay is not determined by Xianpai, but by Immortal Court­yard. As for how to decide, it is reported that Immortal Court­yard is based on the previous comprehensive assessment of the strength of each Xianpai, although there are special People estimate, but the calculation is not accurate. Some Xian factions have surged in strength, while some Xian factions are retreats for various reasons, so many problems will occur, such as the most common problems. Materials, making the Immortal Court­yard people at the collection point difficult.

This is the most common thing that Su Yun sees in these days, and in this Paradise area, it is estimated that the worst person is the person of ‘Puyimen’.

Pu Yimen’s team only has ten people, and the goods transported are only carried by a thin Pegasus. Pu Yimen is a small fairy pie. It is said that the people of this fairy pie rarely participate. In the battle of interests among the immortals, they did not have a fixed spirit mine, nor did they occupy resources. Therefore, the development of Zongmen was extremely slow. The people inside the Zongmen were almost always practicing with their personal experience and epiphany. That is, even their own magic weapon is very few. This fairy pie is actually a lot of existence in Paradise. However, it is very difficult for them to take out supplies. In the first hundred years, there was a rare one in Puyimen The support of Xinyang Mine is sufficient for the expenses in the ancestral gate, but this piece of Xinyang Mine is very small and cannot support it for a long time. Fifty years ago, Xinyang Mine was depleted by already, but Immortal Court­yard did not know, and no one was sent to verify This solicitation even called for Puyimen to donate the reserves of the Xinyang Mine for 300 years, not to mention that the Xinyang Mine already has been exhausted. Even without it, Puyimen would never have been able to get so many things.

When the Puyimen team was inspected by the Immortal Court­yard, the expression of the Immortal Court­yard was very strange. Su Yun stared at the team and looked at the Immortal Court­yard person responsible for the inspection from time to time. Seeing that his expression never looked down, he slowly turned into disgust and anger.

“Where is the Xinyang Mine? Why is it so?”

The Immortal Court­yard man yelled with a loud voice and threw a small bag in his hand downwards severely. The bag continued to fall until it fell on a thick cloud below.

Many immortals saw the scene in the distance, but no one spoke.

Puyimen’s people look different, but everyone is silent, only the person in charge at the front bends down, respectfully said: “Sir, we don’t want to pay, it is really empty, I’m Puyimen The only Xinyang Mine has been mined out 50 years ago. It is impossible to take out more Xinyang Mine. This is all the stock, sir.

“Going out? Why haven’t you heard of it before ?? We only said it when we collected materials in Immortal Court­yard? Less deceiving people!” The Immortal Court­yard people didn’t believe it at all.

“Sir, since the Xinyang mine has dried up, we have paid tribute to Immortal Court­yard every year, and I have mentioned it.” The man said bitterly.

But it did n’t help. I saw the person in charge of Immortal Court­yard shouting at the person in charge of Pu Yimen: “Now there are four days left until the end of the collection. I will give you another chance and give me back to collect immediately. A good amount of supplies, if you ca n’t collect everything for me, you ’re all done! ”

“The amount of adults is too large, we can’t help it.”

The man shook his head.

“Powerless? That means you can’t do it?”


“Very good!” Your Immortal Court­yard sneered and waved directly: “Come, tie them all up, send them back to Immortal Court­yard, put them in jail, and wait for the people in Puyimen to redeem the supplies!”

“Ah? Adults here and here”

“Sir, we ca n’t really take it out. Even if you take us, Pu Yimen will not take it out.”

“Pu Yimen has always been peaceful, and there are few people in the land. There are really not so many supplies.”

Pu Yimen’s people panicked and shouted one by one.

But their confused words came out, but nothing seemed to fall into the ear of the Immortal Court­yard person. The Immortal Court­yard person frowned, as if he didn’t bother to talk nonsense anymore, but just beckoned and returned. Among the nearly a thousand Immortal Court­yard people behind, dozens of immortals came out and directly surrounded these people in Puyimen.

Pu Yimen’s people were close together, but they didn’t dare to resist. They all put on their special bracelets and anklets, and all of them were taken down, and they were all taken to a specific method to the right of the collection point In the battlefield, they were temporarily detained. In this legal battlefield, besides them, there were nearly a hundred immortals. They were all immortals who had not paid their tribute in accordance with regulations.

Other immortals saw this. They were angry and scared, but no matter who they were, they didn’t dare to get ahead, and they didn’t dare to speak up. They just watched Immortal Court­yard do this furious thing.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun naturally felt a bit angry, but he was not qualified to criticize Immortal Court­yard, Immortal Court­yard, and it was only for the benefit, and the interest-smoothed person, not only Immortal Court­yard, he was also.

Fifteen days passed quickly. I do n’t know how many of these things happened, and the imprisoned detainees soon broke a hundred.

Immortal Court­yard records the names of the remaining denominations that have not yet paid their tribute. They no longer send people to remind them to pack things directly, integrate the supplies, hold the immortals, prepare to go on the road, and return to Immortal Court­yard.

Su Yun saw this scene and waved his hands immediately to signal to everyone who was lurking to keep up.

The time is ripe for already. The date of withdrawal of each collection point to return to Immortal Court­yard is today and tomorrow. I believe that a good show will be staged in these two days. Mobile users please visit

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