Limitless Sword God Chapter 1267: Play (Happy New Year)

Looking at the appearance of a sturdy long sword, all the people in the Quartet are shocked.

Imperial Deep Sword holds this peerless sword and cuts it straight away, where the blade passes, it is shattered, as if reincarnation has been chopped by him, and those who are approached by the blade are all swallowed by this terrible Sword Qi, a The body shattered and died into smoke.

Everyone is staring at each other, and they are all frightened. The dead are already filled with thick smoke. This is an Imperial Deep Sword technique. With the cutting of the fairy sword, it has exerted unimaginable power. Those immortals all have the peak of Spirit Immortal and even Spirit God‘s initial strength, but facing Imperial Deep Sword‘s Sword Skill, they simply couldn’t support even a face-to-face, everything was directly dragged into the realm of mortal death, and never resurrected.

Deep Empress stepped out of danger in an instant, she landed on the ground, gasping heavily, her hair shed, and she was extremely embarrassed. This is Su Yun attracted a large number of Paradise masters. If those Paradise masters are gathered around the gate of Netherworld, relying on the strength of Deep Empress, it is impossible to break in. I am afraid that it is impossible to be near the gate, it will be killed on the spot.

Imperial Deep Sword and others gathered around. At this moment, everyone understands that these ghosts must be convened by Deep Empress. The purpose is to let these people know that she has arrived. already. Fortunately, Imperial Deep Sword made a decisive decision to open the gate of the underworld. If Deep Empress comes in later, the situation will only get worse.

Deep Empress, you can count it.”

Feiyan and Jiu Hui ran over with joy, Deep Empress arrived, and they were at least likely to be born. Although the two had lost their hearts, at this moment, the entire Netherworld was threatened, and Qihe already took on Immortal Court­yard. If Netherworld is broken, their The end result is bound to not get better.

Imperial Deep Sword walked in step with the suzerain, watching Deep Empress sitting cross-legged on the ground, the two stretched their palms, pressed against her back, instilled Aura. After a while, Deep Empress‘s complexion recovered.

“You feel timely, I’m relieved, at least Netherworld is difficult, you did not ignore it.” Imperial Deep Sword nodded and said lightly.

“I didn’t want to ignore it.” Deep Empress hummed, and his face was filled with anger, Shen said, “Who asked you to send such a despicable guy to me?”

“Bastard guy?” Imperial Deep Sword stunned, and some reactions could not be reached, but Mo Zhihua came to realize it, straight: “Master, are you talking about Su Yun?”

“Huh, that’s the jerk!” Deep Empress secretly bit her silver teeth, her face pale.

Seeing the expression Deep Empress, everyone around you is faint. What did Su Yun do? Make Deep Empress so angry?

“Mr. Queen, Su Yun? Where are the others? Why didn’t you come with you?” Mo Zhihua reacted, looking around, but couldn’t see the figure of Su Yun. He was anxious, and asked quickly: “He is Was n’t he stopped outside the gate? Master, would you like to open the door again and put in Su Yun? Otherwise, he would be in danger !!! “

Thinking of it, Mo Zhihua‘s face is also pale.

However, Deep Empress shook his head directly, and indifferently said, “He is indeed outside, but not outside of the Hades.”

“What the **** is going on?” The suzerain led the demons over, his voice filled with solemnity: “Where the **** is he now?”


Deep Empress hummed quietly, and said indifferently: “In order to cover me into the door of Netherworld, he went to kill the vice president of Immortal Court­yard alone. If he didn’t do this, the Immortal Court­yard masters who were surrounded by the underworld would never It ’s impossible for me to return to Netherworld so easily! “


After hearing Deep Empress‘s words, there was an uproar around, the demons were silent, and those already were stunned, unable to believe what Deep Empress said.

The devil in the devil world? The deputy president who attacked Immortal Court­yard alone? Isn’t this death? Not to mention that the Vice-President himself is already powerful, and simply to say that the numerous masters around the Vice-President cannot deal with it. We need to know that the leader of the Paradise army, Xian Wu, is not a general generation, and Su Yun has no difficulty in cutting the fairy. Incomparably, it would be impossible to kill Vice President Wan Wan from it.

He is simply using himself as a bait to help Deep Empress enter Netherworld. This is simply suicide. Although his purpose is obvious, is it worth it to do it on his own life?

After the people were shocked, they were speechless.

If Su Yun is doing it for True Demon World, not for Netherworld, that ’s enough to be admirable. His spirit is fearless. His move is enough to make Ten Thousands Worlds people call him a ‘big demon.’ ‘.

“The devil is worthy of the devil! At this time, he did not choose to flinch. At this moment of desperation, he did not leave us away, but went to Deep Empress after hardships and paid his life. To help Deep Empress return to Netherworld, he has achieved such a point, already has sacrificed so much, do we still have to complain? Do we have to be afraid? Do we have to be afraid? If we already are afraid, then those already sacrificed People? What should they do? Should they sacrifice for nothing? “

At this time, the lord’s voice shouted loudly.

The demons heard it, and they heard it from far away. They stopped meditating and recuperating. They stood up one by one and looked in the direction of the lord’s voice. The blood-red eyes seemed to be accumulating something. Each face was full of anger and warfare.

They are angry and angry. They respect and worship the demon. They were trapped in the butcher’s knife of the Paradise for their already, but they still crouched behind this gate. war! Instead of trembling like a rat here.

The words of the suzerain seem to have devil technique, which evokes the devil technique in these monsters. Perhaps, their strength is very weak, and it is impossible to compete with the Paradise people, but even so, they are not afraid.

The ghosts looked at the demons next to them, and they did n’t know what happened. The war and killing sentiments from these demons were too strong. They could clearly feel, but there was war and killing alone. What can I do? Can you still kill the fairy?

At this time, a demon moved, and his Aura didn’t recover much, so he could barely walk forward, but he didn’t hesitate, he walked resolutely, and he looked back.

The pallid people look dull. The devil walked over, and a second devil followed, followed by the third and fourth.

In the end, all the demon people near the gate of the **** walked past, centered on the lord, and gathered around him. Their eyes were blood red, one by one, as though they were not strong, but Their momentum is unprecedentedly terrible at this moment, even the mediocre people are a little shuddering.

Is this the devil?

Deep Empress looked at the suzerain, murmured secretly, turned around, and shouted at Imperial Deep Sword: “Open the underworld!”

Imperial Deep Sword frowned slightly. I wanted to say something, but when I saw the overwhelming haunted beast in the distance, I immediately understood the meaning of Deep Empress.

“Are you ready?”

“I have been ready for already since I entered.”

Deep Empress raised her slender hand and looked into the air. A bird like an eagle held a paladin in her palm, and watched as she swallowed it, exuding it all over The silky gray Aura, this Aura is especially cold, and it seems that it will freeze when touched.

Mo Zhihua looked at Deep Empress in puzzlement, and didn’t understand what she was going to do, but at this moment, she watched Imperial Deep Sword lifted the cut fairy sword in her hand, and sighed lightly: “All the people who can play Netherworld can give me everything they can fight. Stand up !!! “

The sound of Hong Zhong awoke everyone around.

People looked at Imperial Deep Sword in unison, watched him leap forward, and flew to the front of the gate, glancing at the dense crowd behind the gate.

“Stop strengthening the Hades!” he shouted again.

People are getting confused.

“Stop, just a deferred measure, and now we already do not need to defer!”

He said.

“Now, what we have to do is fight back !!! You guys, do you know what a fight back?”

He said again.

“To fight back is to let go of all your fears, let go of all your fears, fears, worries, and concerns, use your anger to dominate your brain, use your killing, dominate your soul, and lift up your Saber, use your last conviction and your last strength to tear up the enemy! “

He shouted, but hissing exhausted.

The sound is rippling back and forth, like a stick that strikes the soul, shaking people even the soul is shaking

Mingren looked at him blankly, watching him hold his hands to cut the fairy, shouting loudly: “Now, now, turn all your anger into strength, and let the intruders outside the door know, Netherworld, it It is a whole, a place that cannot be violated, a place that is not polluted by real pollution, now is the time for you to act, it is the time for you to pursue the real avenue !! All those who dare to take this step will get new Sublimation. “

When the last word of Imperial Deep Sword was read out, a roar of roar broke out from among the underworld. The silent crowd broke out and boiled. They shouted in unison and stood directly one by one. Up, whether it is full of Aura or exhausted, people seem to have unlimited power at this moment, and never fear everything again.

“I’ll wash my brain.”

Deep Empress, humming.

Rumble Rumble

At this moment, the huge underworld moves again, and the dull sound strikes everyone around.

Deep Empress rushed to the gate first, without a word, without a gesture. However, the countless army of ghosts behind it rushed towards the other side like a torrent.

(Old fire is here for everyone to celebrate the New Year. I wish you all a good luck in the Year of the Monkey, everything goes well, the Year of the Monkey wants everything, smiles, happiness and well-being !!!)

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