Limitless Sword God Chapter 1207: Devil’s Retreat

Hearing Ba Chi‘s words, Su Yun‘s face was filled with doubts: “Netherworld? What? Ba Chi, do you want me to use my strength to deal with Netherworld people?”

Ba Chi was silent for a moment, and said indifferently: “If Netherworld is still in such a state of loose sand, I am afraid that this time it will not stop the Immortal Court­yard army. Unless Imperial Deep Sword can return, he ascends to shout, it must be a response of 10,000 people, to deal with The Immortal Court­yard army is also sufficient, but the Imperial Deep Sword is missing already, and the Immortal Court­yard army is marching so quickly. Most of him cannot keep up. “

“Is Netherworld‘s Deep Commander-in-chief unaware of the critical situation at the moment? Don’t you know that a major calamity is imminent, is it approaching?

“I know, but how? Some people see the trouble, but some people naively think that the Immortal Court­yard people are only for the people of my demon world. Among the three Deep Commander-in-chief, the strongest Jiu Hui and the Deep Commander-in-chief Qihe we are attached to have There are festivals. This time, we took refuge in Qihe Deep Commander-in-chief, and Jiu Hui was particularly dissatisfied. We often had trouble and forced me to leave Netherworld and attack Qihe Deep Commander-in-chief. Although we are many people, we are weak and can only bear it. “

“I didn’t expect the situation of Netherworld to be so.” Su Yun this time has a preliminary understanding of Netherworld.

Netherworld is very complicated. You can’t imagine the people gathered in this place. Although the Imperial Deep Sword, SanDeep Commander-in-chief, and Wuming who are known at the moment will be famous strong people, but those ordinary meditation people may also hide the peerless masters. The people of Netherworld are not born in Netherworld, they are all from the top of all circles existence, entered Netherworld, but for the sake of a good fortune, these nine people can only be called people of upper strength, although it is a loose sand, but Immortal Court­yard army It ’s hard to predict if you really want to score in. “

Oh? is actually like this.” Su Yun was slightly surprised: “In this case, then you don’t need to worry about it. Once the Immortal Court­yard army is killed, you can just retreat and evade, so that Netherworld can’t deal with it? “

“But everything is just in case. These are just my guesses. In addition, Immortal Court­yard sent another Xian army to support it. Two armies approached. More than 3 million fairy people. The situation is not optimistic.

“What do you want me to do?” Su Yun puzzled: “Would you like me to help you unify Netherworld and call them to fight the Immortal Court­yard army? Ba Chi, if so, you just let me rule Immortal Court­yard. , In that case, maybe there is some hope. “

“Ruling Immortal Court­yard? That’s even more boring.” Ba Chi gave him a glance and shook his head: “But it doesn’t let you go to unify Netherworld, which is too difficult, let’s not say whether you can surrender those Deep Commander-in-chief underworld It is a big problem for Netherworld alone. “

“What do you want me to do?”

“Go and get Imperial Deep Sword.”

Ba Chi turned suddenly, and said with a serious face.

“Should I post a tracing notice? At least it should tell me what Imperial Deep Sword looks like, otherwise I’m not good enough to ask an artist to paint his look.”

“No, you don’t have to search for it deliberately. You only need to challenge one person and believe that Imperial Deep Sword will find you by yourself!”

“Challenge someone? Who?”

“Apprentice of Imperial Deep Sword.” Ba Chi leaned Erlang’s legs, holding his small head in both hands, and laughed: “Master Devil, you are the heir to Apex Sword without Sword Ancestor. It is said that Imperial Deep Sword has been dissatisfied with Sword Ancestor without Apex Sword. I hope to be able to compete with Sword Ancestor, but Sword Ancestor has been missing for many years. He has never had this opportunity. If you challenge Imperial Deep Sword apprentices and use Apex Sword-free techniques, you will be able to lead Imperial Deep Sword. “

“What? His apprentice knows the whereabouts of Imperial Deep Sword?”

“Should know.”

“Why not just let his apprentice notify Imperial Deep Sword?”

“His apprentice is quitting.” Ba Chi shrugged and looked helpless: “We sent several people over, but his apprentice did not even see us because he was an apprentice to Imperial Deep Sword, and we dare not Provoke “


Su Yun exhaled, thought for a moment, and said, “Since this is the case, I’ll go there once, but I have a word first. If Imperial Deep Sword appears and asks me to notify Sword Ancestor to fight it, I will only refuse, Sword Ancestor now I ca n’t duel anyone, I believe he will not duel with Imperial Deep Sword, I do n’t want to give him trouble, if Imperial Deep Sword entangles me, then you have to solve him for me. ”

“Rest assured, I have already considered this, and will not add any trouble to Sword Ancestor. When Imperial Deep Sword appears, we will explain to him the truth. Although Imperial Deep Sword is belligerent, he will take responsibility for Netherworld. He will forgive me. “

“That being the case, that’s good, but I still need to rest for a while, after all, I don’t feel good about Immortal Court­yard. I haven’t recovered yet. The Netherworld door should be able to block the Immortal Court­yard army for some time, right?”

“According to the Qihe commander, it should be able to block the Immortal Court­yard army for forty days.”

“Forty days?”

Su Yun frowns slightly.

It’s really fast.

“Without Imperial Deep Sword, Deep Commander-in-chief is a rare hand-in-hand. Netherworld people cannot gather an effective force to resist the Immortal Court­yard army. Imperial Deep Sword appears, everything can be done. Master Devil, this time, you can only rely on you.” Ba Chi The smile gradually narrowed, and people became serious.

Su Yun nodded, and lowered his head in thought, without speaking again.

Netherworld The already discussion is over, so it’s time to talk about True Demon World.

“Does the suzerain plan to keep the devil in Netherworld?” Su Yun thought for a long time and couldn’t help asking.

“There is no way out at the moment, we can only do this. But the lord does not plan to keep the demon in Netherworld all the time, after all, that is the place of others, True Demon World is our place. But Immortal Court­yard is strong, Paradise is about to destroy the demon It is easy, so the suzerain intends to organize a powerful force, as a barrier, shelter me True Demon World, and rebuild True Demon World. “

“Organizing a power? What power?”

“Master Demon should know this power, haven’t you contacted them?”

Ba Chi laughed.

Su Yun heard it for a moment, and then immediately understood what Ba Chi said. At the beginning, they came to rescue the group of big devil in Paradise! !!

The batch of powerful demons that even the fairies can crush at will! !!

It’s just that they are mixed in Paradise to resurrect the powerful ancient demon. They have a mission and will give up their affairs at this time to help True Demon World?

Ba Chi seemed to see through the concerns of Su Yun, and sighed, saying: “At the moment, True Demon World is in danger, and the devil is in danger. At the critical moment of life and death, already can’t care too much at this time. True Demon World is the root of the devil. existence, how is it possible to do something else? “

Su Yun frowned slightly, did not hurry to answer Ba Chi, he stood up, hovered for two laps, Xuan Er said: “Tell the suzerain first, let him stay in Netherworld for a while, if possible, try not to Repent True Demon World, the current True Demon World is not safe, Immortal Court­yard already set up a direct transmission point to True Demon World, True Demon World has no strength to compete with Immortal Court­yard, not to mention the entire Paradise, even if those powerful big demons are called, I am afraid that True Demon World and True Demon World cannot be sheltered There will never be peace. “

Ba Chi froze: “What do you mean, Lord Mojun?”

“Scattered dormancy”

“Scattered dormant?”

“Now while I can still deposit in Netherworld, I will immediately disperse all the demons, a group of ten people can work, a group of a hundred people can also break them all up and divide them into Ten Thousand World, dormant, It is impossible for such a small group of demon people to attract the attention of Immortal Court­yard people. In this way, the demon people can still be kept from being destroyed.

Su Yun Shen channel.

Ba Chi listened, stunned, it took me a while to say: “Isn’t True Demon World a loose sand? If Immortal Court­yard really needs to be broken, then what should I do?”

“How easy is it? The Ten Thousand World is so huge, and the demon is so scattered, how can Immortal Court­yard have the energy to pay one by one? I believe Immortal Court­yard will focus on True Demon Sect, while other demon are It will be relatively safe. Only then will the pressure on the suzerain become very great. “

“Will the suzerain be afraid of the Immortal Court­yard person? Lord Demon, I will discuss this matter with the suzerain after returning. If he thinks it is OK, do what you say.”

“Well, if the lord agrees, then Ba Chi, you have to remember, you must warn the demons and restrict their actions. After they are scattered, you must not create evils or disturb the lives. Do n’t violate the common sense of nature. Cocoon life is the same. Demons and immortals are actually the same. No one is good or evil. Immortals are sometimes better than so-called demons, and so-called demons are better than immortals. In fact, there are some arrogant existence and Correct people who make others think that evil is evil. To restrain these people, no matter which interface they go to, they must practice with concentration, not kill, and must not attract the attention of others, let alone cause them. Immortal Court­yard‘s attention, when the time is ripe in the future, they will come together and reorganize the demon world. “


Ba Chi nodded his head and ran down. It looks like he should send someone to Netherworld to notify the suzerain.

Su Yun looked at the direction where Ba Chi left, but his heart sighed slightly.

In fact, in the final analysis, he is not a demon, but the blood in this body, but the blood of the devil. The devil has the grace to rebuild him. Now it is difficult for him to take responsibility. Not enough. If you can change the demon world, that is the real salvation.

Why does True Demon World make Ten Thousand World people so spurn, not just the Paradise side slandered, but also for its own reasons, why are the immortals admired by the Ten Thousands Worlds people? But the devil is shouting everyone? Although it is related to the victory or defeat of the battle of immortals and demons, it is more about the demons themselves.

Thinking so much now doesn’t help.

Su Yun understood his thoughts, closed his eyes again, and meditated with his knees crossed.

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