Limitless Sword God Chapter 1097: Abandon

The strong Immortal Qi in all directions is like a big wave of terror, sweeping towards here, all the people present are all discolored, and look at them all around.

Looking around, there are already a lot of immortals. They are standing on the ground or floating in the air. Nearly 10,000 people surrounded this place. The scene was leaking, and In the distance, a large number of figures leaned here.

Dao San’s face was extremely ugly.

Why are so many immortals coming out suddenly? ?

Did they both notice Long Lizhu’s Aura? ?

Some agitated Yan Qianqiu saw such a scene, how dare there be any other thoughts? Take the disciple to the side and watch the situation change. Although he is not afraid of Dao San, he is not invincible Body, suddenly there are so many immortals, of course, Ming Zhe is more appropriate to protect himself.

However, what makes people quite different is how come all these immortals come here? ? They seem to be coming here with a purpose. Is it possible that they have heard the news?

There are more and more immortals, and people are becoming more and more impatient. Then they watched a group of immortals directly encircling Qin Qianlong and Dao San, who looked poor and whispered: “I ask you, are you guys Got Dragon Ball ????

Qin Qianlong didn’t say a word, but Dao San over there was no longer silent. He immediately shouted, pointed his hand directly at Qin Qianlong, and shouted out loudly, “Dragon Ball is in Qin Qianlong, Qin Qianlong!” Qin Qianlong got Long Lizhu !!! He got Long Lizhu !!! “

Dao San shouted almost heartbreakingly, for fear that the people around him would not hear.

These words fall, and the sight of countless immortals present almost all locked on the Qin Qianlong and other Secret Dragon Hall people on the spot.

A pair of eyes are especially hot, making the stared person feel hot.

Under the shouting of Dao San, Qin Qianlong immediately became the target of criticism. Dao San looked at the Qin Qianlong with a light face, and whispered a smile, and whispered: “This time you can see how arrogant Let you be arrogant before, hum, let’s go and see !!! “

The immortals who came here are undoubtedly all for Long Lizhu. Now that they know that Qin Qianlong is Long Lizhu, how can these people remain indifferent? ?

“Master Qin Tang, hand over Long Lizhu.”

A man stepped forward and said directly.

However, the others apparently did not have the patience of this man and have decided to take a shot.

Since I came here for Dragon Ball, how can I easily hand it over?

Unexpectedly then

Qin Qianlong directly took out Long Lizhu, who had just been put in, and put it in front of everyone.

People ’s eyes were attracted by this beautiful and beautiful treasure almost instantly. He slowly spoke, his voice was deep: “Long Lizhu is the treasure. Qin knows this, but Qin knows it better. I ca n’t keep this treasure. The husband is guilty and guilty of it. Secret Dragon Hall came here to True Demon World to eradicate demons, not to win treasure. Since this treasure has nothing to do with me, then I can only choose to abandon it. Bom, everyone, if you want Dragon Ball, just take it. “

Qin Qianlong said, and then slightly exerted force, directly throwing Dragon Lizhu in his hand into the air.

The moment the beautiful bead broke from the palm of his hand, several rays of light came from all directions and rushed towards the bead.

Although many people present haven’t seen Long Lizhu, this powerful and mysterious Aura is not wrong. Even if it is not Long Lizhu, it must be a treasure, so no one wants to give up at this time.

The immortals around the beams of Correct, they rushed over, and after a few breaths of time, the rest of the talents returned to God, and people looked at the Dragon Ball that was still floating in the air, one by one, as if losing their mind. Generally, the madness crowded over.

Dao Sanyu stopped, and people were still a little stupid looking at the Qin Qianlong that was gradually withdrawing from the flow of people. The whole brain didn’t have time to respond.


And just gave up? ?

Dao San didn’t believe what he saw. Qin Qianlong would give up Dragon Ball so easily. Although it shows that Zhe Baoshen is indeed the best choice, can Qin Qianlong not have a little nostalgia for Dragon Ball? ? ?

Long Lizhu reappeared, but there were more and more immortals coming around. Many of these immortals gathered already had long-standing grievances with each other. Now Long Lizhu appears, just like It was the tear of resentment between them that immediately made them lose their calmness of the past, and the new hatred was settled together.

The scene became chaotic, and Daosan was amazed that the situation would turn out to look like this, but that was all there was to say that it was useless.

He looked at the Qin Qianlong at that end, only to find that there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. The whole person, with the Secret Dragon Hall, quietly retreated from the town directly and silently. When all the blood for Dragon Lizhu’s head broke, he left directly.

At this instant, Dosan understood that Qin Qianlong. didn’t care about the so-called Dragon Ball.

But why does he come here if he doesn’t care? ?


At this moment, a Le Mans came.

Dao San was startled, and quickly evaded. When he was holding his body for a look, several immortals were attacking and killing themselves.

“What are you doing? I don’t have Dragon Ball!” Dao San shouted.

“I know you don’t have Long Lizhu, but this does not affect us to cut you!” a fairy drank, “Dao San, you left Daotang 70 years ago to kill me Brother. This blood feud should be counted today. Are you there? “

By the way, these immortals rush to Daosan together.


True Demon World soon passed to Su Yun. Of course, Dragon Ball was not the root cause of the riots among the cents, and Su Yun also understood that only one Dragon Ball could not achieve this effect. It is also a treasure, but it is not a **** body. The effect cannot be too amazing, but it is also good. For this reason, Su Yun specially selected a few treasures and gave them to Qin Qianlong, let him be responsible for release, and let these immortals fight. You die I live.

Under the temptation of several treasures and the deliberate provocation of Qin Qianlong, the relationship between the various sects began to deteriorate rapidly and eventually broke down. This time, the army of slaughterers organized by Immortal Court­yard also became fragmented and internally troubled.

Within a few days, four sect gates became the victims of this brawl, which was completely destroyed, and the news came to their door. The sect gates came to Immortal Court­yard to ask for justice, if they died In the hands of True Demon World people, that also said in the past, but at present True Demon World is not alone, these gates are destroyed, and naturally only those with Paradise can do it.

Moreover, the chaos was deliberately spread by Su Yun, which has spread throughout the entire Paradise. Numerous fairy alreadys began to wonder if there was any way for Immortal Court­yard to lead the fairy to continue to develop. After all, this riot. already continued for a long time, still No means of Immortal Court­yard. Immortal Court­yard Department of Criminal Justice Sha Yue has not yet transmitted the message to Immortal Court­yard, and I don’t know what the True Demon World has become.

But no matter what, True Demon World‘s frequent release also made countless Xianpai red. Some Xianpai already began to ignore Immortal Rule and secretly transported to True Demon World. They planned to go into the treasure hunt. Although Paradise is large, there are many more people. Most of the resources in Paradise have been occupied by powerful immortals or immortals. If the immortals of middle and lower strength want to develop, they can only focus their energies on these Ten Thousand World.

Although the Immortal Court­yard is extremely strict in this regard, even if it is stricter, in the face of interests, anyone will choose to take risks.

The Immortal Court­yard army already of Tumu was completely messed up by Qin Qianlong. I believe that this wave of Immortal Court­yard army will not stay in True Demon World for too long. After the deaths and injuries of those cases are almost the same, let Qin Qianlong take the baby back. Retreat, Immortal Court­yard took a break this time, I’m afraid this will not be the case next time, Su Yun specifically sent someone to Netherworld to contact Ba Chi, but the person sent, but entered Netherworld, then lost the connection, I don’t know if it was true Dead, this made Su Yun quite worried. He didn’t understand what happened to Netherworld.

Things are much smoother than expected. Thirty-three days later, all the factions sent to attack the True Demon World with the Immortal Court­yard army will be more than half dead. Most of them did not die in the hands of True Demon World. Most of them All died in the hands of the immortals fighting for the treasure, and even the Immortal Court­yard led by Sha Yue were attacked.

When the news reached Immortal Court­yard, Immortal Court­yard couldn’t sit still anymore, and Zunli came forward to appease the sentiments of the factions, and issued a swift order for the Sha Yue to return to Immortal Court­yard immediately. , Beheaded immediately, without mercy.

Under the iron-fisted approach of Immortal Court­yard, the situation was finally brought under control. People from all factions finally began to retreat, and the turbulent True Demon World gradually returned to its former coldness.

Immortal Court­yard people came fast and walked fast. However, there is such an end. In fact, in the eyes of some wise men, it is not a surprise, because whether it is Immortal Court­yard or various Xianpai people, in fact, for this action They all act in a manner that seeks benefits, and their motivation is impure. How can there be any good results?

After the evacuation of Immortal Court­yard, True Demon World is considered to be temporarily safe, but neither Ba Chi or Su Yun will consider this to be the end. Therefore, no demon returns to True Demon World. They continue to choose to stay in Netherworld. I believe Immortal Court­yard also knows that all demon have withdrawn To Netherworld, if Immortal Court­yard really wants to annihilate the devil, you can attack Netherworld, but Immortal Court­yard at this moment puts all the focus on the internal disturbances of Paradise people, and they have turned a blind eye to True Demon World people, not to mention Talk about anything about Netherworld.

In this regard, Su Yun is even more curious. What is unique about this Netherworld? ?

In Ten Thousand World, the news about Netherworld is also extremely scarce. Maybe this is an interface unique to Paradise.

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