Light Spirit Epic: Part 4: Profiles


—————–[PART 4: INTRODUCTION]—————–

(The age of the character is calculated based on the age of the character’s appearance)

================Sacred Sword Pure Land ===================

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====================== Knights of Arthur =======================

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Arthur D. Celtae

Essence: “Luminosity”

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaos Good

Eye Color: Pure Black Hair Color: Pure Black Skin Tone: Pale

Sixteen (Debut: 518). The protagonist of the Holy Sword Pure Land. Real name Arthur D. Pandragon (Athur D. Pandragon), is actually the illegitimate son of Uthur D. Pandragon (Uthur D. Pandragon), the twenty-sixth celestial knight of the Eastern Knights .

At a young age, he was adopted by Uther’s lieutenant, Sir Arctor, for some reason, and has been hiding his identity. Its true identity is known only to very few people.

Arthur seems to have some kind of enchantment attached to him. There is a “photon thin area” within a radius of about one meter around his body. The photon concentration in the area is one-tenth of that in normal space.

Therefore, any photonic device that Arthur uses that operates on a photonic mirror will be less effective. The power of the lightsaber will be weakened, the blade will be shortened, the light gun will hardly be able to shoot light bullets, and even weapons with various metal blades will become fragile and easily broken (the substance also contains a certain amount of photons).

Photons are also a part of living organisms. Without photons, living organisms will become weak. Therefore, whether Arthur eats a lot of food or does a lot of physical exercise, he cannot exercise a strong body. He did dozens of hundreds of times more training than the average person, and he just kept his physical fitness at a level similar to that of the average person.

But in contrast, Arthur can move at high speeds that ordinary people can never achieve. Any individual containing photons moving in space will react with the photons in the original space, slowing down the speed of movement, which is the photon buffer effect. The higher the individual photon concentration, the greater the buffering effect, and vice versa. The photon-thin area next to Arthur not only minimizes the buffering effect, but also accelerates Arthur’s movement due to the deficit in photon concentration.

Due to the effect of the photon thin area, Arthur is unable to use all kinds of direct activation magic because he cannot focus photons. Indirectly activated magic, that is, magic that is cast with the help of other individuals, can still be used, such as avatar projection magic with the help of corpses in the battlefield.

The special talent is [Third Miracle] – Photon Creation, which can induce [Miracle] to generate additional photons that do not exist in the world otherwise. When used, it is generally concentrated in the form of sword energy and emitted, which has huge destructive power.

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Essence: “Loyalty”

Race: Orc – Werewolf

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye Color: Sky Blue Coat Color: Sterling Silver

About twelve years old (Debut: 518), a werewolf boy whose real name is unknown.

Originally belonged to one of the Hungarian clans, the Eskimos (Wolfmen). After the werewolves were exterminated, they hid in a small village on the French border until the village was attacked by the Hungarians.

The werewolf with silver hair all over the body is also a very rare breed among werewolves. Only a few pure-blooded werewolves in the Esquimo have this kind of silver hair all over the body. The hair itself is actually pure white, but it exudes a special metallic luster, presumably because of the influence of a small amount of intrinsic photons attached to the hair.

When the silver hair is attacked, it will deflect the attack to a certain extent (even deflect the natural light to produce metallic silver), its defensive ability is almost comparable to the photon armor worn by knights, and it is unusually lightweight . So Bedivere almost never wears armor, and his own fur is the best armor.

He carries the key of the Wall of the World on his body. In fact, the key is engraved in his heart in the form of a spell pattern, which means that no one can steal it except his own death. However, the curse pattern originally borne by the adult orcs was engraved on his body, and the burden on his body was also very heavy, so his physical fitness was inferior to that of the orcs of the same year, and he could not use the same ability.

The pure-bred orcs can gather photons in their bodies to enhance their physical abilities. However, Bedivere lacks training. After using the madness, they can only maintain their sanity for about a minute. If the madness is not released in time , it will become a beast without a mind, following the instinct of the beast to destroy, until you lose consciousness or use up the inhaled photons to release the madness.

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Sir Kay Ector

Essence: “Valor”

Race: Human

Alignment: Law Neutral

Eye Color: Wine Red Hair Color: Fire Red Skin Tone: Wheat Color

Seventeen (Debut: 518). The silver knight who originally belonged to the Eastern Knights, Arthur’s righteous brother, formed a team with Arthur after being dispatched to the Rangers of the Northern Knights.

His father, Ser Arctor, was a famous paladin and astrologer, and his mother was a flaming giant, and Kai only inherited his mother’s talent, the ability to transform into a giant in a short period of time.

Kai can freely transform into a giant from ten feet to sixty feet, but the larger the size of the change, the shorter the duration, because the amount of photons required to become giant is fixed.

Possess the lava magic gun Gae-La’vae (the gun is randomly named by Arthur), the intense heat energy converted from the heart of the lava giant can easily dissolve steel, and the body of the creature will cause irreversible damage Burn, even epic photonic creatures with powerful healing abilities can be suppressed with this weapon.

A knight belonging to the power form, although lack of mobility, but strong attack and defense power is enough to make up for the lack of mobility.

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Prince Tristan

Essence: “Curious”

Race: Mermaid

Alignment: Chaos Neutral

Eye Color: Turquoise Hair Color: Solid Gold Skin Tone: Pink with subtle golden scales

Presumed age is about thirteen (Debut: 518). Prince of Iceland, Murloc (rare male merfolk). Good at hypnotism and ice magic.

Due to the excessive protection of the Queen of Iceland, he has hardly left the palace and is curious about the outside world.

He has a strong talent for hypnotism, but he can’t control it so well that he sometimes subconsciously hypnotizes people around him and makes them do what he says. He was always troubled by this. What he wants is the approval of those around him, not blind obedience.

After obtaining the “Trident”, the legendary weapon of the mermaid tribe, a part of the blueprints were downloaded into his mind, so he could easily use the ice-type art to create a replica of the trident, although it only lasted a few seconds. It can be used in minutes, but its power is almost the same as that of a real trident.

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Merlin the Master Mage

Essence: “Hope”

Race: Human(?)

Alignment: Totally Neutral

Eye Color: Sterling Silver Hair Color: Pure White Skin Tone: Pale

The estimated age is about 20 years old (Debut: 518 years?), the only super genius magician in history. He has his own research room in the ivory tower, but very strangely, almost no one in the ivory tower really knows him. Once it comes to the origin of this mage, everyone in the ivory tower has a vague memory, only knowing his identity as an archmage, but not where he came from.

His true identity and abilities are a mystery. At present, we only know that he can easily use super-difficult teleportation magic, and is even powerful enough to transform other people’s bodies at will with a single touch.

Often appear in front of Arthur without warning and reason, and always give Arthur various help or information, his motives for doing so are also a mystery.

He is always very enthusiastic about things of interest, so he knows more than any magician, including knowledge related to magic and completely unrelated to magic. It can be said that he is an all-rounder who is proficient in ancient and modern magic, modern physics, astronomy and mathematics. He applies his vast knowledge to create a plethora of new magics. The functions and principles of these epoch-making magic are very different from those of ancient magic, opening up a new direction for the study of magic. Therefore, Merlin is often referred to as “the founder of the next era of magic”.

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Lancelot du Lac

Essence: “Prosperity”

Race: Human

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye color: pure blue Hair color: golden skin tone: fair, slightly ruddy

Sixteen (Debut: 518). With Kay, Arthur was a childhood friend. His father was the sword saint Rak, who shocked the whole of Europe, but he betrayed Pantoracken, his name was erased from history forever, and only remained in the dark history. Lancelot kept his name incognito and was taken care of by Sir Arctor, so he met young Kay and Arthur.

The powers of the man Arthur described as “the strongest” remains a mystery. He seems reluctant to hold any weapons in his hands, however, even if he doesn’t use any weapons, he is very capable of melee combat.

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Chetover Palamedes the Saracen

Essence: “Mercedes-Benz” (Gallop)

Race: Orc (Panther)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Eye Color: Emerald Green Coat Color: Blue

Presumed age is about 30 years old (Debut: 518). The original name was Chetover Covex the Windtalker. After Arthur changed his fate with the Fourth Miracle-Kama Creation, the name changed.

Originally, it was in the Hungarian camp and was hostile to Arthur. Later, he was captured and the family of three was rescued by Arthur. He became Arthur’s knight because of his gratitude to Arthur. It mainly fights at the speed of talent, and can instantly accelerate to the speed close to the speed of sound, but will suffer internal injuries due to high-speed movement.

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Safir Palamedes

Essence: “Transfer”

Race: Orc (Panther)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Eye color: dark green (left eye) / golden yellow (right eye) Coat color: blue

Presumed age is about ten years old (Debut: 518). Original name Tovey Covex (Tovey Covex), after Arthur changed his fate with [The Fourth Miracle-Kama Creation], the name changed.

A leopard boy with a tragic fate. Seglade’s older brother (the two are twins). As soon as he was born, he became a monster due to the influence of Anko. He was abandoned by his father and sent to the research institute of the fox people. He was treated inhumanly since he was a child. Saved by Arthur with the [Fourth Miracle].

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Segwaride Palamedes

Essence: “Variance”

Race: Orc (Panther)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Eye color: golden yellow (left eye) / dark green (right eye) Coat color: blue

Presumed age is about ten years old (Debut: 518). Formerly known as Lavis Covex (L**is Covex), the name changed after Arthur changed his fate with the [Fourth Miracle-Kama Creation].

A leopard boy with a tragic fate. Seefer’s younger brother (they are twins). The boy who was born in a normal form and grew up under the care of his parents, swapped his body with his brother in order to save his brother who turned into a monster (part of his talent), and finally turned into a dark child monster again. Se was saved by the [Fourth Miracle].

(Note: The leopard boy rescued by Arthur and Greenville from the slave market has the body of his elder brother Zephyr, but the consciousness of his younger brother Seglade.)

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===================== North Heaven Knights =======================

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Grand Duke Leondegrance the Celestal Knight

Essence: “Entertainment”

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaos Neutral

Eye color: gray-green Hair color: brown gray Skin tone: normal, slightly dark

Fifty-four years old (Debut: 518). Full name Aaron De Leon Dickens, the Heavenly Knight of the Northern Heaven Knights. Father of Richard and Greenville.

Combat abilities unknown. Dark-bellied, fun-loving character, often taking the opportunity to play tricks on the knights in the knights for fun. Addicted to alcohol.

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Richard Leondegrance, Viscount (te Richard Leondegrance)

Essence: ???

Race: Human

Alignment: ???

Eye color: dark green Hair color: dark gray Skin tone: normal

About twenty years old (Debut: 518). The black iron knight of the Northern Sky Knights (later upgraded to the silver knight). The eldest son of the Duke of Lyon Dickens, the elder brother of Greenville. Combat ability unknown. He hates Arthur, who used to be his servant, but is now soaring.

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Greenwell Leondegrance

Essence: “Love” (Love)

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaos Good

Eye Color: Emerald Green Hair Color: Dark Brown Skin Tone: Fair, slightly rosy

Sixteen (Debut: 518). Chief Healer of the Knights of the North (equivalent to the status of the Golden Knight). The youngest daughter of the Duke of Lyon Dickens, and the younger sister of Richard. Combat ability unknown. Specializes in surgical treatment of injuries. Have a crush on Arthur.

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===================== The Knights of the West =======================

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Grand Duke Uriens the Celestal Knight

Essence: “Custody”

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaos Good

Eye Color: Gray Black Hair Color: Gray Black Skin Tone: Normal

Fifty-eight years old (Debut: 518). The Heavenly Knight of the Western Heavenly Knights. Owen and Ivan’s father.

Combat abilities unknown.

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Count Owian Uriens

Essence: “Frankness”

Race: Human

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye Color: Hazelnut Hair Color: Gray Black Skin Tone: Normal

Twenty-nine years old (Debut: 518). Gaia knights of the Knights of the West. The eldest son of the Duke of Yones, Ivan’s half-brother. Combat ability unknown.

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Ywian Uriens (“Ywian the bastard”)

Essence: “Witness”

Race: Human (probably of elven blood)

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye color: gray-green Hair color: gray-black Skin tone: fair

Twelve (Debut: 518). (Doubt) A boy with elven blood, the illegitimate son of the Grand Duke Yones, the Heavenly Knight of the Western Heavenly Knights. Because he was an illegitimate child, he had no status and was assigned to guard the lighthouse.

In fact, he is a young man with a strong talent of [Eagle Eyes]. He can easily see things five kilometers away, and he can even see things behind walls through thin walls. Eagle Eye is very useful for attacking with long-range weapons, or simply for reconnaissance.

(Updated @ 1:230)

After verification, Evan is actually the son of the Grand Duke Ewens and the giant dragon Alice, a half-dragon boy created by Alice using Ewens’s genetic material using magic. He is actually the brother of Javier the Emerald Wind Dragon and Spark the Purple Electric Dragon.

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===================== Nantian Knights =======================

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Grand Duke Hoel the Celestal Knight

Essence: “Benignancy”

Race: Human(?)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Eye color: pure black Hair color: pure black Skin tone: ruddy, slightly tan

The estimated age is about eighty years old (appearance: 518), but the appearance is a middle-aged man in his forties. The Heavenly Knight of the Southern Heavenly Knights.

He is usually a kind and approachable middle-aged man, but in battle he acts like a demon and is ruthless towards his enemies. With a strong physique and a high degree of wisdom, wisdom, courage, and strength are far superior to other contemporary knights.

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Count Cador the Gaia Knight

Essence: “Honest”

Race: Human

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Pure Black Skin Tone: Dark

Thirty-six (Debut: 518). The Heavenly Knight of the Southern Heavenly Knights.

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Essence: “Associateship”

Race: Human

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye Color: Emerald Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Fair, slightly rosy

Ten years old (Debut: 518). A kind-hearted teenager living in an orphanage (the orphanage is sponsored by the Grand Duke of Hall). Both parents died because of domestic violence, and the lonely teenager was sent to an orphanage. Although he is a thin and clumsy boy, he has amazing concentration and dexterous hands.

His ability is known by Hall as the “Hand of God”, capable of suturing human nerves, blood vessels and muscles delicately and quickly. Greenville described the teenager as “a rising star in surgery” and hoped to train him to become a therapist, but was rejected. The boy’s reason is: he wants to decide his own growth direction in the future.

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===================== Eastern Knights =======================

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Grand Duke Palinore the Celestal Knight

Essence: “Toughness” ( )

Race: Human

Alignment: Law Neutral

Eye Color: Pure Black Hair Color: Pure Black Skin Tone: Dark

Presumed age is about fifty years old (Debut: 518). The Heavenly Knight of the Eastern Heavenly Knights.

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===================== Hostile forces—Hungarians =================== ===

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Robel the Hunkjers Chief

Essence: ???

Race: Orc (Tiger race)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Eye color: golden hair color: gray-black with white tiger stripes

Presumed age is about fifty years old (Debut: 518). Combat ability is unknown.

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Albert Robel

Essence: ???

Race: Orc (Tiger race)

Alignment: Orderly Good

Eye color: light blue Coat color: white with black tiger stripes

Seventeen (Debut: 518). The youngest son of Roble, the head of the Fierce Fang clan. Brother Robert is a very good fighter, so he always has high expectations under his brother’s light.

However, his overly benevolent character made him unable to become an excellent warrior, so he was always laughed at by his clansmen.

After Robert’s death, he was considered to be the next candidate for the patriarch, and the pressure was very high.

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Robert Robel

Essence: ???

Race: Orc (Tiger race)

Alignment: Law Neutral

Eye color: light blue Coat color: white with black tiger stripes

??? years old (dead, not on stage). The eldest son of Roble, the head of the Fierce Fang clan. Once a very good warrior, the hope of the clan, everyone thought he would become the next clan leader. However, in a small dispute with humans, he was caught by humans and sentenced to capital punishment.

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Tutan the Turks Chief

Essence: ???

Race: Orc (Elephant Race)

Alignment: Totally Neutral

Eye Color: Gray Black Skin Tone: Brown Gray

Presumed age is about fifty years old (Debut: 518). Combat ability is unknown.

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Hacket the Greeks Chief

Essence: ???

Race: Orc (Panther)

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Eye color: grayish black Skin tone: brownish yellow with dark brown spots

Presumed age is about fifty years old (Debut: 518). Combat ability is unknown. (dead)

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Reid the Romany Chief

Essence: ???

Race: Orc (Fox)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Eye Color: Emerald Green Skin Tone: Brown Red

Presumed age is about fifty years old (Debut: 518). Combat ability is unknown. (dead)

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===================== Non-Humanoid Characters ========================= =

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Shooting Star the Crimson Flame

Essence: “Burn”

Race: Dragon – Fire Dragon

Alignment: Law Neutral

Eye Color: Pure Gold Scale Color: Fire Red (translucent like a ruby, with a fire red glow in the dark)

The estimated age is about 10,000 years old (debut: 518 years). The first dragon who made a contract with Arthur. As a dragon, he is very arrogant, but honest and generous. He has a brother relationship with the hoarfrost dragon Xianvia, and it seems that the evil star is a brother. Proficient in Dragon Breath – Fire and various fire magic (strong).

(Updated @ 1:269)

Absorbed the dying hoarfrost dragon Xianvia, the evil star evolved into [Light-Bringer], and the whole body became silver scale armor (it will reflect pure golden light when the sun shines), and the power is greatly increased.

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Xanvier the White Frost

Essence: “Freeze”

Race: Dragon – Frost Dragon

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Eye color: sky blue Scale color: cool white (transparent like a diamond, white after frosting)

The estimated age is about 10,000 years old (debut: 518 years). Proud dragon, very difficult to get along with. Likes to collect sparkling objects like gems or gold. Brotherhood with the hoarfrost dragon Xianvia. Proficient in Dragon Breath – Frost and various ice magic (strong).

(Updated @ 1:268)

Dead. He was on the verge of death in the decisive battle in the Pure Land of Elisson. Before his death, he activated his quantum fusion ability, giving all his power to his brother Shaxing, and his body was completely absorbed by Shaxing.

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Ha’vel the Emerald Wind

Essence: “Fluxion”

Race: Dragon – Wind Dragon

Alignment: Law Neutral

Presumed age is about 1000 years old (Appearance: 518 years). It is a relatively young dragon in the dragon class. It is a brother relationship with Purple Dragon Spark. Proficient in Dragon Breath – Wind Pressure Bullets and various vacuum magic (middle).

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Spark the Violet Thunder

Essence: “Conduct”

Race: Dragon – Brontosaurus

Alignment: Chaos Neutral

Presumed age is about 1000 years old (Appearance: 518 years). It is a relatively young dragon in the dragon class. It is a brother relationship with Purple Dragon Spark. Proficient in Dragon Breath – Plasma Bullets and various Electric Magic (Medium).

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Patrick the Platinum Griffin

Essence: “Rejection”

Race: Griffin – Platinum Griffin

Alignment: Law Neutral

? ? ? Years old (Appearance: 518). A contracted creature, the partner of the Celestial Knight, the Grand Duke of Leon Dickens. Being an epic creature can use powerful magic.

The main magic is the [Platinum Arrow], which can track the enemy and explode after hitting, and the magic shield [Seven Hea’ven], which is called “absolute defense” and can block all attacks. )

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Cerberus the Watchdog

Essence: “Guard” (Guard)

Race: Cerberus – three-headed

Alignment: Lawful Evil

? ? ? Years old (Appearance: 518). A contracted creature, the partner of the Celestial Knight, Grand Duke Yones. The epic creature is the descendant of the mythical three-headed hellhound, so it can even be said to be a [mythical creature].

As a Cerberus, and can use clones (the number of clones is equal to the number of heads).

The clone is the projection of the main body using the magic of the creation system. It has actual quality and can attack the enemy. The clone will not be injured when the clone dies. However, when the main body is attacked, the pain (including cold/heat) will be transmitted to the clone.

Although Cerberus can use weak fire, his most powerful magic is Warp Magic [Hellgate Watcher], which can make clones shuttle between reality and warp Among them, the response time is infinitely fast, and the attack is almost unavoidable.

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Wallace the Gold-lion of Behemoths

Essence: “Stillness”

Race: Chaos Troll

Alignment: Chaos Neutral

? ? ? Years old (Appearance: 518). A contracted creature, the partner of the Celestial Knight, Grand Duke Hall. As a Chaos Troll, it is only recognized as an epic creature after strict measurements. He is usually kept as a pet by Hall in the form of a Persian cat, and only shows a majestic and mighty lion form (about thirty feet in length) in battle.

Has a special magic talent [gravity control], which can directly affect the space within a radius of 100 feet with itself as the center, creating a supergravity field, and crushing all creatures in the gravity field into pieces. Without a superhuman-like strong body, it is impossible to resist this supergravity field. Therefore, this ability can destroy most of the military forces in the world without fighting, with amazing power.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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