Light Spirit Epic: Part 2: Races (3) Dragons/Elves


2/04: Race: The Dragons

2/04/01: Race: Dragon (1): Overview of Dragons

Widely regarded as the most epic photonic creature. The lifespan is very long, and as long as it is given enough time to grow, it will become so powerful that it is almost invincible.

Dragons are generally covered with dragon scale armor full of photons, which is not only extremely tough, but can even reflect the attacks of most photon weapons. Dragons are good at using various breath attacks, and also use wind pressure, roar, poison and other means to kill the enemy.

Most dragons have flying or gliding wings, which are covered with minerals similar to light stone. They are natural photon mirrors, powered by bioelectricity, even a very thin layer of wing membrane It can create a high anti-gravity field to support the huge dragon body to fly in the sky. Scholars agree that without the aid of an anti-gravity field, a dragon as large as a dragon can’t actually fly.

2/04/02: Race: Dragon (2): Exclusive: Breath

Aside from their strong armor and claws, the most powerful weapon a dragon possesses is their dragon breath.

Dragons can simply spit out the inherent photons in their bodies as a means of attack, or collect free photons in nature to breathe. The former is extremely fast and powerful, but it consumes the inherent photons of the dragon itself.

Dragon’s breath, simply put, is the change in the properties of various photon breaths. From the most well-known fire breath, to frost breath, poison breath, and even thunder and lightning breath. It is said that there is also a “petrified breath” that directly affects biological cells and causes cell death and keratinization. Being able to use various breaths is the key to the power of dragons.

Since the dragon’s breath is actually just spitting out photons and changing the properties of the photons, in fact, any creature can learn the dragon’s breath as long as it takes the time.

There has been an example of humans learning to breathe from dragons and becoming “Dragon Whisperers”, but using dragon breath is the same as using magic. .

Compared with the magic that uses multiple catalysts to precisely control photons, dragon breath can be regarded as a very “rough” technique. The output photons are completely borne by the caster, so the risk of petrification is very high. Although it has the advantages of high power and extremely short activation time, it is still considered unsuitable for human use. Various photon-adapted creatures can be used without being punished by petrification, although the power and speed of use are not as powerful and fast as epic photon creatures, because ordinary photon creatures do not have inherent photons that can be consumed instantly.

2/04/03: Race: Dragon (3): Exclusive: Quantitative Fusion

Among all epic photonic creatures, dragons have the highest concentration of photons in their bodies.

Leaving aside the outer shell, more than 90% of the internal structure of a dragon is inherent photons and free photons, and only 10% is a loose molecular structure, so the body of a dragon can completely integrate with the same kind.

As long as the commonality of the inherent photons is adjusted, two or even more dragons can be fused together. When fused, the power is not simply superimposed, but increases in geometric progression. This is also the real reason why human society suffered so much in the [Dragon Slaying War].

But dragons have one thing in common: extreme egoism. In other words, dragons are a group of creatures that have absolutely no sense of organization and discipline, and will not cooperate with others if they have to. It is very difficult to unify the wills of multiple dragons to make them merge, and it is even more difficult for a dragon as a “mind” to integrate other “parts” to act together after the merge. Therefore, two-headed dragons are rare, and dragons with nine or more heads are even rarer in millions of years.

The objects that dragons choose to combine are generally family members. However, even among blood relatives who are close as brothers, there are many examples of mutual hatred among dragons, so there are not many examples of blood relatives joining together. At the moment when dragons are hidden from the world, there are no more than ten figures who have witnessed the combination of dragons, and there are few historical records. Therefore, ordinary people will always mistakenly think that hydras are a subspecies of dragons, or even just false legends.

2/04/04: Race: Dragon (4): Dragon Slaying Tips

Like succubus and deep sea trolls, these epic photonic creatures, dragons also possess powerful regeneration abilities. However, the dragons wearing thick dragon armor have almost no chance to be harmed, so the regeneration ability is obviously degraded, and the regeneration speed of the body is obviously slower than that of other epic photon creatures.

Nonetheless, the regenerative abilities of dragons cannot be ignored. Especially in the battle against dragons, don’t think that cutting off the dragon’s tail will give you peace of mind. Their tails will grow back in about half an hour, and will once again become a deadly weapon. Therefore, to deal with the dragon must be quick and quick, giving time to let the injured dragon recover, is equivalent to digging a grave for oneself.

There are two correct ways to kill a dragon: one is to completely smash the dragon’s head, because the brain is the only part of the dragon that cannot be regenerated. The second is to pierce the dragon’s heart to completely stop the flow of dragon blood, so that the circulation of inherent photons in the dragon’s body can be completely blocked. Still struggling for hours!).

In fact, the ancient dragon hunters also created the enchanting secret method of [Dragon Slaying], which can completely decompose the inherent photon structure of dragons and achieve the effect of destroying the dragon’s flesh from the inside. But this technique has long since been lost forever with the decline of the dragon hunters.

2/04/05: Race: Dragon (5): Dragon Contract

Entering into contracts with other creatures is a strange behavior that dragons like to do. This may be a subconscious imitation of their distant ancestor, the Demon Lord Lusfa.

Dragons like to give their own scales to the creatures they admire, so the scales given by the law are bound to a space teleportation anchor, so that the contractor can summon the dragon at any time.

When summoned, the warp channel created by dragons can only be passed by dragons protected by thick photon scales. If other creatures want to enter, they will immediately be pulled to pieces by the unstable force field in the warp. Only a small number of mages with very high magic talent can then use the warp channel to reach the location of the contract dragon (provided that the dragon allows it, otherwise the dragon can instantly close the channel and trap the passer in it forever).

Of course, dragons don’t work in vain. Contractors need to pay a corresponding price every time they summon, and the tribute can be food, treasure, or various rare items. The remuneration required by the dragons depends on the content and difficulty of the contract. Although the dragons are notoriously greedy, the remuneration required for the contract is calculated extremely fairly. It may be driven by the self-esteem of the dragons. Will take more than the portion of the pay they think they deserve.

However, there are very few creatures in history that have successfully formed a pact with dragons. People are generally killed or killed in the battle with dragons, and it is extremely difficult to resolve disputes with dragons, let alone gain the favor of dragons and obtain the dragon scales of the contract. Therefore, people who can make contracts with dragons in history are generally called “dragon riders” and are widely respected among various races (especially humans).

In ancient Pantoracken, one of the conditions for becoming a Celestial Knight was to make a contract with at least one dragon. However, with the passage of history and the seclusion of the dragons, this condition became more and more difficult to achieve, and was finally abolished around 200 BC. (Instead of contracting with at least one epic photonic creature, instead of being limited to dragons)

The pact with the dragon is also believed by archaeologists to be the etymology of the word “Pantolaken”: Pandragon means “flying with the dragon” in ancient Celtic.

2/04/06: Race: Dragon (6): Age of Dormancy

From about 5,000 years ago, the dragon family began to disappear from the world, living a low-key and secluded life. Although there is no definite evidence of a connection between the two, 5,000 years ago also happened to be the time when the dragon king, the Dragon Emperor Titans, disappeared. Both archaeologists and dragon scientists believe that the disappearance of the Dragon Emperor led to the lack of a leader in the dragon society, and then went their separate ways and entered the age of seclusion.

After reclusive, the dragons are basically honest, living in caves and living in caves. As long as they are not disturbed, they will not take the initiative to attack humans. Dragons occasionally fight each other for territory, but there are no more large-scale battles. (In the past, the battle between dragons and humans almost made human society restless, and all towns lived in the shadow of dragon attacks every day)

Occasionally, the dragons that attacked the human towns were out of line, and they were usually eliminated by the Knights because of their weak power.

During the time when the dragons were hidden from the world, the principle of the Pantoracken Knights was generally not to provoke dragons, unless the dragons voluntarily appeared in the town to make trouble. The dragon clan flourished for a while before the seclusion. The ancient dragon hunters who lived by hunting dragons gradually declined because they lost the commission of hunting dragons. They switched to hunting and farming as their means of livelihood, and finally they were gradually forgotten by history.

In the end, the reason why the dragons are hidden from the world is still a mystery. However, it is precisely because of the hidden world of the dragons that it has brought maximum peace and stability to human society, and has promoted the rapid development of the glorious region for more than 5,000 years. Even if the dragons are no longer hidden from the world to fight against humans again, it is estimated that they are not the opponents of the highly developed human society. At least scientists are optimistic.


2/05: Race: The Elves

2/05/01: Race: Elf (1): Overview

The appearance is almost the same as that of humans, the only difference is that it has pointed and long ears. This race is somewhere between photon-adapted creatures and epic photonic creatures, and is considered a highly evolved form of human beings.

There are very few records about elves. Some scholars believe that they are ancient people who have modified their genes and contributed to a high degree of evolution. There was a huge fault in human history 12,000 years ago, and this period was also the period when the elves began to appear.

No one knows how long elves live, but scientists are convinced that elves can live as long as dragons. Their bodies are so delicate and strong that they are miniature versions of dragons. The decay cycle of photons is very long, so their lifespan is also long. Must be very long.

2/05/02: Race: Elf (2): Innate Ability: Eagle Eyes

Elves are excellent magicians. Due to their high concentration, they are proficient in difficult time and space magic, and can easily distort space, create different spaces, or create subspace channels.

But elves’ greatest strength is their vision.

For living things, what the naked eye can see is limited by optical conditions. Not only will it become blurry the farther it is seen, but it is also easily blocked by obstacles and cannot see something. But the elves’ supersightedness was revolutionary, completely surpassing the abilities of other races. They observe a thing not only by the reflection direction of light, but by capturing the visual information related to the thing from the constant flow of photons in the world. So if they want, they can see any corner of the world, any person or thing. Of course, the whole world is so big, and the photon flow in the world is so complex and changeable, it is almost impossible to completely capture all the information, visualize it, and then filter out useful information. Even a well-trained elves with super vision can only see things about ten kilometers away, and if things are blocked by buildings, it is more difficult to see (the visual information of the building itself will cause a huge impact on the information finally captured. interference).

Of course, trained sprites can easily see through walls, see normally in complete darkness, and even see sources of heat and energy if they are close enough. This technique is called “Eagle Eye”.

Although the eyes of elves are so powerful, the more they see and the more they want to see clearly, the greater the loss of vision. When they concentrate on vision, a large number of photons gather in their eyeballs, and these photons can destroy cells and cause petrification. As a photon-adapted creature, the elves will not be punished by petrification, but they will still temporarily lose their light after continuous use of their eyes. Although the eyes will recover after a period of rest, when the elves are blind, they usually lose their resistance completely and are easily killed by various enemies.

Even ears also have excellent hearing. Although it is not as good as the super vision of the eyes, it can also protect the elves to a certain extent. One is to prevent the elves from being sneak attacked by nearby enemies when they are concentrating on looking into the distance, and the other is to temporarily blind elves due to excessive use of vision They have one more survival advantage.

2/05/03: Race: Elf (3): Dark Elf

There is only a pitiful record in history, the cousin of the elves. Contrary to elves with supersightedness, dark elves have vision that is only slightly higher than that of normal humans, but they have super hearing and can easily hear the sound of a needle falling to the ground in the distance. This technique is called “Harkener”.

The principle of super hearing is very similar to super vision. It also captures the photon stream in the world, and then converts the information in the photon stream into audio and video. Compared with super vision, super hearing is much more passive, because there is no audio-visual information without the audio source. But at the same time, because only audio and video information needs to be processed, the interference of information is relatively much less, the range that super hearing can reach is larger than that of super vision, the radius can reach nearly 20 kilometers, and it can capture multiple target sound sources at the same time.

The phenomenon of petrification also exists in the dark elves’ super-hearing. Excessive use of super-hearing will cause the inner ear of the dark elves to petrify, and they will no longer be able to hear anything for a period of time. At this time, the dark elves’ good eyesight and night vision will be their only means of survival.

It is worth mentioning that although the speed of sound propagation is only the speed of sound, audio and video information can travel with the flow of photons at a speed close to the speed of light. So super-hearing not only hears farther than others, but also hears faster than others, and the distance between the sound source and the listener, the greater the difference. Even if the vampire also has hearing as one of its racial advantages, the range and response speed of its hearing will never be as good as that of the dark elves.

2/05/04: Race: Elf (4): Elysim

The elves who are good at time and space magic created a constant subspace 5,000 years ago in order to avoid continuing to compete with humans for living space, and collectively migrated into this This space is called by history books “Elysim” is an eternal world: it is always a comfortable spring, always sunny, but with moderate rain. The creatures in it never age, and if they want, they never need to eat, because they don’t starve.

The entrance and size of the Pure Land are a mystery, but it is initially estimated that this subspace can be as large as 10 million square kilometers, because the elves only need to gather a small number of free photons to create a huge distorted space, and the cost of photons to maintain this space. Also very few.

The migration of the elves and the seclusion of the dragons were almost at the same period. It is no wonder that there are various speculations in the academic world. Some people even think that the elves kidnapped the Dragon Emperor Titans. Although there are different opinions, they are all baseless speculations, because humans know too little about the world of elves. All these legends cast a mysterious veil on the pure land of elves.

Therefore, the pure land of elves is the secret realm that countless explorers yearn for, and even spend their whole lives exploring. How many people were successfully found, no one knows. Some people may spend their entire lives not being able to find them, and some people may have already found them, but they are no longer willing to return to the mortal world and stay in the pure land of elves forever.

However, there are still a small number of elves who have objections and are unwilling to move to the pure land. Some of these elves stay in the world and mingle with the crowd, while others live in seclusion in the mountains and wilderness. They are generally called “lost”. the spirit”.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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