Light Spirit Epic Chapter 999: Fighting for Ziyan (33)

Chapter 999: The fierce battle against Ziyan Thirty-three

Ha’er watched (Yu) observed (Yu) for so long. The murloc prince was also a little impatient. He joined in the fun and got in. He tugged Husky’s tail hard: “Stop dawdling. Hurry up.”

“Uh.—–It’s him who you are urging. Why are you pulling Husky’s tail..” The canine boy’s tail was pulled. Immediately, he was unconvinced and wanted revenge. But Calvin has no tail. Husky had to tug on Hal’s cat’s tail again.

“Wow. —” The tail was pulled repeatedly. The leopard boy made another strange cry. There is no longer any delay. Being urged again and again, he had no choice but to answer: “Yes, it should… be safe meow.”

“That’s good. Let’s get down to the update as soon as possible—–Quickly let go of your hand from Husky’s tail.” The canine boy warned the murloc prince behind him.

“Hey hey. Go. Puppy.” Calvin hasn’t had enough. This is to reluctantly remove his hand from the Husky’s puppy tail.

“Tsk.” Husky muttered disapprovingly. Use your hands to break the edge of the vent iron fence cover.

“One. Two. Three.” Hal and Husky worked together to snap the vent cover out. It’s fully open now. Enough to pass a teenager at the same time.

“Let Hal go down first, meow.” The leopard boy tied a rope beside the vent. It is convenient for everyone to use this rope to get in and out. . .

After dealing with this little detail. He volunteered and said: “If someone makes a sneak attack, you can use Hal’s combat skills to avoid meow. When Hal is sure that it is safe, you can come down and meet me, meow.”

He is not brave. The timid Leopard boy is afraid of the dark. Also afraid of the dangers that may be lurking in the dark. if you can. He didn’t really want to go into this darkness. Not sure if it’s a safe place. But he didn’t want his friends to take risks. Especially not wanting Husky to be in danger. He could only bite the bullet.

“Okay. You go. Kitty.” Calvin sneered. He wouldn’t care about the life and death of the leopard boy.

“Be careful.” Only Husky, a friend, reminded him.

The leopard boy nodded. More faster chapters to come. Reach out and grab the rope. While moving his kitten body. Go down the vent.

Clap. In a very light landing sound. Howl entered the room.

It’s so dark. But Hal stayed in the dark for a long time. His eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness. The surroundings were still peaceful. No ambush. There are also no traps to eliminate intruders.

This room appears to be safe.

He looks around again. Before calling the friends to come. Double check the security of this room.

Indeed. Nothing at all. There is no figure. There is nothing that will be active. The whole room was extraordinarily quiet in the darkness. . .

The stone floors here are oddly dry. The walls here are barely reflective. Even with the four torches all around. Couldn’t brighten up the room either.

This thirty-yard square room is even more filled with various unknown square debris. But none of them are immediately dangerous. Probably one treasure chest after another.

All in all. It’s safe here for now. Next is——

Touch. Something fell from the top of Howl’s head. Pressed on the leopard boy.

“Wow.” Howl came to his senses. Now his head is being pressed by the dog boy’s butt. The Husky’s puppy’s tail wobbled more and more on the tip of Hal’s nose. So provocative that the leopard boy wanted to sneeze. . .

“Ha—ha—ha…. Husky meow.” He managed to hold back the urge to sneeze.

“Hehe. Sorry. I slipped and fell off.” Husky got up and said. At the same time, he also pulled his partner hard.

“How can you be like this meow.” The leopard boy protested in a low voice: “What should I do if there is danger in this room meow.”

“This sentence will be returned to you as it is. Hal Wang.” The dog boy retorted nonchalantly: “Husky can’t take risks. How can Hal. Your logic is really strange.”

“Yes. But…” Hal couldn’t go on halfway through.

“Hal…Actually you don’t need to bark for Husky’s sake. More chapters coming sooner. Everyone’s situation is just as bad. Can’t say you can take risks. Husky can’t bark.” I have long noticed the subtle attitude of the leopard boy. He persuaded him: “We are friends Wang. If there are difficulties and dangers. Please don’t bear it alone. Let us share it together. Okay, Wang.”

This was originally a very moving sentence for Hal. but. The leopard boy has his own hidden secrets. He can’t always tell his friends. “You are possessed by evil spirits. Anyone here can die. Only you cannot die.”

Even if you want to help each other. If the other party does not know, they will not receive it. None of this starts. Only the leopard boy was left in a hurry. Instead, it put more pressure on Hal. Update as soon as possible

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Prince Calvin didn’t stay in the ventilation ducts either. He also jumped down at this time.

Husky even lit a torch. The dim room was illuminated with the light of torches.

“Well. Nothing. It seems quite safe here.” The murloc prince glanced around: “You’re making a fuss. You’re worrying. Kitty.”

“Um…” Hal was speechless. Only whimpering remains.

“Calvin go and seal the door. Why don’t you look around. See if you can find the treasure,” said the murloc prince. Walk towards the door. The staff in his hand has raised an ice fog. Use his Ice Mist and Frost Arrow. The first update of the Murloc Prince can generate a huge ice block blocking the door. Isolate outside interference. As such. No matter how hard the Zhangren guards outside hit the door. Impossible to break in. Adding trouble to the teens in the room. This room seems to be completely safe.

And Husky lit the room with torches. Look at the wonderful arrangement here. Those square shadows. Not a single treasure chest. But some kind of iron-like wondrous machine.

And at the end of the room opposite the door. There is one more machine in action. There was a constant humming. It looks like a globe. But it is more complicated and difficult to understand. On the core of the huge black sphere are many rapidly rotating rings.

In this darkness. The rings are turning so fast. From a distance it looks like nothing is moving at all. So Hal still missed it. There is something moving in this room.

“What the **** is this.” Husky tilted his head. asked incomprehensibly.

“This is… the enchantment generator meow.” Howl replied in a low voice. In fact, there was no need for him to keep his voice down. Because the guards outside the door have been unable to break into the room. Even if there is a falling out in the room, the people will not interfere.

“The enchantment…the generator.” Husky still didn’t understand: “What’s the use of this kind of thing. Isn’t this a treasure room?”

“Um…not the treasure room meow…we guessed wrong meow.” Hal felt a little relieved. This room may not be as dangerous as he thought: “This should be the enchantment room, meow. The enchantment generator is an important facility that every castle must have. Hal saw that there was one in his mother’s research institute. A shield for enemy invasion. As small as the barrier that prevents enemies from sneaking into the castle with teleportation. All can be created by this barrier generator.”

Heard here. The dog boy took a deep breath: “Including the barrier that prevented us from using the City Return Scroll.”

Halmer thought for a moment. Answered: “Yes…probably including that cat.”

“Then. As long as this thing is destroyed——.”

“We can use the teleportation technique to go back to the Eternal Altar, meow.” The leopard boy smiled wryly: “Theoretically yes, meow. But don’t forget that we are in a closed castle. To teleport, we have to escape from this castle. Meow.”

“Wow—what a pity…”I thought it was a good idea. As soon as I heard the leopard boy say this. Huskies immediately fell down: “That is to say. This thing is useless now. What a waste of time.”

“It doesn’t have to be me… Anyway. Let’s destroy it first meh.” Howl picked up the dagger: “That way. After reuniting with Uncle Arthur and the others. As soon as we leave the castle, we will be able to use teleportation. We will It’s safe meow.——You guys step back.”

Whoosh. The leopard boy threw a dagger at the barrier generator.

Zha. The dagger pierced into the ball. It wasn’t very solid there. It appears to be on a sphere of some kind of lodestone material. Poke a deep hole.

Those rings that revolve around a sphere. Also because of the hindrance of the dagger. And they stopped. They are all stuck to the dagger. The operation of the equipment suddenly became a mess.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh———————-With some kind of roar waning the enchantment generator finally came to a complete stop. Thus. That pesky shield that stops them from using the Town Portal Scroll. It will also disappear completely from Black Key Island.

Even so. Husky still felt dissatisfied. They worked hard. It’s hard to come here. Not just to destroy this stupid enchantment generator. He wanted to do something more. It’s good to make more profit from this ghost place.

“Humph.” Husky used the torch to swipe around the enchantment generator. The structure of this thing is quite complicated. And it is made by various machines around. connected by wires.

The machines here, especially this enchantment generator. A huge amount of electricity is required to support the operation. And that huge amount of electricity is transmitted by wires. The distance must be unsafe.

The conclusion is. There must be some large motor around here. Power these machines up close. Husky didn’t know much about machines. But he knew that there was some expensive electrical core hidden in every electrical device.

If that one can be found. Wouldn’t it be great fortune. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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