Light Spirit Epic Chapter 995: Fighting for Ziyan (29)

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Chapter 995: The fierce battle against Ziyan twenty-nine

No matter what the leopard boy Howl said “this game is faulty”, “can’t die, it will affect our body in reality”, Husky didn’t believe it from the bottom of his heart. ☆☆

After all, this is just a virtual game. Does failure in the game affect reality? It’s ridiculous.

So, although he said he would act carefully and try his best to avoid confrontation with the enemy, the dog boy was trying to hunt and kill the big boss. If let him run into the big boss in this castle, he will definitely not stop there, but rush up to fight the big boss.

Husky raised his sword and shattered the ice that sealed the entrance of the cave, and the three walked out of the cave together. It seems that the third underground floor has been swept away, and there are no Zhangren guards anymore. It is still safe to walk here for the time being. Without taking a few steps, Husky unfolded the castle’s map, trying to find a safe way out of the castle.

“Very good, go two intersections from here and turn left, there is a vent next to the stairs leading to the upper floor.” Husky said as he led the way.

Calvin also leaned over to take a look: “There is indeed a vent system that could be used, but the vents are poorly marked.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Husky said confidently, “the basement of this castle is below sea level. They must have drawn air from the upper floors to ventilate the old town. So, we just go up. Climb, as long as the direction is roughly right, you will be able to go out.”

“It’s really that simple, meow?” Leopard boy Hal looked at dog boy Husky suspiciously: “Also, Hal has a bad feeling, meow.”

“This is the only way to get out. Even if you say no, you have to bite the bullet.” Husky frowned and replied, “Hal, it’s just a game. Last time at Uncle Arthur. Things that happen at home can’t be born in the world of games. Don’t worry.”

“Okay… okay meow.” The Leopard boy shuddered when he remembered what happened last time. It seems that it is still early for him to really feel relieved. There is some unpredictable danger lurking in Husky, and Hal can’t really feel relieved one day when that thing is there.

“Anyway——” The dog boy walked to the vent next to the stairs, slammed it hard, and removed the guardrail of the vent: “Let’s go, Wang. We will adapt to the situation when we are born. I’m sorry.”

He crawls into the vent first. The murloc prince also smiled lightly and happily, and followed closely behind the canine boy—— his eyes never took his eyes off Husky’s tail.

And Howl hesitated for a moment while looking at the deep and dark vent, and finally got in reluctantly.

Climb into the ventilation duct, and after his eyes get used to the darkness, Hal doesn’t think it’s as scary as he imagined. After Husky, who took the lead, lit the torches, the whole picture of the ventilation ducts was revealed to everyone.

These meandering ventilation ducts, roughly every five yards, made of massive stone bricks, appear to have been around for a long time.

The ventilation ducts were built quite wide due to the need to draw fresh air from the sea level to the minus three floors underground. Not to mention Hal and the petite teenagers, even the well-built Zhangren guards can crawl in this kind of ventilation duct.

As for Hal and the others, adults need ventilation ducts that allow them to walk on their feet. They only need to walk half-squatting, just to avoid hitting their heads on the ceiling. In short, they walked in this kind of ventilation duct quite easily.

“Uh——” Easy is easy, but this pipe is very dirty. Hal walked with one hand on the inner wall of the pipe, and found that his palm was soon covered with some kind of black and greasy substance. It is estimated that the lack of cleaning all the year round, coupled with the darkness and humidity, has grown a lot of mold here.

“Don’t worry about this little thing.” Husky, who was walking in the front, advised: “This is just a game, and in reality, we don’t really get our hands dirty.”

“Um…” Hal snorted approvingly. Still, the unpleasant feeling was very real, as if they were walking down a dark and dirty sewer, as if they had entered the belly of some gigantic creature, constantly probing and touching by something dark and evil. licking, licking. This feeling really made Hal feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Speaking of which, our character in this game is going to get sick meow?” The leopard boy tried to talk to his friends to distract himself from the nausea.

“It seems that there is no such setting.” Calvin, who had read the guide, pondered for a while: “Well…no. The characters in this game are estimated to be normal people with super healthy bodies. No matter how bad the environment is, they will not Will be infected by germs and get sick——different from some frail people in reality, haha.”

“Uh—” This sentence stung the Leopard boy. Without the assistance of a wheelchair and crutches, Howl can’t even walk on his own in reality.

“Can you be a little less annoying?” Husky snorted dissatisfiedly: “I’m going to climb up, so be careful.”

“Wait. Go up meow—-?” The leopard boy looked at the shape of the ventilation duct, which was almost straight upward, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

In the light of the torches, they were about thirty yards above the end of the pipe. It is still unknown whether you will reach the top after climbing the mountain.

A lot of mold grows, very dirty ventilation ducts, and although there are many rock crevices that can be used as a foothold for climbing, it is still terrifyingly high. Plus the mold is wet and slippery, and one accident could slip down the pipe.

Falling from a height of 30 yards would have been fatal or injured.

In short, it’s nearly impossible to safely climb this slippery pipe.

“Hmmmm—Is there a problem right away? Wang.” Husky held his chin and seemed to be thinking about the same problem.

“Knowing this, we brought climbing tools with us before we came out, meow.” Hal not only complained. Before they came out to deal with Zhang Ren yesterday (during game time), they could have supplied all kinds of equipment for wild adventure in the shop at the Altar of Eternity, but they were rejected by Husky on the grounds that the price was “too expensive”.

A mountain-climbing tool costs one hundred gold coins, which is really a black price. But they can bring a lot of convenience to adventurers at critical moments. Why were you stingy with these three hundred gold coins in the first place? —— Hal finally got this lesson.

“Well, what does this prince do?” Calvin stepped forward, raising his staff to cast a spell.

“No, God knows if we’ll have a fight to deal with the woof later? You keep the woof for your spells.” Husky vehemently objected: “Well, let Husky climb up first, and then use the prepared rope. , and pull you up one by one. Husky and Dad climbed the snowy mountains together when he was a child, should be—-“

“If it’s mountain climbing, Howl is better at meow than you.” The leopard boy couldn’t wait to interrupt his friends and pulled out two daggers: “Howl grew up in the Turkic swamp, you forgot Meow? Most of the huge trees there, howl has climbed over meow with his bare hands.”

Calvin gave the leopard boy a white look: “…Are you sure you can climb up?”

Hal nodded confidently: “Compared to the giant swamp tree covered with moss, slippery and difficult to climb, this ventilation duct with only a little mold is nothing but paradise. With these two daggers, Hal can I can climb up meow.”

“Okay, okay, since you insist so much.” Husky frowned. “Don’t worry, even if you slip down, we’ll catch you below.”

The leopard boy nodded and walked to the ascending section of the vent.

The stupid and clumsy leopard boy has never successfully climbed a giant swamp tree, and every challenge ends in failure, repeatedly asking his brothers to rescue him. He would brag, just not wanting his friends to take risks.

If Howl’s character dies, the big deal is to be demoted and resurrected at the Altar of Eternity. But Husky is different – he is possessed by the black spider, and if he dies in the game, he will immediately fall into a stupor and be attacked by the black reaper in his own nightmare.

This is something Hal wants to avoid living anyway.

Hal looks up. The road ahead is high and dark. Unknown terror and danger awaited him. But he couldn’t look back. The leopard boy took a deep breath, raised the dagger in his right hand, and stabbed it deeply into the crack in the stone wall of the ventilation duct.

Well, it feels good, and the dagger shows no signs of loosening. If you use this leverage, you won’t be afraid of the slippery mildew on the stone wall.

Should be successful, right?

No, he had to succeed for the sake of his buddies.

The leopard boy raised his left hand, borrowed strength from the dagger in his right hand, and stabbed the dagger in his left hand deeply into a higher rock crevice.

But he was a little negligent. He is now a human body, without sharp cat claws on his feet not as good at climbing as he is in reality. His feet tried to find support on the wall, but they stepped on the slippery mildew and slipped.

Clap! He fell down and his head hit the wall, which was very ugly.

“Hal? Are you okay?”

“Ow—” The leopard boy rubbed his forehead. Fortunately, the game blocked their pain, otherwise this bump must have been very painful, right? Although it didn’t hurt, he still had his eyes dim for a while, and his character was probably injured a lot.

“Um… Miscalculation, the soles of human beings are completely different from those of orcs.” He tried his best to justify his failure.

“If you can’t do it, forget it.” Calvin took the opportunity to sneer: “This kind of small **** is still solved by this prince. Obviously, it only needs to cast a spell and it will be done—“

“No, let Hal try again meow.” The leopard boy looked a little unreasonably stubborn. On second thought, he found a compromise. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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