Light Spirit Epic Chapter 990: Fighting for Ziyan (24)

Chapter 990 The fierce battle against Ziyan (twenty-four)

A strong explosion spread on the cliff, which should have swallowed the two resting on the cliff platform!

However, before the explosion, a dark shadow had already emerged from the cliff platform and jumped to a mountain wall ten yards away!

“Wow, it’s dangerous!” Palamidis looked at the blown up cliff, and couldn’t help sweating: “Sure enough, someone attacked? – After all, you are so heavy! Too heavy! The two Bedivere are still heavy! Have you really removed the armor?!” “Your memory won’t stay seven years ago, thinking I was that teenage kid at that time, right?” Evan raised his shield in one hand With a gun in one hand, he stared at the sneaker hidden behind the rock wall protrusion in the distance: “I have exercised hard over the years, I have more muscles, and my skeleton has become a lot heavier, and I am no longer the kid you remember! “The **** panther didn’t speak. Something tells him that Evan is quibbling. The reason why the youth of Banlong became heavier was much more than that. This kid Ivan is deliberately hiding something – obviously he is a teammate, but Ivan deliberately didn’t tell Palamidis, some kind of [bad thing]!

But now that their big enemy is in front of them, the big cat has no time to worry about such trivial matters, and still concentrates on dealing with the subtleties of the enemy!

At this time, Ivan also used his powerful eyesight to find various ambush soldiers hidden behind the cliff.

“Five in number. They are all hidden in the direction of seven, eleven, and three o’clock.” Ivan whispered, “Be careful, these guys seem to shoot cannonballs that explode on contact.” And Regardless of the attack power of the shell, from the explosion it just hit the rock platform, the explosion of these things was at least astonishing. Affected by this impact, even Palamidis, who has the ability to run against the wall, may not be able to support it.

No, it should be said that it is absolutely unsupportable! Palamides just used the countless tiny barbs that changed from the soles of his feet to [hook] the wall and crawled against the wall like insects. But he is much larger than insects and suffers much more gravity, so he is obviously not suitable for this kind of behavior of running against the wall.

The strong wind might knock the ants off the wall, and the impact of the explosion will knock the **** panther off the wall in an instant and blow it down to the ground!

And on the ground—that is, the cave covered with purple flame pillars—is full of death traps, and once you accidentally fall into the flames, you will lose your way!

“Who said it’s safe to run against the wall?!” Evan said angrily.

“It’s no use complaining about this now!” The big cat ran, running in the direction of fewer monsters: “Get rid of these **** first!” Pounds! A bomb blasted behind Palamides, less than three yards.

“Woo!” The big cat paused for a while, and resisted the impact of the explosion with the action of leaning against the wall, and barely avoided falling from the almost 90-degree vertical mountain wall!

“You bastard!” Palamidis just took his breath away and continued to run. But he clearly understood that at his current running speed, it was impossible to get rid of the group of chasing soldiers behind him!

A group of spider-like amethyst golems, about ten in number, are chasing after Palamidis and Ivan. Their specialized, sharp amethyst spider legs can penetrate deeply into the rock wall, providing them with the ability to stick to the wall steadily, while also allowing them to run quickly on the wall.

And this, the leopard warrior who is the emerald knight is far from being comparable to it – all he can do is to change the structure of his body slightly, and change the subtle changes on the soles of his feet. Backtick to support yourself crawling on the wall.

The principle of wall climbing is different, which determines the absolute difference in speed between the two. In addition, the Evan on Palamidis’ back is very heavy and gets in the way. Therefore, no matter how hard the **** panther runs, it is estimated that he will not be able to escape the pursuit of this group of amethyst spiders!

And he can’t even attack in his current beast form, so he can only run away. The only thing he can rely on now is the half-dragon youth Evan on his back!

“What are you waiting for?!” Palamidis urged helplessly as he ran: “Quickly shoot at them?!” Spider swarm, no matter how frantically the monsters fired cannonballs, he was still indifferent: “I have to observe their actions first!” Pounds! Another shell exploded on the rock on the left side of the big cat, almost knocking off Palamidis! The bodies of these shells are as small as soybeans, and the ballistics are almost invisible, but after they hit the target, they can cause a huge explosion in a huge range. I am afraid it is a special kinetic energy magic at work.

Sure! The attack power of the shell itself is almost zero, but the impact caused by the explosion is a huge threat! The enemy’s purpose is very clear: to shoot down this **** panther running against the wall!

“You’d better finish your observation soon!” Palamidis managed to stabilize his body, and continued to run without resting: “If this continues, we will be blasted off the cliff! “”I was thinking!” Ivan turned around and looked at the group of chasing soldiers behind him. The group of giant spiders was crawling fast and disorderly, with almost no regularity. And the cannonballs the size of soybeans spit out from their mouths, if they don’t have amazing eyesight, they can’t see through their ballistics at all.

What’s more, they were in high-speed motion against the wall. The whole world was almost turned upside down, making people dizzy. Intercepting an opponent in this situation is extremely difficult even for a young half-dragon!

But if you don’t try, things will only get worse. Even in order to act as a deterrent, Ivan had to do some basic attacks to stop the enemy’s crazy offensive!

With this thought in mind, the half-dragon youth grabbed the big cat’s back with one hand and raised the gun with the other.

“Ow! Don’t talk shit! You’re hurting me!” Palamedis complained.

“Long-winded! Be patient!” Ivan said angrily, again concentrating and raising his black iron pistol to shoot!

Boom! There was a muffled explosion inside the pistol. Driven by a specially constructed photon explosive device, the pellet-sized steel bullet flew out of the gun chamber and shot straight at the leg of an amethyst spider thirty yards away!

Clap! The high-speed flying warhead easily penetrated and shattered the spider’s long amethyst legs! It’s as easy as breaking glass!

“Unbelievable! Physical bullets have such a powerful lethality?” Palamidis couldn’t help exclaiming when he saw all this.

“Weapon manufacturing technology has been developing rapidly in recent years.” Evan clenched his gun and aimed again: “Since they will shoot physical bullets, there must be their reasons.” Bang! ! The black iron pistol fired again, and another bullet flew out in a nearly straight trajectory, shattering the other leg of the same amethyst spider!

And the spider that lost its two legs couldn’t keep its balance, and rolled down the cliff like a funny ball, just fell into a purple flame column on the ground, and instantly steamed!

“Wow!” Palamidis gasped, watching the tragic death of the enemy, secretly glad that he was not the one who suffered. That purple flame pillar of fire turned out to be so terrifying, it would instantly steam people when it touched it! If you fall, it’s all over!

Pounds! Pound pound pound! More explosions set off next to the big cat. As if to avenge their dead companions, the spiders shot more frantically. The ultra-miniature explosive bombs like soybeans landed around the big cat. If Palamidis hadn’t evaded nimbly, he would have been blown away by the blast!

“Damn…” Still, the continuous explosions around him still made Palamidis dizzy. The blast wind is also lethal, it can shock people’s internal organs and cause internal injuries; it can even lift up rock debris in the cave, and these debris will pierce the human body like a shrapnel.

Dangdangdangdangdang! If only blocking the gravel, Ivan’s shield can still be useful. He has stopped shooting, and concentrates on raising his shield to defend, so as to avoid this wave of dangerous attacks first!

Fortunately, the volcanic rock in the cave is very hard, and the gravel rain caused by the explosion is not dense. Most of the deadly attacks were blocked by Ivan’s shield, and a small amount of stone chips left only a small amount on the bodies of the two of them. Cuts are out of the way.

“Humph!” The big cat saw that there was a raised platform on the opposite cliff to land on, so he accelerated and leaped over.

As soon as he landed, he turned around, finally being able to keep his feet on the ground for a while! Before the pursuers catch up, use this platform to counterattack and reduce the number of enemies first!

“Palamidis?!” “You’re focused on shooting! I’ll find a way to stop them!” the big cat roared, and the body began to make a crackling sound.

“Wait! Do you want to electrocute me!?” Evan only felt a tingling in his body. Palamidis is discharging, and the half-dragon youth sitting on the back of the **** panther cannot be unaffected!

“It won’t hurt you, don’t worry!” Palamidis opened his mouth. The limbs are used for running, which is not convenient for fighting. At this time, Palamidis can only make the best use of it, trying to shoot something out of his mouth!

And it’s theoretically Since dragons can shoot flames from their mouths, Palamidis should be able to do something similar by transforming his body? !

Power, or rather electricity, begins to build up deep in Palamidis’ throat!

Slowly, he’s starting to get the hang of it! Just turn this build-up of electricity into a mist and spray it out! This should be similar to the principle of dragons spraying dragon flames!

“Hmm—” Palamides took a deep breath.

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! “-” He harvested the electricity gathered in his body and spit it out!

Whoosh! ! ——The electric light flickered, and the gold and stone mingled!

A golden electric beam shot out from the mouth of the **** panther and swept towards the pursuers in the distance!

It’s sweeping the battlefield and cleaning up the battlefield! ! . .. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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