Light Spirit Epic Chapter 977: Fighting for Ziyan (11)

Chapter 977 The fierce battle against Ziyan (11)

“Well, it’s very good.” Arthur came up and joined the evil star: “You also know to attack its spine and stop it from going crazy?” The evil star gave the King of Knights a white look: “Don’t underestimate people. , Although I am a dragon, I have done some research on the biological structure of creatures.” “In order to fight other dragons better?” Arthur sneered and sarcastically said.

Faced with King Arthur’s temptation, Xinghuilong said bluntly: “Yes. In order to better fight other dragons, I will defeat them all to regain my status.” This guy is serious. Seeing how desperate he was when he fought, Arthur knew how cruel the Shaxing had been through the years. Xinghuilong’s accumulated combat experience in the past seven years is probably completely unimaginable by Arthur.

The dragon subconsciously fiddled with the shoulder armor on his left shoulder. His “armor” was hit by the water pressure cannon of the group of people just now, and now there is a gap. As the king of knights said, Jin Ling’s “armor” is a fake manufactured by the system. It is as thin as paper and has no defense at all. It is shattered into this shape by a slight attack. It can be seen that its existence is only Just to look good.

But this detail also caught King Arthur’s attention.

He took advantage of the question and asked casually: “I wanted to ask you this question a long time ago. Are you not a dragon, Shaxing? In reality, your armor is actually your dragon scales, right? Why do you That armor would tatter like that?” King Arthur had his reasons for asking this question.

Although the self-healing ability of dragons is not the best among epic photonic creatures, this ability of dragons is not too bad. Their broken tails, wings, limbs, and even blinded eyes can be regenerated within a certain period of time, just as a lizard’s broken tail can grow back.

And the evil star is the great star dragon, the highest existence among the dragons. This kind of guy with extremely good genes, but the damaged dragon scales on his body can’t be repaired for a long time. This kind of thing is simply unscientific.

Don’t talk about dragon scales, the important part of the evil star was hit hard by Charlotte at noon today. It hurts for a long time, and now it’s wrapped like a diaper. His recovery ability is just too unscientific.

Seeing such doubts on Arthur’s face, Shaxing showed a [tired and don’t want to explain] watch: “Well, do I have to tell you about this?”” You’d better tell me. I also The dragon blood you provide is needed to deal with special battles. If you really have some kind of strange disease, it is really worrying. I don’t know if the disease will be contagious—?” “Nonsense! I’m not sick! !” Under the aggressive tactics of the King of Knights, Sha Xing fell into the trap all of a sudden, and told everything in full: “I became like this because my heart was severely injured when I fought with a certain dragon before.

The heart is the source of power for dragons, and my physical strength begins to weaken after the heart is injured. Thanks to this, ** has been recovering badly. If you leave it alone and rest for a few years, this dragon scale is estimated to be able to recover. But I don’t have the time… Charlotte… has been waiting for me…” King Arthur smiled, full of malice and sarcasm, and gave the evil star a white look: “Hehe, don’t act like a pure boy. Is this some kind of agreement between you and Charlotte? [I will marry you when I become the king of the dragon race]—or something like that? Not to be outdone, Shi Xing gave the King of Knights a white look: “That’s almost what it means. It’s none of your business, our great and nosy King Arthur! – Now, let’s focus on the siege. “”Are you sure you don’t need my help? I have talents in all kinds of surgical operations in Great Britain. Heart injuries can be cured in one fell swoop—” “No, thank you! “Dragon turned away the kindness of the King of Knights in dissatisfaction, as if he didn’t want to owe Arthur anyone. He blinked at the locked city gate, and the castle of Zhang Ren was dark and filled with the twilight before dawn. With a sense of solemnity and depth.

“This is the end? These **** of Zhangren let a monster out to attack us, and don’t continue to send troops?” Sha Xing felt helpless: “It was planned to let us break in and step into them stupidly. Do you want to go into the set trap?” Arthur smiled approvingly: “A wise choice. It’s hard to say if we are attacked by a whole team, but there are only two of us who are attacking the city, and the Zhang people plan to let us in and pack again. Encirclement and killing is the most trouble-free strategy. The sea lion just now is also to test our skills and see our cards? – The kid who wrote the artificial intelligence core of this game is getting smarter and smarter.” “That kid?” “…I’m just talking to myself here, don’t worry about it.” Arthur said, “Let’s go. Since the other party has set up a trap for us to step on, of course we won’t be stupid enough to slam into it. Only a fool will take the initiative. To step on the trap set by the enemy——

Let’s take a little detour and get in from the less guarded corners of the castle. Rock climbing tools for you, do you know how to climb mountains? “Shaxing was amused and laughed, as if he was greatly underestimated: “Understood. Lizards are experts at climbing walls, doesn’t our omniscient King Arthur even know this? “The king of knights ignored the sarcasm of the evil star and walked towards the moat on the east side of the castle. That was the most typical design of Western European castles at that time. A moat was erected around the castle to make it difficult for the army to attack the castle. Rush in. The moat of this castle is a little different. There are thousands of sharks, big and small. These bloodthirsty white sharks have long been accustomed to the fresh taste of human flesh. Once anyone jumps into the river, They will all be attacked to death by sharks within a few minutes, turning into countless pieces of meat and buried in the belly of the fish.

And the moat is fifty yards away, and with the strength of an ordinary human it is neither possible to jump over it nor to swim the distance.

Or maybe not?

The King of Knights smiled mischievously: “Shaxing, have the courage to compete with me in this moat full of sharks to see who gets to the other side of the river first?” The dragon frowned: “I heard you are Land duck…?” “That was a long time ago. I have been practicing swimming for years, and I have been able to swim very well, maybe even faster than sharks.” “Stop kidding, a mere human! “Xinghuilong hummed disdainfully.

No matter how well trained, it is impossible for a human to swim faster than a shark with strength alone. These natural predators in the ocean not only possess muscle strength dozens of times that of humans, but also have an absolutely streamlined body that can repel the current and allow themselves to gallop through the water almost unhindered. There are huge differences in natural conditions, how could human beings have won this group of wolves in the sea?

“Hoohoo, believe it or not, but I’ll do what I’m supposed to do.” The King of Knights rummaged through his inventory to find a pile of meat, fresh, **** meat. This is exactly the item they slaughtered the sea lion just now, and there are probably more than one hundred items dropped from the sea lion.

They’re juicy and bloody, and they’re a celestial lure for carnivores. Just use this to feed sharks.

This time the evil star can understand, the King of Knights intends to use these pieces of meat to lure the shark away, and take this opportunity to swim over. The meat of a whole giant sea lion is very large, and it is indeed enough to feed a pool of sharks. But will things really go so well?

Arthur has taken off his upper body armor and done a warm-up exercise. Not only did they have to jump off the moat, which was twenty feet above the ground, but when they swam to the other side, they had to climb the wooden fence on the other side. During the whole process, there will also be a large group of sharks following their butts, ready to bite at any time – the amount of exercise is large enough, and the exercise itself is exciting enough.

“Don’t you need to take off your clothes?” Arthur even took off his leg armor, leaving only a pair of pants. He turned his head to look at the evil star and sneered: “Don’t you really dare to jump and swim? You can wait here. After I attack the castle, I will put a drawbridge to let you in.” “It’s so noisy, I’ll just swim there, so I don’t have to take off any armor.” Xinghuilong replied calmly, not getting hit at all. The knight king’s slasher technique. The shiny golden “armor” on his body has no defensive power at all, and of course it has no weight. It is purely a paper-like decoration, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t take it off.

“Okay, as long as you like it.” Arthur sarcastically said, “Well, whoever loses this competition must accept a request from the other party? Do you have the courage to make this bet with me?” “Do you think I’ll be afraid of you? Just bet.” Xinghuilong is very confident in his swimming skills, he is not afraid to compete with King Arthur at very good. “The king of knights smiled proudly, grabbed a huge piece of sea lion meat, and prepared to throw it: “Ready – start!” “The huge raw meat flew out of the sky and fell into the lake in a parabolic shape. Before it touched the water surface, it was immediately caught by a ferocious shark. The great white shark had a delicious meal!

He called to start, in fact, at this time, the evil star can jump into the pool and start swimming. But Xinghuilong knew that this was a trap. If you jump too early, you will be besieged by sharks, and you will die horribly.

And the real “start” has always been in the hands of the treacherous King of Knights! – Arthur took out all the seal meat at once, dumped it into the moat, and sprinkled it all over the place!

For a time, the sharks in the entire moat boiled! This group of brutal and gluttonous giant predators began to frantically scramble for the meat, lest they be one step too late to be profited by other competitors!

This time is the real start! ——Arthur was ready for diving, a leap, and leaped into the moat coquettishly! . .. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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