Light Spirit Epic Chapter 962: Searching for a secluded place in the land

Chapter 962: Searching for seclusion in the center of the earth (thirty-five)

Crap! Evan secretly complained in his heart, thinking that he would be planted in the hands of these monsters this time!

The ice slime mold has turned into a claw, grabbing at the half-dragon youth’s ear! It will immediately invade Ivan’s brain through the ear hole, and then erode Ivan’s head, and then occupy the half-dragon youth’s body!

“Stand still!” Palamidis roared in the distance. Read 蕶啶堐誐誐的网

Because the Frostbolt Shower had just stopped for a while, the noisy ice cracking around him also temporarily disappeared. Thanks to this, the half-dragon youth could hear it very clearly! Up to now, I can only trust the judgment of my companions! The half-dragon youth froze, fearing that moving half an inch would bring disaster to himself!

The ice slime mold flew from Evan’s right shoulder to his right ear, and was about to enter the ear canal!

Pop! ——- A sharp voice brushed past the half-dragon youth’s ear. Clap! —Then the heavy crash of something piercing hard rock, and the cracking of volcanic rock!

Palamidis’ mithril spear swiped across the half-dragon youth’s right cheek, stabbed the mass of ice slime mold, and stabbed it on the spear head and flew out together until it collided with the stone wall!

Smack zi zi zi! The sound of electric shocks crackled in Evan’s ears, and a scorching stench came from behind the half-dragon youth, which should be the smell of slime monsters being scorched by electricity.

Hey! ——The ice crystal nine-headed dragon in the distance froze again in a burst of lamentation. Palamidis took the opportunity to fly over to join Ivan, and slid into the bunker with a single stride.

“You almost exploded my head just now!” As soon as Evan recovered from his surprise, he began to curse fiercely: “Are you trying to kill me, **** big cat!?”

“Hey, it’s alright, it’s alright, aren’t you still alive, it’s nothing for the young man to be frightened.” Palamidis smiled like a hooligan and touched Ivan’s ear: “Fortunately, only one is left. It’s just a small scar, it will disappear without a trace after a period of rest.”

“It’s better!” The half-dragon youth grinned viciously: “Otherwise you won’t die 10,000 times!”

“Hehehe.” Palamidis disapprovedly pulled out his mithril spear from the wall. In fact, the rain of frozen arrows released by the ice crystal nine-headed dragon had recovered, trapping the two of them behind the bunker again!

“God, that **** doesn’t know when to give up?” The big cat said helplessly, and the noise of the shattering Frostbolts around him made him irritable again: “It seems that we are going to be trapped here for a while. Fortunately, It can only trap us, there is no real threat ——-“

“You really think so?!” Evan interrupted Palamidis’ stupidity.


Touch, touch, touch.

Something was hitting the ground, and the heavy sound was mixed with the shattering sound of the Frostbolt rain, but it was especially obvious.

“Oh my God—” Palamedis knew where the voice was coming from. Once he understood, his expression changed.

Yes, that thing is the footsteps of the ice crystal giants. More, it is estimated that at least three ice crystal giants are coming towards them!

Seeing that the Ice Crystal Hydra could not kill the two intruders, it used some kind of telepathy to notify its companions, so that more Ice Crystal Colossus came to help! And the big cat and the half-long youth are trapped in a small area behind the bunker by the ice arrow rain, and there is nowhere to escape! If they are attacked by the ice crystal giants, it will be a dead end!

No, they’re dead! In this desperate situation, unless a miracle occurs, there is no other way to escape!

Or maybe not?

Palamidis looked at Evan calmly: “Give me the shard of the crystal core you collected earlier!”

“What do you want that one for?” The half-long youth was very puzzled. If I remember correctly, those crystal cores were actually made by slime monsters, and it’s probably already ——!

“Anyway, give it to me!” Seeing that the young Banlong was still hesitating and wasting time, the big cat was so anxious that he almost reached out to grab it.

“Okay, okay! Don’t get too close, I’ll give it to you!” Ivan felt helpless and carefully took out the sample from his pocket.

As expected, the crystal shard has “melted” into a living slime creature. At the moment, it is constantly struggling in the “bag” that Ivan made temporarily with parachute cloth!

The half-long youth can’t help but take a deep breath: Fortunately, he tied the bag tightly, and fortunately, these tape-like parachute cloths are flexible and strong, and are not easy to tear. Otherwise, Evan would have been sneak attacked by this disgusting slime mold, and even his body had been invaded by it!

Touch, touch, touch. The footsteps of the Ice Crystal Colossus got closer. If they really join the battle, Palamidis and Evan probably don’t even have the slightest chance of winning! The time is short, and there is no room for hesitation!

“Listen, boy!” Palamedis threw the bag of slime mold directly to the ground, then patted Evan on the shoulder: “I’m going to stab this thing with a spear and bake it. Turned into ashes. Because of the pain caused by the electric shock, the nine-headed dragon monster over there will probably stop attacking temporarily. And you take this opportunity to rush up to give it a fatal blow! You have to get rid of it in just a few seconds. Only you can find its weak point in the crevices of stone and deliver the fatal blow—you will do it, right?”

The half-dragon youth hesitated. There are always times when people are greedy for life and fear death, even a half-dragon man who has experienced hundreds of battles can’t help it. If Palamidis’s plan fails to stab the slime monsters in this bag to death, but the nine-headed dragon does not stop attacking, Ivan will be completely exposed to the blast of Frozen Arrows—– – He can only dodge for a short time, after which he will be smashed by a dense shower of frozen arrows.

He couldn’t completely trust Palamidis. Although Big Cat was a veteran of the Knights of Arthur, Palamidis had been dormant for seven years, and the feeling of power and battle must have been greatly reduced, which made people feel It is doubtful whether the leopard warriors are really suitable to continue to serve as knights.

Touch, touch, touch! The footsteps of the ice crystal colossus are getting closer and closer, and they will soon be surrounded.

They also have no way out, there is no other option. Without the support of strong eyesight, Palamidis really couldn’t rush out and kill the enemy in just a few seconds. Only Evan can do this. If the half-dragons don’t do it, both of them will have to die here!

“You owe me once.” The half-long youth complained, “I can do as you do, but you have to pay me back later.”

“Yes! Yes! You can go!” Palamidis couldn’t wait to raise his spear, aiming it at the bag on the ground, ready to stab it.

“Speaking of which, why on earth do you think the nine-headed dragon monster will stop attacking——-“

“Ready!” Palamidis did not answer the question of the half-dragon youth, but began to count down: “Three—–!”

Evan clenched his sword and moved his body to the edge of the cover.


Evan assumes a run-up position, ready to sprint.

“One! Go!” Palamidis raised his spear and stabbed, the mithril spear in his hand roared, and the arc of lightning slashed straight down, penetrating the bag at once!

ZizzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! ! —— An abnormal sound of electric current rushing around, and the stench of some kind of rotten meat scorched around. The ice slime mold was struggling in the bag, looking extremely painful!

And Evan also rushed out, scolding the big cat in his heart. The last wave of the ice crystal nine-headed dragon has not completely passed. The half-dragon youth was attacked by the ice arrow rain as soon as he rushed out of the bunker. He had to use his eyesight and agile skills to try to avoid it! He dodged dozens of ice arrows in a second, but more ice arrows brushed past his armor, leaving scars on the armor!

No way! This density can no longer be avoided! If more ice arrows are shot in a concentrated manner, Evan can’t dodge at all! Isn’t it good over there at Palamides? !

Fssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! ———coming! The ice crystal nine-headed dragon really began to mourn, as if it was enduring great pain, it stopped!

It is now! The half-long youth rushed over desperately, using all his strength, stabbed a sword at a stone crevice in the monster’s body!

Clap! The long sword plunged deep into the monster’s stone body, shattering the core crystal hidden deep within the body. The heads of the nine-headed dragons it transformed began to smash one by one! Does that kill it?

Of course not! ! ——–This ice crystal colossus does not have only one core! It was originally composed of two colossus, and its core should be divided into two!

The ice crystal colossus, which is not completely dead, uses its only four remaining dragon heads to bite Evan frantically! The dragon head is composed of extremely sharp ice crystals. The ice crystal dragon teeth as hard as diamonds pierce the armor of the half-dragon youth, leaving one big hole after another! !

Crap! Evan felt his body being pierced, and the pain continued. Those awl-sharp teeth of the ice crystal dragon head have passed through the armor, pierced into the body of the half-dragon youth, and penetrated the squeezed the blood out of Ivan’s body, spraying everywhere!

His fine armor is tough, but it pales in comparison to the dragon’s teeth. It can only save Ivan’s life for a very short time, after which the armor will crack, and the dragon heads will tear the half-dragon into countless pieces!

The half-long youth cursed unwillingly in his heart, believing that the big cat’s foolish plan in vain! —— How could it be possible to destroy the two cores of the monster at the same time with his own strength!

More blood spurted out of the half-dragon youth’s body, and he couldn’t help but despair. The **** Palamides is really unreliable! Now Evan is going to kill Big Cat’s incomplete plan!

——Or maybe not! !

Click! ! Another muffled sound came from the opposite side of the monster’s stone body. Palamidis has already rushed over, using the mithril spear in his hand to penetrate the monster’s other stone body, piercing the core hidden deep within the body! One

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