Light Spirit Epic Chapter 961: Searching for a secluded place in the land


Chapter 961: Searching for seclusion in the center of the earth (thirty-four)

“Ugh?!” Facing the oncoming monster’s swooping, Evan was really taken aback. Read 蕶啶堐誐誐的网

However, the half-dragon youth has super dynamic vision and reaction speed. Even if he has just been distracted, ordinary sneak attacks still cannot take advantage of him.

He steered to one side before being slammed in the face by the monster, dodging the fatal blow!

“You bastard!” The half-dragon youth took advantage of the situation with his long sword, and with the wrath of its master, cut the ice slime mold that had not yet landed in half in half!

But in doing so, he made a huge mistake!

Chopping these slime molds with a sword won’t kill it(s)! Ivan’s sharp sword can only cut the ice slime mold in half!

The slime is split in two, and Evan’s actions are right in the hands of these cunning single-celled creatures!

The two slap-sized slime molds just landed on the ground and didn’t stop at all. They immediately turned around and threw themselves on Evan’s face stubbornly!

“Bastard!” The half-dragon youth once again used his eyesight to dodge the attack, twisted his body back, and thus avoided the simultaneous attack of the two groups of slime molds!

But it’s far from over! The two groups of slime fungi flew over the head of the half-dragon youth and directly hit the boulder behind Ivan! They flew so hard that they shattered the moment they hit a rock! The smashed slime mold instantly split into dozens of small slime molds the size of fingers, which were scattered all over the place!

Evan gasped! By now, he is also very clear about the intentions of these ice slime molds! They were split so finely that they were completely besieging Ivan with a sea of ​​people tactics!

In the next second, they flew back towards the half-dragon youth, invading Evan’s body through various holes in his body, and gaining control of the half-dragon youth’s body!

And Evan can’t do anything! His range of action was limited to the “shadow” area of ​​the boulder, and in order not to be hit by a frost shower, he could only move less than ten cubic feet!

Besieged by dozens of ice slime molds in this small space, no matter how strong Ivan’s eyesight is, he can’t completely avoid the enemy’s attack!

In the next second, they will stick up, surround the half-dragon youth, and wait for an opportunity to take his body!

What should I do? !

At the same time, about a hundred yards away from the battle area where Palamides and others were, Bedivere and his party had already followed the smell of the big cat.

“Fall down!” Tristan saw the battle between the big cat and the half-dragon youth from a distance, and quickly held down Bedivere with one hand to stop the werewolf.

Touch! Bedivere fell, of course, and turned his back to the ground, hitting his nose **** the ground.

The werewolf felt that his nose bones were shattered, and before he got up, he shouted: “What are you doing?!”

“Noisy! Give me a moment!” The murloc prince’s hand was still pressed on the werewolf youth’s head and did not let go. At this moment, it was still pressing on Bedivere’s head: “This prince doesn’t want to Get involved in the battle of the guys ahead!”

The werewolf looked at the big cat and the half-dragon youth who were suppressed by the ice crystal nine-headed dragon, and then squinted at the murloc prince: “Isn’t Evan your [brother]? Then go up and help them?”

“They can take care of themselves. That level of fighting won’t kill them.” , maybe it is our only chance to catch up with Evan and the big cat! I am afraid our destination is very close, you have followed them all the way, can you infer from their movements where they are going next?”

“Big, probably.” The werewolf youth replied ambiguous: “Although the structure of this underground palace is complicated, it was built following a certain principle of symmetry. After walking for so long, I can guess that it will be connected The way to go down.——So, you are going to leave them alone, and we will take a detour to catch up with them? No way.”

“Who said they and I were not teammates.” Tristan hummed disapprovingly: “We must overtake them, the victory of this game belongs to our team!”

(You have changed.)

(Although it has changed, but your strong desire to be good has never changed. What a selfish bastard.)

“Anyway, if you don’t have any opinions, let’s settle it this way?” The murloc prince asked again in a slightly threatening tone, apparently not speaking to Bedivere, but asking for Solar’s opinion. .

“I agree with this, my friend.” The magic swordsman nodded.

(And this guy will jeer when it matters. In another sense, this is a jerk.)

“You’ll lead the way, right?” Tristan asked Bedivere.

“Of course…you just like it.” The werewolf reluctantly walked ahead, “Just go around the side road, the road ahead should be the same.”

The three left Palamidis and Ivan who were fighting hard and rushed to the deepest part of the Kilimanjaro volcano underground palace.

While the three of them ran away silently, Evan was also in an unprecedented desperate situation.

He was confined to a cramped area of ​​less than ten cubic feet, facing a dozen creeping ice slime molds! If you don’t hurry up and think of a way, these guys will rush forward together and try to invade Ivan’s body!

In this case, it’s better to strike first! Ivan took out his long sword and swung a sword at one of the monsters!

Clap! In other words, a sword shot!

The half-dragon youth did not use the edge of his long sword to slash his opponent, because he knew very well that the more slashed this slime monster, the more it would split into more pieces! He slapped a piece of ice slime away with the flat part of the blade, and the plug-in on the blade gave the blade a negative entropy effect—a freezing effect. This freezing effect moves as soon as it hits the enemy, freezing the originally sticky and active ice slime mold into a crunch!

The frozen slime molds fly out like small stones, hitting the stone wall and shattering!


The ice crystal nine-headed dragon in the distance let out an obvious cry, and the storm of ice arrows it released temporarily stopped. Palamidis watched all this, and planned to rush over to join Ivan in order to help the young half-dragon. But the interval between Frostbolt’s stops is very short, and it’s not long enough for the big cat to run a distance of tens of meters. Trying to run from one bunker into another in the short half-second of the storm’s rest is a suicidal act!

Just as Palamedis hesitated, the ice storm had recovered. And Ivan took the opportunity to shoot the second sword, and shot another piece of ice slime to fly!

Clap! The ice slime mold, frozen in ice cubes, smashed against the wall and shattered into powder. The powder is so fine that it’s impossible for them to recombine back into a living slime monster!

That’s right, the half-dragon youth has already thought of a way to deal with these ice slime molds. The next step is to race against time to kill all the opponents before being besieged by monsters to death!

Seven thumb-sized slime mold monsters have been flying towards Evan desperately. The half-dragon youth twisted his body and avoided the opponent’s attack with the most subtle movements! Monsters flew over his head, shoulders, chest, and waist, but they couldn’t stick to the half-dragon youth’s body! And Evan just avoided the opponent’s pounce, and immediately slapped a sword with his backhand, and slapped the other ice slime mold away!

It flew out as a piece of ice, just flew into the air, and met an ice arrow flying in the face, and both smashed into pieces!

Hey! ! ——-The ice crystal nine-headed dragon in the distance screamed again, and the ice arrow storm stopped for half a second.

It’s just like — screaming pain? !

“Huh?” Palamides vaguely saw a clue.

Shoot. Shoot, shoot! Evan had already taken advantage of the time when the slime molds attacked, and smashed the other three groups of ice slime molds into the air!

Clap, clap! They slammed into the wall, the ground, collided with the ice arrows in the air, and they were all shattered into hopeless ice crystal powder!

Hey! Hiss! ! The ice crystal nine-headed dragon in the distance seems to be in pain.

The remaining four groups of slime monsters counterattacked furiously, breaking into smaller particles in mid-air, thinking that this would force Evan to submit! The half-long youth retreated in a hurry, risking being hit by a rain of ice arrows, and ran out of the bunker!

Although it seems to be a reckless move, the half-long youth has his own plans – the moment he retreated, he also slapped a sword with his backhand, smashing the oncoming slime particles into the air. few!

Wash la la la la! Those particles were frozen the moment they touched the long sword in Ivan’s hand, and they flew out like real raindrops, hitting various hard objects and shattering! Some of them collided with other ice slime mold particles that were not hit by the long sword, froze each other, and rolled into larger ice cubes, and they ended up shattering into pieces of ice!

Palamidis, who was watching from a distance, not only sank in his heart! Although it is a good thing that Ivan can hit the enemy hard, the half-dragon youth who retreated to the bunker will be swallowed up by the endless rain of ice arrows! Even if Ivan can dodge the first wave of ice arrows with his powerful eyesight, the next wave of ice arrows will stab the exhausted half-dragon youth into a hornet’s nest! He is dead!

Or maybe not!

Sizzle sizzle sizzle! ———— The ice crystal nine-headed dragon in the distance seems to be suffering from great Its ice arrow rain storm has temporarily stopped!

Evan, who has retreated to the bunker, still has a large wave of attacks to avoid, but he has seen hope! Because these attacks can be avoided, as long as you work hard you can survive!

Evan swiftly twisted his body to dodge left and right, finally dodging the ice arrow storm that threatened his life, and the slime monsters flying towards him. He took advantage of the Hydra to be stunned, and when there were no more Frozen Arrows raining, he rolled back to the bunker!

The next thing is easy to do! The half-long young man regained his energy, swept his long sword, and smashed all the monsters who had fluttered! They are over, and they can’t figure out what to do!

Or maybe not! ——–A group of icy slime molds that had been lurking for a long time fell from the ceiling and just landed on Evan’s shoulders! One

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