Light Spirit Epic Chapter 94: Reunion for the duel (middle)


Chapter 94: Reunion in Showdown (Part 2)

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” Papa’s face was completely regenerated, as if he had not been hurt.

“Why do you hate Papa! Is Papa so different from you?” The Bearman still cried out in a daze, as if the world in front of him didn’t exist at all, and he was still lost in the memories of the past.

“Papa is a good boy, he does everything Papa can do. What’s not enough?! Answer me!!! Tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!” Bearman Initiating a charge here, his body absorbed a lot of photons and went crazy, becoming even bigger.

Just being stepped on will kill you, Bedevi and the horror of this guy.

“I’m sorry, Papa.” The werewolf boy drew his bow and shot an arrow at the bear man’s left eye.

Hit. The bear man’s left eye was scrapped, but he remained indifferent and continued to roll over!

Bediver forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, drew his bow again, and shot a second arrow at the beast’s right eye.

Hit. The behemoth is completely blind. But he was still indifferent and continued to roll over! ! !

There is no time to hesitate! Bedivere saw the trajectory of Papa rushing over and leaped forward! !

The Werewolf boy shrank and became the size of a wolf, and then hugged him in mid-air, shrinking in size. This ball of fur passed under the beast’s crotch, in that stormy charge, only through a tiny gap!

“Wow ah ah ah!!!” The blind giant bear frantically scratched at the ground in front of him, but Bedivere was no longer there. The werewolf boy turned back into a human form and stood firm, and immediately began to roll on the ground.

“What is he doing?” Sage Z couldn’t help asking.

“Remove the odor from your body,” Kay said, “so you won’t be noticed for a while.”

“It doesn’t help either. How long does it take for the other party to be exhausted?” asked Sage Z.

“It’s almost over,” Arthur said.

“Arthur?! Are you awake?!” Kay asked.

“I thought I slept for days. Why was it only for a while?” Arthur asked.

“Yes, it’s just less than half an hour.” Sage Z said.

“Hmph. It’s time for Brady to finish,” Arthur said.

Bediver got up. The body was covered with dust from the ground, completely covering the smell. While Papa, who was completely blind, was still scratching and scratching, he picked up the flame spear.

————-“Cervical spine?” Bedivere recalled Arthur’s words last night.

“Yes, attacking there can directly cut off the nerve center. Not only will his lower limbs be paralyzed, but also the heart and lung function will stop.” Arthur said.

“What will happen to Papa?”

“Bearman’s ability to regenerate is very good, but that is when the heart and lungs are fully functioning. If the heart stops, the blood stops flowing. The cells cannot continue to regenerate without more photons. No Wrong, he will die.”

——— will die!

Just die.

Think about it, Bedivere. This is not cruel. Doing so was also a relief for Papa.

Let him be free. This life without human dignity, used as a tool, it is time to let him free.

If he doesn’t die, you will die.

What’s wrong? You saved both him and yourself.

My brother will be happy too. This is your salvation.

Once the knife goes down, it’s all over.

Holding the spear, he slowly approached the bear man’s back. Bedivere finally made up his mind to kill this tragic creature with one blow.


Just as he raised his gun to attack.

“Where are you? Babe? It’s so dark here, you can’t see anything!” the bear man cried like a dream, “Is this your prank again? Are you angry? Please don’t make trouble. Now, let me out. Mom’s going to worry…”

Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of the werewolf boy’s eyes.

Impossible. This is impossible!

How could he possibly know my baby name!

“Brother.” Bedivere dropped his weapon and hugged the bear from behind. “I’m sorry, brother.”

First, he felt someone was hugging him, and then the bearman regained his composure. As if the anesthetic didn’t work anymore, Papa turned his head and said calmly, “Babe?”

“I’m sorry, brother!” cried the werewolf boy, “I won’t play pranks anymore. Forgive me! Forgive me!”

“Forgive or something…” Two tears of blood flowed from the corners of the bear man’s eyes, “My brother has never been angry. So don’t ask me to forgive you like this…”

“Ooooooooooooooooooooo!!” The werewolf boy burst into tears.

“What’s the situation?!” Sage Z asked in confusion.

“I want to know too.” Arthur covered his head and said helplessly, “In this world, can such a thing really happen? The probability is obviously infinitely approaching zero…”

“There is no chance in this world. Everything is inevitable. Their reunion is the result of the guidance of Karma (Fate),” said a voice.

Arthur turned his head: “You’re finally here. I thought you were going to be late.”

“Almost late.” Archmage Merlin said, “I didn’t expect Rome to have a barrier on the border. It took me some time to cross that.”

“Through the absolute defense barrier of Rome?!” Sage Z said in surprise, “How is this possible, that is the barrier created by the strongest magician group in our country!?”

“Hmph, don’t be so rigid.” Merlin said, “It’s not just finding a hole to get in. Illegal entry or something, don’t take it too seriously.”

“The two sides have lost their will to fight, and the battle cannot continue. This duel… a draw!” The referee on the stage pronounced the verdict at this time, and it seems that they can’t resolve the current situation fairly.

“The worst is yet to come,” Arthur said.

“Because it was a tie, the final duel was scored by sudden death. The winner of the final duel will win the duel!”

“I protest!” Kai shouted, “Why do we, who have two wins, have a match like this with them who have won one and one draw?! This is obviously unfair!”

“The protest is invalid.” The referee said, “The final match is decided, and both sides have a half chance of winning. This is the decision of His Majesty the Emperor.”

“Uncle just wanted to see one more duel. That fighting maniac.” Sage Z said.

“Master Mage!” Bedivere dragged the delirious Papa back to the restroom, “Please save my brother!”

“Why did you bring him here?!” Arthur asked.

“The leopard said I can take my Let’s not talk about that. Come on, my brother doesn’t look good!”

“This is really serious.” Merlin looked at the white bear man who was foaming at the mouth and was unconscious. “I was fed a very large amount of anesthesia at one time. If this continues, the internal organs will collapse to death.”

“Unfortunately, there is no way to save it.” Sage Z on the side shook his head and said, “With Rome’s current medical skills, it is impossible to relieve such a situation. Even using healing magic——“

“Young man, don’t give up in such a hurry.” Merlin laughed, “There is a way, but Arthur?”

“Can’t hold on for a while?” Arthur asked.

“Will die. It only takes five minutes from liver failure to death. He will die if I play, it won’t last that long.”

Bedivere knelt down: “Arthur, I’ve never begged you like this, but now, please let the archmage save my brother first. I’ll take full responsibility for losing the duel, and I’ll bear all the punishment. ——“

“Idiot, this is not what you say you have to bear—–“

“Pantolaken’s envoys, please hurry up and send out candidates for the next round of duels. If you continue to linger like this, you will be sentenced to lose!” the referee urged.

“There is really no other way, I have to vote——“

——“I’m here to play.” Someone volunteered to say.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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