Light Spirit Epic Chapter 930: Searching for a secluded place in the land


Chapter 930: Searching for seclusion in the center of the earth (3)

The Knight of the Round Table, Cador, stood on a relatively flat platform on the mountainside, and said like a recitation: “We are here, please stand in a circle.”

Bediver is puzzled: “Arrived? But we-“

Didn’t you agree to go to the warship’s arsenal? Where is the battleship in front of them, and where is the arsenal? !

Shhhhhhhhh. A mechanical roar interrupted the werewolf’s thoughts.

In front of them, in the plain at the foot of the mountain, a large area that should have been “empty” suddenly changed the scenery.


Great Britain’s Dreadnought-class battleship—[Attack Palamedis], appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

No, just the opposite!

It should be said that it stopped there originally, just by virtue of the super-advanced optical camouflage, it completely integrated its body with the environment.

The massive battleship in front of Bedivere is a thousand feet long, and even with most of its optical camouflage removed, it is still extremely transparent to the werewolf’s eyes, and it’s really impossible to tell without looking closely.

The group of candidates who camped on the mountainside would never have imagined that such a huge warship would be parked so close to them, observing the candidates’ words and deeds.

Bediver gasped in breath. Kay initially said “don’t cheat, what we’re looking at” was the truth.

How much of the actions of Bedivere and his party in the past three days have been seen by these highly invisible warships and the reconnaissance ships they released?

How much of the stupid, clumsy, and ridiculous struggles of Bediveville and the others have been seen in the past three days?

Wait. The boat is there, but Bedivere’s doubts have not been fully resolved. The boat was at least three hundred yards from here, why did Cador tell them to stand still? Standing here, can you be sent directly to the arsenal of the battleship?

The werewolf hypothesis was fulfilled in the next instant. .

A white beam of light suddenly shot from the battleship, instantly engulfing everyone standing on the mountainside.

Seeing Cador standing there calmly, without any intention of dodging the white light, Bedivere knew that the beam was not offensive.

The next second, the werewolf felt like he was in a huge, empty barn. Surrounded by unintelligible scenery, the walls, ceiling and floor are all lit with a strange white light.

“A beam of light?” Palamedis asked first.

Cador showed a face of reluctance, but he could only answer truthfully: “That’s right, other book friends are reading:. But please don’t tell the outside world about this, the technology on this ship is still military after all. Secret.”

“This ship is named after me, and I know very little about it, hehe.” The Leopard Warrior said sarcastically.

“Don’t blame us. It’s all your wife’s idea, Ser Palamedis.” Cador of the Round Table said innocently.


“The ship was completed on the same day Chancellor Merlin officially declared you brain dead a few years ago. It was Lady Conville’s request to name the ship after you. She thought , since your soul has passed away, at least your name should be engraved in history, so that future generations will remember your contribution to the world.”

“Oh, Vivienne——” the eyes of the leopard warriors were slightly wet, “She is such a good woman.”

“Although I didn’t understand it, it seems to be very powerful—” Albert muttered in a low voice behind Bedivere.

“Say less.” The werewolf was a little too lazy to pay attention to the tiger.

“The weapons warehouse is next to me, you all come with me.”

“Before that, I want to ask a question.” Albert hurriedly said, “There should be a bathroom in your battleship, right? Since everyone is here, I should take a shower, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“You—” Cadore looked at the tiger with wonderful eyes, feeling very unbelievable: “How much I love (have) dry (knot) clean (addictive) people..—It could be Yes, but don’t tell the public, okay? Let other candidates know that if we can come to the battleship to take a bath, we will be annoyed to death.”

“Of course!” Albert showed a happy expression.

The werewolf finally understood at this time. Tiger said that looking at the weapons was actually an excuse. Al’s purpose was to take the opportunity to get on the battleship to find the bathroom, and it was estimated that he would change the broken clothes by the way.

“Anyway, let’s choose a weapon first.” The werewolf grabbed the tiger’s tail and walked forward, lest Albert go to another bad idea.

They followed Cador, out of the cabin, turned left, and as expected, they arrived at the weapons warehouse—or rather, one of the weapons warehouses.

“Wow.” The big cat couldn’t help but marvel at the dazzling array of weapons hanging all around him.

“According to the regulations, you can choose three weapons from here. The conditions are already very generous.” Cador looked at the electronic notepad in his hand, “Remember, don’t choose those photon weapons, try to find physical weapons. Use. I’m not lying to you, whoever takes the photon weapon will regret it.”

“Hehehe—” Al is like an aunt who buys vegetables in the supermarket, looking around, picking one up here and touching it there.

Almost every weapon in front of me is of the highest quality, and it is an excellent work made by famous craftsmen in Great Britain. If photon weapons are excluded, in fact, whichever one is the best.

It should be said that because there are too many choices in front of him and too few weapons to take away, Palamidis’s choice difficulties immediately developed.

The dizzy big cat was even a little unsteady on his feet. He staggered around, his eyes narrowed, but he always seemed at a loss.

“Is it really only possible to choose three? It doesn’t feel like our team is evenly divided…”

At this point, Cador always refused to give in: “This is already the greatest tolerance. It’s so good to you, and other candidates will say that we are biased when they know it.”

“Hmm-” Even the werewolf frowned. Each of the weapons in front of them has its own unique characteristics, and it is actually difficult to distinguish them from their appearance.

Cador was a little annoyed when he saw that everyone was still hesitating: “I will remind you warmly, try to choose heat-resistant weapons. ——For example, this one is made of titanium-magnesium alloy. , and attach a long sword with anti-high temperature enchantment, which is your first choice.”

Bedivere’s gaze rests on the weapon Cador pointed to. That silvery great sword looked good, it reflected a wonderful silver-blue luster, and it was the enchantment in it that made it so sharp and tough.

This should be left to Albert. Tigers who don’t have any good weapons yet need this most.

“El? El——” The werewolf hurriedly called out to his companions. I don’t know where the tiger wandered to, in short, Albert was no longer in the arsenal.

“That little fool.” Palamidis also shouted: “Hey, tiger——! Come and see your weapon!”

“Huh?” Albert emerges his cat’s head from behind a weapon rack: “Have you found a good weapon?”

“This is it, a magnesium-titanium alloy sword, a good sword that can withstand high temperatures of 20,000 degrees and almost never breaks.” Cador took the long sword off the shelf and shook it a few times in front of everyone. The silver-blue trail fluttered gracefully in the air, making Bedivere almost blind.

“I don’t like it.” Albert’s words completely destroyed Cador’s self-confidence.

“What, what? Why don’t you like such an excellent weapon?!” Cador’s answer seemed a bit hysterical.

“Because, the shape of this thing is too rigid, and there are no engravings at all.” Tiger’s words broke through the sky and made the scalps of everyone present go numb.

“Are you fine as long as your weapon looks good?” Palamidis asked helplessly, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

“Good-looking and practical must coexist. If it is not good-looking, I have no motivation to use it; if it is good-looking but not practical, it is even more non-negotiable.”

“I get it, but—” Bedivere knew the tiger was right, right, right, but where in the world could there be so many best of both worlds?

Tigers seem to prefer “vase” weapons that are well-crafted and look useless. This has something to do with the Holy Spirit White Tiger in Albert’s body.

The problem is that El is wearing the Demon Sealing Bracelet now, and the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger can’t be used at all. Since this is a power that he is still unable to reach, what is the point of continuing to deliberately collect vase weapons?

“That’s it,” Albert was a little embarrassed to see everyone looking at him with almost sad eyes: “It is said that you have laser engraving technology, right? Carve it on the weapon and make it out. Exquisite patterns, I have nothing to say.”

“…that’s easy to handle. I’ll help you when I get back.” Cador tried his best to suppress the blue veins on his forehead: “I’ve chosen a weapon. What’s next?”

Palamidis hurriedly said: “I still want to choose a long What’s the good introduction?”

“Longgun? Let me see…” Cador hurriedly flipped through his digital notebook, hoping to find a suitable weapon.

“A spear again.” Bedivere took the opportunity to glance at the leopard warrior.

This big cat is speed-shaped, so it stands to reason that he should use a dagger-like weapon that is quick and agile. But Palamidis found a rare divine soldier like Eternal Neil, and it is estimated that he had some kind of knot with spear weapons.

In order to get used to the use of spear weapons early, he deliberately chose a spear at this juncture. What an oddball.

” Ah, I found it. This mithril gun is also a good thing. The gun head is a memory metal fused with silver and platinum, and the steel core is even more powerful with enchantments, which can automatically repair the damaged gun head. .It is also high temperature resistant, this thing will almost never wear out, and it is best for exploring harsh environments.”

Under such a detailed introduction by Cador, Palamidis was a little moved. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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