Light Spirit Epic Chapter 910: Lost in Tianyuan (13)


Chapter 910 Lost in Tianyuan (13)

Husky had just dodged a dragon bite, and was stunned to see such a great opportunity! If you don’t take the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the dragon now, I’m afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future!

What are you afraid of! It’s just a game! It won’t hurt——!

With the intention of mortal death, Husky simultaneously moved [Self-Healing Enhancement] and [Arms Explosion] with his great sword and threw it into the mouth of the Grey Mist Dragon! !

The monster’s sharp teeth cut the limbs of the canine boy, but the cells in Husky’s body are activated, the wound is healing quickly, and a little injury does not hinder the movement at all! He raised the big sword in both hands and stabbed it towards the big wound on the dragon’s upper jaw!

Touch! ! The big sword pierced in like a nail, and through the impact, the stalagmite arrow that was deeply embedded in the upper jaw of the monster hit even deeper!

This time, it’s fully embedded in the monster’s head!

To be more precise, the stalagmite arrow pierced the cerebellum of the gray fog dragon, embedded between the left and right hemispheres of the dragon’s brain!

The cerebellum is destroyed, the heart and lung function of the creature will be completely destroyed, and the heart and lungs will fail and die in a short period of time! This is also fatal to dragons!

Unfortunately, however, this mortal wound is not enough to kill the dragon in no time! The brain has not been destroyed in one fell swoop, which means that the gray fog dragon is still conscious, and it will not be killed immediately! The only thing it can do before it dies is revenge on Husky!

And all he has to do is close his mouth!

Dragon Tooth inflicted several small wounds on the canine boy’s feet, but these were insignificant. The most terrible thing is that this giant dragon swallowed directly without chewing, and swallowed the canine boy in one bite!

Goooo! Husky could clearly hear himself sliding down the dragon’s gullet. In the next second, he had already fallen into a place full of acid and red mist!

In the monster’s stomach!

The red mist with the powerful hypnotic ability has already exerted its effect, making the canine boy completely immobile—this is also the reason why the gray mist dragon directly swallowed the Husky without chewing.

While outside, Howl and Calvin also collapsed in the red mist released by the monster. They were also paralyzed and unable to move for half a minute!

Where’s the dragon? It’s not dead yet. The dragon’s vitality is so powerful that it is estimated that it will take a few days before it completely dies!

And Husky is completely immersed in the gastric juice of the gray fog dragon, and it will be dissolved in less than half a day, corroded to death! !

Near death, almost complete desperation, leaving Husky unable to even breathe. In absolute paralysis and complete darkness, his consciousness gradually faded—–


More darkness.


Revived memories.

“Husky?” Someone’s voice called from a distance.

The dog boy came back to his senses and found himself standing in a snowy field.

He holds a bow and arrow in his hand, a small wooden bow that is exquisitely crafted and lightweight, as if it were just a child’s toy.

But the arrow in the boy’s hand is sharp and deadly.

On the ground, there is a small hare whose head has been pierced by a wooden arrow, and the bright red blood spreads on the pure white snow.

“Husky? Did you hit the prey? Well done!” A young man walked over, praising him constantly.

Husky looked up and saw his dad, a werewolf youth.

Generally speaking, when they are praised by their father like this, the canine boy will be complacent and wag his tail in joy.

But this time is a little different.

“Mr. Rabbit… is he dead?” Husky looked at the corpse of the rabbit on the ground with a little fear.

“Yes, dead.” Bedivere crouched down and picked up the rabbit on the ground: “And that’s what we’ll be making tonight’s broth.”

“Mr. Rabbit is very pitiful… Are we really going to eat it?” The canine boy was a little unbearable.

He was only six years old at the time, in a period of ignorance when he was just beginning to be sensible, but not fully sensible.

“We have to eat it or we’ll starve to death.” Bedivere taught the children, “Husky doesn’t want to die, and he doesn’t want to see Daddy die, right?”

“Death—?” Unexpectedly, this sentence stepped into a minefield. The canine boy looked at the motionless little rabbit in his father’s hand, the little rabbit he killed.

Yes, that is death. When you die, there is nothing left, your body becomes stiff and cold, and you can no longer move.

Death is the end, parting, and eternal loss.

If that kind of thing happened to his dad—-!

“No! No!” The canine boy cried nervously: “Husky doesn’t want to see Papa die! Husky likes Papa the most, please don’t die, just live and accompany you. Huskies!”

Bediver was lost in thought when he heard the innocent son say such things.

Then, he stretched out his big hand and stroked his son’s hairy little head: “This… I should have no way to promise you.”

“No! I don’t want it! Husky wants Daddy to live forever and ever! This rabbit is for Daddy to eat, and he needs to be full! That way Daddy will never die!”

“Huhu—” Bedivere couldn’t help laughing at his son’s overreaction to death. But this is also what the werewolf youth expected.

He took his son out hunting today, the purpose is to let Husky see the carcass of the animal, let this innocent canine boy witness the death with his own eyes.

—— This is [Education].

In Western Siberia, a silvery land full of cruelty and death, what people need most is not education called “survival”.

Just the opposite.

What people need most is education to “face up to death”.

Bediver sat down beside his almost frozen son, the thinly dressed werewolf who seemed completely unafraid of the cold of the snow.

He put down the **** hare in his hand, put one hand on his son’s shoulder, and said, “It’s no use giving me all this hare. Dad will die and leave you one day. World No one can truly live forever, your dad will die, your mummy will die, and even Husky will die.”


“It’s okay—” The werewolf hugged his son tighter and interrupted the child’s words:

“Look at this wilderness of the jungle. Not only hares, wild boars, eagles, and even snow bears here, no matter how powerful, sensitive, cunning, and alert creatures are, there is no guarantee that they will survive. Any creature could fall into a predator’s mouth and die in the next second.

But they are still alive. Every minute, every second, do your best to live. Do you think that their struggle is in vain? “

The dog boy looked at his father suspiciously: “Husky doesn’t understand Wang—“

“Husky, remember this.

Anyone is the same, when we are alive, we should work hard and live hard; in this way, when we fail and the moment death comes, we can also sigh without complaint and regret, I didn’t live in vain.

[In order to live, I have struggled with all my strength. ]

[Even if I lose to my opponent, I have no complaints. ]

—If you can think of it this way, death isn’t really that scary. “

“But Husky is still afraid of the bark…”

“Then think about it this way. In fact, your opponents are also afraid. Those monsters who want to eat you are actually afraid of death; those who want to kill you are also afraid of death. Your conditions In fact, it is the same, no one is more terrible. If your courage can outweigh the opponent, then even if it is much stronger than you, you may have a chance to win.

——And, Husky, please promise Dad one thing. “

“…what’s the matter?”

“When you think you are going to die, close your eyes and think about it.

Think about whether you are doing your best to survive.

You can only die if you’ve been thinking about it and there’s nothing you can do, and death has truly come; otherwise, in order to survive, you’ll have to put all your strength into one final struggle.

Don’t give up until the end. Can you promise Daddy? “

Husky thought for a moment.

(The last struggle before death may just be in vain, or it may only bring more pain and eventually die.)

(But that’s what a man, a [survivor] does.)

“Well, Husky promised Dad Wang. He will definitely work hard.”

(My child. You can have no courage or strength, but you can’t give up the belief to survive.)

(A life without faith is not a real life.)

Husky took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

He is still floating in the monster’s stomach, his body is sore and numb, and his body is slowly being corroded by stomach acid.

And he still couldn’t move. In this endless darkness, there is no hope of escape.

But is this really hopeless?

The canine boy remembered his father’s teachings. The clearer and easier Papa’s words were, repeated over and over in Husky’s mind.

Have you tried your best to survive?

How far can you struggle to survive?

This echo is more of a questioning than a memory.

“Daddy—” The dog boy answered silently.

Have to find a way to get out of here.

The body can’t But there must be a way, there must be a way!


Clap la la la la la la! !

The electric current stimulates Husky’s arm. He used the combat skills of [arm burst]!

The essence of this combat technique is nothing more than stimulating the arm muscles with additional neural electricity, causing them to burst with much greater power than usual.

It should be possible to move the arm that was unable to move if it was forced to move in a paralyzed state!


Can’t move at all! It is simply delusional to want to escape this desperate situation by attrition of combat skills! —— Deeper despair seized the canine boy. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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