Light Spirit Epic Chapter 901: Lost in Tianyuan (4)

Chapter 901 Lost in Tianyuan (4)

“Anyway, save your magic.” Husky sighed.

“Looking at you, there’s no other way to fight than magic.” Husky actually wanted to say that Calvin was [nothing but magic], but he still couldn’t say it. , try to politely say: “So, hide on the side, find the right time to use magic, in short, don’t interfere with our battle, okay?”

“Hmm… so boring, but that’s it.” Calvin looked helpless. His complacent magic couldn’t be cast at will.

“Then,” the leopard boy Howl picked up the record scroll of the mission, “If everyone agrees, we will go to this [Mist Forest] and defeat the one that seems to be the most difficult to deal with. Meow. Meow this way?”

“Hope you’re right,” Husky murmured. He thought it was very risky to do so, and he didn’t want to agree to it.

But it’s obviously inefficient to have to run back and forth several times for a mission to hunt down a large number of monsters.

Husky had to agree with Prince Calvin’s plan: kill high-level monsters, get materials and make a lot of money at the same time, which is obviously the most time-saving.

He opened the City Return (Teleportation) scroll, which immediately revealed a holographic map. The canine boy set his sights on the [Misty Forest]—a place clearly marked by red as a dangerous area, and Husky and the others were actually not allowed to set foot at their current level.

Although there is no direct teleportation there, it is possible to walk through another area next to it [Hunting Forest]. Husky suddenly understood something.

“Then, grab my hand and prepare to teleport.”

Hal grabbed Husky’s arm as a matter of course, but Calvin grabbed the canine boy’s tail with one hand.


“Well, can you stop scratching your tail?” Husky was depressed.

“Anyway, it’s all to catch, of course to catch the fluffy one.” The little murloc prince held the canine boy’s curly tail and rubbed it violently: “Haha, I didn’t expect it to be so well restored in the game. His Majesty King Arthur Understand the importance of the tail.”

(Uncle Arthur does understand, but he understands nothing like you think.)

“Just leave him alone, meow.” Hal smiled wryly.

“Ow… teleport!” Husky yelled. The three of them turned into a light at the same time and disappeared instantly.

The three teenagers were teleported to the most elementary area, [Hunting Forest].

The teleportation scroll does not actually teleport to a specific coordinate on the map, but sets up several waypoints in each area for players to choose.

And Husky deliberately chose a waypoint closer to the [Misty Forest], so that everyone could walk less. As soon as he landed, he saw a small herd of large wild boars in the distance. But he had no intention of hunting wild boars, but turned his attention to a large forest under the cliff on the left.

Sure enough, the forest at the bottom of the cliff is the [Mist Forest] mentioned on the map. Last time, Husky and the others stumbled into the foggy forest in order to recover the items dropped by the boss. They suffered a lot. Husky’s arm was also broken because of this, and he spent a lot of money on medical treatment.

Looking at the misty coniferous forest, the canine boy still had lingering fears.

“Anyway, anyway, find a way to get down first, meow.” Hal patted the dog boy on the arm, pulling Husky back from his contemplation to reality.

“But, how do you crawl?” Husky was depressed again. Before they had the climbing tools given by Uncle Arthur, they successfully climbed down the bottom of the cliff. But they didn’t bring any tools this time (the mountain climbing tools were also sold), do they have to climb with bare hands?

“Calvin has a solution.” Calvin also reluctantly grabbed Husky’s tail to play, and said in a high-profile: “Waste two spells okay? It should be possible, eh?”

The canine boy gave the little murloc prince a white look: “No one will let you use it, so just use it.”

There was a lot of dissatisfaction on his face, but he was very curious about what the little murloc prince could do with that little magic. The only two magics that Calvin can use [Frozen Arrow] and [Ice Mist] seem to have nothing to do with mountain climbing.

Unless it’s…combining two spells into something? However, ice and ice add up to ice. Husky really couldn’t figure it out.

“Hey hey hey.” Calvin finally let go of the dog boy’s tail and walked to the edge of the cliff: “First of all, it’s like this——“

He swings his staff, casting a [Ice Mist]. A large cloud of heavy and sticky ice mist appeared in front of the murloc prince. If this mass of ice fog does not disperse, it can last for a long time, and the humidity and cold in it are beyond imagination.

Because of gravity, the ice fog is slowly sinking along the cliff. It made a layer of ice form the edge of the ice cliff.

Meanwhile, Calvin casts a second spell, Frostbolt. A sharp and huge ice awl appeared in front of the little prince.

Unlike ordinary ice arrows, Calvin did not apply the initial momentum to let it fly, but directly made such a large piece of ice, and then let it fall below the cliff.

“Huh?” Howl watched curiously as the huge ice arrow collided with the cloud of ice fog.

Something magical happened. The wet, cold and sticky ice fog was hit by the ice awl and immediately began to freeze. Frostbolt still maintained its falling trend, sliding down the cliff in a straight line. As a result, with the Frost Arrow as the head and the Ice Mist as the “raw material”, the two magic tricks “pull” out a huge icicle at the same time.

Icicles form in seconds, reach the bottom of the cliff in a straight line, and pierce the ground, firmly rooting in the ground.

“Is this okay, meow?” The little black panther exclaimed.

“Wow, hahaha, it worked, it worked!” Prince Calvin also seemed very happy, “I saw those merman sisters do this before, Calvin wanted to try it for a long time! It’s really cool!”

This is not the original magic of The Little Murloc. Mermaids often use this technique to quickly slide from the splint of the battleship to the ground. Especially as the Icelandic navy is growing, and various tactics are gradually modularized and systematized, the rapid landing of mermaids from warships has long become a unique tactic.

“Good or good…” Husky looked at the big icicle that went straight to the bottom of the cliff, “but, it’s so smooth, how should we slide down?”

“Take off your pants,” Calvin said suddenly.

“What meow?” “Wow?!” The two orc teenagers blushed at the same time.

“What are you shy about? No one else is watching in this game.” The little murloc prince had already taken off his trousers and twisted it into a foot-long rope in his hands.

“Like this—” He wrapped a rope (trousers) around the surface of the icicle and grabbed both ends of the rope with both hands: “It increases the friction area. Then you can climb down easily.”

He was hugged by the icicle, and with the tension of the rope, he did not slip. The little murloc prince controlled the rhythm of his falling, slowly sliding down the icicle.

“So meow.” Hal also took off his trousers, “I don’t know where he got such a bad idea, but it’s good if it works.”

The leopard boy also jumped on the icicle, hugged the icicle and slid down.

“Ugh—” Husky still didn’t dare to climb. This icicle looks so cold, and it will break at any time, and if it slips, he will fall off a cliff and die, and he has to take off his pants to climb a mountain—

The canine boy glanced at the almost bottomless cliff.

But he turned to look at the forest behind him. When there is no one around, the hunting forest looks so ghostly and dangerous…

The canine boy shuddered: “Don’t crawl too fast, wait for Huskies!”

He reluctantly took off his trousers and used that as a rope, holding the icicle and sliding down.

Wash la la la la! He began to lose control of the rhythm and kept slipping, and the whole person fell down at a very high speed, frightened to death.

But Husky grabbed both ends of the rope desperately, and soon, due to the friction of his whole body and the pulling force of the rope, the slippage was alleviated a lot, and his falling speed also slowed down.

After heaved a sigh of relief, the canine boy began to slowly slide down one piece at a time. He found that the icicle was not as cold as he imagined—it was not formed by water below zero degrees Real ice, but a high-temperature ice cube, which is only slightly lower than human body temperature.

The whereabouts process was not as uncomfortable as I imagined, and it should be said that it was very smooth. Husky slid to the bottom of the cliff in a few minutes, and as soon as he landed, he saw Hal and the others in their pants.

“Uh, my pants became wrinkled meow.” Hal touched his **** depressedly: “And it’s a little wet, so uncomfortable to wear meow.”

“Hey, hey, kitty, don’t ask too much!” The little murloc prince didn’t care at all. In fact, his mage clothes were better than the commoner clothes of orc teenagers, and they had very good anti-wrinkle and waterproof capabilities.

Husky rolled his trousers, twisted into ropes, and put them on, giving the murloc prince a white look. Immediately he felt the wrinkled, damp discomfort that Hal was talking about, like peeing his pants, which was very unpleasant.

“Everyone be careful, the monsters here are very powerful.” The canine boy tried his best to put that unpleasant feeling behind him and reminded.

The leopard boy Howl has certainly seen how terrifying the monsters here are, but Calvin, the little murloc prince, has come here for the first time and has no idea of ​​the horror of this place.

“I hope I don’t meet the wolf meows from the last time.” Hal hid behind a big rock before he started to look at the map: “The [Hidden Shadow Demon] mentioned in the mission should be hiding here. Meow in a certain cave. We avoid the forest and walk along the edge of the cliff. If we are lucky, we will soon find the entrance of the cave.”

“Yes, it’s better to keep a low profile and avoid unnecessary battles.” Husky also said, of course, this was said to Prince Calvin: “Since those wolves are not our can Go around them as much as you can. Kaski doesn’t want to lose another arm.”

Calvin looked at the canine boy’s arm. He didn’t walk with these two orc teenagers yesterday, and of course he didn’t know what happened. He was just curious: “Are you that strong? Or are you just too weak?”

“Husky is just too weak, um wang——” The dog boy was too lazy to quarrel with the little murloc prince, so he took it with a single sentence.

Unexpectedly, Calvin hugged the canine boy, and took the opportunity to rub Husky’s tail wildly: “Hey, it doesn’t matter, Calvin will protect the little dog. With the prince here, you have nothing to worry about. Necessary, ahahahahaha——“

“Quick, stop…!” Husky struggled with a blushing face.

The leopard boy gave the two friends a blank look: “Anyway…get out, meow.”

They stooped and walked along the cliff face, quietly and silently. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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