Light Spirit Epic Chapter 864: Traveling in Tianyuan (17)


Chapter 864 Traveling to Tianyuan (Seventeen)

The dark red meat had just been cooked through the flames, with white smoke and a magical allure.

“Relax, look——” Professor Paul picked up a kebab and broke off the scales of some kind of creature from one of the meat: “This is a special monster on the East African plateau- –Thunder lizard—. This is non-toxic lizard meat, with six times the protein of beef, and although the taste is rougher, it is still edible.”

By the firelight, the werewolf looked suspiciously at the dark red things. Indeed, they occasionally had lizard scales attached, as if to convince Bedivere of their innocence. And the connections between the scales and the flesh are natural and real, and they don’t seem to be artificial.

Is this really lizard meat? ! If I eat this thing by mistake, and then I find out that it is human flesh…

“Yeah, it’s delicious!” But Palamidis had already picked up a meat skewer and gnawed it wildly, his brutal appearance was like a wild leopard.


“I don’t care if it’s human or not. Hey, I’m not even human, I’m half a beast!” Palamidis said nonchalantly: “The fish and jerky from the previous dinner were completely filling. I’m not full. Now I have the opportunity to eat more, and when I’m full, I’ll have the strength to fight. If something unexpected happens next, we can handle it.”

(I said so. But—)

“If you’re too scared to eat it,” the leopard warrior stretched his clutches into Bedivere’s plate: “Will I even eat your portion?”

“Eat! Of course I have to eat!” The werewolf slapped down the big cat’s claws, grabbed a kebab and chewed it.

The meat has a strong flavor, stronger than beef, but it’s so muscular that it’s impossible to chew it without enough teeth. The werewolf glanced at the protruding fangs of the Pygmies’ front jaws. It seems that the brutal appearance of these guys is to adapt to the local life.

More meals were served, this time mushroom stew in a stone bowl.

By the light of the fire, Bedivere can see that the meat is white meat – maybe bird meat, but since it’s white meat, it must not be human meat – human hemoglobin causes the meat to turn bright red color.

And the mushrooms in the soup are not much different from ordinary white mushrooms. Except for the wonderful black texture on the mushroom cap, the texture and shape are almost the same.

“Oh, I don’t recommend you to drink this stuff.” Professor Paul said, “For people who eat this for the first time, this stuff is not very good.”

“Uh, what?” Bedivere was confused by the ambiguity of the old professor’s words: “What’s wrong? Is the meat poisonous? Or is the mushroom poisonous?”

“Let it go! Drink it as you please!” Palamidis had already picked up the stone bowl and drank the soup for a long time, not even letting go of the bird meat and mushrooms in the bowl, sending them all into his stomach went in.

“Oh god, he ate it all—” Professor Paul’s face changed drastically.

“What?! Could he be poisoned?” Bedivere was startled.

Palamidis has a calm expression on his face. As an emerald knight, he has a high tolerance for poisons, and it is impossible for a little ordinary poison to pose a threat to the leopard warriors. It is because he is almost invulnerable to all poisons that he dares to be so presumptuous.

However, the big cat soon regretted it. In other words, his face quickly turned red. He only felt a burst of heat flowing down his body, making his body suddenly excited.

“Oh, idiot. Who told you to only listen to half of what you said?” Professor Paul covered his face: “That’s a special mushroom that grows between cliffs and rocks, the scientific name is [Skull Mushroom]. Its most famous Not the venom – it’s not actually poisonous – it’s best known for its aphrodisiac effects.”

“Strong, aphrodisiac?!” Bedivere’s voice changed.

“Consuming this mushroom soup all the year round can make your avatar bigger.” Professor Paul looked at Palamidis happily: “However, taking a large amount in a short period of time will have other effects. ..will keep you high.”

“Oh god—” The leopard warrior is like being drunk, and his body can’t keep his balance: “This is anesthesia. How long will it last?”

“I don’t know, it depends on the constitution?” Professor Paul sneered: “It’s usually between two and ten hours.”

Bediver looked at Palamidis with a cold eye, a little lucky: “If you are not afraid of poisoning, you will be presumptuous, and you will know how to restrain yourself when you are really recruited? You really deserve to die.”

“It’s so wordy.” The big cat’s face flushed red: “I’ll take care of this thing *hic*, just need to get the toxic ingredients…*hic* out of the body and out of the body .”

This guy is really totally drunk. That’s not a toxin, at least not entirely harmful.

A narcotic substance such as alcohol, once it enters the bloodstream and runs throughout the body, has a very high degree of binding to cells. Whether the leopard warrior’s [drunk] body can recognize these narcotic substances and eliminate them is unknown.

—Oops! Bedivere’s heart sank, as if a huge boulder had been pressed down.

So, wouldn’t their situation be dire? !

——If Palamides is unable to fight, in the event of an emergency, Bedivere will be the only one left to support.

The werewolves looked at the Begmies around them: they were still happily dancing the native dance.

The coquettish waist-twisting movement and the bizarre kicking and waving are amazing at first glance, but they also dance like ghosts under the shadow of the bonfire, which is truly terrifying.

Bedivere swallowed another mouthful of saliva. He only hoped that this evening would pass safely and that nothing would happen again.

Of course, that’s just the werewolf’s unfounded extravagance. How could they be unlucky.

About halfway through the banquet, the chief elder of the Begmi tribe stood up and read something aloud in the native language.

He said two or three words, and immediately turned around and knelt before Bedivere and Palamidis. The other savages also came up one after another, kneeling neatly on the ground.

“Soha! Dosoha! Sorahasta!” the wildlings shouted, the sound as if it had been rehearsed.

“What are they doing…” Bedivere gave Professor Paul a helpless look.

“Hmm—” Professor Paul’s expression changed drastically from the time the elder elder began to speak. Now his face was even more livid: “They want you to duel with another evil spirit, the one in the legend—[the demon in the sky].”

“You must be kidding me!” Bedivere stood up angrily: “We have no obligation to help these savages! Let alone such a dangerous opponent!”

Bedivere, who was fully equipped and fully armed in the past, was still afraid of three points of various spirit bodies, and it was still very difficult to fight with those evil spirits and dark spirits;

And now? Not only are they sealed with magic, but they don’t even have a decent weapon in their hands! Under this pretense, what are they going to use to fight against the “devil in the sky”?

Seeing that Bedivere suddenly stood up with a face full of anger, the group of Pegmies below was shocked.

“Um…do you want me to translate what you just said?” Professor Paul said with embarrassment: “If you translate it to them, it will be irreversible? They may suddenly kill you. ?”

“Bedivere, calm down *hic*.” The drunk big cat blushed and stood up staggeringly, putting his arms on the werewolf’s shoulders to help him stand firm. He put almost all his weight on Bedivere’s shoulders.

“If you refuse *hic* before negotiating, you can’t talk about *hic*, right?” The big cat shook his head and said disapprovingly.

Bedivere looked at the drunk Palamidis and really wanted to slap him: “You’re drunk, Palamy. Leave it to me to deal with this, you can say a few words less.”

“No, no no no no,” the more drunk the guy is, the more he refuses to admit that he is drunk, and the same goes for the leopard warriors: “Come on, let’s *hic* discuss it first meow. They won’t Want [God] to work for them for nothing, *hic*, right, meow?”

The leopard’s cat cavity begins to come. Bedivere knew it was bad.

“I understand what you mean. I will try to convey it.” Professor Paul looked at the drunk Palamidis with contempt, and the big cat’s rogue nature was fully revealed in the drunk!

The professor said a few words to the elder, and the chief elder of the Begmi clan immediately stood up and whispered a few words to the clansmen beside him.

“Oh god, they’re going to be hard!” Bedivere said nervously. Rather than saying he was nervous, the “heavy burden” on his shoulders made him a little nervous.

Even Professor Paul was nervous: “There should be no mistranslation of what I conveyed… Shouldn’t it be——“

A few minutes later, several Pegmi people Judging from their feathered hats that are slightly smaller than the elders, these people should also be the elders of the clan, and their status is second only to the elders. Just an elder.

A large group of them were whispering and discussing. The speed of their speech was frighteningly fast. They even spit out dozens of syllables in one second, which opened the eyes of the onlookers such as Bedivere. There is biological energy in the world. Turn your tongue so fast!

“What are they talking about?” Bedivere wondered more than he was surprised.

“I don’t understand it either. It’s their family’s secret language, and it’s not taught to outsiders.” Professor Paul’s face showed a wry smile: “However, even if I can understand, they speak so fast, I can’t understand it. Come.”

He also said before that a short sentence in the Bergmi language can contain the meaning of three or four sentences in English, and the amount of information is very large. Now this group of elders is holding a debate meeting at the speed of gods, and it is impossible for people who are not in their clan to understand!

However, since they held the meeting so solemnly, instead of tying up the werewolf and the leopard and cooking, that means there is still room for negotiation? () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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