Light Spirit Epic Chapter 855: Traveling in Tianyuan (8)


Chapter 855 Traveling to Tianyuan

Without further explanations, Palamides winked at Bedivere: “Let’s go out for a walk, and now we’ll find the sphenite mine.” 』”

“Oh, didn’t you say that it’s impossible to find sphenite mines?” Albert pointed to the floating islands in the air and asked, “Are they in the air?”

“Idiot.” Palamidis gave the tiger a disdainful look: “Aren’t those floating islands in the air also floating from the ground? That is to say, these ores already exist nearby. It’s been struck by electricity, or it’s not symbiotic with the light stone, so there’s no sphenoid that floats in the air, right?”

Albert was left speechless.

“Take a good look here, we will come back when we go.” The leopard warrior commanded.

The tiger agreed with a disgruntled expression. The leopard warriors pulled the werewolf, carried the torches, and walked to the wilderness of the East African plateau.

“You called me out on purpose, right?” The werewolf couldn’t help but ask after walking more than a hundred yards.

“Well, I have to give you the discharge organ, but I don’t want to do it in front of that group of kids.” Palamidis drew his dagger: “Because I would upset them.”

“Wait, you shouldn’t be—” Bedivere had a bad feeling: “Stop!”

It’s too late. The leopard warrior pulled up his shirt and stabbed the dagger into his abdomen! He stabbed himself with a knife, then stretched out his right hand, and dug out a small **** ball with a golden glow from within himself!

It still hurts…” the big cat said with a grin.

“Idiot! Do you want to die?!” the werewolf yelled.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” The leopard warrior covered the wound on his abdomen: “I’m a green knight, understand? This little injury will heal in a while. It’s even more trivial to create a discharge organ. disc.”

As he shoved the small ball into Bedivere’s hand, the werewolf felt the lingering warmth of the thing.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and buried the “discharge bead” in his metal prosthetic limb. The prosthetic arm made of memory metal quickly swallowed the bead, hiding the power of the electric bead deep within the entire arm.

“Why did you do this…” Bedivere wondered.

“Because, if I’m the only one who can discharge, I always feel like I’m at a loss.” The leopard warrior whispered: “What if I die halfway, or get separated from you? Wouldn’t the photon reflector on the ship be unable to do so?” used?”

“So, you’re using me as a spare tire? So that you can get your kids to their destination when it’s not your time?” Bedivere couldn’t help feeling a little angry.

The big cat has a poker face: “Oh, there is no such thing. We just take what we need and help each other.——Don’t say it, we still haven’t found the pyroxene. Let’s do it quickly. Find it.”

The werewolf silently followed behind the leopard warrior. It’s not that Bedivere doesn’t know what Palamidis thinks. For the sake of their two sons, the leopard warriors are really working hard, and they can even cut flesh from themselves.

Is this fatherly love…?

Bedivere didn’t scold anyone just now, but it was out of reverence for Palamides.

And the werewolves do benefit from it — in exchange for helping the two sons of Palamidis reach their destination, Bedivere gains the ability to discharge (and a new arms). Why not do this kind of win-win good thing?

“Speaking of which, how do we find semperite?” Bedivere asked, recovering.

Wait a minute. “The big cat was covering the wound in his abdomen, apparently focusing on his wounds to heal and regenerate the discharge organs.

After dozens of seconds, the **** of Palamidis became a lot more comfortable, and his wound was completely regenerated.

He raises both hands, crackling sparks between his fingers.

“The newly reconstituted discharge organ is stronger than the original, which is very good.” Palamidis smiled: “Take a few steps back. Look at me.”

Bedivere jumps back for fear of being affected by the Leopard Man’s moves. The big cat’s two hands suddenly hit the ground, and there was an electric shock.

Smack zi zi zi zi! The electricity spread across the ground, and Bedivere stood three yards away, feeling a tingling in his legs.

Then something interesting happened.

A lot of ore began to slowly break out of the ground and float in the air. Some of them were bright and crackling, while others were just floating and nothing.

“Those in the light are the symbiotic ore of amphibole and light stone,” Palamedis said, pointing to the floating ore: “There is no light, just floating, a relatively pure light stone.”

“Oh, isn’t there more than just a light stone?” The werewolf stretched out his finger curiously and poked a small light stone floating beside him.

“Ow!” He immediately regretted it. The little rock had electricity and gave the werewolf an electric shock before Bedivere’s finger poked it.

At the same time, the small pebbles around them seemed to have lost their strength, no longer floating, and fell to the ground one after another.

“See? Without amphibole to store energy, lightstone would lose its buoyancy very quickly.” Palamidis smiled and said, “But none of this is useful. It’s either a symbiotic ore or a pure lightstone ore. , is not what I want.”

“I don’t understand. What the **** are you looking for?” Bedivere whispered, rubbing the finger.

“I’m looking for a purer sphenoid, which can store more electricity.” The Leopard Warrior rolled his eyes a few times: “In other words, it can emit strong light under the stimulation of electricity. , the kind of ore that doesn’t float in the air. You know what I mean?”

“Of course I understand, I’m not an idiot!” The werewolf responded displeasedly: “But, you are responsible for finding that one. What’s up with me? I’m going back to the camp, good night.”

Palramidis suddenly turned around and put his hands on the werewolf’s shoulders: “Bedivere… I worked so hard to give you the discharge organ, and I asked you to help find the semperite. If you dare to leave me alone, I promise not to kill you!”

A large bead of sweat emerged from Bedivere’s head, and he said helplessly: “Even if you say that…I haven’t learned to discharge…”

“So you study harder and learn right away! If you don’t learn the discharge ability, who will be responsible for the spare tire of the propeller tomorrow?”

(This guy really speaks his mind. Shameless.)

“Okay, okay…” Bedivere replied gloomily, “I, I’ll try to do it. But don’t expect too much.”

“I will definitely look forward to it.” The leopard warrior smiled sinisterly.

Boom! ! An astonishing thunderbolt in the distance interrupted the conversation between the two.

Ramidis looked at the direction the lightning was falling: “Semperite attracts electricity. There’s a good chance there’s a lot of sphenoid hiding there, come and see!”

He didn’t ask Bedivere for advice at all, and hurriedly ran in the direction of the thunder. When the werewolf saw that the leopard warriors had run out so far, there were a million unwilling ones in their hearts, so they had to keep up with them obediently.

The two ran briskly in this lightning flashing wilderness, and after about five minutes of running, they reached the place where they had been struck by lightning.

As expected, there is a huge semperite crystal on the ground that glows amazingly after a lightning strike.

It seems to have been here for hundreds of centuries, struck by lightning and unyielding. The surrounding rocks were scorched black and full of cracks by the electric shock, and weathered into a big crater in the wind and rain, exposing the amphibole, which should have been buried deep underground, to the ground.

Naturally pure and crystallized. ” Palamidis sighed: “This is a rare treasure in the world! “

“Yes, and we can’t get close.” The huge wariness in Bedivere’s arms looked at the almost golden crystal: “There is so much electricity stored in it, we will be electrocuted if we touch it!”

“Oh, don’t talk nonsense!” Palamides laughed: “No matter how much energy is stored in the semperite, it will always release a certain amount of electricity in a steady and continuous manner. That’s less electricity. At twenty volts, no one will die.”

He walked over recklessly, took out his knife, and tried to knock a piece out of the gold crystal.

Of course, the constant crackling sound also began to haunt the Leopard warrior. The hair on his body stood up and started to glow under the influence of electricity, turning him from a **** cat to a big golden cat!

“Palamidis, you——“

“Hey, this is exactly the same as it was seven years ago,” the leopard warrior muttered to himself, tapping the crystals in his hands.

One end of the golden sparkler begins to shatter, revealing a small crack. Palamides then stabbed the dagger into the crystal crack and used the lever principle to pry up the crystal.

At this moment, the light of thunder and lightning flashed in the sky! Thunder again!

Bediver exclaimed: “Palamedes, stay away from that thing!!”

Boom! ! The multi-million volt thunderbolt smashed down and hit the sparkling crystal and also hit Palamides!

The shock wave from the electric shock shook everything around, including Bediveville, three yards away!

“Wow!” The werewolf flew out far away, and slid on the ground for a long distance before stopping. When he got up again, he felt as if his whole body had been hit with a hammer, and it was painful and numb!

But this is not the time to cry. He ran over and exclaimed, “Palamidis!!”

The leopard warrior turned his head and looked at the werewolf casually: “Huh?”

Being struck by tens of thousands of volts of lightning, the Leopard Man was not injured at all. The nature of his body seems to be very similar to that of the flashing crystal, and it has a strong ability to store lightning.

——Or, because he was holding a sparkling crystal that can avoid lightning, he didn’t get electrocuted? () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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