Light Spirit Epic Chapter 850: Traveling in Tianyuan (3)


Chapter 850 Traveling to Tianyuan

At the same time, in the virtual world of a game. “You can say **the first*(..)”

Husky and Howl use climbing ropes to slowly descend down the cliff. Although their muscles were sore and exhausted, they had to go to the bottom of the cliff to explore in order to recover the props dropped by the boss.

“Hal, are you tired?” Husky paused to rest. Fortunately, the mountaineering tool has the kind of iron buckle used to hold the rope, so that even if they want to stop and rest in the middle, they can use the iron buckle to clamp the rope to free their hands.

“I can hold it for a while, meow.” The leopard boy also stopped to rest: “It’s also good to use this as a rehabilitation exercise.”

If I understand correctly, every action he does in the game will actually be fed back to his body in reality. That is to say, the more exercise he does in the game, the more exercise his real body gets.

This is good news for the leopard boy who is extremely frail and in urgent need of rehabilitation.

Of course, this also raises a question.

“Uncle Arthur?” Husky couldn’t help it for a long time, and took this opportunity to ask: “Since our physical strength and vitality are completely calculated according to the data in reality, that is to say, they are not Will it be upgraded?”

Arthur walked last, originally to guard the two little devils and prevent them from having an accident. When asked this, he stopped climbing: “Well, of course. What’s wrong?”

“Uh, then——” The dog boy looked at the king of knights dejectedly: “Since we can’t increase physical fitness and other data, what’s the use of this level?”

“Oh, do you have to figure it out now? That’s a lot harder to explain.” Arthur wanted to mess around.

“Uncle Arthur—” The two teenagers looked at the King of Knights with a mournful look at the same time.

Of course, they tried their best, almost died once, and finally got promoted to such a level. If Arthur told them that leveling up was useless, they would definitely stop playing the game right away?

“Huh huhu.” The King of Knights smiled. The two little devils in front of him were not fools. They were not easy to deceive at all. It seems impossible to fool the past, and in that case, tell them the truth: “Upgrading is really not good for physical fitness.

However, every level up, in addition to offsetting a [Death Penalty], you can also use the skill points obtained by leveling up to buy a combat skill. “

“Battle, what is the combat skill? Magic meow?”

Arthur was stunned for half a second, and then explained with difficulty: “You’re saying…that’s not entirely wrong. Most combat skills, in the final analysis, are also microscopic magic. But more often, We use it as a technique, and it works in conjunction with combat.”

“Is it like the [Berrification] and [Beastification] of the orcs?” Husky interjected. After he had enough rest, he unbuttoned the metal button and continued to climb down.

“Exactly.” Arthur nodded as he followed: “For example, there is a combat technique called [muscle burst], which moves while slashing the enemy with a knife. By stimulating the arm The muscles can gain more strength, thereby increasing the damage, and can kill the enemy in one fell swoop.”

(It’s awesome, but–)

“We are orcs, we can’t use these magic meows—” Howl also climbed down with the group, muttering reluctantly.

“This is a game, and you are human beings in the game.” Arthur smiled slyly, he had already had other plans in his mind: “In short, you can use various combat skills in the game. In reality, you can Not being able to use it is another matter.”

“I am suddenly looking forward to the wang.” Husky said with a smile: “I must study this **** when I return to the city.”

The cliff below them is about to end, about thirty yards away. With orc physique, jumping from thirty yards won’t hurt. Husky unfastened the safety buckle on his climbing gear and jumped straight off the rope.

Plop! He landed in an ankle-deep mass of mud, the viscous swamp that was the best buffer, though it felt dirty and disgusting. Fortunately, this is a game, and you don’t have to worry about getting your clothes dirty.

The props that fell all around were dropped when the giant forest bear fell off the cliff. Husky shuffled through the quagmire, in a clumsy walk, hurriedly reclaiming the surrounding props—as if afraid that they would soon disappear.

“Husky, leave some for me, meow!” Hal also fell from the sky, and was busy picking up props as soon as he landed.

“Don’t worry, I will share Wang with you when I go back.” The dog boy is still picking up treasures frantically. There are at least 300 items that fell on the ground, and his hands are soft when they are picked up.

He shoved all the props into his inventory involuntarily, and didn’t even have time to take a look. The surrounding forest was frighteningly silent, giving him a very bad premonition. Or pick up the treasure as soon as possible and leave this ghost place.

His hunch soon came true.

Innumerable pairs of red eyes suddenly lit up in the shadows of the forest. That is the army of monsters.

“Have you all finished picking them up?” Arthur stood idly by the cliff, as if he had no plans to help pick up the treasure: “Quickly finish picking up the treasure, we’re going back! You don’t want to fight with a large group of monsters in such a place. And These guys are much higher level than hunting forest monsters, you can’t win.”

“I see, meow.” Hal hurriedly picked up the props, unaware that he had been targeted by some murderous shadow in the forest.

Just as the Leopard Man was possessed to pick up an item on the ground a dark shadow appeared in the forest, approaching Hal at the speed of the wind.

“Watch out!” Husky exclaimed as he lunged at him.

The claws that were supposed to cut off Howl’s head changed the force of Husky’s swoops. It slashed Husky’s left arm and slashed the canine boy’s arm into the air!

“Wow ah ah ah ah!” The dog boy screamed in pain.

Huh, wait? No pain. His left arm went numb, long gone. But the system blocked the pain, so Husky didn’t suffer from the severed arm.

The thing missed with a single blow and ran away from the two teenagers. Husky looked at the figure of the creature, it was a wolf!

The size of that monster is obviously several times smaller than the previous wild boar monster, but it has amazing speed and lethality! These demon wolves are indeed higher level than the mobs in the hunting forest, and they are not easy to deal with at all! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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